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9-21-18 Sec 1 pg 1-9_Edition 9/19/18 3:56 PM Page 4

4 Friday, Sept. 21, 2018 POLITICS Highland Community News n

GOP candidates decry the state of the state

By JAMES FOLMER cal officials need to have a and includes California State ting passed in Sacramento?
close relationship with state University, San Bernardino — What do we do about that?”
and federal officials. said he meets with his con- The reason is “we’re electing
Meeting with the San “The more I’ve been doing stituents at least twice a month the wrong people,” he said, ex-
Bernardino Republican Women this job, the more I realize before every council meeting. pressing deep concern about
Federated on Saturday, five Sacramento is broken,” said “My constituents are my the state of California. Essen-
GOP candidates bemoaned the Nickel. “For us to do the job boss,” he said. “I work for tially, California is a one-party
state of a state where Democ- that we have to do at the local them. So I want to make sure state.
rats dominate every statewide level we need to ensure that we that when I’m casting my vote I “There’s only one economy
office and frequently hold su- have a functional and coopera- make sure it reflects what they bigger than ours that is a one-
permajorities in both houses. tive and collaborative state gov- want. Consistently what I hear party state,” Nickel said, “and
San Bernardino City Council- ernment. Right now, folks, from constituents is that things that is the People’s Republic of H igHland C ommunity n ews
man Henry Gomez Nickel, who that’s not happening.” are broken. Things are not China.” pHoto by J ames F olmer

is running against county Su- Nickel — who was elected in working.” Nickel said he’s hearing con- san bernardino mayor pro
pervisor James Ramos for the 2014 to represent the 5th Ward, Nickel says he’s often asked, cerns from moderate Democ- tem Henry gomez nickel,
40th Assembly District, said lo- which is east of Interstate 215 “Why are all these bad laws get- rats that the domination by one a candidate for the Califor-
party is creating a dysfunction- nia assembly, speaks to
al system of government. the san bernardino re-
Fortunately, California’s ini- publican women Federat-
“Who expected our Clinical Excellence Award tiative process allows citizens
to challenge the Legislature’s
ed on saturday, sept. 15,
at the mountain shadows
would rank us alongside America’s most decisions, such as Senate Bill 1
that increased California gas
mobile Home Community
in Highland.
taxes by 12 cents per gallon last
legendary medical centers?” – Samir Hage, D.O. November “without a vote of challenging incumbent Rep.
the people,” Nickel said, draw- Pete Aguilar for the 31st Con-
ing applause. gressional District. (This race
Proposition 6 on the Nov. 6 won’t be on the ballot in High-
ballot would not only repeal the land, which is represented by
gas tax increase and the in- Rep. Paul Cook in the 8th dis-
crease in vehicle registration trict. Cook is being challenged
fees, it would require a vote by by fellow Republican Tim
the electorate if the Legislature Donelly.)
tries to raise gas taxes again.
“They’re imposing a tax on us Flynn, chairman of the Eco-
without our consent,” Nickel nomics Department at Scripps
said. “I don’t know about you, College in Claremont, is author
but that really worries me.” of “Economics for Dummies.”
He said the people need to “One of my highest goals in
demand a system of true this district is helping the city
checks and balances. of San Bernardino,” he said.
Nickel was elected to the Flynn said it pains him when
council with a 37.57 percent he drives up Little Mountain to
plurality among four candi- the Castaway Restaurant and
dates. In the June 5 primary, sees an old mural that says San
Nickel outpolled Ramos with Bernardino was voted as one of
46.58 percent of the vote to America’s best cities.
40.23, despite the fact that “Let’s talk about San
Ramos outspent him 10-to-1 in Bernardino,” he said. “Let’s talk
the campaign. Another Democ- about places that have been left
rat, Lilburn Gwen Cook of Red- behind economically.”
lands, got 13.2 percent of the He said San Bernardino was
vote. “as good as it got” in the 1970s.
Nickel said that only about 20 “You can see situations
percent of campaign contribu- where, in our case, we lost an
tions supporting local Democ- Air Force base, we lost the
rats come from the district. rolling stock of BNSF, we lost
“The vast of the money that Kaiser Steel, we lost the de-
fense contractors that used to
“Redlands has come a long way in is going into these campaigns is
coming from Sacramento,” be around the Air Force base,”
elevating the quality and scope of care in he said.
Nickel said.
the Inland Empire,” states Dr. Samir Hage, Other candidates who ad- That was followed by corrup-
a leader in advanced robotic surgery. dressed the group at the Moun- tion charges and bankruptcy
“When people hear ‘Community Hospital’ tain Shadows Mobile Home that made matters even worse.
Community in Highland were: “What’s lacking is a tidal
with Redlands, they should think ‘World
wave of money,” Flynn said.
Class Hospital.’ ” He would fight for an organi-
Recipient of the • Secretary of State candi-
Dr. Hage notes all the awards Redlands date Mark Meuser, who said he zation similar to the Federal
Distinguished receives underscores how it provides wants to guide the office out of Emergency Management
Hospital Award for the same level of advancements as many “the antiquated 19th century Agency with a mission to lift
Clinical Excellence™
historic medical centers. “Two daVinci and into the 21st century.” He cities like San Bernardino out
in 2013 of poverty.
robotic surgical suites are more than many hopes to unseat incumbent Alex
Padilla. “This is something we can ac-
area hospitals can offer.” tually do, and I will fight for
• Theodore Sanchez, a 30-
Learn why Redlands is rated one of the year-old candidate for San that in Washington,” Flynn said.
best hospitals in the nation. Visit Bernardino’s 1st Ward. He is Mayor Davis looked back at running against Gil J. Botello, a the August 2012 bankruptcy
workforce development advo- that cost the city 100 police offi-
cate, to fill the seat vacated by cers. He marshaled local re-
Virginia Marquez, who did not sources and convinced voters to
seek re-election. approve a new charter. The city
C i ourf best
G to be the
ti best. went from a $45 million deficit
• San Bernardino Mayor
Carey Davis, who is being chal- to a $30 million surplus.
350 Terracina Boulevard, Redlands, California 92373 ~ 909-335-5500 ~ lenged by John Valdivia. Last year, the city exited
Redlands Community Hospital is an independent, not-for-profit, stand-alone community hospital. Follow us • And Sean Flynn, who is bankruptcy.

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