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CARBON 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 3 4 2 –3 5 4

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Dielectrophoretic modeling of the dynamic carbon

nanotube network formation in viscous media
under alternating current electric fields
A.I. Oliva-Avilés , F. Avilés b, V. Sosa a, G.D. Seidel c

Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados, Unidad Mérida, Departamento de Fı́sica Aplicada, A.P. 73-Cordemex, 97310 Mérida,
Yucatán, Mexico
Centro de Investigación Cientı́fica de Yucatán, Unidad de Materiales, Calle 43 No. 130 Col. Chuburná de Hidalgo, 97200 Mérida, Yucatán,
Aerospace and Ocean Engineering Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA


Article history: The dynamic formation of carbon nanotube (CNT) networks in liquids under the applica-
Received 17 August 2013 tion of an alternating current electric field is investigated using the effective dipole model-
Accepted 11 December 2013 ing approach. Three mechanisms are investigated by a set of three independent nonlinear
Available online 16 December 2013 differential equations derived from dielectrophoretic theory, viz. CNT rotation, CNT-to-CNT
Coulombic interactions, and CNT migration towards an electrode. The models consider the
effect of the electric field magnitude and frequency, the CNT’s concentration and aspect
ratio, and the viscosity of the surrounding medium. A layer at the CNT/liquid interface is
included and the effect of such a layer’s permittivity, electrical conductivity and thickness
is investigated. Modeling predictions allow the reconstruction of the dynamic sequence of
events leading to an aligned CNT network, which strongly depends on the CNT’s aspect
ratio and concentration. Experimental trends regarding the effect of frequency can only
be captured by considering an interface layer in the model.
 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction desirable characteristics for the fabrication and optimization

of high performance devices such as bio-, chemical and
Since early reports on carbon nanotube (CNT) manipulation piezoresistive sensors, field-effect transistors, AFM tips, force
in liquids using electric fields [1,2], the electric field-guided transducers and nano-electromechanical switches, among
assembly of CNTs has attracted much attention due to its many others [3–5]. Although both direct current (DC) [6,7]
non-invasive and potentially scalable characteristics, as well and alternating current (AC) [2,3,6,8,9] electric fields are able
as its relatively facile implementation. The CNT’s anisotropic to induce CNT alignment, AC fields have proven to be more
structure and its electrical properties render a rapid response efficient to that aim. Theoretical [7,10–12] and experimental
to applied electric fields, resulting in CNT orientation along [7,8,10,13–18] studies on CNT alignment and manipulation
the field direction and the formation of an aligned network by electric fields have been reported by several authors. When
with stable electrical connectivity between electrodes [1–3]. an electric field is applied to a viscous medium containing
Alignment and precise control of CNT networks are highly dispersed CNTs, an effective dipole is induced on the CNTs

* Corresponding author: Fax: +52 9999 812923.

E-mail address: (A.I. Oliva-Avilés).
0008-6223/$ - see front matter  2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
CARBON 6 9 (2 0 1 4) 3 4 2–35 4 343

as a result of the different electrical properties between the Given this motivation, a modeling scheme consisting in a
CNTs and their surrounding medium. The interaction be- set of three DEP-based nonlinear differential equations corre-
tween the dipoles induced on the CNTs and the applied elec- sponding to the major accepted mechanisms taking place in
tric field results in rotational and translational CNT motion the dynamics of the CNT network formation by the applica-
through a mechanism called dielectrophoresis (DEP) [19–21]. tion of an AC electric field is proposed herein. A layer at the
Although a complete understanding of the dynamics of CNT CNT/liquid interface is included in the DEP models and inves-
networks formation under electric fields is still unclear, it is tigated in terms of its electrical conductivity, permittivity and
generally accepted that the main governing mechanisms thickness. Only by considering such an interface layer, the
are: (i) CNT rotation and alignment along the electric field experimentally observed effect of the AC frequency on the
direction, (ii) CNT-to-CNT Coulombic interactions, and (iii) CNT network formation is adequately captured. Finally, a
CNT migration towards an electrode. When a dipole is in- description of the sequence of dynamic events occurring dur-
duced on a CNT, a torque will tend to orient the CNT along ing the formation of the CNT aligned network is proposed.
the field direction [6,7,12–14,23]. Due to the induced dipoles,
contiguous CNTs will be mutually attracted promoting a 2. Modeling
head-to-head contact and the formation of aligned structures
[7,9,11,21,24]. Furthermore, when a CNT reaches an electrode, A dielectrophoretic approach using electrodynamics is devel-
a remarkable change of the electric field distribution occurs at oped here to describe the dynamic motion of CNTs dispersed
the vicinity of the CNT apex, inducing a dielectrophoretic in a liquid under the application of an AC electric field. The
force which tends to attract neighboring CNTs [1,9,11,14,23]. set of governing equations corresponding to CNT rotation,
However, the sequence of these events and the time scale at CNT-to-CNT Coulombic interactions and CNT migration to-
which they occur are yet unclear. Chen et al. [14] reported wards an electrode are presented in the following sections.
on a controllable interconnection of singlewall carbon nano-
tubes (SWCNTs) under AC electric fields between microelec- 2.1. Model description
trodes, concluding that the DEP force and the electric field
redistribution at the CNT apex are responsible for the inter- Fig. 1 shows a schematic of the three dynamic mechanisms
connection phenomenon. Farajian et al. [22] theoretically investigated herein, viz. CNT rotation (Fig. 1a), CNT-to-CNT
investigated the polarization and aggregation of CNTs in sus- Coulombic interaction (Fig. 1b) and CNT migration towards
pensions under electric fields based on two levels of organiza- an electrode (Fig. 1c). Fig. 1a illustrates the mechanism of
tion, viz. CNT alignment and CNT-to-CNT contact (chaining). CNT rotation towards the direction of the applied electric field
They modeled the CNTs as solid rods with hemispherical (E). The different electrical properties of the CNT and sur-
ends and used an exact numerical approach based on self- rounding medium induce an electric dipole on the CNT which
consistent Coulombic interactions with classical electrostat- interacts with the electric field. As a result, a DEP torque is ex-
ics. Recently, Monti et al. [7] investigated the alignment of erted on the CNT which causes rotation along the field direc-
SWCNTs by a DC electric field by considering three involved tion [6,7,12–14,22]. A schematic of the proposed CNT-to-CNT
phenomena, SWCNT rotation, translation and migration to- Coulombic interaction mechanism is shown in Fig. 1b. Cou-
wards the positive electrode. They proposed simplified differ- lombic interactions between (induced) opposite charges at
ential equations for each mechanism and provided rough the ends of two contiguous CNTs cause mutual attraction, a
estimates of the time required by each studied mechanism. linking mechanism commonly known as ‘‘chaining’’
Other experimental reports have concluded that better CNT [7,9,11,21,24]. Finally, Fig. 1c illustrates the mechanism of
alignment, dispersion and control can be achieved by increas- CNT migration towards an electrode. A pre-assumed condi-
ing the electric field frequency [2,8,16,23,25–28]. In a recent tion for this scenario is that a CNT is attached to an electrode,
experimental investigation, Oliva-Avilés et al. [13] reported which can be envisioned as an extension of the electrode.
on the dynamic formation of a network of electric field- Thus, a substantial gradient on the (otherwise homogeneous)
aligned multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in liquids of electric field is generated at the vicinity of the CNT apex,
different viscosity, showing that AC frequencies at and above which tends to attract contiguous CNTs through a field gradi-
the kHz range yield faster formation of aligned networks than ent-dependent dielectrophoretic force [1,9,11,14,23]. The par-
lower frequencies. These authors also observed that the mor- allel electrodes configuration depicted in Fig. 1c aims to
phology of the final MWCNT network presents an important simulate a simplified two-dimensional version of the cell uti-
dependence on the electric field frequency. Thus, among lized for the electric field application in a previous experimen-
other factors involved, the electric field frequency is expected tal work of our research group [13].
to play a key role on the different mechanisms involved on Several types of forces can be present in a particle/liquid
the CNT behavior under the application of an AC electric field. system under electric fields, such as dielectrophoretic, gravi-
However, the dependence of the individual mechanisms gov- tational, Brownian, van der Waals, etc. For particles with
erning the CNT network formation on the frequency remains dimensions in the order of microns, it is generally accepted
unclear, and the correlation with experiments is often contra- that DEP forces dominate over the gravitational and Brownian
dictory. Understanding the sequence of events and the role of forces [21,27], at least during the time interval when the elec-
the electric field frequency, CNT’s concentration and aspect tric field is applied. Therefore, since the phenomenon of pos-
ratio in the different phenomena occurring in a viscous sible particle re-agglomeration after eliminating the electric
medium containing CNTs would represent an important step field is not included in this model, gravitational and Brownian
towards tailoring such a CNT network. forces are not considered herein. Also, the fluid surrounding
344 CARBON 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 3 4 2 –3 5 4

Fig. 1 – Schematics of the three proposed mechanisms involved in the CNT network formation under application of an AC
electric field (E). (a) CNT rotation along the electric field direction, (b) CNT-to-CNT Coulombic interaction between contiguous
CNTs, and (c) CNT migration towards an electrode.

the CNTs is assumed to be of dielectric character and with a electrical properties of the CNT and surrounding fluid and is
low or negligible concentration of ions (such as deionized assumed to be composed mainly of surface charges at the
water), so fluid flow-induced mechanisms such as electro- interface. Although the suspending medium considered in
osmosis and/or electro-thermal effects are deemed negligible this work is not an electrolyte but has very limited free ions,
[21]. It has been found that in the case of DEP manipulation of the presence of bound ions (Stern layer) and/or a diffuse
CNTs in low conductivity liquids, AC electro-osmotic flow, double layer is not fully discarded. Regardless of the physical
buoyancy, and electro-thermal effects can also be neglected nature of the interface layer, such a complex combination of
[23,27,28]. On the other hand, for all three mechanisms inves- phenomena renders its own and distinctive electrical proper-
tigated herein, the viscosity of the medium plays an impor- ties [21], as it will be further discussed. For dielectric materials
tant damping role in the CNT motion, which opposes to the subjected to AC electric fields, the complex permittivity (e*) is
DEP-induced force/torque. Thus, DEP and damping forces expressed by [20],
and torques are the major effects considered in the proposed r
e ¼ e  j ð1Þ
models. It is important to point out here that neighboring 2pf
CNTs could experience both mutual interaction and attrac-
where e is the electrical permittivity, r the electrical conduc-
tion towards CNTs attached to an electrode even if they are
tivity, f the frequency of the AC electric field and j2 = 1.
not aligned along the electric field direction. However, in or-
der to simplify the mathematical formulation keeping the
2.1.1. CNT rotation
governing equations one-dimensional, the initial conditions
In order to investigate the CNT rotational dynamics, a CNT
describing CNT-to-CNT Coulombic interaction and CNT
immersed in a viscous medium under the application of an
migration towards an electrode assume that the CNTs are
electric field is modeled, Fig. 1a. The CNT is considered as a
aligned along the field direction, or in other words, only the
prollate ellipsoid with major and minor semi-axes of lengths
x-component of the forces is considered. Such an assumption
a and b, respectively, with the major axis forming an angle h
seems to be reasonable as the main contribution to the trans-
with the electric field direction. Hence, the CNT is considered
lational CNT dynamics is expected to be given by the force
aligned along the field direction when h = 0. As initial condi-
component corresponding to the electric field direction
tions, h and dh/dt at t = 0 were taken as h(t = 0) = 89 and dh/
(x-direction in Fig. 1).
dt(t = 0) = 0, with t as the elapsed time. The governing equa-
Fig. 2 shows a schematic of the CNT/liquid dielectropho-
tion for the rotational motion of a CNT immersed in a viscous
retic model. An individual CNT with a complex permittivity
medium under the application of an electric field is given by a
eCNT is modeled as a rigid prollate ellipsoid immersed in a vis-
second-order nonlinear damped differential equation of h as a
cous medium of complex permittivity em. An interface layer of
function of time [7,13],
uniform thickness d and complex permittivity elay is included
in the model. This layer arises from the markedly dissimilar d h
dh 1
I þ 8pgr3e Kr þ Vem E2 Re½a  sin 2h ¼ 0 ð2Þ
dt2 dt 4
m 2 2
I¼ ða þ b Þ ð3aÞ

4p2 ð1  p4 Þ
Kr ¼ h 2=3 2 Þ
i ð3bÞ
3 2p ð2p

1  p2
Kt ¼  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  ð3cÞ
p2=3 ln pð1 þ 1  p2 Þ

ðe  e Þ2
a ¼ h  eq m i ð3dÞ
Fig. 2 – Schematic of the CNT/liquid system with an em þ eeq  em L ðeeq þ em Þ
interface layer of uniform thickness d.
CARBON 6 9 (2 0 1 4) 3 4 2–35 4 345

2  3 2
eCNT þ 2a d
eCNT  elay d x dx em V2 E2 jb j2
m þ 6pgre K t þ ¼0 ð7Þ
eeq ¼ elay 4  5 ð3eÞ dt2 dt 16pa2 x2
elay þ 2a
eCNT  elay where the second and third terms on the left hand side are
the damping and Coulombic forces, respectively. Initial condi-
The coefficient I in Eq. (3a) is the CNT’s moment of inertia
tions for x and dx/dt in Eq. (7) were taken as x(t = 0) = x0 and
about an axis perpendicular to the CNT’s major axis, where m
dx/dt(t = 0) = 0 with CNT-to-CNT contact considered when
is the CNT’s mass. The second term in Eq. (2) represents the
x = 0. The initial separation distance (x0) depends on the
damping torque, with g being the viscosity of the surrounding
CNT dimensions and the weight fraction of CNTs in the liquid
medium and re the equivalent radius of a sphere of volume
(/CNT). To estimate x0, a representative volume element (RVE)
equal to that of the CNT (re = a1/3b2/3) [29–31]. Kr and Kt are,
needs to be assumed. To this aim, the CNTs were considered
respectively, the rotational and translational friction coeffi-
uniformly distributed in the total volume of the CNT/liquid
cients for prollate ellipsoids, where p = a/b is the CNT’s aspect
system and dispersed as individually aligned CNTs. The RVE
ratio [29–31]. The third term of Eq. (2) is the DEP-induced
was considered here as a rectangular prism of volume l2h,
aligning torque, where V is the CNT’s volume (V = 4pab2/3),
where l and h are the length and side-length of the square
em is the permittivity of the surrounding medium, E is the
prism, respectively, with a CNT located at the center, see
electric field magnitude and a* is the complex DEP polariza-
Appendix A. It is further assumed that the side-length is
tion factor for ellipsoidal particles under rotation, with
equal to the CNT diameter (h = 2b). The volume of the RVE
L = [ln (2p)  1]/p2 as the CNT’s major axis depolarization fac-
can be expressed as m/(qm/CNT), where qm is the density of
tor. A detailed derivation of the DEP-induced torque can be
the surrounding medium. With these assumptions, the initial
found in [13,20]. The expression for a* in Eqs. (3d) and (3e) ac-
CNT-to-CNT separation x0 is estimated by,
counts for an interface layer through the parameter eeq, which sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
depends on the layer dielectric properties (elay and rlay) and 2pabqCNT
x0 ¼  2a ð8Þ
thickness (d) [20]. For the limiting case of d = 0 or elay ¼ eCNT 3/CNT qm
(i.e. no interface layer), eeq ¼ eCNT and a* reduces to the polari-
zation factor of a model without interface layer [13,20]. A detailed description of the RVE and the derivation of Eq. (8)
are included in Appendix A.

2.1.2. Carbon nanotube-to-carbon nanotube Coulombic

2.1.3. Carbon nanotube migration towards an electrode
When a CNT contacts an electrode it can be considered as its
As a result of the electric field-induced polarization of the
extension, causing a redistribution of the electric field at the
CNTs, they tend to mutually attract due to the opposite
CNT’s free end and creating a local field of high intensity
charges present at their ends, see Fig. 1b. In order to calculate
and gradient [14]. Such a field gradient induces a dielectroph-
the force between neighboring charges of two aligned CNTs,
oretic force (FDEP) on other polarized CNTs which tends to at-
an effective induced charge qeff theoretically located at each
tract them towards the electrode [19–21]. The expression for
CNT end is estimated from the dipole moment definition

the DEP force (FDEP) of an ellipsoidal particle of volume V is gi-
d ¼ 2aqeff , where d* is the complex expression of such an
ven by [20,21],
effective dipole [7]. From DEP theory, the induced dipole mo-  
ment expression for a prollate ellipsoid under translational FDEP ¼ em VRe½b r jEj2
~ ð9Þ
motion is expressed in terms of the ellipsoid volume V, the
electric field magnitude E, the medium permittivity em and It is important to note that the expression for FDEP in Eq. (9)
the complex polarization factor b* as [20,21], depends on the real part of b*, while FCNT–CNT in Eq. (6) is pro-
 portional to |b*|2. By using Newton’s second law, the governing
d ¼ em VEb ð4aÞ
equation of motion for the CNT migration along the x-direc-
eeq  em tion towards an electrode (see Fig. 1c) is given by,
b ¼   ð4bÞ
em þ eeq  em L d x dx 4 2
m þ 6pgre Kt þ pab em Re½b ðrjE2 jÞx ¼ 0 ð10Þ
dt2 dt 3
Thus, the effective induced charge qeff at each CNT end can
The second and third terms on the left hand side of Eq. (10)
be expressed as,
are the damping and DEP-induced forces, respectively. It is
em VEb considered that both CNTs are initially at rest and separated
qeff ¼ ð5Þ
2a a distance of x0, given by Eq. (8) (see Fig. 1c). Due to the com-
The resulting expression for the Coulombic force (FCNT– plexity of the electrostatic problem, the distribution of the x-
CNT) between the induced charges of two neighboring CNTs is, component of the gradient of the squared electric field was
numerically computed by finite element analysis and the de-
1 ðqeff Þ em V2 E2  2 tails can be found at Section S1 of the Supplementary mate-
¼ jb j ð6Þ
4pem x 16pa2 x2
rial. Eqs. (2), (7), and (10) were numerically solved in
where x is the distance between two opposite-charged ends of MATLAB 7.12 using a Runge–Kutta algorithm.
two neighboring CNTs, as depicted in Fig. 1b.
By using Newton’s second law, the governing equation of 2.2. Material properties
the CNT translational motion along the x-direction towards
a contiguous CNT, both immersed in a viscous medium is gi- Specific medium and CNT electrical properties were chosen in
ven by, order to limit the number of parameters to be numerically
346 CARBON 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 3 4 2 –3 5 4

investigated. Deionized water (DIW) was chosen as the sur- S/m (both values between those of the CNT and DIW) and dif-
rounding medium due to the availability of specific experi- ferent values of the interface layer thickness (d), which are ex-
mental data on a MWCNT/DIW system [13]. The electrical pressed in terms of the CNT diameter (dCNT = 2b = 10 nm).
permittivity and conductivity for the CNT and DIW were set Except for d = 0, Re[a*] increases with increased frequency up
as eCNT = 1 · 105 e0 [32], rCNT = 1 · 103 S/m [33], em = 80 e0 and to a constant value. The value corresponding to such a con-
rm = 5.5 · 106 S/m [34], with e0 = 8.854 · 1012 F/m being the stant frequency is slightly shifted towards higher frequencies
free space permittivity. The CNT’s minor semi-axis was se- as d increases. For the limiting case of d = 0 (no interface
lected as b = 5 nm, simulating MWCNTs used in a previous layer), a constant value of Re[a*] = 2326 is observed for all
experimental research [13]. The major semi-axis (a) was kept the frequency range examined, which according to Eq. (2)
as a free parameter in order to examine the influence of the would mean that the CNT rotational motion is frequency-
CNT’s aspect ratio. The electric field magnitude was fixed at independent. However, such a behavior contradicts several
E = 3.33 kV/m (as in [13]) and the DIW viscosity was taken as experimental observations, where it is shown that the electric
g = 0.001 Pa s [35]. field frequency plays a key role on the alignment of CNTs,
with higher frequencies providing faster dynamics
3. Results [2,13,16,23,25,26]. On the other hand, all models that include
a finite interface layer reproduce the experimental trends
3.1. Determination of the interface layer parameters and regarding the effect of frequency. Thus, the inclusion of an
effect of frequency interface layer in the model is necessary to capture such a fre-
quency effect. Fig. 3b presents the effect of varying the per-
The effect of the electric field frequency on the dynamics of mittivity of the interface layer. As can be observed, below
the three investigated mechanisms is captured by the com- 100 Hz Re[a*] is nearly constant (1000) regardless of the va-
plex permittivity term, Eq. (1). The DEP terms describing the lue of the interface layer permittivity. At low frequencies, the
mechanisms of CNT rotation, CNT-to-CNT Coulombic interac- DEP induced polarization in the CNTs (and therefore the mag-
tion and CNT migration towards an electrode are proportional nitude of Re[a*]) is governed by the electrical conductivity be-
to Re[a*], |b*|2 and Re[b*], respectively, see Eqs. (2), (6), and (9). It cause the free charges at the CNT/liquid interface are still able
was noted that the trends associated to variations in the to follow the field direction [18–21]. This yields a constant
interface layer properties observed for Re[a*], |b*|2 and Re[b*] Re[a*] for f < 100 Hz since all the electrical conductivities were
as function of the electric field frequency are similar, and as fixed in Fig. 3b. Regardless of the value of elay, all curves pres-
such, only the results for Re[a*] are presented here. ent two zones of nearly constant Re[a*], separated by a transi-
The results of Re[a*] vs. f for different properties of the tion zone. For elay = 1 · 101 eCNT, the transition zone occurs
interface layer are presented in Fig. 3. Fig. 3a demonstrates around 100–1000 Hz, increasing towards higher Re[a*] for
the behavior of Re[a*] for elay = 1 · 101 eCNT and rlay = 1 · 104 higher frequencies. For elay = 1 · 102 eCNT and elay = 1 · 103

(a) 2500
δ=0 (b) 2500
δ = dCNT -1
εlay = 1 x 10 εCNT
2000 δ = 0.1 dCNT 2000 σlay = 1x10 S/m

1500 -1 1500
εlay = 1 x 10 εCNT

δ = dCNT -4
εlay = 1 x 10 εCNT
1000 σlay = 1 x 10 S/m 1000

500 500
δ = 10 dCNT -3
εlay = 1 x 10 εCNT
0 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
f (Hz) f (Hz)

(c) 2500
σlay = 1 x 10 S/m

1500 σ = 1 x 10 S/m

1000 σlay = 1 x 10 S/m

500 δ = dCNT
εlay = 1 x 10 εCNT
0 0 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10
f (Hz)

Fig. 3 – Re[a*] vs. f for various interface layer parameters for a CNT/DIW system. (a) Interface thickness variation, (b) dielectric
constant variation, and (c) electrical conductivity variation. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
CARBON 6 9 (2 0 1 4) 3 4 2–35 4 347

eCNT, however, the transition zone is shifted towards higher 5

frequencies and towards lower values of Re[a*]. p = 1000
The effect of the electrical conductivity of the interface 4
layer is observed in Fig. 3c. For the cases rlay = 1 · 101 S/m

and rlay = 1 · 104 S/m, Re[a*] shows an increasing behavior 3 p = 100
as the frequency increases, up to a plateau with identical
numerical value (1900). Such an increasing behavior occurs
within a frequency range of 10–1000 Hz, and the change in 10
Re[a*] are more pronounced for the highest value of electrical p = 10
conductivity (rlay = 1 · 101 S/m). On the other hand, a con- 1
10 0 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10
stant value of Re[a*] of 2326 is observed for the case
rlay = 1 · 107 S/m for almost all the frequency range investi- f (Hz)
gated, except for frequencies near 100 kHz where a slight de- Fig. 4 – Re[a*] vs. frequency for a CNT/DIW system with
crease in Re[a*] is appreciated. different CNT’s aspect ratios. (A colour version of this figure
From these results, it is clear that the inclusion of an inter- can be viewed online.)
face layer in the model is required to capture the effect of fre-
quency observed in the experiments. Such an interface layer
may arise from the combined characteristics of the charge the behavior of Re[a*] vs. f for CNTs with different aspect ra-
double layer surrounding the particle, the bound charge (being tios. For all cases examined, the behavior of Re[a*] resembles
these more related to electrolytic solutions) and/or the parti- that of a step function with a gradual transition zone around
cle’s surface conductivity, as it has been previously reported 100–5000 Hz (set by the interface layer). The magnitude of
for systems consisting of microparticles and colloids im- Re[a*] increases with increased CNT’s aspect ratio, which is
mersed in aqueous media [21,36–41]. From Fig. 3a, Re[a*] (as explained by the behavior of the depolarization factor
well as |b*|2 and Re[b*], not shown) presents a marked increase L = [ln (2p)  1]/p2 in Eq. (3d), which decreases as p increases.
on a transition zone ranging approximately from 100 Hz to Based on the results of Fig. 4, an increase of the DEP torque
1 kHz for d > 0. This behavior of Re[a*] agrees with our previous is expected with increased CNT’s aspect ratio.
experimental findings reported in [13], which led us to select Eq. (2) was used to estimate the time required for rota-
an interface thickness of d = dCNT (10 nm) for further analysis. tional alignment as shown in Fig. 5 for E = 3.33 kV/m and
Regarding the permittivity of the interface layer, higher values h0 = 89. Fig. 5a shows a representative set of curves of the dy-
of Re[a*] (i.e. higher DEP torque) for higher frequencies (see namic evolution of the rotation angle corresponding to differ-
Fig. 3c) also matches the trends of our previous experimental ent electric field frequencies for a fixed CNT aspect ratio of
observations. Accordingly, elay = 1 · 101 eCNT (=1 · 104 e0) was p = 1000. The limiting case where no interface layer is consid-
chosen as the layer permittivity for further analysis, being this ered (d = 0) is plotted as a thicker solid line. The time required
selected value numerically between the permittivities of DIW for CNT alignment (chosen at h = 0.1) is predicted on the or-
and CNT. Following a similar rationale, the conductivity of the der of seconds, and decreases with increased frequency. The
interface layer was selected as rlay = 104 S/m, which is also dependence of the time required for CNT alignment with
between that of the CNT and DIW. All the calculations pre- the frequency can be explained by the behavior of Re[a*] dis-
sented hereafter will use such interface physical properties. cussed earlier. From Fig. 4 (p = 1000), it can be observed that
Re[a*] (and thus the DEP torque) increases with increased
3.2. Dynamics of the carbon nanotube network formation frequency up to a plateau near f = 10 kHz. Such a plateau
explains the nearly constant time of alignment above such
3.2.1. Rotation a frequency. The model without interface (d = 0) is fre-
In order to capture the influence of the frequency and CNT’s quency-independent for the range of frequencies examined
aspect ratio on the dynamics of CNT rotation, Fig. 4 shows (1 Hz–100 kHz) and yields the lowest time of alignment

100 (a) MWCNT/DIW 50 (b) MWCNT/DIW

E = 3.33 kV/m; θ0 = 89° E = 3.33 kV/m
Time for alignment (s)

80 p = 1000 40 θ0 = 89°

60 10 Hz 30
p = 10
θ (°)

100 Hz p = 100
40 1 kHz 20 p = 1000
10 kHz
20 100 kHz 10
0 0 1 2 3 4 5
0 10 20 30 40 10 10 10 10 10
t (s) f (Hz)

Fig. 5 – Predictions from the CNT rotation equation, Eq. (2). (a) Dynamic evolution of CNT rotation for different frequencies at
p = 1000, and (b) time required for alignment vs. frequency for three CNT’s aspect ratios. (A colour version of this figure can be
viewed online.)
348 CARBON 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 3 4 2 –3 5 4

(4 s), which is again consistent with the highest and con- 3.2.2. Carbon nanotube-to-carbon nanotube Coulombic
stant value of Re[a*] value observed in Fig. 3a for d = 0. Using interaction
this method, times of alignment were obtained for all the The influence of frequency on the CNT-to-CNT Coulombic
three aspect ratios examined herein. Fig. 5b shows the behav- interaction is captured by the Coulombic force (FCNT–CNT)
ior of the time required for CNT alignment as a function of through |b*|2. Fig. 6 shows the |b*|2 vs. f plots for CNTs with dif-
frequency for aspect ratios of p = 10, 100 and 1000. Faster ferent aspect ratios (p).
alignment is found for lower CNT aspect ratios. This result In a similar fashion to that observed for Re[a*] in Fig. 4, the
indicates that, although p is present in both the viscous and behavior of |b*|2 resembles that of a step function with a tran-
DEP torques, its relative contribution to the viscous torque be- sition zone around 100–1000 Hz and its magnitude increases
comes more relevant as p increases. Higher CNT’s aspect ra- with increased p, which is also explained by the behavior of
tios yield higher rotational friction. Regardless of the CNT’s the depolarization factor L. Based on results of Fig. 6, an in-
aspect ratio, the time required for rotational alignment de- crease of FCNT–CNT is expected with increased CNT’s aspect
creases as the frequency increases up to a constant value, ratio.
which is between 4 and 10 s for all cases investigated. It is also Eq. (7) was numerically solved and the results are shown in
worth noticing that the initial condition h(t = 0) = 89 repre- Fig. 7. The initial CNT-to-CNT separation x0, which depends
sents an extreme case, and in reality the CNTs are initially on the CNT’s aspect ratio, was estimated from Eq. (8)
randomly distributed. The effect of the magnitude of the considering qCNT = 2.16 g/cm3 [32], qm = 0.986 g/cm3 [34] and
electric field on the time required for CNT alignment is fairly /CNT = 6.25 · 104 [13].
obvious from an examination of Eq. (2). From this equation it Fig. 7a shows a representative set of curves of the dynamic
is observed that an increase in the electric field magnitude af- evolution of the normalized CNT-to-CNT separation distance
fects solely the DEP torque by increasing its magnitude in a (x/x0) corresponding to different electric field frequencies for a
quadratic fashion (third term in Eq. (2)) and therefore reduc- fixed CNT aspect ratio of p = 1000. The time required to obtain
ing the time required for CNT alignment. Similar arguments CNT-to-CNT contact (x = 0) is predicted on the order of sec-
apply to the term related to the DEP force in the CNT-to- onds and decreases with increased frequency. The frequency
CNT Coulombic interaction mechanism (third term in Eq. (7)). dependence of the time required for CNT-to-CNT contact can
be understood in terms of the behavior of |b*|2 discussed
earlier. Fig. 7b shows the behavior of the time required for
CNT-to-CNT contact as a function of the frequency for the
10 CNT aspect ratios investigated. Regardless of the frequency,
p = 1000
shorter times are predicted for larger CNT aspect ratios. For
8 all CNT’s aspect ratios, the time for CNT-to-CNT contact de-
creases as the frequency increases up to a constant value,
which is lower for larger aspect ratios.

p = 100


3.2.3. Carbon nanotube migration towards an electrode

10 Fig. 8 shows the results obtained by solving the governing
p = 10 equation for CNT migration towards an electrode, Eq. (10).
10 0 1 2 3 4 5 Fig. 8a shows a representative set of plots of the dynamic evo-
10 10 10 10 10 10
lution of the normalized CNT-to-electrode separation (x/x0)
f (Hz)
with time for p = 1000. The time required for CNT-to-electrode
Fig. 6 –|b*|2
vs. f for a CNT/DIW system with different CNT’s contact (x = 0) decreases with increased frequency. As for the
aspect ratios. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed rotation case, the dependence of the time required for
online.) CNT-to-electrode contact can be understood in terms of the
Time for CNT-CNT contact (s)


(a) 1.0 CNT/DIW; |E| = 3.33 kV/m

p = 1000 (x0 = 3.547 μm) 5
|E|=3.33 kV/m
10 Hz

100 Hz 3
0.4 10
1 kHz p=10
10 kHz 2 p=100
0.2 100 kHz 10
0.0 1
0 100 200 300 400 1
10 10

t (s) f (Hz)

Fig. 7 – Predictions from the CNT-to-CNT Coulombic interaction equation, Eq. (7). (a) Dynamic evolution of the normalized
CNT-to-CNT separation distance (x/x0) for p = 1000, and (b) time required for CNT-to-CNT contact vs. frequency for three CNT’s
aspect ratios. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
CARBON 6 9 (2 0 1 4) 3 4 2–35 4 349

Time for CNT-to-electrode contact (s)


(a) 1.0 CNT/DIW; |E| = 3.33 kV/m (b) 10

p = 1000 (x0 = 3.547 μm) |E| = 3.33 kV/m
0.8 10

0.6 3
10 Hz 10
100 Hz p=10
1 kHz p=100
10 kHz 10 p=1000
0.2 100 kHz
0.0 10
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1
10 10

t (s) f (Hz)

Fig. 8 – Predictions from the CNT migration equation, Eq. (10). (a) Evolution of the CNT-to-electrode distance for p = 1000, and
(b) time required for CNT-to-electrode contact vs. frequency for different CNT aspect ratios. (A colour version of this figure can
be viewed online.)

behavior of Re[b*] (not shown), which is very similar to that of CNT-to-CNT contact and CNT-to-electrode contact decreases
Re[a*]. As observed from Fig. 8b, the time required for CNT-to- up to 3 orders of magnitude as the aspect ratio (and the fre-
electrode contact follows a similar trend as that observed for quency) increases. Thus, CNTs with low aspect ratios will
the other two mechanisms investigated, Figs. 5b and 7b. tend to first align along the electric field direction and then
From Eq. (10) it can be observed that the magnitude of the to contact each other and/or the electrodes (chaining). As
DEP force (third term) depends on the gradient of the squared the CNT aspect ratio increases (p  1000), CNT translational
electric field, which increases with increased electric field and rotational mechanisms will occur at similar time scales
magnitude. Thus, an increase in the electric field magnitude and the coupling effects and dynamics of such mechanisms
(i.e. in the DEP force) will cause a reduction in the time re- can be quite complex.
quired to achieve CNT-to-electrode contact. In order to investigate the effect of the CNT weight fraction
(/CNT) on the sequence of the dynamic events, elapsed times
3.3. Reconstruction of the sequence of events for the three investigated mechanisms were obtained as a
function of /CNT and the results are presented in Fig 10. x0 de-
Based on the previous examination of the mechanisms of pends on /CNT through Eq. (8) and the values of x0 corre-
CNT rotation, CNT-to-CNT Coulombic interaction and CNT sponding to p = 10, 100 and 1000 (assuming b = 5 nm) are
migration towards an electrode, a sequence of the dynamic shown in Table A1 of Appendix A.
events participating in the formation of an aligned CNT net- For p = 10 (Fig. 10a), CNT rotation is by far the fastest event
work upon application of an AC electric field is proposed. for all CNT concentrations investigated, followed by CNT-to-
Such a sequence depends on the CNT’s aspect ratio, CNT con- electrode contact and CNT-to-CNT contact. The behavior of
centration and electric field frequency, and the influence of the time required for CNT rotation is independent of /CNT,
these major factors is examined. Fig. 9 shows the behavior while the time required for the two translational mechanisms
of these three mechanisms in terms of the electric field fre- decreases as /CNT increases. Similar trends are observed for
quency and CNT’s aspect ratio for a fixed value of CNT weight p = 100, but in this case the CNT-to-CNT contact and CNT-
fraction (/CNT = 6.25 · 104) and electric field magnitude to-electrode mechanisms are less apart, see Fig. 10b. For
(E = 3.33 kV/m). The values of /CNT and E were chosen based p = 1000, however, the sequence of events depends strongly
on a previous experimental investigation [13]. For short as- on /CNT. For /CNT below 5 · 104, CNT rotation occurs first
pect ratios (p = 10, Fig. 9a) the model predicts that CNT align- followed by CNT-to-electrode contact and then CNT-to-CNT
ment by rotation is by far the first event, followed by CNT-to contact. As /CNT increases up to 7 · 104, CNT rotation is still
electrode contact and then CNT-to-CNT contact. For p = 100 the first event to occur, but the predicted times for CNT-to-
(Fig. 9b), the same order in the sequence of events than that CNT contact and CNT-to-electrode contact become very sim-
for p = 10 is predicted, but the times required for CNT-to-elec- ilar. Finally, for /CNT > 7 · 104 both translational mechanisms
trode contact and CNT-to-CNT contact are less apart. For are predicted to occur first (almost simultaneously), followed
p = 1000 (Fig. 9c), the sequence of events depends on the by CNT rotation. The sequence of the predicted dynamic
frequency. For f = 10 Hz and f = 100 Hz, CNT rotation occurs events for different CNT’s aspect ratio and weight fractions
first followed by CNT-to-electrode contact and CNT-to-CNT are summarized in Table 1.
contact. However, for frequencies of 1 kHz and above, the Based on the observed results, it can be concluded that the
sequence between CNT-to-CNT contact and CNT-to-electrode electric field-guided dynamic formation of CNT networks
contact is interchanged, with CNT rotation still occurring first. within viscous media has a strong dependence on the
For frequencies of above 1 kHz, all three events are predicted characteristics of the CNT/medium system and the parame-
to occur before t = 25 s. By comparing Fig. 9a–c it can be seen ters of the applied AC electric field. Such a dynamics impacts
that the time required for CNT rotation depends on the CNT’s the final morphology of the resulting CNT-based materials
aspect ratio, but not strongly. However, the time required for and, consequently, their effective physical properties.
350 CARBON 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 3 4 2 –3 5 4

(a) (b) 10
6 5
10 -4 -4
CNT/DIW; 6.25 x 10 wt% CNT/DIW; 6.25 x 10 wt%
10 |E| = 3.33 kV/m; p = 10 4 |E| = 3.33 kV/m; p = 100

Elapsed time (s)

Elapsed time (s)

10 3
2 CNT rotation
2 CNT rotation 10
10 CNT-to-CNT
CNT-to-CNT CNT-to-electrode
1 CNT-to-electrode 10
0 0
10 1 2 3 4 5
10 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
f (Hz) f (Hz)

(c) 400 CNT/DIW; 6.25 x 10 wt%


|E| = 3.33 kV/m; p = 1000

Elapsed time (s)

300 CNT rotation



1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10
f (Hz)

Fig. 9 – Time required for CNT rotation, CNT-to-CNT contact and CNT-to-electrode contact as a function of frequency for
different CNT’s aspect ratios (p). (a) p = 10, (b) p = 100, and (c) p = 1000. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)

(a) 6
CNT/DIW; p = 10 (b) 10 CNT/DIW; p = 100
10 |E| = 3.33 kV/m; f = 100 kHz |E| = 3.33 kV/m; f = 100 kHz
Elapsed time (s)
Elapsed time (s)


CNT rotation 2 CNT rotation

2 10
10 CNT-to-CNT CNT-to-CNT
CNT-to-electrode CNT-to-electrode

0 0
10 10
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
-4 -4
φCNT (10 ) φCNT (10 )

(c) 10

CNT/DIW; p = 1000
|E| = 3.33 kV/m; f = 100 kHz
Elapsed time (s)

CNT rotation
10 CNT-to-CNT


0 2 4 6 8 10
φCNT (10 )

Fig. 10 – Time required for CNT rotation, CNT-to-CNT contact, and CNT-to-electrode contact as a function of CNT weight
fraction (/CNT) for different CNT’s aspect ratios. (a) p = 10, (b) p = 100, and (c) p = 1000. (A colour version of this figure can be
viewed online.)
CARBON 6 9 (2 0 1 4) 3 4 2–35 4 351

Table 1 – Predicted sequence of dynamic events for different CNT’s aspect ratio (p) and weight fraction (/CNT).The results are a
summary of Fig. 10.

p /CNT (104) Sequence of events

10 1–10 CNT rotation ! CNT-electrode ! CNT–CNT

100 1–10 CNT rotation ! CNT-electrode ! CNT–CNT
1000 1–5 CNT rotation ! CNT-electrode ! CNT–CNT
1000 5–7 CNT rotation ! CNT-electrode  CNT–CNT
1000 7–10 CNT-electrode  CNT–CNT ! CNT rotation

4. Discussion electric field-induced alignment of MWCNTs dispersed in

water with assistance of a non-ionic surfactant and reported
According to the models proposed here, the consideration of that the alignment rate increased with increased field
an interface layer in a CNT/liquid system allows to capture strength and increased frequency. Also, they observed that
the trends observed in several experiments regarding the role MWCNT alignment was achieved for t < 1 s and MWCNT
of the electric field frequency on the formation of CNT net- translation an chaining was observed after few minutes for
works. The presence of an interface layer in a particle/liquid electric field magnitudes and frequencies above 7 kV/m and
system under the application of electric field has been pro- 20 Hz. Kumar et al. [8] experimentally studied the influence
posed by several authors [17,18,21,36–41]. Although the nat- of AC electric fields on the assembly of SWCNTs, reporting
ure and composition of such a layer are quite complex and that individual SWCNTs align along the AC electric field direc-
different from that of the CNT and surrounding dielectric tion and move towards the electrodes, being this process
medium, it is generally accepted that its electrical conductiv- more efficient with increased frequency. These authors also
ity and permittivity should be a gradient of the large mis- reported that, for AC fields, CNT-to-CNT contact (chaining)
match between the electrical properties of the conducting was mainly observed in isolated SWCNTs (far from the elec-
particles and the suspending dielectric medium [21,36,40]. trode). In different experimental works, Wei et al. [15] and
In aqueous suspensions, the interface layer may include free Riahifar et al. [43] reported a transient AC frequency range be-
surface charges, bound ions (Stern layer) and/or a diffuse dou- tween 100 Hz and 10 kHz for a MWCNT/DIW and ZnO nano-
ble layer, among others [17,18,21,36,40,41]. All these effects rods/acetone solutions, respectively, which is very similar to
enhance the mobility of electrical charges, contributing to the frequency transient range predicted here (see Figs. 4 and
the formation of a sizable surface conductivity [40,41]. 6). This is also consistent with our previous experimental
According to Morgan and Green [21,36], for low conductive findings for MWCNT/DIW solutions [13]. Zhao et al. [44] exper-
solutions the Debye length (associated to the interface layer’s imentally studied the alignment of SWCNTs dispersed within
thickness) is of the order of a few nanometers. The electrical DIW and reported that higher degree of alignment and assem-
properties of the interface layer are expected to be highly sen- bly is achieved with increased frequencies while higher volt-
sitive to the particle’s and suspending medium’s properties ages increases the number of SWCNTs spanning the
such as electrical conductivity, pH and valence of the electrodes. Chen et al. [14] experimentally observed that the
solution, and the possible presence of reagents that can be assembly of a SWCNT network formed between a pair of par-
adsorbed on the particle surface, among others [40]. Although allel electrodes separated by a gap of 5 lm under an electric
the precise composition of the interface layer in the existent field occurred by a sequence of migration of SWCNTs to the
experimental reports on CNTs suspending in liquids is still electrode, chaining and bridging, in that sequential order. A
unknown, it is clearly shown here that the presence and prop- similar sequence of assembly was observed by Yang et al.
erties of such a layer are fundamental to determine the polar- [45], reporting that the MWCNT network formation within a
ization of CNTs in an electric field. The thickness (10 nm) and liquid polymer starts from the electrode, where MWCNTs
electrical properties (in between those of the particle and sus- are first attached and then a chaining process is promoted
pending medium) selected for modeling the interface layer in due to tip-to-tip interactions. On the other hand, Li et al.
this work are those that better fit the experimental trends [32] conducted simulations based on the DEP-induced torque
presented in [13] and such a selection yields results that are and force on CNTs for a CNT/isopropyl alcohol system and re-
in very reasonable agreement with several other experimen- ported that the time required for aligning CNTs in the direc-
tal works and the aforementioned discussion. tion of an AC electric field (rotation) is much smaller (in the
An additional feature of the model predictions is the effect order of milliseconds) than the time required for CNT transla-
of the frequency of the applied electric field. According to tion (tens of seconds). As noticed from the discussion above,
Figs. 7–9, the results predict that increasing the electric field different trends regarding the sequence of events related to
magnitude and frequency yields a faster dynamics of the the formation of CNT networks have been reported by several
mechanisms involved in the formation of CNT networks. authors, thus indicating that there is not a unique trend for
Sequential photographs of the dynamic evolution of a CNT such a sequence but it rather depends on several physical fac-
network suspended in a solution under electric fields of low tors, as reported herein.
(10 Hz) and high (100 kHz) frequencies are shown in Section S2 From the experimental evidence and the literature survey
of the Supplementary material. Hilding et al. [42] studied the discussed in this section it is seen that the models presented
352 CARBON 6 9 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 3 4 2 –3 5 4

here are able to reproduce the observed experimental trends Appendix A. Initial separation between two
regarding the formation of CNT networks. The models are contiguous CNTs
also able to highlight the role of the most relevant mecha-
nisms and parameters involved in the dielectrophoretic phe- By assuming that the CNTs are homogeneously dispersed
nomenon, and to propose a reasonable dynamic sequence of within a surrounding medium (liquid), a representative vol-
events which is a convoluted effect of several physical param- ume element (RVE) of the CNT/liquid system can be consid-
eters of the system under consideration. ered as an individual CNT and its corresponding medium,
whose volume (VRVE) can be expressed as,
5. Conclusions
Vm þ NV
The formation of an aligned CNT network in a viscous med- N
ium under the application of an AC electric field was mod-
where Vm is the total volume of the liquid, V is the volume of
eled by a classic dielectrophoretic approach considering
an individual CNT and N is the total number of CNTs.
three mechanisms: CNT rotation towards the electric field
N = MCNT/m, with MCNT as the total mass of the CNTs and m
direction, CNT-to-CNT Coulombic interaction and CNT
the mass of an individual CNT. The value of m can be esti-
migration towards an electrode. A CNT/liquid system includ-
mated from m = VqCNT, with qCNT as the density of the CNT.
ing an interfacial layer of electrical conductivity and permit-
The CNT is considered as a prollate ellipsoid of volume
tivity intermediate between those of the CNT and liquid and
V = 4pab2/3, with a and b as the CNT’s major and minor
thickness equal to the CNT diameter (10 nm) was modeled.
semi-axis, respectively. Vm in Eq. (A1) can be expressed in
The experimental trends regarding the effect of the field’s
terms of the density of the liquid (qm) and the mass of the to-
frequency on the dynamic formation and alignment of the
tal liquid (Mm) as Vm = Mm/qm. Thus, for a CNT/liquid system
CNT network can only be captured by the model by includ-
with a CNT weight fraction /CNT = MCNT/(Mm + MCNT), VRVE in
ing such an interfacial layer. Higher AC frequency promotes
Eq. (A1) can be written as,
a faster CNT network formation, yielding lower elapsed
times for CNT alignment, CNT-to-CNT contact and CNT-to-  

qCNT 1  /CNT
electrode contact. According to the models, the sequence VRVE ¼ V þ1 ðA2Þ
qm /CNT
of the dynamic events involved in the CNT alignment and
network formation is strongly dependent on the CNT’s as- For /CNT  1 (as for the investigated values in this work),
pect ratio and on the CNT’s weight fraction in the viscous VRVE in Eq. (A2) can be simplified as,
solution. For CNTs of relatively low aspect ratios (p < 100),
CNT rotation occurs before CNT attraction towards another VRVE ¼ ðA3Þ
/CNT qm
CNT or an electrode. However, as the CNT aspect ratio in-
creases all three phenomena occur at similar time scales. The RVE considered here is a rectangular prism of vol-
The influence of the CNT concentration on the nominal ume l2h, where l and h are the RVE’s length and side-length,
CNT-to-CNT separation distance also has a strong impact respectively, and the CNT is located at the center, see
on the CNT’s network dynamics. For low CNT weight concen- Fig. A1a. Since a planar architecture is modeled, the value
trations (/CNT < 7 · 104), CNT rotation is the first event, of the through-thickness dimension (h) is assumed to be
while for higher concentrations CNT-to-CNT contact and equal to the CNT diameter (2b). Fig. A1b illustrates a sche-
CNT-to-electrode contact occur first and nearly simulta- matic of two adjacent RVEs with initial separation between
neously. Despite the simplicity of the proposed models and the CNT ends as x0.
their assumptions, the predicted times for CNT alignment The RVE’s length (l) can thus be obtained by equating the
are in reasonable agreement with those experimentally RVE volume (l2h) to the right-hand side term of Eq. (A3) and
determined in the literature. The fact that the trends ob- solving for l, i.e.,
served in the experiments can only be reproduced by the sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
inclusion of an interface layer between the CNT and the li- VqCNT
l¼ ðA4Þ
quid represents an important step towards understanding h/CNT qm
the electric field-based manipulation of CNTs for technolog-
ical applications. Understanding the dynamic formation of According to Fig. A1b, the initial separation between two
such CNT networks is expected to lead to more reliable mul- contiguous CNTs is x0 = l  2a, which leads to Eq. (8).
tifunctional materials that can be tailored by electric fields. Table A1 shows x0 (initial condition for Eqs. (7) and (10)) for
the investigated values of CNT’s aspect ratio (p = a/b) and
CNT’s weight fraction (/CNT) from 1 · 104 to 1 · 103. In
Acknowledgments Table A1 x0 was calculated from Eq. (8) by setting b = 5 nm,
qCNT = 2.16 g/cm3 and qm = 0.986 g/cm3, while a and /CNT were
This work was supported by CONACYT-CIAM project No. varied. According to the selected RVE, the maximum values of
188089 of Dr. Avilés. A.I.O. acknowledges CONACYT for his /CNT (for the limiting case l = 2a) are estimated as /CNT = 1.15
PhD scholarship and the additional financial support for his · 103 and 1.15 · 101 for p = 10 and p = 1000, respectively. The
visiting position at Virginia Tech through the ‘‘Becas Mixtas’’ values of x0 listed in Table A1 were used to solve the corre-
program. A.I.O. would also like to thank Adarsh Chaurasia sponding differential equations and to construct the curves
at Virginia Tech for many fruitful discussions. of elapsed time vs. /CNT presented in Fig. 10.
CARBON 6 9 (2 0 1 4) 3 4 2–35 4 353

(a) (b)

Fig. A1 – Schematic of the RVE. (a) Three-dimensional sketch of the selected RVE, and (b) initial separation (x0) between the
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