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Good Morning Everyone! Today I will discuss about GOVERNANCE IN COOPERATIVES.

So first let's discuss a

persons, with a common bond of interest, who have voluntarily joined together to achieve their social, economic
patrionizing their products and services and accepting a fair share of risks and benefits of the undertaking in acco
cooperative is to help improve the quality of life of it members. There are different types of cooperatives ; a.) Cre
cooperative e.) Service cooperative f.) Multi-purpose cooperative g.) Advocacy cooperative h.) Agrarian Reform c
cooperative m.) Financial services cooperative n.) Fishermen cooperative o.) Health services cooperative p.) Hou
cooperative t.) Workers cooperative u.) Other types of cooperatives. And the sole government agency mandated
Cooperative is a non-profit, as it doesn't keep any of the profit for itself, it distributes all of the profit amo
services to its members. It is operated for the benefit of those using the cooperative’s services. In a cooperative,
what the role, the expectation is that everyone is responsible for working together effectively, to be accountable a
While Governance is the steering, making key decisions, working together for common goals—happens
Therefore, governave in cooperatives is the connection or it is connecting the co-op’s values to govern
is Cooperative Governance.
Cooperative governance is the act of steering cooperatively owned enterprises toward economic, social,
responsibilities, and establishing processes for setting expectations and ensuring accountability. It is a set of ethi
cooperative social responsibility. And it is the practice of fairness, accountability, and transparency (FAT) in the

1.) Fairness -equality in the treatment of members

eliminate biases, favoritism, and accomodation
equal privileges, benefits and risks
equal rights

2. Accountability - roles , responsibilities and levels of authorities are defined and clear
duties and its parameters/boundaries written and defined
benefits and risks are understood by all cooperators

3. Transparency - transaction within the co-op are within the parameters of co-op rules and regulations
no secret deals and "behind-close-door" transactions
co-op must also be audited regularly (internal and external)
records are open to members

And in addition let's discuss also the Four Pillars of Cooperative Governance.
The Four Pillars of Cooperative Governance are:
• Teaming. Successfully working together to achieve common purpose.
• Accountable Empowerment. Successfully empowering people while at the same time holding them accountable
• Strategic Leadership. Successfully articulating the cooperative’s direction/purpose and setting the organization
● Democracy. Successfully sustaining a culture in which people choose meaningful ways to participate for both

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