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Royale Bligynee Congress of the Philippines Bs ts Sree ange ‘Ghjed Regular Session ‘Begun and holdin Mateo Mri, on Monday, he want thie ‘day of ay, two theusend agrees [RePupiic Acr No. 11206} AN ACT ESTABLISHING A CAREER GUIDANCE AND ‘COUNSHLING PROGRAM FOR ALL SECONDARY ‘SCHOOLS AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR ‘Be u enacted by the Senate and Howse of Repriseatves ofthe Philipines n Congres evened SecnON L, Title, ~ This Act shall be knows 2¢ the "Secnndary Sehol Careee Guidance ‘and Counseling Act" ‘Sen, 2, Declaration of Policy. — The State recognizes the role of the youth in ‘ecsleration of acta progress: In Unie regard. the State Shall ensure. their total development by promot felavant education thet shall generate human recoureae that abril be rorponsive to the needs of Me government, Industry, and the economy. Sto. 4. Objectives. — ‘This Act shell pursue the {lowing eboctio= © To institutionalize « earoer guidance and counseling program for students ia all public and private Secondary eehoole nationwide in order to provide them prope echon in pursuing ebsoquent trary etwstion: (To equip socondary education studente with the capabiliy to make educated career decislons and expose {hem torelovantlabor merketand (© Tocnsure graduates of tertiary oduation meot the requirement te goverment ndsty. and the sono S0c. 4. Creation of « National Secondary Schoo! Career Guidance ond Counseling Program. There is heraby ereated « National Secondary Schoole Career Guidance and Counseling Program (CGCP) to be sudminictored by tho Department of Education (DepED). abel be implemented im all pubic and private soondsty ‘edocationdnetutione and shall commence at the Grade Tove shall be apreeatsite to enor high schoo graduation, For tie purpose the DopED shall in eprdintin with the Profesional Regulation Commission (PRO) accredited profesional organirations on giianecouneling.Cammission fn Higher Education (CHBD), Technical Education and ‘Shils Development Authority (MBSDA), Department of Labor ni Employment (DOLE), Department of Trade and Inustry (DT), National Reonomic and Development Authority (NEDA) and Paret‘Teadher Ascstuos (PTAs), fala, {develop and review a Career Guidance and Counseling Instructional Module (CGCIMD, which shall serve a0 the basic instructional material to guide cocondary studente i their pursit of meaningfal and rewarding tertiary ‘lucetin Deed on Ci capacity adel, the asceit of publi riary edveation institution, the labor mazkot, fad the quirements aad expectations of the government, industry, end tho econo. ‘Sec. 5. CGCP Contrs. ~ There shal be established 8 CGCP Center in all scondary schools, to bo headed by the schol aiiinistratr who shall be assisted by a tenet fareer aad employment guidance counselor. The COCP Center shall fonction as a resource center for the Implementation of the COUP and sball be primarily esponsble for proviling guidance and counseling based on the COCIN: Prvied, That in azordance with Section 9 Sf Repablis Act No. 1053, tharwise known athe “Enbancod Basie Education Act of 20137 and notwithstanding the provisions of Section 27 of Republic Ac Na 9268, cchorwise Known nthe "Guidanse and Covoweling Act of 200, carer td empleymentgudaacecounosors who ate not registered ‘vith the PRC shal be allowed to sonduct career aavoeasy [eteitce to secondary Tove etudnte of the school whare they ate casently employed: Provided, further That they itndegs a truaing progr doveloped aad accredited hy the Dep, ‘Se, 6, National Corer Avssement Exarination.— ‘The DepED, though the Netional Réwention esting tod Revearch Cooter, shall conduct an snl National Career Assosment Examination (NCAB) among students in the Sppropinte grade level i all public sod pate secondary choos nationwide ae tool to assess and evaluate the ‘pice, skal or snainetion of the student in particular ‘ecupational field and to cero ae gue forthe students in ‘hoaing thir repectiecouransor carer pone. ‘he DepBD Seeretary shal determine the omtont af the INCA, the dite of examination he locaton af examination Sealers, ad the sppropeate grade level af examinees, aud hell issue the guidelines nocessary for the effective {plementation of the NCAB. ‘he DepED Secretary shall evow tho content ofthe INCAE from time #9 time end make revisions, as may be feemed secemay, to mmisain the relvance, vai, and Integy ofthe examination 26.1, Approprition. - The DepED Secretary shall immediately tnclade in the Department. program the implmsentation of this Act, cho funding of which shall be ‘nsludd inthe annual General Appropistions Act S1c.8. Implementing Rules and Regulations. ~ Within ninety (80) days from the approval ofthis Act, the DepED skal, im consultation with the PRC, CHED, JTWSDA, DOLE, DT, and NEDA, prolate the necessary ules ‘and regulations for the efectivo implementation of thie Ac. Ste. 9. Separability Clouse. ~ If avy provision of thie Act is held invalid or unconstitutional, the other provisions not eo declared shall remain in foros and eect 506.10. Repeating Clouse. — All laws, decrees, executive orders, rules and regulations contrary to oF inconsistent with the provisions of this Act ary horeby. repealed, modied or amended assdingy ‘Se: 11. Hifi: ~ This Act al ta fc fteen (15) daye after ts publication in the Oficial Gacste oF 1 newspaper of goneral culation _ cavonta ACAPAGAL-ARROYO Spear ofthe Howe ‘of Rpretentaes ‘This Act which originated th House of Representatives was passod by the Houge of Representatives on May 22,2017 {mended by the Senate on Ostober 8, 2018, aad which Amendment was oncured inky the Hour of Reprsstatives ‘on November 4.2018, _ / Mvm&ManeD.viaanca Dae Réaerlo® Mato Stertay fie Sonate etn Serdar Geral 7 of Recents Approved: FEB 1 # 201) fa Ave & ) RODRIGO ROA DUTERTE ) Preside ofthe Phils eet

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