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4 497 026 262 August 2005

Property of Robert Bosch GmbH Test procedure, general N42AP

Determination of degree of rusting of coatings 013

Prüfverfahren, allgemein; Bestimmung des Rostgrades von

Beschichtungen DIN EN ISO 4628–3 modified

In case of doubt apply the German version of this Bosch Norm.

Following the practice of ISO standards, the comma is used throughout as the decimal marker.

1 Scope
This Bosch–Norm is intended to determine the degree of rusting Ri on coated ferrous materials after climate
test (e.g.: salt spray fog testing in accordance with N42AP102).
It describes the occuring rusting phenomenas and specifies the assessment criteria for uniform test analyses.
This Bosch–Norm is not applicable for:
– determination of corrosion degree on non–ferrous materials in accordance with N42AP 012
– corrosion assessment on coatings of zinc, lamellar zinc and zinc alloys in accordance with N42AP 015
– determination of the degree of blistering and undermining at the chink of varnished components
– determination of specific corrosion types such as pitting, dissimilar metal corrosion on composite materials.
This would requires a separate, verbal characterization.

2 Test method
CAB2AV 2013-03-11 NormMaster

The degree of rusting Ri is an assessment characterizing the rust formation occuring under coatings (rust bro-
Eigentum der Robert Bosch GmbH

ken through the coating and visible underrust) by comparison with pictural standards (see appendix A).

3 Assessment of the degree of rusting

3.1 Time of assessment
Assessment of the parts in dry condition immediately after the climate test.
3.2 assessment surface
The assessment surface has to be determined and specified on the drawing.
Usually the degree of rusting is determined on plane areas. Edges, threads and borings require separate as-
3.3 Determination of the degree of rusting
The degree of rusting Ri defines the percentage of the surface covered with rusting phenomenas (rust broken
through the coating and visible underrust) compared to the pictorial standards 1 to 5 of the appendix A.
The approximate degree of rusting represented on these pictorial standards is listed in table 1.
Unconsidered are corrosion products running over uncorroded surfaces.
Table1. Degrees of rusting in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4628–3
Degree of ru- Surface covered Definition (see appendix A)
sting with rust in %
Ri 0 0 without rust
Ri 1 0,05 see pictorial standard 1
Ri 2 0,5 see pictorial standard 2
Ri 3 1 see pictorial standard 3
Ri 4 8 see pictorial standard 4
Ri 5 40 to 50 see pictorial standard 5

If the rusting phenomenas and their percentage in relation to the area are in–between two figures of rusting
degree, the degree of rusting can be specified accordingly, e.g. with Ri 2,5. Rusting phenomenas exceeding
the rusting degree Ri 5 are also specified with Ri 5.

Continued on pages 2 to 5
Technical responsibility : CR/APT1

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Page 2 N42AP 013 August 2005

4 Reference to other standards

The following table is intended for information only.
This Bosch–Norm corresponds to DIN EN ISO 4628–3 with regard to degrees of rusting and pictorial standards
of degree of rusting.
In case of doubt the respective pictorial standards of DIN EN ISO 4628–3 apply for assessment of degree of

Table2. Reference between the ISO assessment system, the “European chart of degree of rusting” and
the ASTM assessment chart
Degree of rusting in accordance ASTM chart of degree of rusting
with European chart of degree of
rusting” (ASTM D 610)
DIN EN ISO 4628–3
Ri 0 Re 0 10
Ri 1 Re 1 9
Ri 2 Re 2 7
Ri 3 Re 3 6
Ri 4 Re 4 4
Ri 5 Re 5 1 to 2
CAB2AV 2013-03-11 NormMaster

Additional applicable Bosch–Norms

N42AP 012
N42AP 015
N42AP 102

Change information for edition

First English edition

Property of Robert Bosch GmbH C/CTN

August 2005 N42AP 013 Page 3

Appendix A
Pictural standards of degree of rusting
CAB2AV 2013-03-11 NormMaster

Figure 1 – Degree of rusting Ri 1

Figure 2 – Degree of rusting Ri 2

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Figure 3 – Degree of rusting Ri 3

Figure 4 – Degree of rusting Ri 4

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August 2005 N42AP 013 Page 5
CAB2AV 2013-03-11 NormMaster

Figure 5 – Degree of rusting Ri 5

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