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Alzheimer-Related Disabilities Report

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Alzheimer-Related Disabilities Report


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a protracted neurodegenerative disease that gradually

worsens in those afflicted. According to Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI), close to 44

million individuals have been diagnosed with the illness and now grapple with a host of adverse

effects ("Alzheimer's Statistics," n.d.). Usually, its onset is marked by distinct symptoms of

memory loss, moods swings, disorientation and behavioral issues which usually worsen over

time. Ellen, a 64-year-old Asian American of Chinese extraction, has been diagnosed with the

disease which now affects her work as a secretary. As a widow with two adult children, she now

acknowledges the need for care which is the main reason why she has decided to retire. The

following are the primary matters that Ellen and her children need to explore for her to make a

smooth transition into retirement.

Ellen's Retirement

In most scenarios, Alzheimer's reduces an individual's workplace potential and forces

them into early retirement. For the most part, family members are left with the emotional

overload of having to help their loved ones make this enormous transition into retirement and

cope with changes (Lock, 2013). Ellen and her children can kick start this process by proactively

assessing the retirement income preparation process. Consulting a financial adviser is usually a

good start since it would aid the family to understand the costs that will be incurred during care.

The presence of Ellen's two adult children is also beneficial to her overall retirement plans since

they will be instrumental in aiding her in making prudent financial decisions. Additionally, it will

be essential for Ellen to create a living will critical in estate planning concerning her finances and

assets. Appointing sturdy powers of attorney (POA) will enable other capable individuals to

make decisions on her behalf in case she is indisposed.

Ellen's Future Health Care Plans

Advance care planning is critical for persons with Alzheimer's disease. It enables them to

schedule future health-care strategies critical for their well-being. At the crux of these plans is an

honest discussion about the individual's beliefs and the practicality of the options on offer.

Developing a clear blueprint, well in advance, will enable Ellen receive the care she deserves

while avoiding any family distress. Understanding the disease and its rapid decline will make

sure that Ellen is aware of its progression and the type of care needed during each stage. Building

a robust care team enables one to always have trusted individuals ready to help and support the

patient during each phase, minimizing tension and general feelings of being overwhelmed. It is

vital that Ellen, include her two adult children in her care team since they are better placed in

helping her carry out basic tasks.

Ellen's Housing

Housing is one of the most critical facets of support services for persons living with

Alzheimer's disease. Even so, it is always noteworthy to acknowledge that an individual's needs

change during illness and may require them to make some changes concerning housing. Ellen

may be able to live at her current residence, albeit with a few modifications to aid her daily

routine. Although she may start by being able to conduct her day to day activities at the house,

rapid progression of the disease may soon require her to add other personal care assistants for her

safety. Ellen's adult children are ideal in providing informal support that will enable her to live

safely in her current residence. They can, thus, help her pay her bills, cook, clean and ensure that

she attends doctor's appointments. Additionally, modifications in the living space will be of the

utmost importance in helping reduce the risk of wandering or falls.

Ellen's Financial Situation

Financial assessment and planning is a central issue for persons diagnosed with

Alzheimer's. These resources are integral in helping an individual to go through care devoid of

any stress (Lu & Bludau, 2011, p. 67). Ellen and her family can begin by first making an

inventory of her financial situation. All assets and debts that she is responsible for will be

appraised in addition to identifying specific family members who will be included in these

financial plans. The cost of care should also be designated to make sure that all those involved

are cognizant of the costs that will be incurred in the present moment and soon after.

Furthermore, Ellen can also review various government benefits that she may be eligible for to

assist her shoulder the costs that will be incurred during treatment. In addition to this, Ellen also

has a unique opportunity to review long-term care insurance policies that are on offer since they

may aid her in covering care expenses.

Ellen's Ability to Perform her Job Effectively

Alzheimer's affects all areas of an individual's life. In particular, workplace productivity

is affected since cognitive abilities decline and may even change their decision-making process.

It is also common for sufferers to make poor judgments since their capacity is diminished. As a

secretary, Ellen is always expected to plan the day for senior executives. Her ability to perform

effectively at her job before retirement first begins by revealing her status to her employee to

help her meet company standards. By so doing, she will receive necessary assistance that would

prevent the possibility of botched tasks and her missing deadlines. Reasonable accommodations

that are provided for in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) would be invoked to help her

cope in the work environment with a cognitive disability. In such a case, an employee can

provide verbal instructions that are voice recorded or a checklist with relevant information. Ellen

will, therefore, be able to discharge her duties effectively without the fear of making monumental

mistakes that may cost the firm financially.

Disease Progression and its Effect on Her Activities of Daily Living (ADL)

Usually, there are fundamental skills that all persons require for them to manage their

physical needs. They often range from continence, eating to personal grooming. In essence, these

skills are often mastered by individuals from an early stage and preserved as part of their

cognitive functioning throughout life (Zarit & Talley, 2012). The onset of Alzheimer's disease

usually means that these functions interrupted and make life increasingly difficult. During

disease progression there is a high likelihood that Ellen's functional independence will be

disrupted, reducing her quality of life. As a result, she may incur additional care costs, and many

eventually institutionalized. Furthermore, Ellen's executive functioning may be disrupted,

resulting in difficulty when undertaking organizing and sequencing activities. Memory problems

are also bound to arise and may interfere with activities as simple as combing her hair. In later

stages, poor judgment may become a frequent occurrence since the overall decision-making skill

may be disordered. Also, visual-spatial changes may arise, reducing the quality of life and

increasing anxieties.

Advanced Directives

Anticipatory medical directives are contingency measures that will make sure that any

future ineptitude is managed effectively. It is a fundamental part of the treatment process since

including competent individuals reduces the chances of adverse effects that would potentially

affect a patient with Alzheimer's disease. Advance directives aid the patient in decision making if

they are permanently unconscious or unable to reason (Turkington & Mitchell, 2010). Ellen's

condition is expected to deteriorate with time, which is why advanced directives are imperative.

In the future, she may be unable to communicate any of her treatment wishes and hence essential

to write them down. Any healthcare decision made by the primary caregiver will have to

correspond with her initial intentions. These wishes should always take precedence when it

becomes clear that their safety is an issue to avoid the possibility of any unforeseen

circumstances affecting their well-being. Ellen also has the right to reject any medical care if it is

proved that she is competent. Her right to make relevant decisions is always protected and

retained until the end of life.

Funeral Plans

Death is an inescapable part of life. Patients who have Alzheimer's disease know this all

too well since its progression often ends in death. It is therefore paramount to have an honest

discussion about death and funeral plans to ensure that the patient's last wishes are honored.

Discussing funeral plans may be a complicated process, but necessary for the patient, their

family, and caregivers involved in their life. Ellen should explicitly express her wishes and last

requests which she would like to see honored. Advance directives will make sure that all

preferences are recorded and known to caregivers. For instance, Ellen may opt to provide exact

details of the type of environment in which she wishes to spend her final moments. Choosing this

a suitable facility will make sure that they have the peace of mind required at this stage.

Moreover, Ellen may decide to refuse life-sustaining treatment to her impending death. Funeral

plans will reduce uncertainty; allowing the family to be fully aware of the funeral location, burial

or cremation.

Social Supports Available to Ellen


Social support is vital when seeking to manage Alzheimer's disease and all related

conditions. Patients often suffer severe cognitive impairments, a reduction in logical reasoning

and the ability to carry out everyday tasks. Social support has recently emerged as innovative

outpatient services coordinated by trusted professionals. Persons with Alzheimer's disease

benefit a great deal from these services through social interactions that help stimulate their brains

(Mooney, 2008, p. 45). A rapid progression of Alzheimer's disease is often characterized by

sudden isolation and a general lack of motivation. It is for this very reason that social support

groups were established to aid patients to cope through awkward moments. Ellen can either

become part of a personal assistance group, night care, therapy session or palliative care. Night

care social support provides home-based care services right after dusk; therapy prepares them for

the possibility of death while palliate care is offered to patients to relieve their symptoms

The Role of Ellen's Culture on her Family's Decision

Early diagnosis plays a significant role in helping families come to terms with the reality

of having to care for one of their suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Chinese Americans are a

high-risk group who delay seeking care and only do so when neuropsychiatric symptoms become

too severe to bear (Lock, 2013). Ellen's family is well aware of this fact, and the reason why they

have acted swiftly to avoid any such eventuality. Even though there is an intense stigma

associated with the disease within the Chinese American culture, Ellen and her two children

seem brave enough to weather this storm by using biomedical data that would help them

understand the condition.


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a debilitating condition that affects various facets of life in

the individual concerned. Ellen, a 64-year-old Asian American of Chinese, seeks to understand

the implications of this disease and the steps she should take to adjust to this life. The issues

explored in this report will thus have to be appraised at a deep level in helping her navigate her

decision to retire ultimately.



Alzheimer's Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Lock, M. (2013). Making and Remaking Alzheimer Disease. The Alzheimer Conundrum.


Lu, L. C., & Bludau, J. (2011). Alzheimer's Disease. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Mooney, S. F. (2008). Alzheimer's: Caring for Your loved one, Caring for Yourself.

Kidderminster, United Kingdom: Lion Books.

Turkington, C., & Mitchell, D. R. (2010). The Encyclopedia of Alzheimer's Disease. New York,

NY: Infobase Publishing.

Zarit, S. H., & Talley, R. C. (2012). Caregiving for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders:

Research • Practice • Policy. Springer Science & Business Media.

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