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J. Pharm. Pharmacol. 2000, 52: 253±262 # 2000 J. Pharm. Pharmacol.

Received November 5, 1999

Pharmacognosy in the New Millennium:

Lead®nding and Biotechnology

Division of Pharmacognosy, Leiden=Amsterdam Center for Drug Research, Leiden University, Leiden,
The Netherlands

Pharmacognosy was de®ned as a pharmaceutical ods such as mass spectrometry (MS) and nuclear
discipline for the ®rst time in 1815 by Seidler magnetic resonance (NMR) became commonplace
(Tschirch 1909). Tschirch gave the following for the pharmacognosists in their search for new
de®nition (translated from the German): ``With the biologically active compounds in plants. However,
name Pharmacognosy we mean the science which in that period developing new drugs from plants
has the task to learn everything about drugs origi- was not as easy as development of synthetic drugs,
nating from plants or animals in all aspects, except as the pharmacological test systems (mainly in-vivo
the physiological effect, to describe them correctly animal experiments and in-vitro isolated organs)
and under a general vision connect this knowl- are not suited for bioassay-guided fractionation of
edge''. During the 19th century it was by far the active compounds from plant extracts. This
most important pharmaceutical discipline, the requires methods that can readily measure large
mother of all present day pharmaceutical dis- numbers of samples in a short time. Natural pro-
ciplines. However, 100 years ago (1899) the ®rst ducts only remained a major source for new drugs
signs of a new era became obvious with the intro- for activities for which simple test methods were
duction of a very successful synthetic drugÐ available. This is clearly illustrated by the fact that
aspirin (Viktorin 1999), which was the ®rst most antibiotics and antitumour drugs are natural
example of using nature as a lead for a new syn- products (Cragg et al 1997). These activities can be
thetic drug. Despite some obvious failures, such as easily tested in in-vitro systems based on cell cul-
heroin, gradually synthetic chemistry became more tures. From 1983 to 1994, of all new approved
important for developing new drugs. The wish to drugs, 78% of new antibiotics and 61% of new
have pharmaceutical formulations containing single antitumour drugs were natural products or derived
pure compounds with well de®ned activities was an from natural products.
important driving force behind this trend. Currently, there is a rapidly increasing interest in
Pharmacognosists have always been very keen to pharmacognosy and natural product research. The
introduce new technologies into their discipline. In number of new international scienti®c journals in
the 19th century microscopy was introduced for the the ®eld illustrates this trend. The increasing
quality control of pharmaceutical preparations from interest has also been clearly re¯ected in a meeting
plants. However, for too many years pharmacog- of the four major international societies in the ®eld
nosy stayed with these methods, and with the of pharmacognosy and natural product research.
rapidly decreasing number of herbal preparations in This joint meeting, a 5-yearly event, took place
the pharmacy, the discipline had great dif®culty in most recently in July 1999 and attracted more than
holding its prominent position in the pharmaceu- 1100 scientists from all over the world to Amster-
tical curriculum in the 1960s and 1970s. For- dam, the largest number ever in this ®eld and
tunately, some visionary pharmacognosists were almost double the number attending the previous
able to open up new directions. The development of meeting.
thin-layer chromatography by the well-known There are several reasons which may explain the
pharmacognosist Professor Egon Stahl is probably increased interest in natural products and pharma-
the best example (Stahl 1967). Also in the ®eld of cognosy: the search for new leads for drug devel-
gas chromatography and high-performance liquid opment; the need for biotechnology for the
chromatography (HPLC), pharmacognosists were production of pharmaceuticals; health claims for
among the pioneers in the analysis of plant mate- food (nutraceuticals); validation of traditional
rials. For studies of the active compounds in plants, medicines; and increased interest in phytotherapy.
these chromatographic methods became important With this development in the past decade, we can
tools. Moreover, in the 1970s spectrometric meth- now distinguish three major areas of interest for the
pharmacognosist: studies of new biologically active
E-Mail: Verpoort@LACDR.LeidenUniv.NL natural products; production of drugs from natural

sources, including new methods such as bio- Table 1. Number of secondary metabolites from all organ-
technology; and quality control of drugs from nat- isms as present in the Dictionary of Natural Products (Chap-
man & Hall 1999).
ural sources. The ®rst two aspects I should like to
discuss in more detail. The studies for new active Total number of entries: 139 000, including:
compounds have two major goals: ®nding new Aliphatics 5950
leads for drug development and studies on the Polyketides 2753
Carbohydrates 3397
validation of traditional medicines. Traditionally Oxygen heterocycles 1484
pharmacognosists have focused on plants as the Simple aromatics 5041
source for new compounds, whereas work on Benzofuranoids 444
Benzopyranoids 2859
microorganisms has mostly been in the hands of Flavonoids 8405
industrial or academic chemistry groups. Here I too Tannins 783
will mainly deal with plants. Lignans 1729
Polycyclic aromatics 2621
Terpenoids 30 500
hemi- 58
mono- 2243
Lead®nding sesqui- 10 358
di- 8343
Nature is an almost in®nite resource for drug ses- 421
development. The number of organisms that exist tri- 7210
tetra- 638
in the world is not so easy to assess. Pimm et al poly- 54
(1995) made an effort to express biodiversity in steroids 4600
numbers, estimating the total number of species to Amino acids, peptides 4303
Alkaloids 16 833
be 10±100 million. The greatest diversity is within indole 3874
insects (the number of arthropod species estimated isoquinoline 3243
to be as high as 30 million), algae, prokaryotes and steroidal 925
fungi (each about 15 million species). Plants
comprise a relatively small group with about
250 000 species, of which approximately 6% has
been studied for biological activity, and about 15% 1990; Verpoorte & Alfermann 1999). These are
has been studied phytochemically (Verpoorte acetate (C2), isoprenoid (C5) and phenylpropanoid
1998). All of these organisms produce a number of (C9) units. The acetate unit is used in polyketide
secondary metabolites which are involved in the biosynthesis, particularly well developed in
interaction of the organism with its environment. microorganisms. The isoprenoid pathways leads to
During evolution this has resulted in a large che- all terpenoids by coupling two or more C5 units.
modiversity (Harborne 1978). Terpenoids are found in all organisms. The phe-
What are these secondary metabolites? The num- nylpropanoid pathway is most typical for plants; it
ber presently known is about 139 000. Each year is based on phenylalanine and tyrosine and, via
about 4000 new structures are reported. NAPRA- cinnamic acid, this pathway leads to lignin and
LERT and the Dictionary of Natural Products lignans among others. In combination with three
(1999) are the two main databases for natural pro- acetate units the C9 unit leads to the ¯avonoids and
ducts (Corley & Durley 1994). NAPRALERT col- the anthocyanins, well known for their role in the
lects and abstracts all papers on natural products and colouring of ¯owers. With the building blocks
their biological activity, as well as ethnopharmaco- mentioned, and some amino acids, most organisms
logical data. The Dictionary of Natural Products make more or less similar basic structures. The
(Chapman & Hall 1999) is a compilation of all diversity results from various ``decorating'' en-
known compounds and now has about 139 000 zymes found in each species, that introduce new
entries. As can be seen in Table 1, the major group is functionalities, such as hydroxy, epoxy and meth-
that of the terpenoids, the second largest group is that oxy groups. Oxidation (cytochrome P450 enzymes,
of the alkaloids. The latter group, in particular, peroxidases and dioxygenases) and reduction are
contains a large number of medicines. This is due to the most common reactions. Biological activity is
their special characteristic of being water-soluble sometimes altered by the addition of one or more
compounds under acidic conditions and having sugar molecules to the basic structure. In fact, the
lipophilic properties under neutral and basic condi- trend for combinatorial chemistry of synthetic
tions. In fact, quite a large proportion of all medi- organic chemists is nothing new, it is as old as
cines contain a tertiary nitrogen. evolution. Combinatorial chemistry has even been
Despite enormous structural diversity, nature called the chemists surrogate for the rain forest
only uses a few basic building blocks (Luckner (Hogan 1997).

For exploring nature's chemodiversty, the situa- value of making biodiversity available for screen-
tion has been changed dramatically in recent years ing. Compared with the total process of drug
by the introduction of high-throughput screening development, the costs of lead®nding are only a
(HTS) methods (for several reviews see Bohlin & relatively small part of the total budget. So despite
Bruhn 1999). By using molecular targets, a large the good intentions of various international treaties
number of samples (up to 100 000 in 24 h) can be and the Manilla declaration concerning the right of
screened for a single activity. Obviously, synthetic each country to its biodiversity (Baker et al 1995),
chemists are not able to produce such numbers of presently establishing collaborations between
new compounds. Their answer was the develop- industry, academia and governments concerning
ment of combinatorial chemistry and testing mix- exploration of biodiversity might be a dif®cult task.
tures of compounds obtained through novel solid- The fact that biodiversity does not heed political
phase chemical synthetic methods. About 10 years borders does not ease this process.
ago a typical synthetic chemist in the pharmaceu- Plant cell culture extracts are an interesting
tical industry made about 8 new chemical entities option for screening, as they are easy to scale-up
(NCEs) per year; in the near future this number is when an interesting activity is found (McAlpine et
expected to reach 50 per year (Valkema 1999). al 1999). Moreover, plant cell cultures can be made
However, the structural diversity arising from from rare plants to ensure the production of com-
synthetic chemistry will never match nature; a pounds from those plants which have shown
novel active compound like paclitaxel, having 11 interesting activity.
asymmetric carbons, will never be designed in a Besides the more or less random screening of
synthetic laboratory. organisms for biological activity, one can also look
Thus HTS offers new possibilities for developing at ecological leads for biological activity (Ver-
drugs from natural products. It allows rapid poorte 1998, 1999). For example, young leaves and
screening of large numbers of extracts and it is very seedlings are expected to be more strongly pro-
suitable for bioassay-guided fractionation, which in tected against predators by, among other factors,
the past was the major bottleneck in studies of secondary metabolites, than older parts of a plant.
active compounds in plant extracts. Powerful For example, we found very high levels of quino-
chromatographic methods in combination with line alkaloids (quinine and related compounds) in
HTS are now very ef®cient ways to new leads for seedlings of Cinchona (Aerts et al 1990, 1991a, b)
drug development. A project sponsored by Astra, in and we detected the highest level of ginkgolides
which the Australian biodiversity is screened for ever found, in seedlings of Ginkgo biloba (Carrier
new leads, is a successful example of this new et al 1998).
approach (Quinn 1999). In the coming years, A very different approach to lead®nding is from
technological developments will further improve the study of traditional medicines. Such studies can
the rate at which new active compounds can be serve two goals: validation of the use of traditional
isolated and identi®ed from natural sources. medicines and ®nding new leads. With the
Recently HPLC on-line methods have been devel- increased awareness of developing countries that
oped for determining biological activity (Oos- their cultural heritage is a great treasure, studies of
terkamp et al 1997a, b). We have, for example, traditional medicine are receiving more attention.
developed such a method for the detection of They can lead to an ef®cient use of such prepara-
acetylcholinesterase inhibition in plant extracts tions, avoiding the need to import expensive
(Ingkaninan et al, unpublished results). By using western medicines. Moreover, availability directly
prefractionation methods, the chances of ®nding from the ®eld is a major advantage in remote areas.
novel compounds will be increased and dereplica- In fact, it is estimated that about 80% of the world
tion, the rapid identi®cation of known active population relies on traditional medicines in pri-
compounds or false positives, will take up less mary health care (Baker et al 1995). Such studies
time. should not only concern activity, but also toxicity.
The availability of sources of biodiversity, how- Compounds responsible for activity in traditional
ever, is presently a major limiting-factor. The medicines do not necessarily lead to new drugs. In
largest number of species is in second and third many cases compounds might already be known, or
world countries which, in most cases, do not have compounds might not perform better than already
the resources for conducting an extensive screening known drugs. HTS is within the ®eld of industrial
of their national biodiversity. On the other hand, research, while traditional medicine is mainly stu-
negotiations over revenues with pharmaceutical died by academic institutions and government
companies interested in screening the biodiversity laboratories. In Table 2 the different approaches are
are not easy because of the dif®culty in de®ning the summarized.

Biotechnology Plant cell biotechnological production

For the biotechnological production of complex
Another area which has opened up new perspec- natural products, plant cell cultures are an inter-
tives in pharmacognosy is biotechnology. Tradi- esting option. A cell culture can be obtained from
tionally pharmacognosy focuses on plants and any plant species. In such a culture each cell has all
relatively little attention has been paid in both the genes necessary for all the functions of a plant,
teaching and research to microorganisms as a including secondary metabolism (totipotency). For
source of drugs. The classical biotechnology in the the application of such in-vitro cultured cells in
production of, for example, antibiotics has been commercial production there are two major ques-
more or less outside the scope of the discipline. tions to be answered: is the technology feasible,
However, when plant cell biotechnology emerged and is the economy of the process competitive?
as a new possibility for the production of plant The ®rst point was considered as a major con-
secondary metabolites in the mid 1970s, the phar- straint. Shear forces in stirred bioreactors were
macognosists eagerly moved into this ®eld. The thought to be a major problem for large vacuolated
aim was the production of known pharmaceuticals plant cells. Some studies in the 1970s claimed that
by means of plant cell cultures. In the past two plant cells grew better and had a higher production
decades such production of plant-derived pharma- of secondary metabolites in low-shear bioreactors
ceuticals has been extensively studied by a number (such as airlift reactors) than in stirred-tank bio-
of groups all over the world. Besides the enormous reactors. However, more recent studies (Scragg et
possibilities of biotechnological production of al 1986; Meijer et al 1987) showed that plant cells
pharmaceuticals using microbial, plant, insect or are not very shear sensitive and can easily be grown
mammalian cells, biotechnology also offers genetic in stirred bioreactors. The feasibility of the techno-
engineering as an important new technology. logy has been con®rmed by reports on the large-
Genetic engineering can be used not only to scale culture of plant cells in bioreactors (e.g. in
increase yields in an organism producing valuable stirred tanks of 60 m3 working volume; Westphal
pharmaceuticals, but also to introduce the produc- 1990). Cost-price calculations for products from
tion of valuable compounds in other production plant cell biotechnology-based process have been
organisms. For example, one can produce phar- made by several authors (Goldstein et al 1980;
maceutical proteins in microorganisms (such as Fowler & Stepan-Sarkissian 1983; Drapeau et al
insulin in Escherichia coli) or plants (such as 1987; Van Gulik et al 1988; Verpoorte et al 1991;
human serum albumin or vaccines) (Pen et al 1993; 1993). We have calculated that a typical production
Ponstein et al 1996; Arntzen 1997; Cunningham & of 03 g Lÿ1 in 14 days results in a price of
Porter 1998). In Table 3, various aims in bio- $1500 kgÿ1. A ten-fold improvement of the pro-
technology and the possible role of the pharma- ductivity results in a price of $430 kgÿ1 (Van Gulik
cognosists (pharmacists) are summarized. Below, et al 1988; Verpoorte et al 1991). The most
some of these aspects for plant cell biotechnology important cost factor is the investments in the
and genetic engineering from a pharmaceutical bioreactors. Media costs are only about 5% of the
(pharmacognostical) point of view will be dis- costs in the ®rst example, and 20% in the second.
cussed in more detail. Depreciation of the large bioreactor facilities con-

Table 2. Different approaches for ®nding new biologically active natural products (leads) for drug development.

Selection materials Type of screening Advantages Problems

At random HTS Large numbers of species are Procurement of all samples

Ecology based HTS Increased chance of ®nding certain Little knowledge about ecology
type of activities available
Traditional use Double blind studies Increased chance of ®nding active Intellectual property rights
In-vitro isolated organs
On activity-based selected targets Validation of use of traditional
Table 3. Role of the pharmacognosist in pharmaceutical biotechnology.

Aim Possible role in pharmacognosy In collaboration with Methods

Production of Quality control Biochemical engineers Analysis DNA=RNA (e.g. PCR)

Macromolecules (e.g. proteins, Process Protein characterization (e.g.
antibodies, enzymes) Products electrophoresis, LC-MS)
Animal cells
Insect cells
Plant cells
Production of low molecular Quality control Biochemical engineers Chromatography, NMR
weight compounds Process
Microorganisms Product
Plant cells
Improving production of low Epigenetic modi®cations Biochemical engineers Cell culture methods
molecular weight compounds
Biosynthetic pathway mapping Genomics, proteomics,
metabolomics, phytochemistry,
enzymology, molecular biology
Genetic engineering pathways Molecular biologists
Generating new compounds Genetic engineering pathways Molecular biologists Molecular biology
Functional food, nutraceuticals Identi®cation of active Pharmacologists, Phytochemistry, enzymology
compounds Genomics, proteomics, metabo-
Biosynthesis mapping lomics, phytochemistry, enzy-
mology, molecular biology

Genetic engineering pathways Toxicologists Molecular biology,

Molecular biologists pharmacology, toxicology
Gene therapy Quality control Molecular biologists Molecular biology

tributes to the majority of the cost. The lower yield- Tabata 1987), the production of ginseng roots
level used for these calculations is, for example, biomass and some polysaccharide preparations (Fu
achieved in the production of ajmalicine in Cath- et al 1999; Hibion & Ushiyama 1999). However,
aranthus roseus cell cultures (for reviews see Van for the most interesting compounds such as hyos-
der Heijden & Verpoorte 1989; Moreno et al 1995). cyamine, morphine, quinine and vinblastine, the
The 10-fold higher yield has been achieved for productivity was too low, or even zero (Verpoorte
berberine in Coptis japonica cell cultures, which et al 1991; 1993). Studies to improve yields ®rst
are capable of even higher levels: up to 7 g Lÿ1, the focused on selection of high-producing cell lines
highest production in plant cells ever reported (Sato and epigenetic manipulation. As this, in most cases,
et al 1982; Sato & Yamada 1984; Fuyita & Tabata did not result in the necessary increase in yields for
1987). The productivity for antibiotics such as commercialization, research moved into new
penicillin in cultures of microorganisms can be as directions, such as the culture of differentiated
high as 30±50 g Lÿ1. There is no theoretical reason cells, induction of secondary metabolites by means
why plant cells should produce less. This statement of elicitors and the use of immobilized cells.
can be illustrated by production of secondary However, for the compounds of interest, none of
metabolites of 20±60% of the dry weight of plant these approaches has so far resulted in commer-
tissue or plant cells. Such examples are the pro- cially viable processes.
duction of tannins and proanthocyanidins in callus Products that came close to a succesful industrial
cultures of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Zaprometov process were rosmarinic acid and sanguinarine. But
1988a, b) and anthraquinones in Rubia fruticosa as these compounds did not reach the market,
cell cultures (Schulte et al 1984). Plant cells are interest in the processes also waned from an
thus capable of diverting a large part of their industrial point of view. A successful process was
metabolic ¯ux into secondary metabolism. developed for taxol, for which a productivity
Some commercial successes have been achieved, increase of 10±20-fold was achieved compared
such as the production of shikonin (Fuyita & with the average Taxus cultures (for reviews see Fu

et al 1999). However, the product of such a process developed as a cheap way to help vaccination pro-
then requires of®cial approval by registration grammes in third-world countries (Shahidi et al
authorities as a raw material for the production of 1999). The main restriction for this is that most
pharmaceuticals. vaccines do not work orally. A much more promising
Plant cell cultures may play an important role and revolutionary application is the production of
during the development of new drugs from plants. antibodies in plants (Conrad & Fiedler 1994; Ma &
Plant cells may provide the required amount of a Hein 1996; Whitelam & Cockburn 1996; Cunning-
compound during its development, when an agri- ham & Porter 1998). It opens the way for the
cultural or horticultural production is not yet production of antibodies for a very low price, with
available. In those cases in which agriculture does the potential for all kinds of new applications (e.g.,
not work, plant cell biotechnology might be the the use of such antibodies in caries prevention).
®nal production method.
In the meantime, plant cell cultures have devel- Low molecular weight compounds. Genetic engi-
oped into an excellent tool for the study of the neering can also be applied to improve the yield of
biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and for the low molecular weight compounds in the producing
cloning of genes involved in such pathways (Zenk organisms (e.g. penicillin). I will brie¯y give some
1991, 1995; Hashimoto & Yamada 1994; Ver- examples of genetic engineering concerning plant-
poorte et al 1998; 1999). These genes can be used derived pharmaceuticals. Three possibilities (dis-
for genetic modi®cation of plants or plant cell cussed below) can be envisaged: increasing the
cultures for improving productivity (see below) production of a compound in plant or plant cell
(Hashimoto & Yamada 1994; Kutchan 1995; Ver- culture; producing a plant compound in a micro-
poorte & Alfermann 1999). organism; and production of a new compound in a
plant or plant cell culture.
Genetic engineering The production of secondary metabolites can be
regulated in different ways: the ¯ux towards the
Proteins. Nowadays, in principle new genes can be compound might be regulated through the activity
introduced into any organism. This means that, for the of enzymes involved, or by feedback inhibition.
production of certain valuable pharmaceuticals such The carbon ¯ux may be diverted into competitive
as proteins, one can cross the borders between spe- pathways. The product level may also be affected
cies; any type of organism can be considered for the by catabolism of the secondary metabolite (Dag-
production of pharmaceutical proteins. Post-transla- nino et al 1994; Dos Santos et al 1994; Schripsema
tional modi®cations of proteins are an important et al 1994). Competitive pathways and catabolism
aspect in choosing the production organism. Plants can be blocked by introducing antisense genes for
and plant cells are, like mammalian cells, capable of the genes encoding the enzymes concerned.
protein glycosidylations and should thus be attractive By identifying possible limiting steps in biosyn-
production systems (Kusnadi et al 1997). However, in thetic pathways, one can subsequently clone the
the case of products used parenterally, proving the gene encoding the enzyme involved and over-
safety of the product from such a source will be an express this enzyme or use genes from other sources
important limitation for the production of mamma- to overcome the limitation. We have shown that it is
lian proteins in plants. Despite the fact that plants feasible to over-express tryptophan decarboxyl-
would be by far the cheapest source, safety require- ase and strictosidine synthase, two important genes
ments would impose quite extensive toxicological from the terpenoid indole alkaloids, in cell cultures
studies, comparable with those required in the devel- of various plants. In Catharanthus roseus cell cul-
opment of a completely new drug. Human serum tures, the over-expression of these endogenous
albumin (HSA) can be mentioned as an example (Pen genes leads to increased levels of enzyme activity,
et al 1993). Without any dif®culty one can produce but increase in the alkaloid production was
this in plants expressing the gene encoding HSA. observed only with the latter gene (Goddijn et al
Chemically, the protein thus formed is identical to the 1995; Canel et al 1998). Expression in tobacco cells
human protein. However, puri®cation and subse- results in the production of tryptamine (Hallard et
quent studies necessary to prove its safety hamper al 1997; Leech et al 1998 and, after feeding seco-
further application. This means that for such proteins loganin, also in the production of strictosidine
one will stay with the production methods generally (Hallard et al 1997). This shows that it is feasible to
considered to be safe. Production in plants is of engineer secondary-metabolite pathways of phar-
interest only for special products. For example, the maceutically important compounds, although the
production of oral vaccines by means of genetically increases mainly concern the immediate product of
engineered edible plants (such as bananas) is being the over-expressed enzyme. A promising option is

the cloning of regulatory genes of a particular correlated with a decrease in necrosis after infec-
pathway and over-expression of these genes (Lloyd tion with tobacco mosaic virus. Other examples are
et al 1992; Martin 1996; Grotewold et al 1998). the introduction of the gene encoding stilbene
Genes from a plant can be expressed in micro- synthase into various plants, resulting in the pro-
organisms. The production of a plant secondary duction of the phytoalexin and antioxidant resver-
metabolite in a microorganism, however, requires atrol (Hain et al 1990, 1993) and the introduction of
the availability of the necessary precursors. As the gene encoding hyoscyamine 6-hydroxylase in
most secondary metabolites are the result of a large Atropa belladonna, resulting in the production of
number of steps, this approach is thus limited to scopolamine instead of hyoscyamine (Yun et al
products which only need a few steps starting from 1992; Hashimoto & Yamada 1994). This proof of
an available precursor, otherwise one needs to add principle invites further applications of this excit-
the necessary precursors. This only makes sense if ing technology.
these are readily available for a low price. A recent
patent application we made concerns an example of
such an approach (Geerlings et al 1998). Strictosi-
dine synthase and strictosidine glucosidase were From this very brief historical picture, and a short
expressed into yeast. Growing this transgenic yeast review of some aspects of the present day research,
on the juice of the berries of Symphoricarpus albus, it is clear that pharmacognosy has entered a com-
containing both the sugar for the growth of the pletely new era. Its role in the quality control of
yeast and secologanin for the production of herbal drugs has decreased, but this remains a very
indole alkaloids, 2 g Lÿ1 of alkaloid could be pro- important task, which may help to avoid mistakes
duced. Adding further steps of the alkaloid bio- as has occurred, for example, in Belgium where
synthetic pathways may eventually lead to the wrong ingredients were used in a herbal slimming
production of known commercially important preparation, causing severe kidney damage in a
alkaloids such as ajmalicine or quinine. number of people. The trend wherein some Euro-
Recent years have seen the development of new pean governments want to ban phytotherapy from
possibilities for increasing chemodiversity. the health-care system, carries the risk that such
Recombinatorial biochemistry, also called combi- disasters will happen again. All phytotherapy
natorial biochemistry, particularly can be men- should be in the hands of professionals capable of
tioned in this context. It concerns the expression of assuring a proper quality control.
genes in other organisms, thus affecting the bio- In terms of drug development and production,
synthesis of secondary metabolites. Engineering there are numerous new possibilities for the phar-
polyketide bioynthesis in microorganisms leading macognosist. Lead®nding for drug development
to the production of new antibiotics is an excellent using biodiversity or traditional medicines is one
example of this (Madduri et al 1998; Salas & major area in which one can see a rapidly
Mendez 1998). This approach is now also being increasing activity. The other area is that of bio-
probed in plants. technology. In terms of the professional situation,
An example of opening a new pathway in a plant quality control is an important aspect of this ®eld,
is the production of salicylic acid (Verberne et al and pharmacognosy can play an important role.
1998, 1999). Salicylic acid is an important signal This includes, among other applications, the quality
compound in systemic acquired resistance in control of proteins and also in gene therapy,
plants. The biosynthesis of salicylic acid is thought wherein lies a challenging task for future pharma-
to occur via cinnamic acid, though the pathway has cists. In terms of research, important new possibi-
not yet been completely elucidated. In micro- lities lie mostly in the production by means of plant
organisms, salicylic acid is produced via iso- cell and tissue culture and metabolic engineering,
chorismate from chorismate, an abundant precursor for increasing the production of natural products or
in plants and microorganisms for the production of even producing completely new ones.
phenylalanine=tyrosine and tryptophan. By intro- These new technologies also require, of course, a
duction of genes from microorganisms (entC and new type of pharmacist and pharmacognosist. A
orfd encoding, respectively, isochorismate synthase pharmacognosist should not only have expertise in
and isochorismate pyruvate lyase, combined with the botanical aspects of medicinal plants, but also
the signal sequence for chloroplast targeting from in phytochemistry, advanced seperation methods,
the small subunit of Rubisco and the 35S promoter) proteins and molecular biology. The latter two
into plants, we have achieved constitutive produc- areas particularly, are new to the discipline of
tion of salicylic acid in plants. The transgenic pharmacognosy. In the ®eld of proteins, proteomics
plants show high salicylic acid levels which are would ®t nicely into the expertise of pharmacog-

nosists. Molecular biology techniques would be Canel, C., Lopez-Cardoso, M. I., Whitmer, S., van der Fits, L.,
important tools not only in the quality control of Pasquali, G., van der Heijden, R., Hoge, J. H. C., Verpoorte,
R. (1998) Effects of over-expression of strictosidine
biotechnological products, but also in the char- synthase and tryptophan decarboxylase on alkaloid produc-
acterization of medicinal plants. Vegetative con- tion by cell cultures of Catharanthus roseus. Planta 205:
tamination in material obtained from plants could 414 ± 419
probably be found at very low levels using the Carrier, D. J., van Beek, T. A., van der Heijden, R.,
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). DNA-chips open Verpoorte, R. (1998) Distribution of ginkgolides and terpe-
noid biosynthetic activity in Ginkgo biloba. Phytochemistry
further exciting opportunities, for example, for 48: 89 ± 92
studying the effect of medicinal plants one can use Conrad, U., Fiedler, U. (1994) Expression of engineered
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