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Nihongo Library : nihongolibrary.

The purpose of goingBut du déplacement

■ V + にいきます / きます : to go to do / to come to do

This expression indicates the purpose of going.
Radical verb + に, meaning “to do something”, can be used only with verbs of motion, such as いく(to go), くる(to come) and
かえる (to return).The particle に indicates purpose when someone moves from one place to another.

verb in stem form + に + いく (くる) / to go (come) to do

* stem form = ますform without ます ex : たべ(ます) : eat, かい(ます) : buy, はなし(ます) : speak
• コーヒーを のみ に きっさてんに いきます。
I go to the coffe shop to drink coffee.
• えいがを み に うちに きますか?
Would you come to my house to watch a movie?
• ピザを たべ に レストランに いきましょう。
Let’s go to the restaurant to eat pizza!

When the verb is a compound verb of する such as しごとする(to work),さんぽする(to take a walk),べんきょうする
(to study),and かいものする(to shop)etc.

• にほんに べんきょう(し)に きました。 I came to Japan to study.

• やまに スキー(し)に いきます。 I’m going to the mountain to ski.

Strong suggestion / Regret

■ たほうがいいです : It’s better to do, had better do

~たほうがいいです expresses a strong suggestion.
The particle よ often appears at the end.

la forme en た form + ほうがいいです / It is better to do

la forme en ない form + ほうがいいです / It is better not to do

• えいごを まなんだ ほうがいいですよ。 You’d better learn English.

• やさいを もっと たべた ほうがいいですよ。 It is better to eat many more vegetables
• あまり たべない ほうがいいですよ。 You’d better not eat so much.
• そんなに たくさん はたらかない ほうがいいですよ。 You’d better not work so much.

The past form ほうがよかった means “would have been better”.

• りゅうがくした ほうがよかった。 It would have been better to study abroad.
• パソコンを うらない ほうがよかった。 It would have been better not to sell the PC.
• ほんを もっと よんだ ほうがよかった。 It would have been better to read more books.
れんしゅう もんだい
Complete the following sentences. ANSWERS ×
1. やさいと にくを____に スーパーに いきます。
I’m going to the supermarket to buy vegetables and meat.
2. サラさんは __________に にほんにきました。
Sarah came to Japan to study.
3. おにいさんは ________に ドイツ__ いきます。
My elder brother will go to Germany to work.
4. なにか ____に バーに いきましょう。
Let’s go to the bar to drink something!
5. ローマじで ________ほうがいいですよ。
It is better not to write in romaji.
6. まいにち ほんを ______ほうが ________よ。
It is better to read a book everyday.

Translate the following sentences into Japanese. ANSWERS ×

1. I went to the coffee shop to drink coffee.

2. I went to the beach to swim this summer.

3. What did you go for?

4. I went to the library to borrow a book.

5. You had better make Japanese friends.

6. You had better study every day.

7. It is better to go by train.

8. I should’ve studied more before the tests.

Listen to the following audios and translate into English. & ×






Nihongo Library :
■ Particle より
The particle より indicates comparison in comparative sentences. It means “more/less…than Something”
Aは/Aのほうが Bより adj です  / A is more adj than B

• このりんごは それより あかいです。 This apple is redder than that one.

• たけしくんは けんくんより スキーが じょうずです。 Takeshi is better at skiing than Ken.
• わたしのパソコンは あなたのより たかいです。 My PC is more expensive than yours.
• えいごのほうが にほんごより とくいです。 I’m better at English than Japanese.
(I speak better English than Japanese)

■ AとBと、
どちらが~ですか? A/Bのほうが…です
This expression is used to ask “Which is more …, A or B” comparing two objects (or two ). To ANSWERS, “のほうがadjで
す” is used.

AとB(と) どちら(のほう)が adj ですか?  / Which one is more adj, A or B?

• なつと ふゆ、 どちらのほうが すきですか? Which do you like better, summer or winter?
• ロシアごと にほんごと、どちらが むずかしいですか? Which is more difficult, Russian or Japanese?

A(or B)のほうが adj です  / A (or B) is more adj.

• なつのほうが すきです。 I like summer better.

• ロシアごのほうが むずかしい と おもいます。 I think Russian is more difficult.

■ いちばんadjです
This expression is used to express the superlative comparison comparing more than 3 items. いちばん is placed before the adjec-
tive and it means “the first, the best…”

To ask :
なに、だれ what, who
AとBとC(のなか)で Among A, B or C
どれ which
+ いちばんadjですか? / most adj?
どこ where
A(のなか)で Among A
いつ when

• かぞくで だれが いちばん せがたかいですか? Who is the tallest in your family?

• ヨーロッパのくにのなかで どこが いちばん すきですか? Which country do you like best in Europe?
• くだもののなかで なにが いちばん すきですか? Which fruit do you like best?
• ももが いちばん すきです。 I like the peaches best.
• このがいこくごのなかで なにが いちばん むずかしいですか? Which of these foreign languages is the most
れんしゅう もんだい
Complete the following sentences. ANSWERS ×
1. このえいがは あれ おもしろいです。
This film is more interesting than that one.
2. ぶんぽう が かんじ すきです。
I prefer grammar to Kanji.
3. サラは トム にほんごが です。
Sarah speaks Japanese better than Tom.
4. でんしゃは バス です。
The train is faster than the bus.
5. とうきょう きょうと、 ほうがすきですか?。
Which do you like better, Tokyo or Kyoto?
6. サラ トム 、 どちら にほんごが ですか?
Who speaks Japanese better, Sarah or Tom?
7. どようび にちようび、 のほうが いいですか?。
Which is better for you, Saturday or Sunday?
8. バス ちかてつ 、 が べんりですか?
Which is more convenient, the bus or the subway?
9. にほんのりょこうで が すきでしたか?
Where did you like best during your trip to Japan?
10. たけしと トムと カルロス、 が いちばん ですか?
Who is the handsomest of Takeshi, Tom and Carlos?
11. のなかで おにいさんが せがたかいです。
My elder brother is the tallest in my family.
12. にほんの のなかで が おもしろいですか?
Which is the most interesting of the Japanese films?

Translate the following sentences into Japanese. ANSWERS ×

1. Which season do you like the best?

2. Which do you like better, dogs or cats?

3. Who is the tallest in class?

4. Takeshi is kinder than Ken.

5. Which are more convenient, trains or planes?

6. Which is colder, Tokyo or Hokkaido?

7. Which animal do you like best?

8. The town has become prettier than before.

Nihongo Library :
■ でしょう / だろう : Probability
でしょう and だろう are placed at the end of a sentence to express probability, suggestion and prediction.
だろう is colloquial.

verb in the short form

い adjective in the short form
+ でしょう / だろう
な adjective (without だ)
noun (without だ)

• あした あめが ふるだろう。 It will probably rain tomorrow.

• おもしろいでしょう。 It will probably be interesting.
• おきなわは あついでしょう。 It must be hot in Okinawa.
• たけしくんは がくせいだろう。 I suppose that Takeshi is a student.
• サラさんは にほんごが じょうずだろう。 Sarah probably speaks Japanese well.

In a negative sentence, でしょう isn’t put in the negative form. The verb, adjective or nouns must
always be put in the negative short form.

• サラさんは こないだろう。 Sarah probably won’t come.

• たけしくんは かいしゃいんじゃないでしょう。 Takeshi probably isn’t an office worker.
• ぶんぽうは むずかしくないだろう。 The grammar probably isn’t difficult.

■ の / ことがすきです : like doing something

The expression すき (like きらい, じょうず, へた etc) is used only with nouns so you must nominalize the
verb when you want use the verb with this kind of expression.

To nominalize the verb, just add の or こと after the verb in the short form.
Verb in the short form + の/ こと + が + すきです / I like doing something

• にほんごを まなぶのが すきです。 I like learning Japanese.

• ほんを よむことが すきです。 I like reading books.
• イタリアのりょうりを たべるのが すきです。 I like eating Italian food.
• あさ コーヒーを のむのが すきです。 I like drinking coffee in the morning.

The nominalized verb is also used for another expression.

• すうがくを べんきょうするのが きらいです。 I dislike studying Math.
• たけしくんは えを かくのが じょうずです。 Takeshi is good at drawing.
• みさこさんは りょうりするのが へたです。 Misako is poor at cooking.
れんしゅう もんだい
Complete the following sentences. ANSWERS ×
1. たけしくんは サラさんが すき 。
Takeshi probably likes Sarah.
2. にほんに 。
I will probably go to Japan.
3. あしたは さむい________。
It will probably be cold tomorrow.
4. バスは でんしゃ____ はやい________。
It is probably faster by bus than by train.
5. __________でしょう。
It’s probably not expensive.
6. おとうとは ______________だろう。
My younger brother probably won’t study.
7. にほんごを まなぶ______ すきです。
I like learning Japanese.
8. としょかんで べんきょうする____が すきですか?
Do you like studying at the library?
9. たけしくんは ____________の__ じょうずです。
Takeshi is good at driving a car.
10. サラさんは さかなを______のが ________です
Sarah doesn’t like eating fish.
11. ケンくんは じを かく______ へたです。
Ken has bad handwriting.
12. べんきょうしながら おんがくを ____の__ すきです。
I like listening to music while studying.

Translate the following sentences into Japanese. ANSWERS ×

1. It will probably snow tomorrow night.

2. Sarah will be seeing him again.

3. I like drinking tea at that coffee shop over there.

4. My cat loves sleeping on the sofa.

5. My dog likes playing with children in the garden.

6. My elder sister will probably go to Europe to study.

7. I will probably buy the ticket by Monday.

8. I don’t like watching movies alone.

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