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Nihongo Library : nihongolibrary.

Progressive / Resoluting / Habitual state

■ ~ています 
The construction
Verb in て form + いる     * いる conjugates like a verb of Group1 (1だん)

It expresses an action that is progressing, an action that takes place habitually and a state that results from an action.

Progressive state: it corresponds to the idea “to be doing something”.

• いま にほんごを べんきょうしています。 Now I’m studying Japanese.

• あめが ふっていますか? Is it raining?

• なにを たべていますか? What are you eating?

• てがみを かいています。 I’m writing a letter.

Resoluting state : The てform + いる can also express the state that results from a completed action.

• ぎんこうは しまっています。 The bank is closed.

• すずきさんは けっこんしています。 Ms. Suzuki is married.

Habitual state : The てform + いる can also express a reguler action.

• にほんごを べんきょうしています。 I study Japanese (habitually) .

• びょういんで はたらいています。 I work at the hospital.

• このおみやげは にほんで うっています。 This souvenir is sold in Japan.

The difference between にほんごを べんきょうします and にほんごを べんきょうしてます is as follows:

• にほんごを べんきょうします。 I will study Japanese.(in the future)

• にほんごを べんきょうしてます。 I study Japanese (habitually).

Some verbs must be used in the てform + いる.

しる → しっています (to know)  もつ → もっています (to have, to own) 
すむ → すんでいます (to live)

• たなかさんを しっていますか? Do you know Mr.Tanaka?

• にほんごの じしょを もっています。 I have a Japanese dictionary.

• パリに すんでいます。 I live in Paris.

* Some verbs such as ある, いる and です don’t have the ているform.

れんしゅう もんだい
Complete the following sentences. ANSWERS ×
1. にほんごを __________________。
I study Japanese. (habitually)
2. あさごはんを ____________。
I’m having breakfast.
3. なにを ____________か?
What are you doing?
4. サラさん たいしかんで ________________。
Sarah works at the embassy.
5. さとこさんは ______________か?
Is Satoko married?
6. わたしは __________________。
I’m not married.
7. ________ いぬを ________________。
I take my dog out for a walk every morning.

Translate the following sentences into Japanese. ANSWERS ×

1. Takeshi studies English at university.

2. My young sister is sleeping.

3. I go to the swimming pool every Wednesday.

4. I go on a trip to Japan every year.

5. My friend lives in Tokyo.

Listen to the following audios and translate into English. ANSWERS & TRANSCRIPTION ×





Nihongo Library :
Imperative form / To ask for permission / To prohibit someone by doing

■ ~てください : Imperative form

The verb ください literally means“please give it to me”.

• コーヒーを ください。 Coffee, please.

• パンを ください。 A bread, please.

The てform + ください literally means,“Please give me (your) -ing,”which can easily mean, “Please do... (for me/us)”.
Verb in the てform + ください

• にほんごで はなしてください。 Please speak in Japanese.

• ちょっと まってください。 Please wait a minute.
• きょうかしょを よんでください。 Please read the textbook.

■ ~てもいいです。/ ~てもいいですか? : You may... / May I ...?

Verb in the てform + もいいです / もいいですか?
てもいいです means “You may (verb)....”. It is used to describe an activity that is permitted.
• ここで たべてもいいです。 You may eat here.
• しゃしんを とってもいいです。 You may take photos.
• わたしのほんを みてもいいですよ。 You may see my (text)book.

もいいですか? is used to ask for permission. It means “May I / We (verb)...?” or “Is it ok to (verb)...?”.
• タバコを すってもいいですか? May I smoke?(Is smoking allowed?)
• このほんを よんでもいいですか? May I read this book?
• ここで およいでもいいですか? Is it ok to swim here?

■ ~てはいけません : You must /should not

Verb in the てform + はいけません
It is an expression to prohibit someone from doing something. It means “must not / should not”.
• としょかんで たべてはいけません。 You must not eat in the library.
• ここに はいってはいけません。 You must not come in here.
• ここで でんわしてはいけません。 You must not telephone here.

-Note -
You can use いけません o いいですよ when answering the question.
- たばこを すってもいいですか? May I smoke?
_ いいえ、いけません。 / はい、いいですよ。 No, you must not. / Yes, you may.
れんしゅう もんだい
Complete the following sentences. ANSWERS ×
1. こうちゃを________。
Black tea, please.
2. ここに ______ください。
Please write down it here.
3. すこし ________________。
Please have a break.
4. ________ください。
Please start it.
5. たけしさんに ____________もいいですか?
Is it ok to show it to Takeshi?
6. ここで ______________もいいですよ。
You may cook here.
7. すこし ______________か?
May I sleep here for a while?
8. わたしのへや__ このえいがを ______________よ。
You may watch this movie in my room.
9. くうこう__ タバコを __________________。
Smoking in the airport is prohibited.
10. いま ________はいけません。
You must not go back now.
11. にほんごのクラス__ えいごを はなして____________。
You must not speak English during the Japanese class.
12. おさけを __________________。 
You must not drink alcohol.

Translate the following sentences into Japanese. ANSWERS ×

1. Is it ok to use this PC?

2. Please come here at 2 pm tommorow.

3. You must not be late for school.

4. May I borrow your bicycle?

Listen to the following audios and translate into English. ANSWERS & TRANSCRIPTION ×



Nihongo Library :
Listing adjectives and nouns / determinative demonstratives

■ て forms of adjectives and nouns

When listing two or more adjectives or nouns(to indicate the profession, the nationality etc) in the
same sentence, you can use their てforms.

The constructions are as follows : -Note -

いadjective (leaving the い final) + くて
an exception
なadjective + で
いい ⇒ よくて
noun + で

やすい ⇒ やすくて きれい ⇒ きれいで がくせい ⇒ がくせいで

• このりょうりは やすくて、おいしいです。 This dish is inexpensive and tasty.

• サラさんは きれいで、あたまがいいです。 Sarah is pretty and intelligent.
• たけしくんは にほんじんで、がくせいです。 Takeshi is Japanese and a student.

■ こっち、そっち、あっち、どっち :
We have arleady seen こちら、そちら、あちら and どちら which indicate location. こっち、そっち、あっち、and どっち are co-
lloquial. These are occasionally used to mean “this/that one as contrasted with the other.” These can be used to indicate
people and locations.

this way, that way, that way, which way,

こっち そっち あっち どっち
here there over there which, where

• レストランは こっちです。 The restaurant is this way.

• そっちに いきましょう。 Let’s go there.
• あなたのパソコンは あっちに ありますよ。 Your PC is over there (that side).
• どっちに いきますか? Which way will you go?

■ こんな、そんな、あんな、どんな :
こんな、そんな、あんな and どんな are like この、その、あの and どの. These are determinative demonstratives that are
used only in front of a noun to identifyt.
These are often used in a negative way.

this kind of, that kind of, that kind of, what kind of,
こんな そんな あんな どんな
such that that how

• こんな ほんは すきではありません。 I don’t like this kind of book.

• そんな りょうりは たべません。 I don’t eat food like that.
• あんな えいがは みません。 I don’t watch that kind of film.
• どんな くだものが すきですか? What kind of fruit do you like?
れんしゅう もんだい
Complete the following sentences.Complétez les phrases suivantes ANSWERS ×
1. このまちは __________、 しずかです。
This town is small and quiet.
2. へやは きれい__、 おおきいです。
The room is clean and big.
3. かれは スペインじん__、 ぎんこういんです。
He is Spanish and a bank clerk.
4. サラさんは あたまが______、 きれいです。
Sarah is intelligent and pretty.
5. ______に ホテルが あります。
The hotel is this way.
6. ______に __________。
Let’s go there.
7. ______で ______。
I will sleep over there.
8. ______に たけしは いきましたか?
Which way did Takeshi go?
9. ______ところに いきません。
I don’t go to that kind of place (over there).
10. ______ものを かいましたか?
What kind of thing did you buy?
11. ______ねこが ____です。
I like cats like this.
12. ______えいが__ すきですか? 
What kind of film do you like?

Translate the following sentences into Japanese. ANSWERS ×

1. Takeshi is good-looking, kind and intelligent.

2. This PC is inexpensive, useful and famous.

3. This book is interesting and *easy to read but expensive. *よみやすい

4. The Japanese language school is that way.

5. My friend is studying over there.

6. French or German, which one is more difficult?

7. I want to become a teacher like that (teacher we are talking about).

8. What kind of car do you want?

9. Do you like music (like this)?

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