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Rationale of the Problem

One of the major changes in the education history of the Philippines is the

implementation of the K to 12 Program which aims to provide sufficient time for mastery of

concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education,

middle-level skills development, employment and entrepreneurship. Additionally this program

introduces the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics strand to strengthen the

system education in the Philippines to be able to compete globally. However, the unemployment

rate in the country is commonly associated with the misfit graduates produced by universities

and colleges and the workforce needed by different companies. Furthermore, the wrong choice

of course taken by most of students adds to the underemployment rate of newly graduate

students. (Pascual, 2014)

Setting of the Problem

Maryhill College is one of the several well-known schools in Lucena City,

Quezon. It is a school that provides and offers a specialized STEM program, curriculum, and

instruction to their students who are taking the STEM strand. However, Maryhill College has a

lot of STEM students who hurdling and struggling in perceiving on what degree to pursue in

college and choosing the perfect suitable STEM-related career paths for them in the near future.
Literature Foundation

According to Ronda, Rainer, and Allan (2012), one of the objectives of the

Department of Education’s K-12 program is to produce graduates who are equipped with

knowledge and skills to be productive citizens and an additional work force to promote economic

development in the even after the high school. Other perspective which is the students’ social

engagement. Students’ social engagement may require different resources such as the counselors,

“Helping individuals increase self-understanding of their abilities, interests, values, and goals is a

vital foundation of the career development process,” (Kelechi, Lazarus, U, Ihuoma, 2011).

According to Nancy Pascual (2014), very few studies are made to investigate success of career

path used in the students of the Philippines, even the factors that affect the career path used in the

career choice of Filipino students. Students are not properly oriented as to what course will

provide jobs in the future. More so, students are opt career they think will give better paying job

in the future.

Seriousness of the Reasearch Problem

Compiled from the Labor force Survey (2013), it is that in January 2013, the

Philippines has 7.1% unemployment rate, the highest in the countries from the Southeast Asian

nations and from which, 16.9% of which are college graduates.

General Objective

With the discussion above, the researcher aims to know and determine the factors

affecting the career aspiration of STEM students of Maryhill College towards STEM careers.

The researchers would also like to find solution for the problem tackled to serve as the

foundation of an applied research that will guide student to perceive the right degree to pursue in
college that will guide students to perceive the right degree to pursue in college and in choosing

the perfect suitable STEM-related career paths for them in the near future.

Overall Purpose

This is primarily for students who are experiencing major difficulties in their

decision making for their future career path, for them to be prepared in making crucial decisions

that will impact their future in the best way possible, for them to have their interest, talents, and

skills to work in a particular field, and for them to rediscover their inner child that will reveal

their sense of wonder and inquisitiveness from the career that they truly desire.


The study focuses on determining the factors affecting the career aspirations of th

STEM students of Maryhill College toward STEM career. To clarify the study, it aims to answer

the following question:

1. What is the preferred STEM career that the STEM students of Maryhill College aspires to

pursue in the future?

2. What are the factors that affects or influence the decision-making of the students in

choosing their career?

3. What are the possible ways for students to have a successful decision making for their

future careers?


This study intends to know if the students in Maryhill College taking the STEM

strand can pursue a STEM career after graduating K-12. Knowing all students taking this strand
is supposed to be interested and is willing to participate in any kind of related activities. To

identify whether they have improved skills on what they wanted to improve and to what they are

interested in. It also intends to promote all STEM students to all STEM related careers.

Specifically, this study could be essential to the following:

To Students,

For them to understand the importance of being certain in their decision making towards

STEM careers and for them to be prepared for the job demands of the future in the STEM related


To Teachers,

For them to know how to help the students identify the proper career option and career

choice they have to pursue in the future.

To School,

For them to determine whether the goal and the purpose of their increasing STEM

interests has been met.

To Future Researchers,

So that it will be easy for them to have a source of information if they will conduct a

study related.

Knowing the different advantages of taking this strand can be also its motivation

and inspiration for STEM students. K-12 is a process of preparation of students toward college

and careers. This study is to know whether the STEM program has participation and the interest

of students taking the strand.


The research is focused only on Grade 11 students in Maryhill College batch

2018-2019 taking the STEM strand. Mainly focuses whether the STEM students are willing to

pursue STEM careers after graduating Grade 12.

Knowing if the STEM program has continued to improve the students’ skills and

knowledge, which will be the reason of the students to be more interested in taking STEM

careers after graduating grade 12.

The use of a single school district may yield homogeneous career aspirations of

students in the same geographic region due to their similar experiences and culture. Fields of

study in college mey be limited by the socio-economic status, parent education level, types of

jobs available in the area, and lack of a four-year post-secondary institution in the geographic



For further understanding if the study, the following terms were conceptually defined:

Stem careers. Jobs related to or requiring the study of the STEM fields of science,

technology, engineering, or mathematics. STEM careers require preparation through post-

secondary education ranging from technical schools to doctoral studies. Examples of STEM

careers include, but are not limited to scientists, technicians, engineers, and mathematicians.

Stem program. A cohort of less than 30 students per grade who apply and are

selected to participate on the school district’s STEM program from grade 3 through grade 12

each year. Students engage in STEM-embedded lesson in rigorous science, mathematics, and
technology courses. At the high school level, students participate in engineering courses

including principles of engineering, engineering design and development, computer integrated

simulation, aerospace engineering, digital electronics, and a capstone project or internship.

Stem students. Students who graduated from STEM program by participating in

the STEM program from grade 3 through grade 12 and meeting all the program requirements

including STEM course participation and performance. STEM students may chosen to pursue

STEM careers or non-STEM careers after high school graduation.

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