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“I Love Not Things That Set”!

Dear sisters and brothers, Assalamu Alaikum.

In the life of Prophet Ibraheem (peace be upon him) we
have an Excellent Model to emulate.
I love what Ibraheem (Alaihis salam) said, ‘I love not
things that set’! This statement, uttered by the great
Prophet in the beginning of his career, is of iconic nature.

“When the night grew dark upon him he beheld a star. He said: This is
my Lord. But when it set, he said: I love not things that set.” (Surah al
An’aam: 6: 76)

‘Afala’ in Arabic means ‘to go down’, ‘set’.

‘Aafileen’ is the plural form of the word ‘Aafil’ which means
‘transitory, passing’.
We, as believers in Islam, look at Prophet Ibraheem
(alaihis salam) with respect and reverence. We should also
understand and adopt what he is said literally in our life!
Our life must become a living extension of the beautiful
phrase he used. We must take the golden words ‘I love
not things that set’ as the song of our life.
‘I love not those that set’!
‘I love not things that go down’!
‘I love not things that disappear’!
‘I love not those that are transitory’!
Today one may be enjoying high status in the society.
Tomorrow he will be thrown off. The world has witnessed
many rulers who were riding the crest in their hay days.
And now they are a forgotten lot! There is no sense in
taking pride in fame and status. They will eventually
vanish. Say: I love not things that vanish!
Today you may be very beautiful. But you know,
yesterday’s Beauty Queens are today’s Ugly Ducklings!
Physical beauty disappears faster than one imagines! One
of the banes of globalisation today is people spend a lot on
cosmetics. Come on! It is cosmetic beauty after all! Say: I
love not the beauty that will disappear!
Today one may have wealth and abundance. Who knows
what will happen tomorrow!
A simple turn of the tide can reverse the whole scenario.
Many a fire accident, flood and tsunami have brought
down rich people from palaces to refugee camps. Isn’t it?
So there is great truth in living the phrase: ‘I love not that
which is transitory’!
I gave just three examples – status, money, physical
beauty. But Allah uses the word ‘Kullu’ to make us
understand that everything on the face of the earth will
vanish. Only Allah is Ever-Living, the Eternal.
“Everyone and everything on earth will perish. And the
Face of your Lord full of Majesty and Honour will abide
forever.” (Surah Ar-Rahmaan: 55: 26, 27)
May Allah guide us to the Right Path and retain us in the
Right Path so that we love to love not things that
set! Aameen.

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