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Amanda Scott

October 25, 2010

Chapter 3

Part A

1. – Megaly - Enlargement
2. –Pathy - Disease
3. –rrhea - Flow / Discharge
4. –rrhagia – Excessive flow/ discharge
5. –osis – Abnormal Condition
6. –ia - Condition, Disease

Part B
1. Inflammation = -itis
2. Condition of pain = -algia
3. Blood condition = -emia
4. Tumor, Mass = -oma
5. Hardening = -sclerosis
6. Condition of urine = -uria

Part C
1. Enlargement of the liver = Hepatmegaly
2. Pain in the ear – otalgia
3. Holding back blood from an organ (Depriving it of Blood Supply) –
4. Abnormal condition of white blood cells (slight increase in normal
cells to fight infection) – Leukocytosis
5. Abnormal condition of the lung (inflammation and accumulation
of material often caused by bacterial infection) – Pneumonia
6. Tumor (malignant) of bone marrow – Myeloma
7. Inflammation of the tube leading from the throat to the stomach
– Esophagitis
8. Disease of the heart muscle – Cardiomyopathy
9. Collection or mass of blood – Hematoma
10. Tumor (Cancerous) of glandular tissue – Adenocarcinoma

Part D
1. Esophageal – Pertaining to the esophagus
2. Inguinal – Pertaining to the groin
3. Renal – Pertaining to the Kidney
4. Vascular – Pertaining to the Blood Vessels
5. pelvic – Pertaining to the pelvis
6. Pulmonary – Pertaining to the lung
7. Axillary – pertaining to the armpit
8. Peritoneal – pertaining to the membrane surrounding the organs
in the abdominal cavity
9. Mammary – Pertaining to the breast
10. Myocardial – Pertaining to the Heart Mucsle

Part E
1. –Ectomy – Removal
2. –Gram = Record
3. –Centesis = Surgical puncture to remove fluid
4. –Graphy – Process of recording
5. –Plasty – Surgical Repair
6. –Lysis – Separation, breakdown, destruction
7. –Stomy – Opening
8. –Scopy - Process of visual examination
9. – tomy – Incision, to cut into
10. – Therapy – treatment

Part F
1. Surgical repair of a blood vessel using a catheter (tube), balloon,
and stent is Angioplasty.
2. Treatment using Chemicals to destroy malignant cells
3. X-ray record of the breast is a Mammogram.
4. Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the chest is
5. A new opening of the large intestine to the outside of the body is
a Colostomy.
6. A new internal connection (anastomosis) between two parts of
the large bowel (intestine) is a Colocolostomy.
7. Removal of the uterus is a Hysterectomy.
8. Process of recording x-ray images of blood vessels after injection
of contrast Angiography.
9. Visual examination of the voice box is Laryngoscopy.
10. Incision of a vein to withdraw blood is Phlebotomy.

Part G
1. Excessive discharge of blood –
2. hardening of fatty plaque (in the lining of the arteries) –
3. Pertaining to time (occurring over a long period of time) –
4. x-ray record of the spinal cord –
5. Sharp, Sudden, brief –
6. Treatment using cold temperatures –
7. Record of electricity in the brain –
8. Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the membrane
surrounding the fetus –
9. Muscle pain -

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