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Studies on the Essential Oils of Tobacco Leaves

Isao Ōnishi, Kyoji Yamasaki, Katsumi Yamamoto & Masatoshi Nagasawa

To cite this article: Isao Ōnishi, Kyoji Yamasaki, Katsumi Yamamoto & Masatoshi Nagasawa
(1957) Studies on the Essential Oils of Tobacco Leaves, Journal of the Agricultural Chemical
Society of Japan, 21:2, 82-98, DOI: 10.1080/03758397.1957.10857363

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[Bull. Agr. Chern. Soc. japan, Vol. 21, No.2, p. 82-85, 1957J

Studies on the Essential Oils of Tobacco Leaves

Part IX. Acid Fraction of the American Flue Cured Tobacco Leaf.


Tobacco Research Department, Central Research Institute, Japan MonoJiO/y Corporation

Received September 19, 1956

Constituents of the acid fraction and their contents in the essential oil of the AmericaI1'
flue cured: tobacco leaf (AFCTL) were determined ad~ompared with those of the Japanese
flue cured tobacco leaf (JFCTL)l). No difference was found in regard of the kind of volatile
organic acid, except that AFCTL contained no a-crotonic acid. On the other hand, the
content of the acid fraction in AFCTL was exceedingly higher than that of jFCTL, especial-
ly in low molecular fatty acids. Both n- and isovaleric acids could not be isolated and
identified in AFCTL, as well as in jFCTL, but the presence of S-methylvaleric acid was
also proved and it seemed that this acid might be one of the important constituents for the
aromatic' character of Virginia tobacco leaves.

The American flue cured tobacco leaf identified from the essential oil of Algerialll
(AFCTL) is regarded as a superior material tobacco leaf by Sabetay and Panouse 4). In
leaf for American type or Straight Virginia the previous paper ll , the authors reported
type cigarettes, because of its nice smoking that neither n- nor isovaleric acid could be
quality, and it is also used as the highest isolated in the essential oil of jFCTL. In
material leaf for some high grade cigarettes this paper, the acid fraction in the essential
manufactured in japan, as well as in other oil of AFCTL was investigated and it was
countries. Many tobacco workers have taken intended to find out whether any difference
some interest in investigating what constituents exists in the kind of volatile organic acid'
could cause such excellent smoking aroma or between AFCTL and .JFCTL, and in addi-
taste, but no reports have yet appeared con- tion to confirm the existence of n- and iso-
cerning this problem. valeric acids in AFCTL.
Among the organic acids in the essential The organic acids which were isolated and
oil of tobacco leaves reported in the litera- identified in the essential oil of AFCTL are
ture, n- and isovaleric acids 2) seemed to be similar to those found in JFCTL, except
of most interest because of their good aroma. that of a-crotonic acid which is not contained
Halle and Pribram 3) had once reported the in AFCTL. However, there was a great dif-
isolation of isovaleric acid from the essential ference in the amount of organic acids be-
oil of Hungarian tobacco leaf, but they failed tween AFCTL and JFCTL (see Table L).
to give any detail in respect of the method The AFCTL contains such a large amount
of identification in their paper. On the other of formic acid and acetic acid exceeding
hand, n-valeric acid had been isolated and 97;:{, of total acid. Especially, formic acid
which was negligible in jFCTL, is found lIb
II I. Onishi, and K. Yam'saki, This Bulletin, 19, 137 (1955).
2) A. Bomer, A. ]uckenack und ]. Till.mans, Ha7dbllch der
an amount exceeding 20}':; in AFCTL.
ubensmitletch,>tI., VI, 310 (1934).
3) W. Halle and E. Pribram, Ber., 4·7, 1394 (1914). 4) S. S.beray a~d ]. Panouse, Comp!. rend., 225. 887 (1947).
Studies on the Essential Oils of Tobacco Leaves 83

American Flue Cured Leaf Japanese Flue Cured Leaf
Yield tfb for Yield fjb for
mg/10kg total acid mg/lOkg total acid
leaf leaf
Formic acid 1240 20.1 trace
Acetic acid 4780 77.3 268 49.2
Isobutyric acid 8 1.5
a-Crotonic acid 40 7.3
n-Caproic acid 23 0.4 19 3.5
S-Methylvaleric acid 38 0.6 106 19.4
Benzoic acid 27 0.5 34 6.2
Phenylacetic acid 96 1.1 70 12.9
2-Furoic acid +(undetermined)
Total 6204 545
low-boiling point fraction is shown in Fig. I. The
EXPERIMENTAL high-boiling point fraction (4.55 g) was extracted with
1) Sample: Fermented flue cured tobacco leaf, hot isooctane two or three times, and the isooctane
grown in the United States, classified as "OAL "0) soluble fraction (802 mg) was separated by column
(1953 crop) was employed in this study. It is said chromatography (Fig. 2).
that "OAL" has a stronger and more excellent The isooctane insoluble-fraction was extracted with
aroma and taste fhan other AFCTL imported from ether, and the ether soluble-fraction (496 mg) was
the United States. Therefore, 21.3 kg "OAL" was obtained. It was estimated that this fraction con-
butted by the usual method as performed in the sisted of some resinous acidic substances. A small
cigarette manufacturing factories in Japan and cut by amount of crystal, which was identified as 2-furoic
" cutting-machine in the usual cutting-width.
2) Preparation of Essential Oils and its Acid
Fraction: As described in the previous paper l ), the
cut tobacco leaf was steam distilled and the distil-
late was extracted with ether. From this ethereal 10
solution, the acid fraction (39.9 g) was obtained by
the usual method.
3) Separation of Acid Fraction by Column
Chromatography: In order to remove the large I

amount of acetic acid and formic acid, the acid frac- z'"
tion was fractionally distilled under atmospheric
pressure and a low-boiling point fraction (20.2 g, b.p.
70-1I2°) was obtained. The distillating residue was
dissolved in ether successively, and extracted with
saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate solution. The
sodium bicarbonate solution was acidified with sulfuric
acid, saturated with sodium chloride, and extracted
with ether. Thus, from this ethereal solution, the 100 ZOO
high-boiling point fraction (4.55 g) was obtained. Effluent volume ml
Each of the organic acids was separated by the column FIG. I. Chromatographic Separation of low-boiling
chromatographic procedures as described in the pre- point Fraction.
vious paper. The obtained chromatogram of the Developer used was as follows; Isooctane 450 ml, Isooctane.
5) "OAL" is an abbreviation of tobacco leaf, used to indicate Ether (10% v/v) 100 mI, Ether 200 ml.
its growing district, grade and stalk position. 13 g of Silicic acid was used as packing material.
84 Isao ONISHI and Kyoji YAMASAKI

However, with respect to the quantity of

organic acid, Table I shows that the amount
16 of total volatile organic acids contained in
AFCTL is about ten times larger than that
of jFCTL and especially the amount of low-
molecular fatty acids (acetic, formic) in
III "~
AFCTL is twenty times larger than that of
E 10 ,
It seemed to be interesting that" GAL"

~ (AFCTL), regarded as a superior flue-cured


'g ~ tobacco leaf, contained such an exceedingly

> ~ v
;$. 6 large amount of low-molecular fatty acids,
t ~
u ~ ~ while it is said that these acids would de-
<i, ." 'g
\ I 'S preciate smoking quality by their strong
pungent aroma and sourer taste.
judging from the fact that AFCTL con-
tains such a large amount of acetic and
formic acids, it is considered that AFCTL
FIG. 2. Chromatographic Separation of high-boil- might be subjected to more intense oxidation
ing point Fraction. than jFCTL, during the process of flue-cur-
Developer used were as follows: Isooetane 600 mI, Iso· ing or aging.
octane'Ether (10% v/v) 100mI, Ether 200m!.
Among the volatile organic acids isolated
acid, was obtained from the high-boiling point-frac- and identified from AFCTL (also-jFCTL),
tion before that fraction prepared for extraction with {3-methylvaleric acid might be one of the
isooctane. most important acids in relation to the aroma
4) Identification of Organic Acids: As described and taste of the flue cured tobacco leaf.
in the previous paper, each of the organic acids,
This acid had been isolated and identified
separated by the chromatographic procedure, was
derived to its p-bromphenacyl ester and identified by
from the essential oil of Algerian tobacco
its infrared spectrum and mixed melting point. On
leaf.!), and from the fatty acid fraction in
the other hand, benzoic acid and 2-furoic acid were petroleum 6), but it seems that this acid is not
obtained in the form of free acid-crystals and identified widely found in nature. Neuberg and Rosen-
by their infrared spectra and mixed melting points. berg 7) had reported that a large amount of
{3-methylvaleric acid appears at the putrefac-
tion of casein by some bacteria, and this
Contents of volatile organic acid (Figs. I acid might be produced by the deamination
and 2) in the essential oil of AFCTL are of isoleucine. It is, however, understood in
shown in Table I, in comparison with those general, that methyl-ethylacetic acid is pro-
of jFCTL, which were described in the pre- duced by the biological degradation of iso-
vious paper 1). Although the AFCTL was leucine through a-keto-{3-methylvaleric acids).
widely regarded as a superior tobacco leaf Recently, Polak 9), in his "Biogenesis of Es-
for cigarettes and smoking mixtures, the
authors could not find out any difference in 6) W.A. Quebedeaux, G. Wash, W.e. Ney, W.W. Crench
and H.L. Lochte, ]. Am. Chern. Soc., 6.'>. 767 (1943).
the kind of volatile organic acids bctween 7) e. Neuberg and E. Rosenberg, Bivchem. Z.• 7. 178 (1908)
AFCTL and jFCTL, except that AFCTL 8) M.J. Coon and N.S.B. A~rahamsen. ]. BioI. Chon.• 195.
805 (1952).
contained no a-crotonic acid which was found
9) E.H. Polak. Essential Oil Record. 46. 369 and 401 (1955);
in jFCTL. 41.6 (1956).
Studies on the Essential Oils of Tobacco Leaves 85

sential Oil," asserted that many constituents cordial thanks to Prof. Y. Sumiki, Depart-
having the nonterpenic structure in any es- ment of Agricultural Chemistry, University
sential oil are possibly derived from amino of Tokyo, for his wise direction and kind
acids and fatty acids, quoting many literature guidance, and to Director T. Nakashima,
there. According to his opinion, it is possibly Central Research Institute, Japan Monopoly
understood that S-methylvaleric acid might Corporation, for his strong support. We are
be derived from isoleucine, but no experi- also indebted to Miss H. Otsuka and Mr. K.
mental evidence has yet appeared. Anyway, Saito for their cooperation in carrying out
it is interesting to note that S-methylvaleric this experiment. Last but not least, we are
acid has surely been isolated and identified greatly indebted to Emeritus Prof. T. Yabuta
only from the tobacco plant. for his sound advice.
Acknowledgement. We wish to express our
[Bull. Agr. Chern. Soc. Japan, Vol. 21, No.2, p. 86-89, 1957J

Studies on the Essential Oils of Tobacco Leaves

Part X. Acid Fraction in the Essential Oil of the Japanese
Flue Cured Tobacco Leaf Before Redrying and Aging.


Tobacco Reseach Department, Central Research Institute, Japan Monopoly Corporation

Received September 19, 1956

Acid fraction of the essential oil of Japanese flue cured tobacco leaf. before redrying and
aging (BRA), was compared with that of the same leaf after aging (AA) as reported in
previous papers 1,2). The organic acids which were isolated and identified in the essential oil
of BRA are similar to those of AA, except that the former contains propionic and rnethyl-
ethylacetic acids, which were not found in the latter. While, on the other hand, total
volatile acids in AA was amounted to about three times as much as that of BRA, and
especially the increase of acetic and phenylacetic acids was remarkable during the process of

In the previous papers we have studied the thylethylacetic acids which were newly iso-
constituents of each fraction in the essential lated from BRA and acetic and phenylacetic
oil obtained from the Japanese flue cured hcids contents increased during the process
tobacco leaf, after redrying and aging (AA) of aging.
for in the course of about one year. The However, it was noticed that the amount
same kind of tobacco leaf, having the same of acidic resinous constituents, which make
grade, stalk position, growing district, before the isolation and identification of organic
redrying and aging (BRA) was employed in acids (i. e., isooctane insoluble fraction) dif-
this study in order to investigate changes of ficult, in the acid fraction of the essential
the chemical constituents of the essential oil oil BRA was smaller than that of AA. This
during the process of aging. Besides, we fact, which was also observed in the case of
expected to find whether the change of the the carbonyl fraction 3), would suggest that
chemical constituents in the essential oil would the resinous substances increased by poly-
suggest the period suitable for the aging of merization of the dynamic substances, so
tobacco leaf after it is packed in hogsheads. called by Frankenburg 4), during the process
From the acid fraction of the essential oil of aging.
of Japanese flue cured tobacco leaf BRA, the
following acids were isolated and identified;
1) Preparation of Essential Oil: The flue cured
formic, acetic, propionic, a-crotonic, methyl-
tobacco leaves, 1955 crop, harvested in Okayama,
ethy lacetic, n-caproic, J3-methy lvaleric, benzoic
before redrying and aging, smoking leaf, special grade,
and pheny lacetic acids. were butted and cut by the same method as usually
These organic acids from the essential oil employed in cigarette manufacturing. As previously
of tobacco leaf BRA are similar to those of reported 1), cut tobacco leaf, 135 kg, was steam dis-
AA, except in respect of propionic and me- tilled and the distillate was extracted with ether.
l) I. Onishi and K. Yamasaki, This Bulletin, 19,137 (1955). 3) I. Onishi and M. Nagasawa, This Bulletin, 21, 43 (1956).
2) I. Onishi and K. Yamasaki, This Bulletin, 20, 68 (1956). 4) W.G. Frankenhutg, Adl'ances i" EIIZYll101ogy, 10, 371 (1950).
Studies on the Essential Oils of Tobacco Leaves 87

TABLE I shows the yield of acid fraction, isooctane soluble

PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CONSTANTS OF THE and insoluble-fraction, in BRA as compared with-
TOBACCO LEAF BEFORE REDRYING AND AFTER AGING 3) Separation of Organic Acids: As reported
Before Redrying After Aging previously, organic acids were separated by column
Yield (%) 0.133 0.215 chromatography employing silicic acid as an adsorbent
d~g 0.9840 0.829 and isooctane as an eluting soh en!. The chromato-
njg 1.4798 1.4131 grams or low- and high-boiling point fractions are
Acid value 76.81 represented in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively.
Saponification value 119.32 4) Identification of Organic Acids: Each organic
Ester value 42.51 acid isolated by column chromatography was derived

Before Redrying After Aging"
Yield of acid fraction (mg/I kg leaf) 141 474
Acid fraction ;,';/Total essential oil 10.63 16.89
Isooctane soluble (mg/I kg leaf) 51.4 (36.5;'b)b 125.0 (26.3;,,;)
Isooctane insoluble (mg/l kg leaf) 15.2 (10.8;,,;) 77.4c (16.3;0>';)
a) See previous paper 1 .•
b) ( ) indicares percentage for rhe roral acid-fraction.
c) The amount of the isooctane insoluble~part of the previous paper is less than that obtained in this study,
because the former was refined by extracting the ethereal-solution of the fraction with aqueous sodium
d) The roral sum of :rhe isooctane soluble and insoluble part does not amounr ro 100%, because the acid
fraction contains non-acidic compounds.

From the ethereal solution, 179.36 g of the essential to its p-bromphenacyl ester and identified by its melt-
oil of tobacco leaf BRA was obtained (see Table I.) ing point, infrared spectrum and elementary analysis..
and the characters of its odor were almost the same
as that of the essential oil of tobacco leaf AA.
2) Preparation of Acid Fraction: As reported lei

previously, from 179.36 g of the essential oil BRA,

19.05g of the acid fraction which contained a con- 12-

siderable amount of volatile non-acidic compounds

(ether, carbonyl compounds etc.) was obtained. In 10 ."
order to remove the volatile non-acidic compounds ."

and collect the low-boiling point fraction, mainly ~
consisting of acetic acid, the acid fraction was frac- ~
tionally distilled at atmospheric pressure and 2.066 g
of the low-boiling point fraction (b.p. 60-83°, bath
temp. 100-170°) was obtained.
The distilling residue was dissolved in ether, and
the ethereal solution was extracted with saturated
aqueous sodium bicarbonate solution. This aqueous
solution was acidified with sulfuric acid, then saturated 500 600 700
with sodium chloride and extracted with ether. After Effluent volume ml

removal of ether, 6.918g of high-boiling point frac- FIG. I. Chromatographic Separation of Low-boil-
tion was obtained. This fraction was extracted two ing Point Fraction.
Developers used were as follows: Isoocrane 500 ml, Iso·
or three times with hot isooctane and 2.047 g of the octane·Ether (10% v!v) 100 ml, Erher 200 ml.
isooctane soluble-fraction was obtained. Table II. 13 g. of Silicic acid was used as packing marerial.
=88 Isao ONISHI and Kyoji YAMASAKI

with each other.
j- ,"
:ii Table III. shows the content of each organic
10 ,~ acid isolated and identified from the essential
.. ,
t "
oil before redrying and aging, compared with
that of after aging. There was no difference
-!l. ~
in the kind of organic acid between BRA
" ~ 0

" and AA, except that methylethylacetic and
propionic acids were newly isolated from
900 1000
However, Table II. shows the increase
of total volatile organic acid from 141 mg
FIG. 2. Chromatographic Separation of High-boil- BRA to 474 mg AA, per 1 kg of tobacco leaf.
,jng Point Fraction. The content of low-molecular fatty acid,
Developers used were as follows: Isooctane 800 ml, Iso-
octane-Ether (10% v(v) 100 ml, Ether 200 mt. especially acetic acid in the essential oil of

Before Redrying After Aging

mg/lOkg 96 for mg/lOkg 96 for

leaf total acid leaf total acid
Formic acid trace
Acetic acid 98 33.9 268 49.2
Propionic acid 9 2.9
Isobutyric acid 8 1.5
a-Crotonic acid 22 7.6 40 7.3
Methylethylacetic acid 10 3.5
n-Caproic acid 15 5.3 19 3.5
S-Methylvaleric acid 82 28.3 106 19.4
Benzoic acid 32 11.2 34 6.2
Phenylacetic acid 21 7.3 70 12.9

5) Identification of Methylethylacetic Acid: tobacco leaf AA was about 2.5 times as much
p-Bromphenacyl ester of the acid corresponding to the as that of BRA and an increase of phenylace-
first peak in Fig. I (m.p. 54-5°), showed no depres- tic acid by 3 times was observed during the
sion of melting point upon admixture with p-brom-
process of aging, but the question of the
phenacyl .ester of authentic methylethylacetic acid
formation of these acids has not been clarified
(m.p. 55-6°), and infrared spectra of both derivatives
in detail.
agreed well with each other.
Phenylacetic acid is distributed in many
Anal. Found: C, 51.88; H, 4.67. Calcd. for C w
plants, for example, in Japanese peppermint
H15BrOa (as the methylethylacetic acid derivative):
C, 52.19; H, 5.05.
oil, being found as an ester with a,r-hexenoI 5).
6) Identification of Propionic Acid: p-Brom-
In the process of biological degradation of
phenacyl ester of the acid corresponding to the second phenylalanine by microorganism 6 ,7), phenyl-
peak in Fig. I (m.p. 58-60°) showed no depression of 5) N. Hirao, .. Nihon·Seiyu·Kagaku ", Sasaki-tosho Pub. Co.,
melting point, upon admixture with p-bromphenacyl Tokyo, 1939. p. 99.
6) K. Felix. K. Zorn und H. Dirr-Kaltenbach, Z. physiol.
ester of authentic propionic acid (m.p. 58-9') and Cbem., 247, 141 (1937).
infrared spectra of both derivatives agreed completely 7) T. Uemura, J. Agr. Cb'lIl. Soc. J"pan, 13. 1146 (1937).
Studies on the Essential Oils of Tobacco Leaves 89'

acetic acid is produced through phenylpyruvic plays an important role in the biogenesis oC
acid and Polak8! reports, that this process fatty acids.
would be observed in the biogenesis of phenyl-
Acknowledgement. We wish to express our
acetic acid in plants. Although phenylalanine
cordial thanks to Prof. Y. Sumiki, Department
has been found in the tobacco leaf after f1ue-
of Agricultural Chemistry, University of
curing9), it is not experimentally proved
Tokyo, for his wise direction and kind
whether phenylacetic acid is produced from
guidance, and also to Director T. Nakashima,
the phenylalanine contained in the tobacco
Central Research Institute, Japan Monopoly
Corporation, for his strong support to us. We
a-Crotonic acid was not generally found
are indebted to Dr. M. Matsui, Department of
in plants except of its presence in Ramalina
Agricultural Chemistry, University of Tokyo,
reticulata lO ) and animal fat U ) , but it is con-
for the microanalysis and Miss H. Otsuka, Mr.
sidered that this acid might be produced
K. Saito for their cooperation in carrying out
from the fatty acid-cycle of Lynen 12), which
this experiment. Thank are also due to Mr. J.
8) E.H. Polak, PerfulIJ. Ess. Oil Record, 46, 369, 401 (1955);
47, 6 (1956).
Kobata, Takamatsu Local Monopoly Bureau,
9) S. Ranjan and M.M. Laloraya, Nature, 177, 235 (1956). for his cordial cooperation in sampling of
10) J.B.Stark, E.D. Walter and H.S.Owens, ]. Am. Chern. Soc., tobacco leaf. Last but not least, we are
72, 1819 (1950).
11) F.L. Brensch and E. Ulysoy, Arch. Bi,chem., 11,489 (1946).
greatly indebted to Emeritus Prof. T. Yabuta
12) F. Lynen, Angew. Chem., 67, 463 (1955). for his sound advice.
\[Bull. Agr. Chern. Soc. Japan, Vol. 21, No.2, p. 90-94, 1957J

Studies on the Essential Oils of Tobacco Leaves

Part XI. Phenol Fraction (3)

By Isao ONISHI and Katsumi YAMAMOTO

Tobacco Research Department, Central Research Institute, Japan Monopoly Corporation

Received September 19, 1956

The previously estimated carbonyl compound!) contained in the caustic alkali soluble-
fraction of the essential oil of the Japanese flue cured tobacco leaf was identified as crotonal-
dehyde, and the presence of a-pyrrylmethylketone In this phenol fraction was also proved.
On the other hand, the constituents and contents of carbonyl and phenolic compounds,
contained in this fraction before redrying, were compared with those of after redrying and
aging. In the course of redrying and aging stages, phenolic compounds having the carbonyl
group and the carbonyl compounds of this fraction increased, but the phenolic compounds
having no carbonyl group decreased. Methylsalicylate could not be found in that fraction
before redrying, but m-cresol was newly isolated and identified.

The carbonyl compound previously esti- were derived into their azo-compounds cou-
mated from the caustic alkali soluble-fraction pled with diazotized sulfanilic acid and from
(CASF) of the Japanese flue cured tobacco these derivatives phenol, guaiacol, eugenol
leaf (fFCTL) after redrying and aging was and m-cresol were identified by their devel-
identified as crotonaldehyde by the mixed oped colors and R p values on the paper
melting point and infrared spectrum of its chromatograms. Whereas, on the other hand,
'2,4-dinitrophenyIhydrazone (2,4-DNPHone) the phenolic compounds were derived into
with the authentic compound. Whereas, the their azocompounds coupled with diazotized
·other compound which was estimated as a- p-nitroaniline, and separated by columnchro-
pyrrylmethylketone by its infrared spectrum matography, employing alumina as an ad-
was proved to be identical with the authentic sorbent and monochlorbenzene as an eluting
.compound by subsequent investigation. solvent. After each band was refined, dis-
On the other hand, from the CASF con- solved in caustic isopropy I alcohol, their
tained in the essential oil of JFCTL prior contents were determined by their optical
to redrying, a-pyrrylmethylketone, salicylal- densities in the absorption spectrum.
.dehyde, o-hydroxyacetophenone, benzalde- On the other hand, the high molecular
hyde and acetaldehyde were isolated and fatty acid-fraction was investigated by the
identified as their 2,4-DNPHone by the reverse-phase paper chromatography as re-
.application of mixed melting point and ported by Inoue and Noda 2). Thus, the
infrared spectra procedures. presence of palmitic, myristic and lauric acid
The caustic alkali soluble-fraction, after was proved. Among these acids, palmitic
removal of the carbonyl compounds, was acid was proved to be the main component
separated into two fractions, i.e., the phenol- of this fraction.
fraction (1) and the high molecular fatty No remarkable difference was to be found
.acid-fraction (2). The phenolic compounds among the kind of the phenolic compounds
1) I. Onishi and K. YJffilffioto, This Bolletin, 20,70 (1956). 2) Y. laoue .ad M. Nod•• This Bulletin. 19. 214 (1955).
Studies on the Essential Oils of Tobacco Leaves 91

1n the essential oil of JFCTL before redrying black-purple crystals were obtained by repeated
and after aging. However, in the essential recrystallization from pyridine containing a small
oils of before redrying, methylsalicylate was amount of n-hexane and the melting point of this
not found and m-cresol was newly isolated crystal was raised to 298' with decomposition which
was identical with that of the authentic derivative.
.and identified.
III) Isolation and Identification of Carbonyl
Although the carbonyl compounds of the
Compounds in the Phenol Fraction: As described
essential oil decrease in the course of redrying in the previous paper l ), the ethereal-solution of CASF,
and aging, it is interesting to note that the isolated from 134 kg of jFCTL before redrying, was
phenolic compounds having the carbonyl shaken with saturated sodium bisulfite solution and
-group increase during the same stages. 2,4-DNPHone of the carbonyl compounds, 112 mg,
Rayburn 3) had isolated m-cresol in tobacco was obtained. The 2,4-DNPHone was separated by
.gmoke, but no report can be found in concern a liquid chromatography, employing a mixture of
of the presence of m-cresol and crotonalde- silicic acid and Celite as an adsorbent and" mixture
hyde in the essential oil of tobacco leaves. of petroleum ether (b.p. 40-80°) and ether as an
eluting solvent. Therefore, six bands were separated.
EXPERIMENTAL Benzaldehyde, acetaldehyde, o-hydroxyacetophenone,
I) Identification of Crotonaldehyde: A yellow salicylaldehyde and a-pyrrylmethylketone were isolated
precipitate, obtained from Band No. 2 of Table II. in their regular eluting order. Each band was
reported in the previous paper l ), was proved as a identified by its infrared spectrum and mixed melt-
mass of small needle crystal under the microscope. ing point with the authentic derivative.
The mixed melting point of this 2,4-DNPHone, m.p. An unknown carbonyl 2,4-DNPHone, m.p. 134°,
190', with the authentic crotonaldehyde derivative, reported in Band No. I of Table II. in the previous
m.p. 1920, showed no depression and both infrared paper l ) was also isolated, but it was not identified .
.spectra agreed well with each other. Further investigation is now in progress. The con-
II) Identification of a·Pyrrylmethylketone: The stituents and contents of the carbonyl compounds
previously estimated band, as a-pyrrylmethylketone contained in the phenol-fraction of the essential oil of
was repeatedly collected by the same procedure em- jFCTL before redrying and after aging, were com-
ploying a column chromatographic separation. Dark pared and results are summarized in Table I.
3) C.H. Rw'>urn. W. R. Huhn and H.R. Hlum,r. AMI. Chem., IV) Fractionation of Phenolic Compounds and
.25, t419 (1953). High Molecular Fatty Acids: After removal of car-

Before Redrying After Aging

Isolated Free Carbonyl Isolated Free Carbonyl

2,4-DNPHone mg/IOO kg 2,4-DNPHone mg/IOOkg
from 134 kg leaf leaf from 120 kg leaf leaf
a-Pyrrylmethylketone 45 12.0 115 34.1
Acetaldehyde 21 3.1 42 6.9
Salicylaldehyde 14 4.3 28 9.5
o-Hydroxyacetophenone 10 3.2 12 4.3
Benzaldehyde 2 0.5 5 1.5
m- Tolualdehyde 4 1.3
Crotonaldehyde 2 0.5
p-Anisaldehyde I 0.3
Unknown 2 0.4 3 0.8
Total 94 23.5 212 59.2
Contents of these c>trbonyl compounds COJtained in the essentil1 oil of .TFCTL after aging, wete estimlted from the
results shown i, Tabl~s I and II in the ptevious paper.
92 Isao ONISHI and Katsumi YAMAMOTO

bonyl compounds, the ethereal-solution of the phenolic method seems to be preferable than the fractional
fraction was decolorized with active carbon and filled precipitating method.
up to just 1000 ml with ether. In order to fractionate The light red colored non-volatile fraction was
phenolic compounds and high molecular fatty acids, solidified at room temperature, and after standing
two procedures were tried. for a few days almost all of the fraction turned into
1) Steam distillation method-An alliquot, lOa ml, of a white crystal which had a slight acidic odor.
the ethereal-solution, containing crude phenolic com- The light yellow colored volatile fraction, non-
pounds, was poured into" distillating flask and the viscous fluid, had a strong odor resembling cresol.
solvent removed so as to retain a small amount of This fraction was derived into azo-compound and
ether. The residual liquid was conducted by a steam separated by paper chromatography, in the usual
distillation until the distillate showed no phenolic manner. The developed R", values and colors of
color-reaction by caustic alkali solution and diazosul- spots were as follows; 0.37-pink, 0.22-yellow, 0.13-
fanylic reagent and the distillating speed was controlled yellow and 0.08-orange. Among these four spots,
so as to ensure that no high molecular fatty acids three spots except 0.22-yellow were identified as
might be distilled out. Both the distillate and dis- eugenol, phenol and guaiacol when compared with
tillating residue were saturated with sodium chloride, those after redrying and aging, as reported in the
each extracted with ether, then both ethereal-solutions previous paper l ).
were dried with anhydrous sodium sulfate and these V) Isolation and Content Determination of
solutes were determined. Phenols: The phenol-fraction which was obtained by
2) Fractional precipitation method-Another alliquot, the above mentioned steam distillating procedure,
lOa mI, was poured into an Erlenmeyer flask, the was conducted with further separation according to
ether distilled off, and after 70 ml of 9596' methyl Stoltenberg4) and Rayburn's3) method. The phenolic-
alcohol was added, it was heated on a water bath fraction was dissolved in 5 ml of aqueous solutior. of
for one minute. After the dissolved solution was left N-sodium hydroxide and diluted to 100 ml with dis-
in an ice box for twenty-four hours, a white crystal tilled water. An alliquot, 12.5 ml, of this solution
consisting of high molecular fatty acids separated. was again diluted to lOa ml, and 12.5 ml of aqueous,
The filtrated crystal was washed with cold methyl solution of 2 N-sodium hydroxide was added. The
alcohol and weighed after drying. From the filtrate, solution obtained was cooled in an ice box under 5'
the solvent was removed under depressed pressure, and 12.5 ml of 0.1 N-diazo-reagent") was added. After
passing nitrogen gas and the residue weighed. The standing for a few minutes, it was acidified to congo-
determined results of these two fractions are shown red with 2.5 ml of 20J6' sulfuric acid and extracted
in Table II. with ether. The ethereal-solution was washed with
water, dried with anhydrous sodium sulfate and the
solvent removed. The residual precipitate was dis-
solved in lOa ml of monochlorbenzene and from this
solution, 50 ml was used for column chromatographic
separation. The" Brockman" alumina used as an
adsorbent was weakened of its adsorpting activity by
High Molecular
Phenols (g) the addition of 496' distilled water, so as to control
Fatty Acids (g)
I) Steam distillating 0.1955 1.6369 the separation to an optimum condition and develop-
method 0.2112 1.6420 ment was conducted under atmospheric pressure,
2) Fractional pre- 0.2482 1.5732 employing monochlorbenzene as an eluting solvent.
cipitating method 0.2504 1.5592 Six bands were separated on the column. In order
The fractional precipitating method seems not to
4) H. Stoltenberg, Z. ana!. Chelll., 146, 181 (1955).
be so complete for the separation of both components, 5) 0.1 N-diazo-reagent was prepared as follows: p-nitroaniline.
because a small amount of the high molecular fatty 6.9 g, was dissolved in a mixture of hydrochloric acid, 32 ml (d ~
acids remains in the filtrate and some loss of the 1.16), and 100 ml of water on a water-bath, then it was cooled
phenols was unavoidable in the distillation procedure under 5°, An aqueous solution of N-sodium nitrite, 50 mI,
which was cooled under 50, was added and filled up to 500 ml
under depressed pressure during the removal of solvent
with ice water. The mixture obtained must be stored in an ic~
from the filtrate. Consequently, the steam distillating box. It was filtered prior to use.
Studies on the Essential Oils of Tobacco Leaves 93

Wave length, (mg/lOO kg leaf)
Band No. measured Compound
(mp) "
Before After Aging
1 530
2 390 Eugenol 298.5 25.8
3 545 Guaiacol 333.6 37.6
4 560 m-Cresol 144.0 none
5 510 Phenol 620.8 41.1
6 505
Total 1396.9 104.5

to make the volume uniform, the solvent was removed to be composed of a mixture of some kinds of high
from the eluates under depressed pressure. An alliquot molecular fatty acids. Therefore, it was derived into
of each eluate was refined by a successive column 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazid and identified by a reverse
chromatographic procedure, employing alumina which phase chromatography2). 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazids
contains no water as an adsorbent and isopropyl al- of the high molecular fatty acids were prepared by
cohol which contains 19{, water as an eluting solv<'Ont. a simple method, and developed by a mixture of 90,:{,
Before the bottom band had just eluted out, the (v/v) methylalcohol-acetic acid-tetralin (10: 2: I by
eluting solvent was removed by a compressed nitrogen volume) on the T6y6 filter paper No. 50. Consequent-
gas and the major band cut off. The separated ly, palmitic, myristic and lauric acids were identified.
band was extracted with an aqueous solution of 759{,
isopropyl alcohol, containing 19{, of an aqueous solu-
tion of N-sodium hydroxide, and the extracted solution The carbonyl compounds which remained
filled up to 100 ml. On the other hand, standard unknown in the previous paper were identified
solutions were arranged, each of them containing I mg as crotonaldehyde and a-pyrrylmethylketone.
of each phenolic compound in 100 ml of the above On the other hand, the phenol-fraction of
mentioned isopropyl alcohol. The absorption spectra the essential oil of JFCTL before redrying
of the eluates and standard solutions were compared was investigated. From the carbonyl fraction
by use of the Beckman spectrophotometer and the contained in the phenol-fraction a-pyrryl-
contents of phenols were determined. The results methylketone, salicylaldehyde, o-hydroxyace-
are shown in Table III. According to Helmuth and
tophenone, acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde
Rayburn, Band No. I which is composed of a mix-
were isolated and identified and their contents
ture of some kind of phenols, appeared as a light
colored broad band consisting of some different colors, compared with those after redrying and aging.
and Band No. 6 is a mixture of diazo-compounds The content of carbonyl compounds in this
which were produced as by-products in the prepara- fraction from before redrying is smaller than
tion of those azo-compounds. As the amount of these that of after redrying and aging. Conse-
by-products was so small and did not move in the quently, it seemed that they increased during
eluting procedure it was considered that it might be the redrying and aging stages. Especially,
negligible. the carbonyl compounds, having the phenolic
Band No.4: This band corresponds to the yellow hydroxyl group in their molecules, increased
spot of Rv value 0.22 in the paper chromatography
during the same stages. However, the car-
mentioned above and the wave length of the maximum
bonyl compounds which isolated from the
absorption in spectrum, 560 mp, was identical with
that of authentic m-cresol.
carbonyl fraction as their sodium bisulfite
VI) Identification of High Molecular Fatty compounds, decreased during the same
Acids in the Phenol F'raction: The steam distillating stages6). On the other hand, the phenolic
residue in the above mentioned V. of this study seemed 6) 1. Onishi and M. Nag"awa, This Bulletin, 21, 43 (1957).
94 Isao ONISHI and Katsumi YAMAMOTO

compounds having no carbonyl group surely of phenol in the American fire cured tobacco
decreased durig the same stages. It is inter- leaf decreases to about one-ninth during the
esting to discuss on these differences as changes aging stage, and this is assumed to be caused
of their contents seemed to be caused by some by the natural oxidation resulting polymerized
physiological reasons in the course of fer- substances. In the case of our JFCTL, it was
mentation or aging of tobacco leaf but no found that the change of content of phenolic
conc! usive details could be obtained. compounds in the aging stage was similar to
The fact that the carbonyl compounds that of the American fire cured tobacco leaf.
having no phenolic hydroxyl group such as Acknowledgement. We wish to express our
acetaldehyde, benzaldehyde and a-pyrryl- cordial thanks to Prof. Y. Sumiki, Department
methylketone were identified in this CASF, <,>f Agricultural Chemistry, University of
may be attributed to their water soluble- Tokyo, for his wise direction and kind
qualities, especially, for in this study many guidance, and to Director T. Nakashima,
solvents were used for fractionation. Central Research Institute, Japan Monopoly
As for crotonaldehyde, we have no report Corporation, for his strong support. We are
at hand in concern of its presence in nature, also indebted to Mr. H. Takahara and Mr.
so it is presumed to be one of the products K. Saito for their cooperation in carrying
decomposed by steam distillation. out this experiment. Last but not least, we
According to Naghski et al.7), the content are greatly indebted to Emeritus Prof. T.
7) J. Naghski, E.G. B2inhm and J.F. Couch, Ind. Eng. Chem., i Yabuta for his sound advice.
36, 556 (1944).
;[Bull. Agr. Chern. Soc. Japan, Vol. 21, No.2, p. 95-98, 1957J

Studies on the Essential Oils of Tobacco Leaves

Part XII. Carbonyl Fractjon (4)

By Isao ONISHI and Masatoshi NAGASAWA

Tobacco Research Department, Central Research Institute, Japan MOllopoly Corporatioll

Received November 2, 1956

The constituents and their contents of carbonyl compounds contained in the essential oil
of Japanese Burley Tobacco Leaf (JBTL) were investigated and compared with those of
Japanese Flue Cured tobacco leaf (JFCTL). Benzaldehyde, acetaldehyde, furfural, 5-hydro-
xymethyl-furfural, isobutyraldehyde and C 6 -aldehyde were isolated from the carbonyl-fraction
in the essential oil of JBTL. A remarkable characteristic of the essential oil of JBTL is that
benzaldehyde was proved as <1 predominant constituent and the content of furfural was ex-
ceedingly smaller than that of JFCTL. 5-Methylfurfural, found in the essential oil of JFCTL,
could not be isolated from that of JBTL.

In the previous paper!), the constituents carbonyl and neutral fractions, as previously
and their contents of the essential oil of descri bed in Part I4.1.
Japanese Flue Cured tobacco leaf (jFCTL) From the carbonyl fraction, the following
before redrying were compared with those carbonyl compounds were isolated and iden-
of after aging. The present study was tified: benzaldehyde, acetaldehyde, furfural,
undertaken in order to investigate the con- 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, isobutyraldehyde
stituents and their contents of the essential and Co-aldehyde. 5-Methylfulfural and ace-
oil of Japanese Burley tobacco leaf (jBTL) tone, which were found in JFCTL, could
and to compare them with those of JFCTL. not be isolated in this study.
It was expected that there would be remarka- All the isolated 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones
ble differences of the constituents between (2,4-DNPHones) were identified by their
the essential oil of JBTL and those of JFCTL, melting points and infrared spectra, as de-
because the chemical constituents and pH scribed in the previous paper».
values of both leaves are quite different, as
stated: JBTL contains a very small amount
of sugar, a large amount of volatile bases (I) Separation and Identification of Carbonyl
Compounds :
and its pH value was more basic as compared
Employing the steam distillating procedure as de-
with JFCTU). Furthermore, the kinds and
scribed in Part 1 of this study 4), the essential oil was
·contents of amino acids3) of JBTL differ from obtained from 124 kg of JBTL (" Mito No.3 Strain",
those of JFCTL. 1st grade smoking leaf, 1955 crop). The 2,4-DNPHones
In this study, the essential oil of JBTL of the carbonyl compounds were prepared by a
after aging was prepared by steam distillation method similar to that described in Part VII of this
and separated into basic, acidic, phenolic, stud y5). Consequently, a low boiling point carbonyl-
fraction (1), 4.230 g, and a high boiling point carbonyl-
1) I. Onishi and M. Nagasawa. This Bulletin, 21, 43 (1957).
fraction (II), 12.320 g, were obtained.
2) ]. Kobata, et aI., Sci. Papers Cml. Ru. Insl. J"pa.1 Monop.
Corp., 96.40 (1956). 4) I. Onishi, and K. Yamlsaki, This Bulletin, 19, 137 (1955).
3) M. Nagasawa, and K. Yamlmoto, Sci. p"pers Cenl. Res. 5) I. ~nishi, and M. Nagasawa, This Bulletin, 19, 143 (1955).
Inst. Japan Monop. Corp., 96, 50 (1956). 6) I. Onishi, and M. N,glslWa, This Bulletin, 21. 33 (1957).
96 Isao ONISHI and Masatoshi NAGASAWA

Band No. Yield (mg) Compound (2,4-DNPHone) Color
5 1.3 Unknown Red
4 102.5 Acetaldehyde Yellow
3 5.5 Benzaldehyde Red-yellow
2 4.6 Isobutyraldehyde Yellow
I 2.0 Co-aldehyde Yellow
Band number indicate order of elution.
Adsorbent: Silicic acid+Celite (2:1 by weight).
Column: 200 x 36 mm.
Developing solvent: 1-6% Ether in Perroleum benzine (b.p. 40-80').

Band No. Yield (mg) Compound (2,4-DNPHone) Color
7 20.0 Unknown Red
6 12.0 Furfural Red
5.5 5-H ydroxymethyIfurfural Dark red
5 4.1 Benzaldehyde Red-yellow
4 39.6 Benzaldehyde Red-yellow
2 3.5 Unknown Red-yellow
Footnotes ate the same as those of Table I.

1) Chromatographic Separation of 2,4-DN- Identification of benzaldehyde: Band No.4, recrystal-

PHones from the Low Boiling Point-Carbonyl lized from ethanol-ethylacetate, afforded red-yellow
Fraction (1): The 2,4-DNPHones (I), 120 mg, were crystals, m.p. 243'. The infrared spectrum agreed
separated by the method, described in Part II'). The completely with that of the authentic benzaldehyde
results obtained are shown in Table I. derivative. Although Band No. 4 was developed by
Isolation of Co-aldehyde: Band No. I, recrystallized petroleum benzine-benzene as described in Part II iD ,
from ethanol, afforded yellow needles, m.p. 127 0 • The no crystals of 5-methylfurfural derivative could be
infrared spectrum agreed completely with that of the isolated.
Co-aldehyde derivative, reported in the previous paperB). Identification of benzaldehyde and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural:
Identification of benzaldehyde: Band No.3, recry- Band No.5, recrystallized from ethanol-ethylacetate,
stallized from ethanol-ethylacetate, afforded red-yellow afforded dark red crystals. However, these were
crystals, m.p. 241 0 The infrared spectrum agreed separated into two bands by a successive rechromato-
completely with that of the authentic benzadehyde graphy. The bottom band, recrystallized from ethanol-
derivative. Although Band No.3 was developed by ethylacetate, afforded red-yellow crystals, m.p. 240 0
petroleum benzine-benzene, as described in Part IPJ, The infrared spectrum agreed completely with that
no crystals of 5-methylfurfural derivative could be of the authentic benzaldehyde derivative. The top
obtained. band, recrystallized from ethanol-ethylacetate, afforded
2) Chromatographic Separation of 2, 4-DN- dark red crystals, m.p. 191°. The infrared spectrum
PHones from the High Boiling Point Carbonyl- agreed well with that of the authentic 5-hydroxy-
Fraction (II): The 2,4-DNPHones (II), 90 mg, were methylfurfural derivative 6).
separated by the method, as described in Part 11 5). Identification of furfural: Band No.6. recrystallized
The results obtained are shown in Table II. from ethanol-ethylacetate, afforded red crystals. The
Bands No.1, 2 and 3: Each band afforded red infrared spectrum agreed well with that of the mix-
oils, so that they could not be identified. ture of cis- and trans-furfural derivatives').
Studies on the Essential Oils of Tobacco Leaves 97



Cons ti tuen ts



of leaf

Flue Cured
of leaf
Acetaldehyde 14.4 5.7 5.3 1.3
Unknown 19.6 7.8 11.1 2.6
Furfural 11.6 4.6 50.4 11.8
5-Hydroxymethylfurfural 6.3 2.5 7.5 1.8
Isobutyraldehyde 1.0 0.4 2.0 0.5
Co-aldehyde 0.5 0.2 1.0 0.3
5-Methylfurfural 14.6 3.4
Acetone 0.5 0.1
Total 100.0 32.7 100.0 23.6

Bands No. 7 and 8: These bands merely afforded ~nd benzaldeyde 10) has already been reported
red colored oils, by even any further development, so 111tobacco smoke; yet, it is certain that most
that their identification was impossible. of the hydrogencyanide might be derived by
heat decomposition in smoking from many
compounds which contain nitrogen. While,
A comparison of the constituents and their no report is available in concern of the
-contents of carbonyl compounds in the es- presence of both compounds in tobacco leaves,
sential oils of JFCTLI) and JBTL is shown except on the point that benzaldehyde has
in Table III. been isolated and identified in the essential
It is remarkable characteristic of the car- oil of JFCTL, by the authors.
bonyl-fraction of JBTL that benzaldehyde
The contents of benzaldehyde in the es-
was found to be a predominant constituent,
sential oil of the JFCTL obtained by the
corresponding to about a half-portion of the
steam distillation and the ether-extraction
total carbonyl-fraction which was ten times
are similar to each other l1 ). Therefore, ben-
higher than that of .JFCTL, and moreover,
zaldehyde in JBTL would be transferred into
the content of furfural did not exceed a half
the essential oil without undergoing any
of that of JFCTL. 5-Methylfurfural could
change by the steam distillating procedure.
not be isolated.
It is generally considered that 5-hydro-
Generally, benzaldehyde is contained in
xymethylfurfural is derived from hexose, and
plants in the form of glycosides 7) ,8). These
furfural is derived from pentose, pentosan
glycosides are hydrolyzed by the enzymes
and uronic acids in plants. Consequently, it is
and weak acids producing d-glucose, hydro-
assumed ~hat the amou~t of 5-hydroxymethyl-
gencyanide and benzaldehyde. However, no
furfural 111 the essential oil of JBTL might
report has yet been made on the presence of
be smaller than that of JFCTL, because
such glycosides in tobacco leaves. On the
contents of the soluble-sugar of JBTL, most
other hand, the presence of hydrogencyanide 9J
of the sugar consisting of hexose, are so small
7) G. Klein, .. Handbuch der Pllanzenanalyse", II BInd.
~mounting to about only 0.3~%2), correspond-
SpezieIIe Analyse Erster Teil p. 271 and 291, (1932).
8) K. Paech, a"d M.V. Tracey, .. Modem Methods of Plant mg to about one-sixtyth of that of JFCTL.
Analysis", Vol. II, p. 434 and Vol. IV, p. 676, (1955).
9) E.L. Wy"der, .. Biologic Effects of Tobacco", Little Brown 10) C. N~uberg, a"d ]. Burbrd, Biochem. Z. 243,472 (1931).
and Compa"y, Bosto", p. 21, (1955). 11) I. OnIShi, a"d M. NJgasawa, 20, (1956).
98 Isao ONISHI and Masatoshi NAGASAWA

However, the results obtained indicate that aldehyde in the essential oil of JBTL are:
the essential oil of JBTL contains more 5- similar to those of JFCTL.
hydroxymethylfurfural than that of JFCTL. Acknowledgement. We wish to express our
Although the contents of pentose, pentosan cordial thanks to Professor Y. Sumiki, De-
and uronic acids in JBTL and JBCTL are partment of Agricultural Chemistry, Uni-
not studied yet, the above results might have versity of Tokyo, for his wise direction and
be attributed mainly to the fact that the pH kind guidance, and to Director T. Nakashima,_
value of JBTL is more basic. Central Research Institute, Japan Monopoly
It is also interesting to note that 5-methyl- Corporation, for his strong support given.
furfural could not be isolated, in this study. We are also indebted to Miss K. Yamamoto-
This seems to have been caused by the fact and Mr. K. Saito for their cooperation in
that JBTL contains a very small amount of carrying out this experiment. Last but not
methylpentose. least, we are greatly indebted to Emeritus.
The contents of isobutyraldehyde and C,,- Professor T. Yabuta for his sound advice.

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