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ACI 351.3R-04 Foundations for Dynamic Equipment Reported by ACI Committee 351 DOCUMENTATION CENTRS. (aciisy american concrete institute RO. BOX 9094 international FARMINGTON HILLS, MICHIGAN 48333-9094 Fits Printing, July 2008 Foundations for Dynamic Equipment ‘Most ACI Standards and committee reports, ‘are gathered together in the annually revised ‘ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, The sev- ral volumes are arranged to group related ‘material together and may be purchased in- dividually or in sets.The ACI Manual of Con- ‘rete Practice is also available on CD-ROM, ‘ACI Committees prepare standards and reports in the general areas of materials and properties of concrete, construction practices land inspection, pavernents and slabs, struc- tural design and analysis, structural spectica- tions, and special products and processes. ‘A-complete catalog of all ACI publications is available without charge. ‘American Concrete Institute P.O. Box 9094 Farmington Hills, Ml 48333-9004 ‘ACI Certification Programs ‘The final qual ofa conte stcture depends on ‘ualfed people fo constuct i ACI cartfetion pro- rams identity canon, technician Ing programs are admiteedby ACIo fut the om Ing domand in the inaustry for ered workers: Concrete Flatwork Finisher Conerote Flatwork Technician (Concrete Fld Testing Technclan-—Grade Conerete Strength Testing Technician ‘Concrete Laboratory Testing Techniian—Grede 1 CConerete Laboratory Testing Technician—Grade i Conerete Construction inspectorin-Tralning (Concrete Construction Inspector CConerete Transportation Construction Inspectorin-Training Concrete Transportation Construction Inspector ‘This documontmay ead contain relerenceto these ACI certcaton programs, which ean be incorporated ‘to pojct spectetons ee qual contelprocacures, {Trot suggested guide spectications are avaiable on request fom the AC Certioaton Department Enhancement of ACI Documents ‘The tactnicalcommitess responsible for ACI commitoe reports and standards tive to aved ampules, mie ‘sions, and erors in these cheumonts. In epite of these cons, the users of ACI decumentsoocasionaly find Infomation or requirements that may be subject to more ‘han one interpretation or mar be incomplete or incorrect. ‘To assist inthe elfort for accuracy and cary, the Technical Activites Commits sols the help of in. viduals using ACI reports and standards in identying And eliminating problems thn! may be aseocated wit) thai uee. Users who have suggestion forthe improvement of [ACI documents are requested to contact the ACT Engi neering Depariment in wing, withthe flowing infor 4. Tile and number of the document containing the problem and sponte secton nthe document, 2. Concise desorption a the probe, 3.1 possible, suggested revisions for mitigating the problem, ‘Te Instue's Engineering Sta wil review and take appropriate action on all comments and suggestions Feceived. Members as wall a nonmembers ofthe Int Iie ar encouraged to ait in enaneng the aecutacy Sand Usfuness of ACI documents, ACI351.3R-04 Foundations for Dynamic Equipment TRY (VIDA cance JReported by ACI Committee 351 gy vig cat DOCUMENTATION CENTRE eer Se Seats bovine peven Calo Ha ate tan Fey pared nan Somos, Remmrpie hl ens ew ts 29-Matipypet Maca adpunton Genie anemia Sanoncenn 5nd ype eye cot inf vin ABE tort 361.7 je SP Grewiew dag eneea : 32—Foudlon a eget ods ‘Chapter ttroduation, pr 251.28-2 33 Dynami sl popern Teac 3.4—Virationproranee ein 12-Papore 3.5 Cont trance coe 13S 136 —Pefamaneectsia x machine mounting systems 1a Notton 237 Mato for einai inet foes fo a ‘2--Foundation and machine types, paseiaR E1Geneal coaisertions ‘cman fo" gta phn: ‘Sete ind fae Eee wna Mola See Cane sce ina ‘he Amarr Conte ies dae uy dS iy ft he te emis he call ot ‘Tier hy hs creamer i te armaly of ewe of ir ame pcs pep neg Sot ai dieu Th et en ace cylinder mctiner 4 Design metheds and materials, pigetan26 1 Orervew of design methods 42—Ampedace provide bythe sppoting media 43—Vibration api 44 Seucaalfondaton dig nd meri 45—Use ot clan syseas “4.5—Repaling sn wpraing foundatons ‘47—Sample impelanecablatons apts conten sonlratons, Seats TS pap ngrtement $2-fomin fcr SSR $4 See of cor ote a Seemann scanty Sec mia Sicoulg cme SE Serre evocny Seber sree ee wep

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