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Nama : Dian Puspita Sari

NIM : 160332605852
Mata Kuliah : Kinetika Kimia
Offering :G

21.7 The composition of aliwuid-phase reaction 2A → B was followed by aspectrophotometric method

with the following results :

t/min 0 10 20 30 40 ∞
[B]/(mol dm-3 0 0,089 0,153 0,200 0,230 0,312

Determine the order of the reaction and its rate constant.

Jawaban :

t/s [B] [B]rata-rata ( r (m/s) ln [B] ln r

0 0,312 0,2675 1,4833 x 10-4 -1,319 -8,816
600 0,233 0,1910 1,0667 x 10-4 -1,656 -9,146
1200 0,159 0,1355 7,833 x 10-5 -1,999 -9,454
1800 0,112 0,0970 5 x 10-5 -2,333 -9,903
2400 0,082

 Menghitung orde reaksi

𝑟1 [𝐵𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑎−𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑎]
ln = 𝑛 ln [𝐵𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑎−𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑎]1
𝑟2 2

1,4833 ×10−4 0,2675

𝑙𝑛 = 𝑛 ln
1,0667×10^−4 0,1910

ln 1,391 = n ln 1,400
0,333 = n 0,336
n = 0,991 ≈ 1
Jadi, reaksi diatas berorde 1
Atau dengan menginterapolasikan ln r terhadap ln [B], seperti berikut :

Grafik ln r terhadap ln[B]

-3,000 -2,000 -1,000 0


ln r
ln r
-9,500 Linear (ln r)
y = 1.054x - 7404.4
R² = 0.9917
ln [B]

Dari kurva diatas, diperoleh slope = 1,054 yang menunjukkan bahwa reaksi ini adalah orde 1
 Menghitung nilai k
ln [B] = ln [B]0-kt
ln 0,223 = ln 0,312 – k.600
-1,500 = -l,165 – k.600
-0,335 = - k .600
k = 0,00058 ≈ 0,0006

21.9 Cyclopropane isomerizes into propene when heated to 500°C in the gas phase. The extent of
conversion for various initial pressures has been followed by gas chromatography by allowing the
reaction to proceed for a time with various initial pressures:
P0/Torr 200 200 400 400 600 600
t/s 100 200 100 200 100 200
p/Torr 186 173 373 347 559 520

where p0 is the initial pressure and p is the final pressure of cyclopropane.

What is the order and rate constant for the reaction under these conditions?
Jawaban :


0 200 400 600 0,14 0,17 0,41 193 386,5 579,5
100 186 373 559 0,13 0,26 0,39 179,5 360 539,5
200 173 347 520

 Orde Reaksi:

PA r
193 0,14
179,5 0,13
r1 [PA ]1
ln = n ln
r2 [PA ]2

0,14 193
ln = n ln 179,5

ln 1,0769 = n ln 1,0752
0,07408 = n 0,07251
n = 1,02 ≈ 1

PA r
386,5 0,17
360 0,26

r1 [PA ]1
ln = n ln
r2 [PA ]2

0,17 386,5
ln = n ln
0,26 360

ln 1,03806 = n ln 1,07361
0,03774 = n 0,07103
n = 0,53 ≈ 1

PA r
579,5 0,41
539,5 0,39

r1 [PA ]1
ln = n ln
r2 [PA ]2

0,41 579,5
ln = n ln 539,5

ln 1,0513 = n ln 1,0741
0,05003 = n 0,0715
n = 0,699 ≈ 1
Maka, orde reaksinya adalah 1
 Konstanta Laju
1 [𝑃0 ]
𝑘 = 𝑡 ln Pada k = 100
1 200 𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑟
= 100 𝑠 ln 186 𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑟
= 100 𝑠 ln 1,07526882
= 0,000725707 𝑠 −1 ~ 𝟕, 𝟐𝟓 × 𝟏𝟎−𝟒 𝒔−𝟏
16.31 The reaction n-C3H7Br + S2O32- = C3H7S2O3- + Br- in aquaoeus solution is first order in S2O32-. At
37.5°C, the following data were obtained (where c° ≡ 1 mol/dm3 and 1 ks = 103 s) :

103 [S2O32-]/c° 96,6 90,4 86,3 76,6 66,8

t/ks 0 1,110 2,010 5,052 11,232

The initial C3H7Br concentration was 39,5 mmol/dm3. Find the rate constant using a graphical
Jawaban :
Orde C3H7Br =1
Orde S2O32- =1
Maka orde reaksinya = 2
Konsentrasi awal C3H7Br = 0,0395 M → [A]0
Koesntrasi awal S2O32- = 0,0966 M → [B]0

[A]0 -x 0,0333 0,0292 0,0195 0,0097

[B]0 –x 0,0904 0,0863 0,0766 0,0668

t 111 201 5052 11232

[B]0 ([A]0 – x) 0,003217 0,002821 0,001884 0,000937

[A]0 ([B]0 – x) 0,003571 0,003409 0,003026 0,002639

[𝑩]𝟎 ([𝑨]𝟎 − 𝒙)
0,900857 0,82747 0,622567 0,35512
[𝑨]𝟎 ([𝑩]𝟎 − 𝒙)
[𝑩]𝟎 ([𝑨]𝟎 − 𝒙)
𝒍𝒏 -0,104408747 -0,189382426 -0,473904026 -1,035299518
[𝑨]𝟎 ([𝑩]𝟎 − 𝒙)

t ([A]0 - [B]0 ) -6,331 -11,4771 -288,469 -641,347

k 0,016473 0,016501 0,001643 0,001614

[𝑩]𝟎 ([𝑨]𝟎 − 𝒙) t ([A]0 - [B]0 )
t 𝒍𝒏
[𝑨]𝟎 ([𝑩]𝟎 − 𝒙)
0 0 0
111 -0,104408747 -6,331
201 -0,189382426 -11,4771
5052 -0,473904026 -288,469
11232 -1,035299518 -641,347

[𝑩] ([𝑨] −𝒙)

 Diintrapolasikan t terhadap 𝒍𝒏 [𝑨] 𝟎 ([𝑩] 𝟎−𝒙) :
𝟎 𝟎

Grafik t terhadap ln ([B]0 ([A]0 – x)/[A]0 ([B]0 – x))

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
Axis Title

-1 Linear (ln)
y = -8E-05x - 0.0828
R² = 0.9766
Axis Title

Dari grafik diatas diperoleh : y = -8E-05x - 0.0828

 Diintrapolasikan t terhadap t ([A]0 - [B]0 ) :

Grafik t terhadap ([A]0 – [B]0)

Axis Title

0 5000 10000 15000

Linear (x)
-600 y = -0.0571x + 0.0022
R² = 1
Axis Title

Dari grafik diatas diperoleh : y = -0.0571x + 0.0022

Maka dapat dicari nilai k sebagai berikut :

[𝑩] ([𝑨]𝟎 −𝒙)
𝒍𝒏 [𝑨] 𝟎
𝟎 ([𝑩]𝟎 −𝒙)
𝐭 ([𝐀]𝟎 − [𝐁]𝟎 )

= −0,0571

= 0,001401051 ≈ 0,0014 M-1s-1

16.35 For the reaction A → products, data for a run with [A]0 = 0,600 mol dm-3 are :

t/s [A]/[A]0
0 1
100 0,829
200 0,688
300 0,597
400 0,511
600 0,385
1000 0,248

(a) Find the order of the reaction. (b) Find the rate constant
Jawaban :
a. Orde reaksi
[A]0 = 0,600
[A] = [A]0 x [A]/[A]0
( )
0 0,6000
100 0,4974
200 0,4128
300 0,3582
400 0,3066
600 0,2310
1000 0,1488

[𝐴] r (m/s) ln ̅̅̅̅
[𝐴] ln r
0,5487 1,026 x 10-3 -0,6002 -6,8821
0,4551 8,46 x 10-4 -0,7872 -7,0749
0,3855 5,46 x 10-4 -0,9532 -7,5129
0,3324 5,16 x 10-4 -0,1014 -7,5694
0,2688 3,78 x 10-4 -1,3138 -7,8806
0,1899 2,055 x 10-4 -1,6613 -8,4901

 Diintrapolasikan ln r terhadap ln ̅̅̅̅

[𝐴] :

Grafik ln r terhadap ln [𝐴] rata-rata

-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0
ln r

y = 1.5042x - 5.9596 ln r
R² = 0.9846 -6.0000
Linear (ln r)
[𝐴] rata-rata

Dari grafik diatas diperoleh slope = 1,5042 ≈ 2, jadi reaksi tersebut menunjukkan reaksi orde 2
b. Menghitung nilai K
Persamaan reaksi pada orde 2
1 1
= [𝐴] + 𝑘 𝑡
t (s) (𝑀−1 )
100 2,0105
200 2,4225
300 2,7917
400 3,2616
600 4,3290
1000 6,7204

 Diintrapolasikan [𝐴] terhadap t :

Grafik 1/[A] terhadap t


y = 0.0053x + 1.3034 1/[A]
R² = 0.9928 Linear (1/[A])
0 500 1000 1500

Dari grafik diatas diperoleh slope = 0,0053, maka nilai k nya adalah 0,0053 M-1s-1

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