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1-4 Knifes

5-7 Strike weapons

8-10 1h Swords

11-12 2h Swords

13-15 Axes

16-18 Pole arms

19-20 Ranged weapons

Name Damage Armo Skills Worth d6
d3 0 Stab: AP 3 FP 1. 15 1-2
Pucture: AP 4 FP 1, Ignores armor DR

d4 0 Stab: AP 3 FP 1. 30 3-4
Pucture: AP 4 FP 1, Ignores armor DR

d4+1 0 Stab: AP 3 FP 1. 45 5-6
Pucture: AP 4 FP 1, Ignores armor DR


1H Swords
Name Damage Armor Skills Worth d8
d6 -1 Slash: 4 AP 1 FP, +1 to hit 95 1
Riposte: 4 AP 2 FP, automaticly counterattack
after each unsuccsessful melee attack.
Parry: 1 FP, active defense.

Short sword
d8+1 -1 Slash: 4 AP 1 FP, +1 to hit 120 2
Riposte: 4 AP 2 FP, automaticly counterattack
after each unsuccsessful melee attack.
Parry: 1 FP, active defense.

d8 0 Slash: 4 AP 1 FP, +1 to hit 210 3-4
Riposte: 4 AP 2 FP, automaticly counterattack
after each unsuccsessful melee attack.
Parry: 1 FP, active defense.

Arming sword
d8+1 0 Slash: 4 AP 1 FP, +1 to hit 300 5
Riposte: 4 AP 2 FP, automaticly counterattack
after each unsuccsessful melee attack.
Parry: 1 FP, active defense.

d8+1 0 Slash: 4 AP 1 FP, +1 to hit 370 6
Riposte: 4 AP 2 FP, automaticly counterattack
after each unsuccsessful melee attack.
Swing: 6 AP 2 FP, Can hit two targets.
Parry: 1 FP, active defense.

Long sword
d8+1 0 Slash: 4 AP 1 FP, +1 to hit 420 7
Riposte: 4 AP 2 FP, automaticly counterattack
after each unsuccessful melee attack.
Pucture: 4 AP 3 FP, -3 to hit, Ignores armor DR
Parry: 1 FP, active defense.

d8 0 Slash: 4 AP 1 FP, +1 to hit 250 8
Riposte: 4 AP 2 FP, automaticly counterattack
after each unsuccsessful melee attack.
Disarm: 3 AP 3 FP, If enemy will have made an
unsuccessful attack to you, you can disarm it.
Parry: 1 FP, active defense.

2H Swords
Name Damage Armor Skills Worth d6
3d6 0 Trust: 4 AP 2 FP, +2 to hit, d12 damage, 1 Armor 300 1-3
Swing: 6 AP 2 FP, Can hit two targets.
Overhead Strike: 6 AP 3 FP, +1 Damage, +2 to
hit head.

Split: 6 AP 3 FP, Hits the enemy behind the one

targeted as well
Great sword Parry: 1 FP, active defense.

3d8 0 Trust: 4 AP 2 FP, +2 to hit, 2d6 damage, 1 Armor 350 4

Flamberge Piercing.
Swing: 6 AP 2 FP, Can hit two targets.
Overhead Strike: 6 AP 3 FP, +1 Damage, +2 to
hit head.

Split: 6 AP 3 FP, Hits the enemy behind the one

targeted as well
Parry: 1 FP, active defense.
3d6 0 Trust: 4 AP 2 FP, +2 to hit, d12 damage, 1 Armor 350 5
Claymore Piercing.
Swing: 6 AP 2 FP, Can hit two targets.
Overhead Strike: 6 AP 3 FP, +1 Damage, +2 to
hit head.

Split: 6 AP 3 FP, Hits the enemy behind the one

targeted as well.
Disarm: 4 AP 3 FP, If enemy will have made an
unsuccessful attack to you, you can disarm it.
Parry: 1 FP, active defense.

2d6 0 Slash: 4 AP 2 FP, +1 to hit 240 6

Overhead Strike: 6 AP 3 FP, +1 Damage, +2 to
hit head.

Swing: 6 AP 2 FP, Can hit two targets.

Split Shield: 4 AP 2 FP, 8 Shield damage.
Parry: 2 FP, active defense.

d10+1 0 Trust: 4 AP 2 FP, +2 to hit, d8 damage, 1 Armor -
Slash: 5 AP 1 FP, +1 to hit
Swing: 6 AP 1 FP, Can hit two targets.
Parry: 1 FP, active defense.

d10+1 0 Trust: 4 AP 2 FP, +2 to hit, d8+1 damage, 1 -
Armor Piercing.
Slash: 5 AP 1 FP, +1 to hit
Pucture: 6 AP 2 FP, -2 to hit, Ignores armor DR
Swing: 6 AP 1 FP, Can hit two targets.
Parry: 1 FP, active defense.


Name Damage Armor Skills Worth d8
d6 2 Chop: 4 AP 2 FP, x2 head damage. 300 1-2

Split Shield: 4 AP 2 FP, 2 Shield damage.

d8 2 Chop: 4 AP 2 FP, x2 head damage. 350 3-4

Split Shield: 4 AP 2 FP, 3 Shield damage.

Hand axe
2d8 1 Split man: 6 AP 3 FP, 3d8 damage. 350 5-6
Swing 6 AP 3 FP, -1 to hit, can hit up to three
Split Shield: 6 AP 3 FP, 12 Shield damage.

2d10 2 Split man: 6 AP 2 FP, 3d8 damage. 240 7
Swing 6 AP 2 FP, -1 to hit, can hit up to three
Split Shield: 6 AP 2 FP, 12 Shield damage.

Great axe
d10 0 Cleave: 4 AP 1 FP, If targer loose HP, he's 8
needs to make morale check.
Decapitate: 6 AP 2 FP, -1 to hit, deals bonus
x1.5 damage.

Blunt weapons
Name Damage Armor Skills Worth d8
d4 0 Bash: 4 AP 2 FP, Target gets 1 Fatigue 300 1

Knock out: 4 AP 3 FP, Half damage Target gets

2 Fatigue
75% to stun.

d4 3 Bash: 4 AP 2 FP, Target gets 1 Fatigue 350 2-3

Knock out: 4 AP 3 FP, Half damage Target gets
2 Fatigue

75% to stun.

d6 4 Bash: 4 AP 2 FP, Target gets 1 Fatigue 350 4
Knock out: 4 AP 3 FP, Half damage Target gets
2 Fatigue

75% to stun.

Winged mace
d8 1 Fail: 4 AP 1 FP, Ignore defence given by shield 240 5
Lash: 4 AP 3 FP, hits 1-3 targets, d6 damage.

d10 1 Fail: 4 AP 1 FP, Ignore defence given by shield 6
Lash: 4 AP 3 FP, hits 1-3 targets, d8 damage.

d6 4 Hummer: AP 4 FP 1, +1 Armor damage 7
Crush armor: d4 Armor damage, only 1 HP

d8 4 Hummer: AP 4 FP 1, +1 Armor damage 8
Crush armor: d4 Armor damage, only 1 HP


Pole arms
Name Damage Armor Skills Worth d8
d6 0 Trust: 4 AP 1 FP, +2 to hit 70 1-2
Spearwall: 4 AP 3 FP, Each enemy that moves
next to the wielder gets attacked

Military spear
d8 0 Trust: 4 AP 1 FP, +2 to hit 130 3
Spearwall: 4 AP 3 FP, Each enemy that moves
next to the wielder gets attacked

Boar spear
d10 0 Impale: 6 AP 1 FP, can reach target in 2 80 4-5
Spearwall: 4 AP 2 FP, Each enemy that moves
next to the wielder gets attacked

2d6 0 Impale: 6 AP 1 FP, can reach target in 4 170 6
Spearwall: 4 AP 2 FP, Each enemy that moves
next to the wielder gets attacked

2d6 0 Impale: 6 AP 1 FP, can reach target in 3 180 7
Swing: 6 AP 2 FP, can hit up to 3 targets.
Hook: 6 AP 3 FP, 4 armor piercing.

2d8 2 Impale: 6 AP 1 FP, can reach target in 3 250 8
Swing: 6 AP 2 FP, can hit up to 3 targets.
Hook: 6 AP 3 FP, 4 armor piercing.


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