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ECG Data Compression: A Review

Vineet Kumar1, B. S. Saini2, R. K. Sunkaria3

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Electronics and Communication Department, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology,
1, 2, 3

Abstract-The recent development of biomedical signal amount of ECG data also increases and so the huge
processing, information technology and storage capacity is required. Especially, in data
communication has brought a new dimension to the
medical world. It is now possible to record an ECG transmission, the amount of transmission time
signal with a portable electrocardiograph lightweight increases and it needs more bandwidth for
and able to transform a micro-computer in compensation. With all of these limitations, ECG
electrocardiograph with the possibility of a diagnostic
data compression has been one of the most active
aid for automated interpretation. Applications
focusing on portable devices for 24-hour on-line research areas in biomedical engineering and signal
cardiac monitoring are in increasing demand. We are processing. Evaluating an ECG data compression
now shifting from a paper-based patient record to a algorithm requires some performance measures to
digital one. Many ECG compression algorithms have
been researched for optimization with respect to quantify the quality of the reconstructed ECG
storage capacity and network bandwidth. For this we signals. The most criteria used in the literature are
have to achieve a high compression ratio (CR) result compression ratio (CR) and percent root-
and preserve clinical information (low PRD). meansquare difference (PRD). The CR is computed
Examples of ECG compression algorithms include
AZTEC , TP, CORTES, KLT , DCT, DWT .Among from the ratio of original file size (in bits) to the
these, wavelet transform-based algorithms have length of output bit stream (compressed signal)
received a great deal of attention over the past several
years because of their straightforward Original samples in bytes
implementation and efficiency, and their good CR 
Compressed samples in bytes
localization properties in time and frequency
domains. This paper gives a bibliographical survey The numerical distortion measure used is the
and general backgrounds of research and percent root-mean-square difference (PRD), which
development in the field of ECG data compression is calculated by
based on over 50 published articles. The collected
literature has been divided into many sections so that
PRD  i 1

  f i  fˆ i 

 f i 
new researchers do not face any difficulty for 2

obtaining literature in this field. i 1

Where f i  is the original signal and fˆ i  is the

Key Words: Amplitude-Zone-Time-Epoch-Coding,
Coordinate-Reduction-Time-Encoding System , reconstructed signal.
Karhunen-Lodve transform, Percent root-mean-
square difference, Turning point . 2. Methodologies And Analysis
1. Introduction ECG signals, normally 2.1. Time domain techniques These are direct
Signal compression techniques where the samples
consist of 3 to 12 individual leads, each recording
of the signal are directly handled to provide the
11 bits per sample, 1000 samples per second, and compression. Coding by time-domain methods is
last 24 hours. When converted to a digital format, based on the idea of extracting a subset of
this single ECG record requires a total of 1.36 significant signal samples to represent the signal.
gigabytes of computer storage. Considering the 10 The reconstruction, in the decoder, is done by
million ECGs annually recorded for the purposes of performing linear interpolation between the
comparison and analysis. Furthermore, the retained samples. In 1968, J. R. Cox [1], proposed a
Amplitude-Zone-Time-Epoch-Coding (AZTEC)
growing need for transmission of ECGs for remote
algorithm. AZTEC takes raw ECG data and
analysis is hindered by capacity of the average replaces sequences of sample points with plateaus
analog telephone line and mobile radio. For this and slopes. For signals sampled at 200 sps with a
purpose, some portable ECG sensing systems 12-bit analog-to-digital converter, AZTEC's
associated with wireless data transmission have average data-compression ratio is observed to be
been developed for real-time ECG signal recording. about 80 percent (5 :1) and PRD of 31% . In 1978,
W. C. Mueller [ 2], suggested a new turning point
As the sampling rate, sample resolution,
(TP) algorithm. This reduces the amount of data by
observation time and number of leads increase, the 50 percent (2-to-1 reduction) and and PRD of
9.40%. In 1982, John P. Abenstein [3], presented signals are compressed using various coding
a new data-reduction algorithm called Coordinate- methods, including multirate signal processing and
Reduction- Time-Encoding System (CORTES). transform coding methods. As a linear transformer,
This is a hybrid of the turning-point and AZTEC both the optimum transform, Karhunen-Loeve,
algorithms. CORTES algorithm achieved data and a suboptimum transform, DCT are used. In
reduction by 80 percent and PRD of 11%. As the 1996, Salvador Olmos[16], proposed the ECG
ECG is sampled, CORTES simultaneously applies compression strategy based on Karhunen-Lodve
AZTEC to the isoelectric region of the ECG signal transform technique. The KLT has been applied in
and TP to the clinically significant higher two different ways: firstly, using the entire beat as
frequency regions of the ECG signal. In 1985, R. pattern vector of the KLT, and the second one
C. Barr [4] presented FAN algorithm. In 1989, using independent signal subwindows: P wave,
George B. Moody[5] presented TRIM algorithm .In QRS complex and ST-T complex. The latter
1991, S. C. Tai [6] presented SLOPR algorithm. In method (KLW) achieves better compresion ratio of
1992, Wilfried Philips [7], proposed method based 17.2 and mean squared error (MSE) value of
on high-degree polynomial expansions and got 0.3%. In 1995,Adrianus Djohan [17], proposed the
better result than DCT. In 1993, Gil Nave [8], ECG compression strategy based on Discrete
proposed compression algorithm based on symmetric wavelet transform [18],optimal bit
subautoregression model (Long-Term Prediction allocation and Huffman coding. Using this method
model). In 1993, S. C. Tai [9] again presented , he achieved better compression ratio of 8 to 1
AZTDIS algorithm for improving time domain with PRD =3.9 % for 117 in the MIT-BIH
techniques. Arrhythmia Database, in contrast to the AZTEC
Contrary to these above heuristic algorithms based compression ratio of 6.8 to 1 with PRD =10.0 %
on time domain techniques,there are some and the fan algorithm compression ratio of 7.4 to 1
Optimization algorithms given below. In 1997, D. with PRD =8.7 % . In 1997, Michael L.
Haugland [10 ],used optimisation and graph theory Hilton[19], proposed the ECG compression
to solve the ECG compression problem. In 1998, strategy using Wavelet and wavelet packet-based
Ranveig Nygaard [11] used optimization algorithm compression algorithms based on embedded zero
such that reconstruction can be made by second tree wavelet (EZW) coding. The algorithms are of
order polynomial interpolation in the extracted low computational complexity  n  and
signal samples. Time domain techniques can‘t  n log 2 n respectively. The wavelet packets of
achieve higher compression ratios and are sensitive
Coifman and Meyer [20] are a generalization of the
to the noise contained in original ECG signals. This
wavelet transform that allow for arbitrary tree-
problem is rectifying in Transformation
shaped bandpass filterings and can be adapted to
compression techniques.
the characteristics of the particular signal being
analyzed . Hilton achieved better compression ratio
2.2.Transformation compression techniques of 8:1 with PRD =2.6% for 117 in the MIT-BIH
These methods mainly utilize the spectral and Arrhythmia Database. The resulting PRD‘s by
energy distributions of the signal. Generally this wavelet packet were consistently higher (worse) for
means processing the input signal by means of the same signal when compared with those of the
some transform, and properly encoding the plain wavelet coder. In 1997, Baohua Wang [21],
transformed output. Signal reconstruction is proposed Finite-State Vector Quantization and
achieved by an inverse transformation process. In directly employed VQ to compress a single-channel
1986, B. R. Shankara Reddy [12],applied an ECG signal because the error the m-AZTEC
approach based on the method of Fourier algorithm yields is relatively large and its anti-
descriptors (FD's) technique for ECG data noise capability is weak. In 1998,Jie Chen[22],
compression. In 1990 C. P. Mammen proposed the ECG compression strategy based on
[13],presented a data-reduction algorithm orthonormal wavelet transform and an adaptive
m-AZTEC, which is a multichannel extension of quantization strategy, by which a predetermined
the amplitude zone time epoch coding (AZTEC) percent root mean square difference (PRD) can be
algorithm. He also used a scheme based on vector guaranteed with high compression ratio and low
quantization (VQ) to code correlated multichannel implementation complexity. He achieved better
signals. VQ is a coding technique, which has been compression ratio of 8 .31 to 1 with PRD =1.07%.
also employed to compress image and speech In 2000, Shaou-Gang Miaou[23], proposed a new
signals [14]. Thus VQ-coded m-AZTEC achieved a adaptive vector quantization (AVQ) scheme to
compression-factor of 2.0 over m-AZTEC, yielding exploit this correlation for multichanner ECG data
a net compression factor of 8.6. In 1993, A.Enis compression. The proposed approach has better
Cetin[15], presented a new multilead ECG data coding performance than using single channel
compression technique. In this technique sample of approach by 1.26 & 0.1 times.In 2000, E. Berti[
thestandard ECG lead signals are first linearly 24], presents an electrocardiogram ECG data
transformed. Then, resulting transform domain reduction method based on Walsh spectrum double
logarithmic quantization. In 2000, Zhitao Lu[25] , bank with a parallel structure [31] that guarantees
proposed the ECG compression strategy based on the quality of the retrieved signal. This method
the set partitioning in hierarchical trees (SPIHT) utilises a nearly-perfect reconstruction cosine
compression algorithm. The SPIHT algorithm [26] modulated filter bank to split the incoming signals
had achieved notable success in still image coding into several subband signals that are then quantised
and modified to suit the special characteristics of through thresholding and Huffman encoded. He
ECG signals. achived compression ratio of 8.24 with percent root
mean square difference (PRD) of 1.176% for MIT-
―Table 1 . Average Test Results For Dataset‖ BIH 117 signal. In 2008, M. Sharafat Hossain[32],
proposed algorithm for an ECG compression
CR 4:1 5:1 8:1 10:1 12:1 16:1 20:1 system using wavelet transform and thresholding
PRD 1.19 1.56 2.46 2.96 3.57 4.85 6.49 technique based on energy packing efficiency
(EPE). As the WT decomposes the ECG signal into
―Table 2. PRD Comparison‖ multiresolution bands, a multi-level thresholding
strategy based on EPE is applied by him. The
Algorithm PD CR Signal Sampling Bits/sample algorithm can be tuned to required compression
R% R(HZ) ratio and PRD by selecting thresholds based on a
SPIHT 1.18 8:1 MIT- 360 11
BIH 117
desired EPE. He achived an average compression
Hilton 2.6 8:1 MIT- 360 11 ratio of 13.57 with percent root mean square
BIH 117 difference (PRD) of 4.87 for a large set of normal
Diohn 3.9 8:1 MIT- 360 11 and abnormal ECG signals extracted from MIT-
BIH 117
BIH database.
In 2001, Shaou-Gang Miaou[ 27], propose a MC ―Table 4. Result For MIT_BIH Arrhythmai Database‖
adaptive vector quantization (MC-AVQ) algorithm,
where AVQ is performed on each channel and Signal Threshold CR PRD %
across channels to exploit the correlation within a MIT-BIH 0.1364 15.12 2.33
channel and across channels. VQ often suffers from 117
MIT-BIH 0.2909 15.70 4.13
the mismatch problem, i.e., the codebook generated
from a set of training data is not suitable for the test
sets. Adaptive vector quantization (AVQ) is In 2009, N. Boukhennoufa[33], proposed method
designed to solve this problem by updated AVQ
combines the adapted SPIHT(Set Partitioning In
codebook according to changing characteristics of
Hierarchical Trees) method with VKTP (Vector K-
the test set. In 2002, Bashar A. Rajoub [28],used
Tree Partitioning) coder[34] and achived to
discrete wavelet transform (DWT) to compress
increase the performance of the compression
ECG signals. The ECG signal is first preprocessed methods and to reduce the reconstruction error
by normalization, mean removal, and zero padding. provided. He achieved better compression ratio of 8
Normalization and mean removal guarantees that
.11 to 1 with PRD =1.8% for 117 in the MIT-BIH
all significant coefficients be less than one. Thus,
Arrhythmia Database . In 2009, Gyu - Hyeok Jeong
reducing the number of bits needed to represent
[35],presented an improved wavelet compression
each coefficient. Zero padding reduces the
algorithm is proposed for electrocardiogram (ECG)
reconstruction errors at both ends of the signals which is combined with the lifting wavelet
compressed signal. Thresholding of the wavelet transform (WT) and the dynamic multi-stage vector
coefficients is done based on a desired energy
quantization (MS-VQ). In 2009, Iulian B.
packing efficiency (EPE).
Ciocoiu[36],proposed a novel compression
scheme based on combining DWT analysis with a
―Table 3. PRD Comparison‖
space-scale selective mask constructed following
Algorithm PDR CR Signal Sampling Bits/sa retina-like foveation principles. Foveation enables
% R(HZ) mple the definition of a proper mask that will modulate
DWT 1.06 22.19 MIT- 360 11 the coefficients given by the Discrete Wavelet
:1 BIH Transform of an ECG record. The mask is spatially
DWT 1.95 23:1 MIT- 360 11 selective and provides maximum accuracy around
BIH specific regions of interest. Subsequent denoising
119 and coefficient quantization is further combined
ASEC[29] 5.5 21.6: MIT- 360 11 with a lossless compression technique in order to
provide high compression ratios at low
reconstruction errors. He achieved better
In 2004, M. Blanco-Velasco[30 ],presemted an compression ratio of 5.55 to 1 with PRD = 0.52%
easy to use and efficient ECG compression scheme for 117 in the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database. In
based on an M-channel maximally decimated filter 2010, Ataollah Ebrahimzadeh[37], has performed
a different thresholding method using the Three- In 2008, Emna Zoghlami Ayari [49],applied
Level Quantization and used various wavelets and algorithm based on template model fitting by using
both EZW & Huffman encoding for a better a nonlinear least squares optimization procedure.
compression. He have evaluated the effect of signal His proposed a low computational cost model
length and iterations of quantization on the having only 12 parameters to fully represent the
compression ratio (CR). In low iterations, PRD & ECG signal. In 2008, Ibrahim Khalil[50],
CR increased and CC (correlation coefficient) decomposed ECG data first using wavelet packet
decreased, in high iterations of quantization values decomposition (WPD), and then low frequency
of PRD, CR decreased and CC increased. components can be given highest priority before
being transferred over wireless networks. His
―Table 5. The PRD, CR Comparison Of Different results show both high and medium priority ECG
Coding Algorithm For MIT-BIH 117‖ packets suffer no delays which is very beneficial
for ECG transmission system over bandwidth
ALGORITHMS PRD% CR constrained wireless networks. In 2006, Byung S.
Djohn[17] 3.9 8 Kim[51] , proposed a wavelet transform-based
Hilton[19] 2.6 8 ECG compression algorithm with low delay
Chen[22] 1.07 8.31 characteristics for instantaneous, continuous ECG
SPIHT[38] 1.18 8 transmission suitable for telecardiology
Benzid[39] 2.55 16.24 applications over wireless network. His proposed
JPEG2000[40] 1.03 10
algorithm reduces the frame size as much as
possible to minimize delay, whereas maintaining
WT&Huffman[41] 3.2 9.4
reconstructed signal quality without affecting the
Blanco-Velasco[30] 1.17 8.24 diagnostic characteristics of the ECG signals at the
Sec&SPIHT[42] 1.01 8 receiver end.
SPIHT&VQ[43] 1.45 8
N. Boukhennoufa[33] 1.18 8.11 4. Conclusion
A.Ebrahimzadeh[37] 0.97 13.92
ECG data compression has become in the last
3. Recent Work 40 years one of the most challenging topics in
Biomedical signal processing. However, there is
In 2010,Cheng-Tung Ku [44], proposed his 1-D still a continual need for the advancement of
RRO-NRDPWT, a new multivariable quantization algorithms adapted for ECG data compression.
algorithm to overcome the problem of Word- This paper is an effort for an overview of ECG data
length-growth (WLG) effect that arises in online compression , with a bibliographic survey of
applications. For efficient reconstruction quality relevant background, practical requirements, the
control, he Combining the reversible round-off present state, and techniques. The citations listed in
linear transformation (RROLT) theorem[45] and 1- this bibliography provide a representative sample
D nonrecursive discrete periodic wavelet transform of current thinking pertaining to ECG data
compression .The necessity of better ECG data
(NRDPWT) [45]. In 2009, Vibha
compression methods is even greater today than
Aggarwa[47],applier a new quality controlled just a few years ago for several reasons. The
Discrete Cosine transform (DCT) and Laplacian quantity of ECG records is increasing by the
Pyramid based compression method for millions each year, and previous records cannot be
electrocardiogram (ECG) signal. The transformed deleted since one of the most important uses of
coefficients are thresholded using the bisection ECG data is in the comparison of records obtained
algorithm in order to match the predefined user over a long range period of time. The ECG data
specified PRD within the tolerance. His results compression techniques are limited to the amount
show that Laplacian Pyramid provides better CR of time required for compression and
over 2.5 PRD value on the normal rhythm (MIT- reconstruction, the noise embedded in the raw ECG
BIH 117) as compared to DCT, whereas on signal, and the need for accurate reconstruction of
abnormal rhythm (MIT-BIH 232) the behavior of the P, Q, R, S, and T waves. With the current
the transforms is opposite. In 2009, Hyejung wireless technology the uplink bandwidth to
Kim[48], proposed quad level vector (QLV) for the transfer ECG data is limited and hence more
ECG holter system. He achived average algorithms for ECG Compression and its real-time
compression 16.9:1 with 0.641% PRD value and transmission is yet to be explore.
the encoding rate is 6.4 kbps. The accuracy
performance of the R-peak detection is 100%
without noise and 95.63% at the worst case with
−10-dB SNR noise. His proposed compression
techniques reduced the processing cost by 45.3%.
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