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1.1 Concept of Classroom Management

Classroom management can be defined as the method used to organise

activity, teaching and learning session, physical and pschosocial
environment in the classroom to ensure the efficiency of time and to
create a comfortable learning environment in order to reduce the
problematic behaviour.
* Classroom is the place where teaching n learning occur.
* Also place for main career hub for teacher.
* Classroom management including managing facilities, pupils, organization,
time,T&L, assessment.

Classroom management:
1) Effective discipline
2) Being prepared for class
3) Motivating students
4) Provide comfortable learning place
5) Build students self-esteem
6) Creative

Importances of classroom management:

i) Satisfication
ii) Classroom management issue is the highest concern for beginning teacher
iii) Key in ensuring students success.

1.2 Characteristics of Effective Teacher


1.2.1 Personal Qualities

1. The teacher determination in their T&L

2. Being talkative and approachable
3. They are responsible on the success and failure of their T&L
4. Does not blame the students if they fail to learn
5. Show interest in the subject taught
6. Sensitive and aware with the vary learning method among students and
their needs.

1.2.2 Teaching and Learning Competencies

1. well-planned a lesson based on the curriculum

2. Having a wide knowledge on the subject taught
3. Giving a good examples and relate with the students
4. Using the most suitable approach and teaching method
5. Having the skills to explain the subject taught clearly to the students
6. Using ICT in their lesson

1.2.3 Internalising caring culture

1.Always guide students

2.Being scaffolding for students
3.Consider students' emotion
4.Call them politely
5. Never neglect their needs before entering the classroom
Topic 2 - Roles of Teacher in Classroom Management

2.1 Conducive learning environment for students

 Is a place where students can participate in T&L process to encourage the

interest to study and create chances for individual activity and give the
chance for students’ interaction.

2.1.1 Physical environment

 A comfortable environment, neat, and cheerful can lead to a successful

students’ learning, class control, students-teacher relationship and
student-students relationship.
 Also include the organization and the physical design of the classroom,
cleanliness, learning corner, lighting and furniture.

2.1.2 Pschosocial environment

 The feeling of acceptance in the classroom.

 Free from threat and physical danger.
 Sensitive and aware with the individual differences.
 Existence of open communication and idea sharing
 Encourage cooperative learning.

2.1.3 Classrom rules and routine

2.2 Management of students’ information resources

 The school organisation will organise the students’s information, discipline
record, examination record and achievement record.
 Students record are secret.
 It was kept in a system using ict.
 reduce the teachers’ burden.
 To ease the ministry to acknowledge the students’ background.
Topic 3 : Developing a positive Relationship in the Classroom.

3.1 The importance of developing positive relationship

 Teacher

1. motivated to teach
2. Better class control
3. Better cooperation with the students
4. Better image

 Students

1. increase students interest

2. Easy to cooperate with teacher
3. Better academic achievement
4. Motivated to learn

3.2 Factors influencing teacher students +ve relationship

 Teacher's appearance and language

- Dress neatly in accordance with the garment guidelines of the teacher while
on duty at school

 Behavior
- Be courteous, prudent but decisive, empathic and using appropriate
language will create a good relationship between the student and the teacher

 Demonstrated good example examples

-Interested in the subject being taught
- always look calm and cheerful
- Predict effective communication
-Master when teaching
-requiring, excited and empowered

3.3 Strategies to develop positive relationship between teacher and

-remember the name of the disciple
-Entertainment enthusiasm
-different responsibility
-Set realistic expectations
-Show your concern
-Include humor elements
3.4 Classroom dynamics
the power of a peer group capable of inducing members of his group to make a
change either the increase or the group's resignation to a situation of value or
- Interaction and friendship patterns in the classroom can be identified
through sociometric questions such as "who are your best friends in the
classroom", "who are your friends in the classroom" and "who you do
not like in the classroom"

3.4.1 The factors that make up the group dynamics

-the same sex
- groups are formed based on race or religion (this factor can lead to racial
- groups are formed based on socioeconomic status (this factor can cause
breakdown of relationships in the classroom)

3.4.2 Role of teachers in group dynamics

-to track the behavior of group dynamics that can bring unity split in the
- Pay attention to groups of students who are excluded or disliked
- use contagious power
The group guides form the desired characteristics
-teacher as the head of classroom dynamics

Topic 4 : Models of Classroom Discipline Management

4.1 Concept of classroom discipline

-a set of rules that apply to pupils to control and get the desired behavior.

4.2 Models of Managing Discipline

4.2.1 Canter Assertive Discipline Model

- Certainly is confident and firm
-making clear rules of behavior in the classroom
The obedient bosses gain affirmations such as rewards and praise
-The non-compliance will get a structural negative reinforcement that is
Teach teachers to teach professionally and without disturbance
Students are learning to be safe and calm

The disciplined assertive model outlines 3 types of teachers :

Aggressive teacher
- more autocratic, powerless and non-tolerant

Teacher is not assertive

-using passive, inconsistent and misleading approaches

Assertive teacher
-not fierce, violent or too strict
- clearly defined management goals, confident and firm in setting rules.
-He cares and cares for all students
-will know what his students want
- clearly state the behavior of the desired student
- Help students understand the forms of behavior that bring success and
4.2.2 Dreikurs Logical Consequences Model

-they are entrusted with the care of discipline in the classroom

-Teacher need to identify the cause of the problem of behavior
- Predict the concept of democratic in the classroom
-pupils intention who commit unwanted behaviors are to gain attention from
teachers and friends, challenging teacher power, avenge or showing

4.2.3 Kounin group management model

- Depending on the supervision and supervision of teachers who are careful
about the activities in the classroom.

- able to do more than one thing at a time

- the ability to handle activities smoothly and to transition one activity to
another activity without interruption

ripple effect (wave effect)

The teacher's actions on any student also affect the other students. This effect
will be more effective if the teacher makes the action clear, firm and serious

4.2.4 Thomas Gourdon Classroom Management Model

-teacher should provide a good student learning environment

-using an i-message approach
-application of resolving the conflict
- appreciate the student's feelings
- listen actively
-disappear the communication barrier
give instructions, warn, construct, lecture, criticize, label, evaluate, praise,
persuade, question and withdraw

Gordon discipline plan (prevents problems before they occur)

- Influence from controlling
- Prevent problems before they occur
Who's the problem?
-to deal with behavioral issues (use i-message)
-listening skill
- effective conflict resolution

4.2.5 Alfie Kohn Beyond Discipline Model

-create loving classroom community, being caring and appreciating each other
-Healthy teens in the classroom
-discuss the interests and likes of students
-taking classes with questions to answer, not facts to know and to learn
- a cooperative classroom community

Kohn's proposal in building a loving classroom community

- build relationships between students and teachers
-improve relationships between students
-close meetings
-improve activities involving classes and schools
- academic discussion

Management beyond discipline by kohn

-teacher should think of the purpose of the rules set for the students
-not to rule over too many restrictions
-Flexible rules in terms of time and condition and student needs
-with the development of pupils
-member accept the set rules

5.0 Inclusive classroom management involving special needs students

-sharing interaction, communication and behavior problems
-year early in the canal, 1-3 years
-maintenance of the brain
-letting apart
- poor social and communication skills
- tend to do repeated body movements
-Make great response
-I love too much about something
-not like to change routine
-level development

Classroom management of autism students

-guru need to provide other students to receive autistic students
- prepare yourself to investigate the progress of the student
The gurus need to provide a structured environment because autistic students
like the routine
The pupils' seating environment is free of materials that can hurt them
-use a behavior modification strategy
-guru should use small group method

3 types of ADHD

 Can not pay attention

-models that can not pay attention in the classroom
- Talk too much
- being silent
-It may not be a problem
- Fast bored with one activity

 Hyperactive and impulsive

- less features not paying attention
- physically active and impulsive
- Always leave the seat
- around the classroom when other students are sitting and completing the
-can not wait
-matching while others are talking
- act without thinking about its effects
 Many combination of ADHD
-to involve both forms of ADHD is a problem giving attention, hyperactive and
- always found

Classroom management for ADHD students

- place in the corner that there are not many things that can be distracted
- Make sure students are clear about classroom rules
-create routines in the classroom
providing opportunities for them to engage in active activities
-using brief instructions

Topic 6 : Management of Disciplinary Problems In the Classroom

-destroy or destroy
Fighting teachers, vandalism, taking drugs or sneezing

- actions that interfere with or affect the activity of the p & r
-not pay attention in the classroom
-not complete the task
- through class entry

6.1 Types of behavioral problems

-turn, fight, beat, hurt, vandalism, skipping classes, skipping school, drug
trafficking, taking drugs, self-nourishment, disrupting r & d implementation,
using pornographic words and threatening peers

6.2 The causes of the problem is behavior

-Cognitive, emotional, social and physical development of each student
-make different skill levels
-learning problem
-Low self-esteem
-not motivated to learn

- set expectations that his students are too high
- providing excessive and long homework
- The estimation is too difficult to cause a high percentage of failure
- criticism of students in front of friends and other teachers
-Blame the pupil for every problem that arises in the classroom
- It's too strict and does not want to negotiate with students

- High school expectations
- focus on academic aspects solely
- Extremely tight rules

Student background
-Thousands of fathers are firm and put high expectations
Extremely extreme physical punishment
-that parents are so pampering kids
Thousands of fathers rarely show affection and less attention
-y young and underdeveloped father
-that parents do not have time for children
The parents refused to cooperate with the school

6.3 Teacher’s roles in managing problematic behavior

-set the planning of the year
-get the first class-related information to be taught to facilitate the teacher to
identify the background of his student and hold a student's affair on the first
-provide meaningful learning activities
-different routines for academic, non-academic activities and during
interactions in the classroom
-set clear rules
-provide penalties or consequences of problematic behavior
-the display and language of the teacher body
teachers' behavior and behavior
-The teacher's response to discipline and student behavior problems
-the teacher's concern for the problem of the student
-guru must be assertive in dealing with discipline and behavioral problems in
the classroom

6.4 Hindrance in managing problematic behavior

-guru should be calm, emotional and no prejudice against children
- an inexperienced teacher and lack of knowledge about student psychology
-guru need competent culture
-peer influence
Thousands of fathers question the steps to tackle discipline in school

7.0 Intervention to deal with Problematic Behaviour In the Classroom

7.1 Behavior modification techniques

-use the principle of reinforcement
-the behavior is affected by the consequences after the behavior is shown
- behavior can be formed based on the given effect
-based on reward-reward behavior will be repeated, while behaviors that are
not rewarded with lupus
- Positive affirmation is more effective than the fate
Assumptions and consequences will be determined solely by the student

Hierarchy of behavior modification reinforcement

- food stuff
- privileges
-friendly recognition
-The teacher's recognition
- self-satisfaction

Structured behavior modification system

- behavior contracting system (social and academic)
- token system

7.2 Basic counseling and counseling skills

-special attention
-actively listening skills
- Observe and understand non-verbal student behavior
-A hear and understand verbal messages of students
- Listen and understand students in real context
-A hear and correct wrongdoers
- empathy skills
- Listen sensitive
- Understand the situation faced by students
- Help the pupil touch real feelings with the situation

7.3 Play therapy

- children learn about the environment, expressing emotion and emotion as
well as developing physical, mental, social skills, communication skills and
-spontaneous to get satisfaction
- Can recognize themselves
- Can be used for students who have problems controlling anger, dealing with
loss or sadness.
-improve ADHD's children's social and cognitive skills

Play therapy level

- sensorimotor games
-0-2 years
-use the senses to play and learn about the environment
- The game is imaginative
-2-7 years
- from drawing and designing with the mind
- Regular games
-7-11 years
- have started to understand the perceptions and views of others
-ready started socializing

Play therapy techniques

-Dog games
-spontaneous / regulatory
-best sand

Implementation of play therapy

- The design of a good relationship therapy with children
- therapy implementation
- therapeutic assessment

The approach in play therapy

-related- help children be responsible for their behavior
-releasing-kids express their thoughts and emotions
-recreating- re-organizing the past events
-reexperiencing- guided understanding past events with the present situation
The therapist's features
-love children
- admission to children
-can create a safe atmosphere
- Sensitive with the children’s feeling
- Give children a chance to express their feelings
- trusted with child abilities
- Understand the stage in the play therapy process

7.4 Art therapy

- Internal feeling and conflict through art activities
-improve self-harmony
- control pressure symptoms
-creating cognitive capabilities
-the individual is trying to be creative
-making and coloring effective activities of ADHD children, autism

The basic principles of art therapy

- Do not force children
- He sat down with the students as they painted
- Attention to student questions during the process
- enough time and freedom for students
Be patient and give short, clear and open-ended questions

7.5 Music therapy

- therapies that can repair, maintain mental health, emotional, social and
interpersonal relationships as well as to increase self-harmony

The purpose of music therapy

- increased concentration of children
- opening the mind and the child's feelings
-training child perception (audio or visual perception)
-improve the confidence of children
- reduce stiffness to the muscles (children with special needs)
-making an interpersonal relationship
-disable stress

7.6 Therapy storytelling

-I have a question
-can be done individually or in groups
- Can increase self confidence to express feelings if children are actively
-different children

Topic 8 : Planning of Classroom management

Effective and innovative classroom management planning steps are

-set the type of learning environment
Set the desired type of student community

Physical environment component

- student position
- Classroom for fun
-filling the notice board
P & p component
-the student's existing knowledge
- approach and teaching strategy
-teaching methods
-teaching plan

Teacher-student relationship component

-The teacher-student relationship
-The relationship of pupils
- Relationship with parents
- communication pattern
-Social skills strategy, problem solving and self-management

Disciplinary management component

- Classroom rule
- Management model to be used
- breaking the rule and classroom routines
-strategy reinforces discipline in the classroom

Obstacles in classroom management

-The parents relationship
-peer influence
- classroom environment

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