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01 now has a robust e planation re any possib le bias of the chs In the package.

Don 't l<no 1hat the holdup is no , other than Stu's continued concerns. Strong
operationa l need o have in place before Monday If at all possible, which means
to c tomorrow. I communlc.ated ou and boss's green light to Stu ear lier, and
Just se ta n email to Stu asking where things stood . This might take a high-le el
A drew McCabe Outgoing 2016-10·12 19:11:00 push. ill keep you posted.
If I have not heard ba ck from Stu In an hour, I will invoke your name to say you
A'ldrew McCabe 0 tgoing 2016-10·12 19:13:00 want to know where things are, so long as hat is o ay vith you.

Andre v McCabe Outgoin g 2016·10·1 2 21:07:00 Spoke ;o Stu. Let 's ta lk in t he morning.
Expect John C. wil l probab ly reach out In the morning as well. Just call when
Andrew McCabe Outgoi ng '2016-10-12 22:15:CD you're up. Thx.

Andrew McCabe Outgoing 2016-1 0-1310:14:00 Please.@

Andrew McCabe OLtgoing 2016 ·1 0·13 10:14:00 Call my cell when you are free to chat.
Also, let me know If there Is a that you are related to.
Andrew McCabe Outgoing 2016- 10-13 10:23:00 I'm guessing not, but just wanted to check.

Andrew McCabe Outgoing 2016 -10-13 11:00:00 Rgr . Thanks .

Andrew McCabe Incoming 2016·10- 13 11:00:00 Call u after 830

Andrew McCabe Incoming 2016-10-13 11:00:00 No Sam I am.

Andrew McCabe Incoming 2016-10-1311:47 :00 Ready. Office or cel l?

Andrew McCabe Outgoing 2016 -10-13 11:48:00 Cell please

Correction : CD says letter was def a CD-1 fake. NFI from me, but they likely have
Andrew McCabe Outgoi ng 2016-10-13 20:00:00 more.

You ha en 't heard from State, correct? We gave them unti l 10 am easter to .
raise their concerns. Our plan is o proceed lth the unredacted production to
Andre v McCabe Outg oi ng 2016·10~14 09:54:00 the Hill if we don't hear anything in the next few minutes.

Andre • McCabe Incoming 2016-10-14 10:29:00 I have not heard anything from t hem .
•~e l l aga m r 1 spoKe w 1a5n, sne
!\ you r0 110W up Wlm a lSO nao ll1e SClme
unaerstanding that' e would go alone.

Also, i would be very very helpf I to get DDCIA to clarify that they DO want the
Andrew McCabe Out going 2016~10·14 10:43:00 content. The DAG con inues to use that as an excuse.
Finally, It looks like Bf~ did not get the call fro m the senator's ofc, that was
An rew McCabe Outgoi ng 20 16·10· 4 10:44:00 in acc rate. BA has it no \ 1,

Andrew McCabe Incom ing 2016·10·14 10:45:00 01<. Thanks.

l told Neils of fic e you wou ld be the poi nt person on senJng 1t up lor us. M aybe
tyou can call his assistan and ask her If he Is rea dy to schedule. If the answe Is
A"ld rcw McCabe Incoming 2016·10-1410:47:00 no, then te I her I w ill need o ta lk to hlm agai n.

Mo rew McCabe Incomi ng 2016·10-14 10:48:00 She !s

Andrew McCabe O u q~ olng 2016-10·14 10:51:00 Got it. Will call now .
I also have moffa writing up eve rything cyd knows about what Is on those drives.
!Andrew McCabe Outgoing 2016-10-14 10:57:00 Wil l be ready by monday.
JU~ ll...dl l t!U . IIJ J-' ' " <:11 \I Y lilt! U M'U I LU W Vo'd l l l~ ' U Ut: \ l lt:'lt:, diiU vvr "' d ill:> UU J (IJ

host. So we ar e setting that up no v.

we will very much need to get Coh en 's vie 1 before we meet with her . Better,
have him weigh I n~ ith her before the meeting. Ne need to speak lth one
And re v McCabe Outgoi ng 2016-1 0-1 4 10:57:00 voice, if that Is in fact the case .

Andrew McCabe I com ing 2016-10-1411: 27: 00 Thanks. I w ill reach out to David.
Quick press response awaiting your clearance on unclassifie d ema il . Could you
Andrew McCa be Outgoing 2016·10-15 18:48:00 check it plea se?
:Can t ta ke your ca II as I am 10 a sess1011 , II n ecess ary 1can step o ut.
I rea d the respons e and it seems fine, with the exceptio of the use of the term
Andrew McCabe Incoming 2016-10-1518:52:00 "billets". Too military and may not be understood .

Andrew McCabe Out going 2016 -10-15 18:53 :00 INa problem.
See if you can change it to somethin g like ' space for addition al fbi em ployees
Andrew McCabe Inco ming 2016-10-1 5 1&:53:00 assigned abroad"

And rew Mccabe Outgoing 2016- 10-15 18: 53 :00 Got it. Just needeo clearance on t he statement. Nilll et the team kno . Than ks.

Andrew McCabe Incom ing 2016-10·15 18:54 :00 INeed me to step out and ca ll ?

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