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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Summary: Design of S-2S Type Tower

(+3 Body)



Compression Tension Compres

Group Effective Effective Effective Actual
Element Control Load Control Load Material Area Origin Compressi Tension sion
Label Material End Joint xorigin xend yorigin yend zorigin zend L(m) Ratio RLX Ratio RLY Ratio RLZ Length- Length- Length- rx (cm) ry (cm) rz (cm) kL/r Stress
Case Case Quality (cm2) Joint on (kN) (kN) 2 Capacity
KLx (m) KLy (m) KLz (m) (N/mm )
3 8 8 L60*60*4 S355 4.71 17S 18P 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 17.5 18 0.500 1 1 1 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.83 1.83 1.18 22.05 17.398 42.37 46.8 146.8
9 8 8 L60*60*4 S355 4.71 16S 17S 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 16.6 17.5 0.900 2 1 1 1.800 0.900 0.900 1.83 1.83 1.18 22.98 17.342 98.36 48.8 95.1
Main Leg

11 1 2 L60*60*4 S355 4.71 15S 16S 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 15.7 16.6 0.900 2 1 1 1.800 0.900 0.900 1.83 1.83 1.18 26.08 22.478 98.36 55.4 95.1
14 1 2 L60*60*4 S355 4.71 14S 15S 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 15.2 15.7 0.500 1 1 1 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.83 1.83 1.18 34.90 28.519 42.37 74.1 146.8
20 1 2 L60*60*4 S355 4.71 13S 14S 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 14.3 15.2 0.900 2 1 1 1.800 0.900 0.900 1.83 1.83 1.18 62.25 54.586 98.36 132.2 95.1
22 1 2 L60*60*4 S355 4.71 12S 13S 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 13.4 14.3 0.900 2 1 1 1.800 0.900 0.900 1.83 1.83 1.18 88.63 81.629 98.36 188.2 95.1
25 1 2 L60*60*4 S355 4.71 11P 12S 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 12.9 13.4 0.500 1 1 1 0.500 0.500 0.500 1.83 1.83 1.18 104.59 94.705 42.37 222.0 146.8
4 8 8 L40*40*3 S355 2.35 17X 18P 0.2 0.2 -0.2 0.2 17.5 18 0.640 1 1 1 0.640 0.640 0.640 1.21 1.21 0.78 22.49 21.772 82.09 95.7 46.3
Vertical Bracing

10 1 2 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 16S 17X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.2 16.6 17.5 0.985 1 1 1 0.985 0.985 0.985 1.06 1.06 0.68 13.01 12.841 144.84 63.8 19.8
12 2 1 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 15X 16S 0.2 0.2 -0.2 0.2 15.7 16.6 0.985 1 1 1 0.985 0.985 0.985 1.06 1.06 0.68 13.06 13.052 144.84 64.0 19.8
15 3 13 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 14S 15X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.2 15.2 15.7 0.640 1 1 1 0.640 0.640 0.640 1.06 1.06 0.68 13.74 12.93 94.16 67.4 34.4
21 1 2 L40*40*4 S355 3.08 13X 14S 0.2 0.2 -0.2 0.2 14.3 15.2 0.985 1 1 1 0.985 0.985 0.985 1.21 1.21 0.78 29.41 29.189 126.27 95.5 39.3
23 1 2 L40*40*4 S355 3.08 12S 13X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.2 13.4 14.3 0.985 1 1 1 0.985 0.985 0.985 1.21 1.21 0.78 29.50 29.37 126.27 95.8 39.3
26 1 2 L45*45*4 S275 3.49 11X 12S 0.2 0.2 -0.2 0.2 12.9 13.4 0.640 1 1 1 0.640 0.640 0.640 1.36 1.36 0.88 20.32 18.718 72.76 58.2 65.9
1 8 8 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 18P 18X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.2 18 18 0.400 1 1 1 0.400 0.400 0.400 1.06 1.06 0.68 3.28 13.216 58.82 16.1 40.9
Hrz. Member

5 8 8 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 17S 17X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.2 17.5 17.5 0.400 1 1 1 0.400 0.400 0.400 1.06 1.06 0.68 12.35 3.665 58.82 60.5 40.9
13 5 5 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 15S 15X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.2 15.7 15.7 0.400 1 1 1 0.400 0.400 0.400 1.06 1.06 0.68 1.19 9.232 58.82 5.8 40.9
15 3 13 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 14S 15X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.2 15.2 15.7 0.640 1 1 1 0.640 0.640 0.640 1.06 1.06 0.68 13.74 12.93 94.16 67.4 34.4
24 1 5 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 12S 12X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.2 13.4 13.4 0.400 1 1 1 0.400 0.400 0.400 1.06 1.06 0.68 2.25 9.493 58.82 11.0 40.9
27 6 1 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 11P 11X 0.2 0.2 0.2 -0.2 12.9 12.9 0.400 1 1 1 0.400 0.400 0.400 1.06 1.06 0.68 10.21 4.343 58.82 50.0 40.9
2 0 5 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 18X 18Y 0.2 -0.2 -0.2 0.2 18 18 0.566 0.5 1 0.5 0.283 0.566 0.283 1.06 1.06 0.68 0.00 2.402 0 0.0 0.0
Hrz. 6 4 15 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 17S 17XY 0.2 -0.2 0.2 -0.2 17.5 17.5 0.566 0.5 1 0.5 0.283 0.566 0.283 1.06 1.06 0.68 2.98 0.00014 53.37 14.6 41.9
Bracing 17 5 15 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 14S 14XY 0.2 -0.2 0.2 -0.2 15.2 15.2 0.566 0.5 1 0.5 0.283 0.566 0.283 1.06 1.06 0.68 2.16 2.901 53.37 10.6 41.9
28 4 15 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 11P 11XY 0.2 -0.2 0.2 -0.2 12.9 12.9 0.566 0.5 1 0.5 0.283 0.566 0.283 1.06 1.06 0.68 4.71 0.00067 53.37 23.1 41.9
X-arm 7 4 8 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 12S 19P 0.2 0 0.2 1.6 13.4 12.9 1.500 0.5 1 0.5 0.750 1.500 0.750 1.06 1.06 0.68 3.39 15.756 141.51 16.6 22.3
Hanger X- 8 8 15 L45*45*4 S275 3.49 11P 19P 0.2 0 0.2 1.6 12.9 12.9 1.414 0.5 1 0.5 0.707 1.414 0.707 1.36 1.36 0.88 14.86 4.125 103.99 42.6 60.9
31 1 2 L75*75*5 S355 7.36 10S 11P 0.241902 0.2 0.241902 0.2 11.91 12.9 0.992 2 1 1 1.984 0.992 0.992 2.29 2.29 1.48 124.42 112.845 86.62 169.0 170.9
Main Leg

33 1 2 L75*75*5 S355 7.36 9S 10S 0.283805 0.241902 0.283805 0.241902 10.92 11.91 0.992 2 1 1 1.984 0.992 0.992 2.29 2.29 1.48 138.25 127.038 86.62 187.8 170.9
35 1 2 L75*75*5 S355 7.36 8S 9S 0.325707 0.283805 0.325707 0.283805 9.93 10.92 0.992 2 1 1 1.984 0.992 0.992 2.29 2.29 1.48 149.02 136.885 86.62 202.5 170.9
37 1 2 L75*75*5 S355 7.36 7S 8S 0.367609 0.325707 0.367609 0.325707 8.94 9.93 0.992 2 1 1 1.984 0.992 0.992 2.29 2.29 1.48 157.19 145.157 86.62 213.6 170.9
2 39 1 2 L75*75*5 S355 7.36 6S 7S 0.409512 0.367609 0.409512 0.367609 7.95 8.94 0.992 2 1 1 1.984 0.992 0.992 2.29 2.29 1.48 165.41 152.888 86.62 224.7 170.9
32 1 15 L45*45*4 S355 3.49 10S 11X 0.241902 0.2 0.241902 -0.2 11.91 12.9 1.085 1 1 1 1.085 1.085 1.085 1.36 1.36 0.88 20.63 30.631 123.29 59.1 46.7

34 4 1 L40*40*4 S275 3.08 9X 10S 0.283805 0.241902 -0.2838 0.241902 10.92 11.91 1.122 1 1 1 1.122 1.122 1.122 1.21 1.21 0.78 23.49 14.704 143.81 76.3 30.3
36 1 14 L40*40*4 S275 3.08 8S 9X 0.325707 0.283805 0.325707 -0.2838 9.93 10.92 1.163 1 1 1 1.163 1.163 1.163 1.21 1.21 0.78 11.45 18.391 149.15 37.2 28.2
38 4 1 L40*40*3 S275 2.35 7X 8S 0.367609 0.325707 -0.36761 0.325707 8.94 9.93 1.209 1 1 1 1.209 1.209 1.209 1.21 1.21 0.78 14.63 10.298 155.05 62.3 19.9
41 1 2 L75*75*6 S355 8.75 5S 6S 0.451414 0.409512 0.451414 0.409512 6.96 7.95 0.992 2 1 1 1.984 0.992 0.992 2.28 2.28 1.47 172.89 160.101 87 197.6 208.1
Main Leg

43 1 2 L75*75*6 S355 8.75 4S 5S 0.493316 0.451414 0.493316 0.451414 5.97 6.96 0.992 2 1 1 1.984 0.992 0.992 2.28 2.28 1.47 179.17 166.089 87 204.8 208.1
45 1 2 L75*75*6 S355 8.75 3S 4S 0.535219 0.493316 0.535219 0.493316 4.98 5.97 0.992 2 1 1 1.984 0.992 0.992 2.28 2.28 1.47 184.45 170.9 87 210.8 208.1
47 1 2 L75*75*6 S355 8.75 2S 3S 0.577121 0.535219 0.577121 0.535219 3.99 4.98 0.992 2 1 1 1.984 0.992 0.992 2.28 2.28 1.47 188.69 175.035 87 215.7 208.1
49 1 2 L75*75*6 S355 8.75 23S 2S 0.619023 0.577121 0.619023 0.577121 3 3.99 0.992 2 1 1 1.984 0.992 0.992 2.28 2.28 1.47 192.56 178.287 87 220.1 208.1
42 4 1 L40*40*3 S275 2.35 5X 6S 0.451414 0.409512 -0.45141 0.409512 6.96 7.95 1.313 1 1 1 1.313 1.313 1.313 1.21 1.21 0.78 10.27 9.713 168.29 43.7 16.9
44 1 14 L40*40*3 S275 2.35 4S 5X 0.493316 0.451414 0.493316 -0.45141 5.97 6.96 1.369 1 1 1 1.369 1.369 1.369 1.21 1.21 0.78 8.43 8.902 175.52 35.9 15.5

46 4 1 L40*40*3 S275 2.35 3X 4S 0.535219 0.493316 -0.53522 0.493316 4.98 5.97 1.428 1 1 1 1.428 1.428 1.428 1.21 1.21 0.78 7.82 7.207 183.1 33.3 14.3
48 1 14 L40*40*3 S275 2.35 2S 3X 0.577121 0.535219 0.577121 -0.53522 3.99 4.98 1.490 1 1 1 1.490 1.490 1.490 1.21 1.21 0.78 6.45 6.91 190.98 27.4 13.1
50 4 2 L40*40*3 S275 2.35 23X 2S 0.619023 0.577121 -0.61902 0.577121 3 3.99 1.553 1 1 1 1.553 1.553 1.553 1.21 1.21 0.78 6.35 5.78 199.14 27.0 12.1
53 1 2 L80*80*7 S355 10.8 22S 23S 0.682512 0.619023 0.682512 0.619023 1.5 3 1.503 1 1 1 1.503 1.503 1.503 2.44 2.44 1.57 195.18 180.769 95.71 180.7 230.2

55 1 2 L80*80*7 S355 10.8 1P 22S 0.746 0.682512 0.746 0.682512 0 1.5 1.503 1 1 1 1.503 1.503 1.503 2.44 2.44 1.57 204.53 188.959 95.71 189.4 230.2
54 1 2 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 22S 23X 0.682512 0.619023 0.682512 -0.61902 1.5 3 1.987 0.5 0.76 0.5 0.993 1.510 0.993 1.06 1.06 0.68 5.37 5.205 146.1 26.3 19.4


56 2 1 L35*35*3 S275 2.04 1P 22X 0.746 0.682512 0.746 -0.68251 0 1.5 2.072 0.5 0.76 0.5 1.036 1.575 1.036 1.06 1.06 0.68 4.51 4.489 152.38 22.1 17.9
51 2 1 L40*40*3 S355 2.35 23S 23X 0.619023 0.619023 0.619023 -0.61902 3 3 1.238 1.238 1.238 1.238 1.21 1.21 0.78 2.25 2.357 158.72 9.6 19.0
Member 1 1 1
52 0 14 L40*40*3 S275 2.35 23S 23XY 0.619023 -0.61902 0.619023 -0.61902 3 3 1.751 0.875 1.751 0.875 1.21 1.21 0.78 0.00 1.194 0 0.0 0.0
Bracing 0.5 1 0.5

Prepared By: SA-RA Project Dept.

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Page 1/2
SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Summary: Design of S-2S Type Tower
(+3 Body)


Group Ultimate Actual Ultimate Shear Bearing Max of Max of
Element Actual / An Actual / Bolt No of
Label Stress 2
Stress Stress Grade Capacity Capacity Forces / Forces /
Ultimate (mm ) Ultimate Type Bolts
(N/mm 2) 2
(N/mm ) (N/mm )2
(kN) (kN) Shear Bearing
3 311.7 0.15 331 52.6 355 0.15 5.8 M-16 4 483 180.48 0.05 0.12
9 201.9 0.24 331 52.4 355 0.15 5.8 M-16 4 483 180.48 0.05 0.13

Main Leg
11 201.9 0.27 331 67.9 355 0.19 5.8 M-16 4 483 180.48 0.05 0.14
14 311.7 0.24 331 86.2 355 0.24 5.8 M-16 4 483 180.48 0.07 0.19
20 201.9 0.65 331 164.9 355 0.46 5.8 M-16 4 483 180.48 0.13 0.34
22 201.9 0.93 331 246.6 355 0.69 5.8 M-16 4 483 180.48 0.18 0.49
25 311.7 0.71 331 286.1 355 0.81 5.8 M-16 4 483 180.48 0.22 0.58
4 196.9 0.49 194.5 111.9 319.5 0.35 5.8 M-12 1 34 25.38 0.66 0.89

Vertical Bracing
10 97.0 0.66 163.5 78.5 247.5 0.32 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.38 0.59
12 97.0 0.66 163.5 79.8 247.5 0.32 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.38 0.59
15 168.5 0.40 163.5 79.1 247.5 0.32 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.41 0.62
21 127.6 0.75 254 114.9 319.5 0.36 5.8 M-12 1 34 33.84 0.87 0.87
23 127.6 0.75 254 115.6 319.5 0.36 5.8 M-12 1 34 33.84 0.87 0.87
26 188.7 0.31 295 63.5 247.5 0.26 5.8 M-12 1 34 29.52 0.60 0.69
1 200.7 0.08 163.5 80.8 247.5 0.33 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.39 0.60

Hrz. Member
5 200.7 0.30 163.5 22.4 247.5 0.09 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.36 0.56
13 200.7 0.03 163.5 56.5 247.5 0.23 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.27 0.42
15 168.5 0.40 163.5 79.1 247.5 0.32 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.41 0.62
24 200.7 0.05 163.5 58.1 247.5 0.23 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.28 0.43
27 200.7 0.25 163.5 26.6 247.5 0.11 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.30 0.46
2 0.0 0.00 163.5 14.7 247.5 0.06 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.07 0.11
Hrz. 6 205.2 0.07 163.5 0.0 247.5 0.00 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.09 0.13
Bracing 17 205.2 0.05 163.5 17.7 247.5 0.07 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.09 0.13
28 205.2 0.11 163.5 0.0 247.5 0.00 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.14 0.21
X-arm 7 109.3 0.15 163.5 96.4 247.5 0.39 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.46 0.71
Hanger X- 8 174.5 0.24 295 14.0 247.5 0.06 5.8 M-12 1 34 29.52 0.44 0.50
31 232.2 0.73 473.5 238.3 355 0.67 5.8 M-16 6 724 338.4 0.17 0.37
Main Leg

33 232.2 0.81 473.5 268.3 355 0.76 5.8 M-16 6 724 338.4 0.19 0.41
35 232.2 0.87 473.5 289.1 355 0.81 5.8 M-16 6 724 338.4 0.21 0.44
37 232.2 0.92 473.5 306.6 355 0.86 5.8 M-16 6 724 338.4 0.22 0.46
2 39 232.2 0.97 473.5 322.9 355 0.91 5.8 M-16 6 724 338.4 0.23 0.49
32 133.9 0.44 295 103.8 319.5 0.32 5.8 M-12 1 34 33.84 0.90 0.91

34 98.4 0.78 254 57.9 247.5 0.23 5.8 M-12 1 34 29.52 0.69 0.80
36 91.5 0.41 254 72.4 247.5 0.29 5.8 M-12 1 34 29.52 0.54 0.62
38 84.7 0.74 194.5 52.9 247.5 0.21 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.43 0.66
41 237.8 0.83 560 285.9 355 0.81 5.8 M-16 6 724 406.08 0.24 0.43
Main Leg

43 237.8 0.86 560 296.6 355 0.84 5.8 M-16 6 724 406.08 0.25 0.44
45 237.8 0.89 560 305.2 355 0.86 5.8 M-16 6 724 406.08 0.25 0.45
47 237.8 0.91 560 312.6 355 0.88 5.8 M-16 6 724 406.08 0.26 0.46
49 237.8 0.93 560 318.4 355 0.90 5.8 M-16 6 724 406.08 0.27 0.47
42 71.9 0.61 194.5 49.9 247.5 0.20 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.30 0.46
44 66.1 0.54 194.5 45.8 247.5 0.18 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.26 0.40

46 60.7 0.55 194.5 37.1 247.5 0.15 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.23 0.35
48 55.8 0.49 194.5 35.5 247.5 0.14 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.20 0.31
50 51.3 0.53 194.5 29.7 247.5 0.12 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.19 0.29
53 213.2 0.85 590 306.4 355 0.86 5.8 M-16 8 965 631.68 0.20 0.31

55 213.2 0.89 590 320.3 355 0.90 5.8 M-16 8 965 631.68 0.21 0.32
54 95.3 0.28 163.5 31.8 247.5 0.13 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.16 0.24


56 87.6 0.25 163.5 27.5 247.5 0.11 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.13 0.20
51 80.8 0.12 194.5 12.1 319.5 0.04 5.8 M-12 1 34 25.38 0.07 0.09
52 0.0 0.00 194.5 6.1 247.5 0.02 5.8 M-12 1 34 22.14 0.04 0.05

Prepared By: SA-RA Project Dept.

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Page 2/2
Subject: Design of S-2S Type


1- Introduction

2- Tower Outline Drawing

3- Load Calculations and Analysis Results

i. Conductor Load Calculations & Load Trees

ii. Wind Load Calculations
iii. Joint & Member Description Drawing
iv. Summary of Analysis Results
v. Detailed Analysis Results

4- Foundation Calculations
a. Reactions
b. Calculations
c. Drawings

5- Test Loading Trees

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Prepared By: SA-RA Project Dept.
Span Towers Date: 30.05.06


Prepared By:
Subject: Design of S-2S Type

a- Purpose:
The purpose of this document is to design a self support square lattice tower to be
used in 33kV Medium Span Overhead Transmission Line network.
b- Scope:
In this project suspension type – named as “S-2S +3BODY” – tower which has
18.00m height is designed. As it will be used in double circuit network, “2” stands for
double circuit. Cross arm length and clearances – as shown in the outline – is
determined according to the specification no: D-43 submitted by Commission of
Electricity, Planning & Studies Division.
After all statical and design calculations of towers completed foundation design is
done. For suspension type tower there are 3 types of foundations for different soil
c- Design Criteria and Load Cases:
All the loads applied on the tower are calculated according to the the specification no
D-43. These loads are arranged in load combinations and given in the load trees.
They are submitted in the following pages.
d- About Software Used:
The design is done by “TOWER” software. It is one of several programs developed
by “Power Line Systems” for the analysis and design of transmission and
communication structures. For tranmission line towers, design checks are made
according to ASCE 10-90 (Design of Latticed Steel Transmission Structures). The
programme calculates stressess in each member and compares them to allowable
values. Design loads for towers are described by climatic conditions (combination of
wind, ice and temperature), load factors and conductor.
“TOWER” uses classical concepts of finite element analysis to determine the axial
forces and stresses in each tower component under various load cases. These forces
are then compared to allowable values according to ASCE 10 Manual. The
mathematical model created by “TOWER” is a collection of joints (or nodes)
interconnected by straight members (or elements).

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Prepared By: SA-RA Project Dept. INTRODUCTION
Span Towers Date: 30.05.06 Page 1/2
Subject: Design of S-2S Type

e- Materials of Design:
The following strength values are used in the design calculations:
Steel Angles and Plates:
Mild Steel – S275:
Ultimate Tensile Strength: 410MPa
Yield Strength: 275MPa
High Tensile Steel – S355: (Denoted as “H”)
Ultimate Tensile Strength: 470MPa
Yield Strength: 355MPa
Ultimate tensile strength (Gr5.8): 500MPa
Yield strength (Gr5.8): 400MPa
Ultimate shear strength (Gr5.8): 300MPa
Ultimate bearing capacity (Gr5.8): 750MPa
Design Specifications:
ASCE Manual No: 52 “Guide for Design of Latticed Steel Transmission Towers”
ANSI/ASCE 10-90: “Design of Latticed Steel Transmission Structures”
ASCE Manual No: 74 “Guidelines for Electrical Transmission Line Structural Loading”
Slenderness Ratio Limits of Tower Members:
As per specification of ASCE Manual No:52
Main members (legs): 120
Other load carrying members (bracings): 200
Redundant members: 250
Tension-only members: 375
Minimum Material Thicknesses:
Leg members, compression chords of cross arms and earth wire peak: 4mm
Other members: 3mm
Redundant members: 3mm
Gusset Plates: 5mm
Minimum bolt diameter: 12mm

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Prepared By: SA-RA Project Dept. INTRODUCTION
Span Towers Date: 30.05.06 Page 2/2


Prepared By:



Prepared By:

Conductor Load Calculations

Load Trees

Prepared By:

33 kV. Double circuit Transmission line ;

SPANS ( in meters )
Design Description Ruling Wind Span Weight Span
Tower Angle of
type (°) Tower Angle Tangent Conductor

S-2S 0 Tangent 150 0 210 225

Small Angle
S-2T 0 Tension 150 210 210 225
Large angle
S-2H 0 Tension 150 210 210 225

S-2SC 0 Tangent 250 0 350 375

Small Angle
S-2TC 0 Tension 250 350 350 375
Large angle
S-2HC 0 Tension 250 350 350 375

S-2RCS 0 Tangent 400 0 560 600


S-2AT 0 Anchor 150 210 210 225

20 -150

S-2RC 0 Tangent 600 0 840 900


S-2ARC 0 Anchor 300 420 420 450

20 -150

For For
Normal Condition 1.50 1.50
Exceptional Case 1.10 1.10

Revision Page
Double Circuit Suspension a No.
33kV Transmission Line Tower for Medium Span b
" S-2S " c 2


Reference Standard
Material ACSR
Code Name
Stranding 210/35 7/26
Total area mm2 243.2
Diameter mm 20.3
Weight Kg / m 0.85
Ultimate strength daN 7490
Final modulus of elasticity Kg/mm2 7700
Coefficient of linear exp. 1 / °C 1.89E-05
Dc Resistance , 20°C ohm/km 0.138

Specific Creepage 24 mm / kV
Single Double Single Double
Elec. & Mechanical failing load kN 70 70 70 70
No. of insulator units in string 3 2*3 4 2*4
Length of one string m 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.30
Weight of insulator string Kg 30 60 40 80

Wind load on insulator string Kg 25 50 30 60

Weight of lineman and tools Kg 100 100

Basic span : 150 m.


Temp. Wind Weight Tension Sag

°C mm. Kg/m2 Kg/m Kg m.

-5 0.850 1.692 1.41

M.W.T 15 0 75 1.744 1.851 2.65
15 0 0 0.850 1.189 2.01
0 0 0 - - #SAYI/0!
EDS 23 0 0 0.850 1.086 2.20
45 0 0 0.850 878 2.72

M.Sag 75 0 0 0.850 707 3.38

Revision Page
Double Circuit Suspension a No.
33kV Transmission Line Tower for Medium Span b
" S-2S " c 3


Ruling span = 150 m. Cond. Dia. = 20.3 mm.

Temperature = -5 °C Unit weight = 0.85 Kg/m
Radial Ice = 9.475 cm Cross Section = 243.20 mm2
Ice density = 0.917 kg/dm3 Ultimate strength = 7.638 Kg
Wind pressure = - Kg / m2 Coeff. of Exp. = 0.0000189 1/°C
Max. W. Tension = 2.100 Kg Modulus of Elas. = 7.700 Kg / mm2

Final Final
Description Temperature Wind Pressure Unit weight Tension Sag
°C Kg / m2 Kg / m Kg m.

-12 0.0 0.850 1.692 1.41

Max. Working Tension -5 0.0 1.661 2.100 2.23
-12 0.0 0.850 1.692 1.41
15 75.0 1.744 1.851 2.65
Span a1, 45 ° wind 15 53.0 1.372 1.594 2.42
Span a2, 45 ° wind 15 53.0 1.372 1.594 2.42
5 0.0 0.850 1.346 1.78
10 0.850 1.264 1.89
15 0.850 1.189 2.01
20 0.850 1.123 2.13
Everyday tension 23 0.850 1.086 2.20
25 0.850 1.063 2.25
30 0.850 1.009 2.37
35 0.850 960 2.49
40 0.850 917 2.61
45 0.850 878 2.72
50 0.850 842 2.84
Max. Sag 75 0.850 707 3.38

Direk boyu konsol altından = 10.38

Revision Page
Double Circuit Suspension a No.
33kV Transmission Line Tower for Medium Span b
" S-2S " c 4

Tower rating :
Basic Span = 150 m. Weight span ( Max. ) = 225 m.
Line angle : = 0 ° Weight span ( Min. ) = 156 m.
Wind span = 210 m.


Max weight span
Weight of Conductor = 0.85 * 225 = 191
Weight of D. Susp. set = = 60

251 Kg
Min weight span
Weight of Conductor = 0.85 * 156 = 133
Weight of S. Susp. set = = 30
163 Kg

Wind on Conductor = 75.0 * 20.3 * 1.E-03 * 210 = 320

Wind on D. Susp. set = = 50
Angle pull = 2 * 1.851 * Sin ( - ) = -
370 Kg


CONDUCTOR : * - = - Kg



Wind load on Conductor = 1.077 * { 0.5 * a1 * Sin ( 45 + 0 ) +

0.5 * a2 *Sin ( 45 - 0 )} * Cos ( 0 ) = 160
Wind on D. Susp. set = = 35
Angle pull = ( 1.594 + 1594 ) * Sin ( 0 ) = -
195 Kg


Wind load on Conductor = 1.077 * { 0.5 * a1 * Sin ( 45 + 0 ) -
0.5 * a2 *Sin ( 45 - 0 )} * Sin ( 0 ) = -
Wind on D. Susp. set = = 35
Angle pull = ( 1.594 - 1.594 ) * Cos ( 0 ) = -
35 Kg

Revision Page
Double Circuit Suspension a No.
33kV Transmission Line Tower for Medium Span b
" S-2S " c 5

Tower rating :
Basic Span = 150 m. Weight span ( Max. ) = 225 m.
Line angle : = 0 ° Weight span ( Min. ) = 156 m.
Wind span = 210 m.

NORMAL CONDITIONS-2 ; VERTICAL LOADS (Max. Weight span) with ice -5C


Weight of Conductor = 1.661 * 225 = 374

Weight of D. Susp. set = = 60
434 Kg

NORMAL CONDITIONS-2 ; TRANSVERSE LOADS (Max. Weight span) with ice -5C


Wind on Conductor = 0.0 * 20.3 * 1.E-03 * 210 = -

Wind on D. Susp. set = = -
Angle pull = 2 * 2.100 * Sin ( - ) = -
- Kg

NORMAL CONDITIONS-2 ; LONGITUDINAL LOADS (Max. Weight span) with ice -5C


NORMAL CONDITIONS-3 ; VERTICAL LOADS (Max. Weight span) Max Wind +15C


Weight of Conductor = 0.85 * 225 = 191

Weight of D. Susp. set = = 60

251 Kg

NORMAL CONDITIONS-3 ; TRANSVERSE LOADS (Max. Weight span) Max wind Log. Direction


Wind on Conductor = 0.0 * 20.3 * 1.E-03 * 210 = -

Wind on D. Susp. set = = -
Angle pull = 2 * 1.189 * Sin ( - ) = -
- Kg

NORMAL CONDITIONS-3 ; Long LOADS (Max. Weight span) Max wind Log. Direction


%40(Trans.Wind on Conduc) = 40% * 370 = 128

Wind on D. Susp. set = = 20

148 Kg

Revision Page
Double Circuit Suspension a No.
33kV Transmission Line Tower for Medium Span b
" S-2S " c 6

Tower rating :
Basic Span = 150 m. Weight span ( Max. ) = 225 m.
Line angle : = 0 ° Weight span ( Min. ) = 156 m.
Wind span = 210 m.



Weight of Conductor = 0.85 * 225 = 191

Weight of D. Susp. set = = 50
Weight of Maintenance worker & Equipments = 100
Vertical Component of = 1085.7 / Tan ( 72 ° ) = 353
1 to 3 stringing pull 694 Kg



Wind on Conductor = 0.0 * 20.3 * 1.E-03 * 210 = -

Wind on D. Susp. set = = -
Angle pull = 2 * 1.086 * Sin ( - ) = -
- Kg



Revision Page
Double Circuit Suspension a No.
33kV Transmission Line Tower for Medium Span b
" S-2S " c 7

Double Circuit Suspension 0 ° angle of line deviation at FULL WIND SPAN

MAX. MIN. Kg / m2
15 °C
TRANSVERSE 1 370 0 251 163 Normal condition 1 (SF= 1.5) 94
15 °C
45° WIND 1.1 195 35 251 163 Normal condition 1.1 (SF= 1.5) 94

-5 °C
No WIND 2 0 0 434 0 Normal condition 2 (SF= 1.5) 0
15 °C
Long wind 3 0 148 251 163 Normal condition 3 (SF= 1.5) 94
(%40 strength)
23 °C
No wind 4 0 0 694 0 Normal condition 1 (SF= 1.5) 0

DESIGN FACTORED LOADS : The Unfactored loads shall be multiplied by the following Safety factors
to establish the design loads on tower structure.




LONGITUDINAL 1.50 1.10 1.00

Revision Page
Double Circuit Suspension No.
33kV Transmission Line Tower for Medium Span
" S-2S " 8

94 Kg/m2 370 370

Transverse Wind
Pressure on Tower body 251 251

370 370

251 251

370 370

251 251


NORMAL LOADING ; Transverse Wind at 15 °C, Max. weight span

Case : 1
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included

94 Kg/m2 370 370

Transverse Wind
Pressure on Tower body 163 163

370 370

163 163

370 370

163 163


NORMAL LOADING ; Transverse Wind at 15 °C, Min. weight span

Case : 2
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included
Revision Page
33kV Transmission Line Double Circuit Suspension a No.
Tower for Medium Span b 9
" S-2S " c

195 195
94 Kg/m2
Yawed, 45 ° Wind 35 251 35 251
Pressure on Tower body
195 195

35 251 35 251

195 195

35 251 35 251


NORMAL LOADING ; Yawed Wind of 45° , at 15 °C, Max. weight span

Case : 3
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included

195 195
94 Kg/m2
Yawed, 45 ° Wind 35 163 35 163
Pressure on Tower body
Min weight span 195 195

35 163 35 163

195 195

35 163 35 163


NORMAL LOADING ; Yawed Wind of 45° , at 15 °C, Min. weight span

Case : 4
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included
Revision Page
33kV Transmission Line Double Circuit Suspension No.
Tower for Medium Span 10
" S-2S "

0 Kg/m2 0 0
Transverse Wind
Pressure on Tower body 434 434

0 0

434 434

0 0

434 434


No wind ICE -50 C ;

Case : 5
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included

94 Kg/m2
Long Wind 0 0
Pressure on Tower body
Max weight span 148 251 148 251

0 0

148 251 148 251

0 0

148 251 148 251


Max wind 150 C ;

Case : 6 40% Of Transferse load.
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included
Revision Page
33kV Transmission Line Double Circuit Suspension No.
Tower for Medium Span 11
" S-2S "

94 Kg/m2
Long Wind 0
Pressure on Tower body
Min weight span 148 163 148 163

148 163 148 163

148 163 148 163


Max wind 150 C ;

Case : 7 40% Of Transferse load.
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included



No wind 230 C Stringing and Maint ;

Case : 8
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included

Revision Page
33kV Transmission Line Double Circuit Suspension No.
Tower for Medium Span 12
" S-2S "

94 Kg/m2 370
Transverse Wind
Pressure on Tower body 251






NORMAL LOADING ; Transverse Wind at 15 °C, Max. weight span For one circuit
Case : 9
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included

94 Kg/m2 370
Transverse Wind
Pressure on Tower body 163






NORMAL LOADING ; Transverse Wind at 15 °C, Min. weight span

Case : 10
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included
Revision Page
33kV Transmission Line Double Circuit Suspension No.
Tower for Medium Span 13
" S-2S "

94 Kg/m2
Yawed, 45 ° Wind 35 251
Pressure on Tower body

35 251


35 251


NORMAL LOADING ; Yawed Wind of 45° , at 15 °C, Max. weight span

Case : 11
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included

94 Kg/m2
Yawed, 45 ° Wind 35 163
Pressure on Tower body
Min weight span 195

35 163


35 163


NORMAL LOADING ; Yawed Wind of 45° , at 15 °C, Min. weight span

Case : 12
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included
Revision Page
33kV Transmission Line Double Circuit Suspension No.
Tower for Medium Span 14
" S-2S "

0 Kg/m2 0
Transverse Wind
Pressure on Tower body 434




No wind ICE -50 C ;

Case : 13
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included

0 Kg/m2
Long Wind 0
Pressure on Tower body
Max weight span 148 251

148 251

148 251


Max wind 150 C ;

Case : 14 40% Of Transferse load. (max weight)
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included
Revision Page
33kV Transmission Line Double Circuit Suspension No.
Tower for Medium Span 15
" S-2S "

0 Kg/m2
Long Wind
Pressure on Tower body
Min weight span 148 163

148 163

148 163


Max wind 150 C ;

Case : 15 40% Of Transferse load. Min Weight
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included



No wind 230 C Stringing and Maint ;

Case : 16
Factor of safety : 1.50
Notes : All loads are in ( Kg ) and the Factors of safety do not included

Revision Page
33kV Transmission Line Double Circuit Suspension No.
Tower for Medium Span 16
" S-2S "

Wind Load Calculations

Prepared By:
SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type
(+3 Body)



Contour Area of

Section Bottom

Section Height

Coefficient (c)
Secton (m2) A

Section Top
Width (mm)

Width (mm)



# AREA (m2) (m2) PRESSURE

1 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
3 60 60 4 2 500 0.06
4 40 40 3 1 640 0.03
5 40 40 3 1 400 0.02
7 35 35 3 2 539 0.04
8 45 45 4 2 200 0.02
8s1 35 35 3 2 250 0.02
8s2 35 35 3 2 269 0.02
9 60 60 4 2 900 0.11
10 35 35 3 1 985 0.03 94.0kgf/m²
11 60 60 4 2 900 0.11 922.1N/m²
12 35 35 4 1 985 0.03
13 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
14 60 60 4 2 500 0.06
15 35 35 3 1 640 0.02
7 35 35 3 2 539 0.04
1.17 1.59
8 45 45 4 2 200 0.02
1 400 400 5100 2.04
8s1 35 35 3 2 250 0.02
8s2 35 35 3 2 269 0.02
20 60 60 4 2 900 0.11
21 45 45 4 1 985 0.04
22 60 60 4 2 900 0.11
23 45 45 4 1 985 0.04
24 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
25 60 60 4 2 500 0.06
26 35 35 3 1 640 0.02
7 35 35 3 2 539 0.04
8 45 45 4 2 200 0.02
8s1 35 35 3 2 250 0.02
8s2 35 35 3 2 269 0.02

Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 43.8kgf
Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 430.0N
31 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
32 45 45 4 1 1085 0.05
33 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
34 40 40 4 1 1122 0.04
35 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
36 40 40 4 1 1164 0.05
37 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
38 40 40 3 1 1209 0.05 94.0kgf/m²
39 75 75 5 2 992 0.15 2.39 922.1N/m²
2 400 987 6930 4.81 40 40 40 3 1 1259 0.05
41 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
42 40 40 3 1 1313 0.05
43 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
44 40 40 3 1 1369 0.05

Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 78.0kgf

Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 765.1N
45 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
46 40 40 3 1 1428 0.06
47 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
48 40 40 3 1 1490 0.06
49 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
50 40 40 3 1 1553 0.06
1.44 2.66
51 40 40 3 1 1238 0.05
3 987 1492 5970 7.40
53 80 80 7 2 1503 0.24
54 35 35 3 2 1987 0.14
55 80 80 7 2 1503 0.24
56 35 35 3 2 2072 0.15 94.0kgf/m²
Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 89.8kgf
Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 881.3N


Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Date: Page 1/2
SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type
(+3 Body)

Contour Area of

Section Bottom

Section Height

Coefficient (c)
Secton (m2) A

Section Top
Width (mm)

Width (mm)






Contour Area of
Section Bottom

Section Height

Coefficient (c)
Secton (m2) A
Section Top
Width (mm)

Width (mm)






1 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
3 60 60 4 2 500 0.06
4 35 35 3 1 640 0.02
5 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
7 35 35 3 2 539 0.04
8 45 45 4 2 200 0.02
8s1 35 35 3 2 250 0.02
8s2 35 35 3 2 269 0.02
9 60 60 4 2 900 0.11
10 35 35 3 1 985 0.03 66.5kgf/m²
11 60 60 4 2 900 0.11 652.4N/m²
12 35 35 4 1 985 0.03
13 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
14 60 60 4 2 500 0.06
15 35 35 3 1 640 0.02
7 35 35 3 2 539 0.04
1.17 1.60
8 45 45 4 2 200 0.02
1 400 400 5100 2.04
8s1 35 35 3 2 250 0.02
8s2 35 35 3 2 269 0.02
20 60 60 4 2 900 0.11
21 45 45 4 1 985 0.04
22 60 60 4 2 900 0.11
23 45 45 4 1 985 0.04
24 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
25 60 60 4 2 500 0.06
26 35 35 3 1 640 0.02
7 35 35 3 2 539 0.04
8 45 45 4 2 200 0.02
8s1 35 35 3 2 250 0.02
8s2 35 35 3 2 269 0.02

Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 31.0kgf
Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 304.2N
31 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
32 45 45 4 1 1085 0.05
33 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
34 40 40 4 1 1122 0.04
35 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
36 40 40 4 1 1164 0.05
37 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
38 40 40 3 1 1209 0.05 66.5kgf/m²
39 75 75 5 2 992 0.15 2.39 652.4N/m²
2 400 987 6930 4.81 40 40 40 3 1 1259 0.05
41 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
42 40 40 3 1 1313 0.05
43 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
44 40 40 3 1 1369 0.05

Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 55.2kgf

Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 541.3N
45 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
46 40 40 3 1 1428 0.06
47 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
48 40 40 3 1 1490 0.06
49 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
50 40 40 3 1 1553 0.06
1.44 2.66
51 40 40 3 1 1238 0.05
3 987 1492 5970 7.40
53 80 80 7 2 1503 0.24
54 35 35 3 2 1987 0.14
55 80 80 7 2 1503 0.24
56 35 35 3 2 2072 0.15 66.5kgf/m²
Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 63.6kgf
Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 623.5N


Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Date: Page 2/2
SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type
(+3 Body)



Contour Area of

Section Bottom

Section Height

Coefficient (c)
Secton (m2) A

Section Top
Width (mm)

Width (mm)




1 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
3 60 60 4 2 500 0.06
4 40 40 3 1 640 0.03
5 40 40 3 1 400 0.02
7 35 35 3 2 1487 0.10
8 45 45 4 2 1600 0.14
8s1 35 35 3 2 743 0.05
8s2 35 35 3 2 250 0.02
9 60 60 4 2 900 0.11
10 35 35 3 1 985 0.03 94.0kgf/m²
11 60 60 4 2 900 0.11 922.1N/m²
12 35 35 4 1 985 0.03
13 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
14 60 60 4 2 500 0.06
15 35 35 3 1 640 0.02
7 35 35 3 2 1487 0.10
1.85 2.88
8 45 45 4 2 1600 0.14
1 3200 3200 5100 16.32
8s1 35 35 3 2 743 0.05
8s2 35 35 3 2 250 0.02
20 60 60 4 2 900 0.11
21 45 45 4 1 985 0.04
22 60 60 4 2 900 0.11
23 45 45 4 1 985 0.04
24 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
25 60 60 4 2 500 0.06
26 35 35 3 1 640 0.02
7 35 35 3 2 1487 0.10
8 45 45 4 2 1600 0.14
8s1 35 35 3 2 743 0.05
8s2 35 35 3 2 250 0.02

Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 125.4kgf
Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 1229.9N
31 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
32 45 45 4 1 1085 0.05
33 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
34 40 40 4 1 1122 0.04
35 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
36 40 40 4 1 1164 0.05
37 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
38 40 40 3 1 1209 0.05 94.0kgf/m²
39 75 75 5 2 992 0.15 2.39 922.1N/m²
2 400 987 6930 4.81 40 40 40 3 1 1259 0.05
41 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
42 40 40 3 1 1313 0.05
43 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
44 40 40 3 1 1369 0.05

Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 78.0kgf

Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 765.1N
45 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
46 40 40 3 1 1428 0.06
47 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
48 40 40 3 1 1490 0.06
49 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
50 40 40 3 1 1553 0.06
1.44 2.66
51 40 40 3 1 1238 0.05
3 987 1492 5970 7.40
53 80 80 7 2 1503 0.24
54 35 35 3 2 1987 0.14
55 80 80 7 2 1503 0.24
56 35 35 3 2 2072 0.15 94.0kgf/m²
Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 89.8kgf
Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 881.3N


Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Date: Page 1/2
SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type
(+3 Body)

Contour Area of

Section Bottom

Section Height

Coefficient (c)
Secton (m2) A

Section Top
Width (mm)

Width (mm)






Contour Area of
Section Bottom

Section Height

Coefficient (c)
Secton (m2) A
Section Top
Width (mm)

Width (mm)






1 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
3 60 60 4 2 500 0.06
4 35 35 3 1 640 0.02
5 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
7 35 35 3 2 1487 0.10
8 45 45 4 2 1600 0.14
8s1 35 35 3 2 743 0.05
8s2 35 35 3 2 250 0.02
9 60 60 4 2 900 0.11
10 35 35 3 1 985 0.03 66.5kgf/m²
11 60 60 4 2 900 0.11 652.4N/m²
12 35 35 4 1 985 0.03
13 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
14 60 60 4 2 500 0.06
15 35 35 3 1 640 0.02
7 35 35 3 2 1487 0.10
1.85 2.88
8 45 45 4 2 1600 0.14
1 3200 3200 5100 16.32
8s1 35 35 3 2 743 0.05
8s2 35 35 3 2 250 0.02
20 60 60 4 2 900 0.11
21 45 45 4 1 985 0.04
22 60 60 4 2 900 0.11
23 45 45 4 1 985 0.04
24 35 35 3 1 400 0.01
25 60 60 4 2 500 0.06
26 35 35 3 1 640 0.02
7 35 35 3 2 1487 0.10
8 45 45 4 2 1600 0.14
8s1 35 35 3 2 743 0.05
8s2 35 35 3 2 250 0.02

Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 88.5kgf
Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 867.9N
31 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
32 45 45 4 1 1085 0.05
33 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
34 40 40 4 1 1122 0.04
35 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
36 40 40 4 1 1164 0.05
37 75 75 5 2 992 0.15
38 40 40 3 1 1209 0.05 66.5kgf/m²
39 75 75 5 2 992 0.15 2.39 652.4N/m²
2 400 987 6930 4.81 40 40 40 3 1 1259 0.05
41 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
42 40 40 3 1 1313 0.05
43 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
44 40 40 3 1 1369 0.05

Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 55.2kgf

Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 541.3N
45 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
46 40 40 3 1 1428 0.06
47 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
48 40 40 3 1 1490 0.06
49 75 75 6 2 992 0.15
50 40 40 3 1 1553 0.06
1.44 2.66
51 40 40 3 1 1238 0.05
3 987 1492 5970 7.40
53 80 80 7 2 1503 0.24
54 35 35 3 2 1987 0.14
55 80 80 7 2 1503 0.24
56 35 35 3 2 2072 0.15 66.5kgf/m²
Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 63.6kgf
Wind Load on Each Joint=Total AreaxWind Pressure/4= 623.5N


Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Date: Page 2/2

Joint & Member Description


Prepared By:

Summary of Analysis Results

Prepared By:
SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

Project Name : S-2S Type Suspension Tower

Project Notes: 33kV, Double Circuit, Medium Span, ACSR 210/35
by : Tower Version 5.017
Licensed to : SA-RA

Successfully performed linear analysis

*** Analysis Results:

Maximum element utilization is 96.79% for Angle "8Y" in load case "CASE 1"

Summary of Joint Support Reactions For All Loadcases:

LoadCase Joint
Long. Tran. Vert. Shear Tran. Long. Vert. Bending
Force Force Force Force Moment Moment Moment Moment
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN-m) (kN-m) (kN-m) (kN-m)
CASE 1 1P -9.14 -11.57 207.14 14.74 0.22 -0.44 -0.02 0.49
CASE 1 1X 8.35 -10.97 -189.36 13.79 0.17 0.42 -0.01 0.46
CASE 1 1XY -8.36 -10.80 -189.32 13.66 0.18 -0.40 0.02 0.44
CASE 1 1Y 9.15 -11.76 207.04 14.90 0.21 0.46 0.02 0.51
CASE 2 1P -9.06 -11.49 205.19 14.63 0.22 -0.43 -0.02 0.48
CASE 2 1X 8.44 -11.06 -191.29 13.91 0.18 0.43 -0.01 0.46
CASE 2 1XY -8.45 -10.88 -191.27 13.77 0.19 -0.40 0.02 0.45
CASE 2 1Y 9.06 -11.68 205.11 14.78 0.20 0.46 0.02 0.50
CASE 3 1P -9.13 -9.34 174.87 13.06 0.26 -0.31 -0.00 0.41
CASE 3 1X 0.70 -3.67 -45.80 3.73 -0.02 0.16 -0.01 0.16
CASE 3 1XY -8.36 -8.56 -157.05 11.96 0.22 -0.28 0.01 0.35
CASE 3 1Y 1.50 -4.46 63.48 4.70 0.01 0.19 0.01 0.20
CASE 4 1P -9.05 -9.25 172.92 12.94 0.25 -0.31 -0.00 0.40
CASE 4 1X 0.79 -3.75 -47.73 3.83 -0.02 0.16 -0.01 0.16
CASE 4 1XY -8.44 -8.65 -159.01 12.08 0.22 -0.28 0.01 0.36
CASE 4 1Y 1.41 -4.37 61.55 4.60 0.01 0.19 0.01 0.19
CASE 5 1P -0.56 -0.56 12.97 0.79 0.03 -0.03 0.00 0.04
CASE 5 1X -0.58 0.57 12.86 0.81 -0.03 -0.03 0.00 0.04
CASE 5 1XY 0.56 0.56 12.97 0.79 -0.03 0.03 0.00 0.04
CASE 5 1Y 0.58 -0.57 12.86 0.81 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.04
CASE 6 1P -7.94 -5.77 130.05 9.82 0.29 -0.15 0.01 0.32
CASE 6 1X -7.82 5.78 130.00 9.73 -0.27 -0.16 -0.01 0.31
CASE 6 1XY -7.17 -5.00 -112.23 8.74 0.25 -0.11 -0.01 0.27
CASE 6 1Y -7.02 4.99 -112.32 8.62 -0.23 -0.12 0.01 0.26
CASE 7 1P -7.86 -5.69 128.10 9.70 0.28 -0.14 0.01 0.32
CASE 7 1X -7.73 5.70 128.07 9.61 -0.27 -0.15 -0.01 0.31
CASE 7 1XY -7.25 -5.08 -114.19 8.85 0.25 -0.11 -0.01 0.28
CASE 7 1Y -7.11 5.08 -114.25 8.74 -0.24 -0.12 0.01 0.27
CASE 8 1P -0.48 -0.27 11.37 0.55 0.01 -0.02 -0.00 0.03
CASE 8 1X -0.04 0.28 0.41 0.28 -0.01 0.00 -0.00 0.01

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

CASE 8 1XY 0.04 0.25 0.42 0.25 -0.01 -0.00 0.00 0.01
CASE 8 1Y 0.49 -0.25 11.35 0.55 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.03
CASE 9 1P -5.63 -7.41 127.20 9.31 0.14 -0.27 -0.01 0.30
CASE 9 1X 5.09 -6.97 -114.97 8.63 0.11 0.26 -0.01 0.28
CASE 9 1XY -5.09 -6.87 -114.96 8.55 0.12 -0.24 0.01 0.27
CASE 9 1Y 5.64 -7.52 127.15 9.40 0.13 0.28 0.01 0.31
CASE 10 1P -5.51 -7.37 124.14 9.20 0.14 -0.26 -0.01 0.29
CASE 10 1X 5.05 -7.02 -113.85 8.65 0.11 0.25 -0.01 0.28
CASE 10 1XY -5.05 -6.91 -113.86 8.56 0.12 -0.24 0.01 0.27
CASE 10 1Y 5.51 -7.48 124.11 9.29 0.13 0.27 0.01 0.30
CASE 11 1P -7.36 -6.37 126.35 9.74 0.18 -0.23 0.02 0.30
CASE 11 1X -0.07 -1.55 -18.54 1.55 -0.04 0.09 0.02 0.10
CASE 11 1XY -6.00 -6.60 -114.16 8.92 0.18 -0.19 0.03 0.26
CASE 11 1Y -0.30 -2.91 30.76 2.92 -0.00 0.10 0.03 0.10
CASE 12 1P -7.24 -6.32 123.29 9.61 0.18 -0.22 0.02 0.29
CASE 12 1X -0.11 -1.60 -17.42 1.60 -0.04 0.09 0.02 0.10
CASE 12 1XY -5.96 -6.63 -113.05 8.92 0.18 -0.19 0.03 0.26
CASE 12 1Y -0.43 -2.87 27.72 2.90 -0.00 0.09 0.03 0.09
CASE 13 1P -0.77 -0.38 18.42 0.86 0.01 -0.04 -0.00 0.04
CASE 13 1X 0.05 0.38 -2.17 0.39 -0.02 0.01 -0.00 0.02
CASE 13 1XY -0.06 0.33 -2.12 0.34 -0.02 -0.01 0.00 0.02
CASE 13 1Y 0.78 -0.34 18.36 0.85 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.05
CASE 14 1P -3.89 -0.11 45.20 3.89 0.04 -0.09 0.11 0.10
CASE 14 1X -0.01 3.45 33.48 3.45 -0.12 0.02 0.10 0.12
CASE 14 1XY 0.12 -2.81 -33.14 2.82 0.10 0.01 0.10 0.10
CASE 14 1Y -2.76 -0.52 -21.12 2.80 -0.02 -0.04 0.11 0.05
CASE 15 1P -3.77 -0.07 42.14 3.77 0.04 -0.08 0.11 0.09
CASE 15 1X -0.05 3.40 34.59 3.40 -0.12 0.01 0.10 0.12
CASE 15 1XY 0.17 -2.85 -32.03 2.86 0.11 0.01 0.10 0.11
CASE 15 1Y -2.88 -0.48 -24.17 2.92 -0.02 -0.05 0.11 0.06
CASE 16 1P -0.48 -0.27 11.37 0.55 0.01 -0.02 -0.00 0.03
CASE 16 1X -0.04 0.28 0.41 0.28 -0.01 0.00 -0.00 0.01
CASE 16 1XY 0.04 0.25 0.42 0.25 -0.01 -0.00 0.00 0.01
CASE 16 1Y 0.49 -0.25 11.35 0.55 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.03

*** Overall summary for all load cases - Usage = Maximum Stress / Allowable Stress

Group Summary (Compression Portion):

Group Group Angle Steel

Max Max Comp. Comp. Comp. L/R Conn. Conn. RLX RLY RLZ L/R Curve No. Of
Label Desc. Size Strength
Usage Use In Control Force Control Capacity Shear Bearing No. Bolts
Comp. Member Load Case Capacity Capacity
(MPa) % % (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
53 LEG L80*80*7 355.0 86.31 84.78 2Y -195.181 CASE 1 230.218 965.104 631.680 1.000 1.000 1.000 95.71 1 8
55 LEG L80*80*7 355.0 90.22 88.84 1P -204.530 CASE 1 230.218 965.104 631.680 1.000 1.000 1.000 95.71 1 8
49 LEG L75*75*6 355.0 92.53 92.53 3P -192.557 CASE 1 208.091 723.828 406.080 2.000 1.000 1.000 87.00 1 6
47 LEG L75*75*6 355.0 90.68 90.68 4Y -188.694 CASE 1 208.091 723.828 406.080 2.000 1.000 1.000 87.00 1 6

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

45 LEG L75*75*6 355.0 88.64 88.64 5P -184.445 CASE 1 208.091 723.828 406.080 2.000 1.000 1.000 87.00 1 6
43 LEG L75*75*6 355.0 86.10 86.10 6Y -179.168 CASE 1 208.091 723.828 406.080 2.000 1.000 1.000 87.00 1 6
41 LEG L75*75*6 355.0 83.08 83.08 7P -172.885 CASE 1 208.091 723.828 406.080 2.000 1.000 1.000 87.00 1 6
39 LEG L75*75*5 355.0 96.79 96.79 8Y -165.405 CASE 1 170.891 723.828 338.400 2.000 1.000 1.000 86.62 1 6
37 LEG L75*75*5 355.0 91.98 91.98 9P -157.188 CASE 1 170.891 723.828 338.400 2.000 1.000 1.000 86.62 1 6
35 LEG L75*75*5 355.0 87.20 87.20 10Y -149.018 CASE 1 170.891 723.828 338.400 2.000 1.000 1.000 86.62 1 6
33 LEG L75*75*5 355.0 80.90 80.90 11P -138.245 CASE 1 170.891 723.828 338.400 2.000 1.000 1.000 86.62 1 6
31 LEG L75*75*5 355.0 72.81 72.81 12Y -124.420 CASE 1 170.891 723.828 338.400 2.000 1.000 1.000 86.62 1 6
25 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 80.60 71.25 13P -104.585 CASE 1 146.790 482.552 180.480 1.000 1.000 1.000 42.37 1 4
22 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 93.18 93.18 14Y -88.625 CASE 1 95.116 482.552 180.480 2.000 1.000 1.000 98.36 1 4
20 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 65.45 65.45 15P -62.252 CASE 1 95.116 482.552 180.480 2.000 1.000 1.000 98.36 1 4
14 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 24.27 23.77 16Y -34.895 CASE 1 146.790 482.552 180.480 1.000 1.000 1.000 42.37 1 4
11 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 27.42 27.42 17P -26.083 CASE 1 95.116 482.552 180.480 2.000 1.000 1.000 98.36 1 4
9 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 24.16 24.16 18Y -22.975 CASE 8 95.116 482.552 180.480 2.000 1.000 1.000 98.36 1 4
3 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 15.02 15.02 19P -22.053 CASE 8 146.790 482.552 180.480 1.000 1.000 1.000 42.37 1 4
56 Z-BRC L35*35*3 275.0 25.23 25.23 56-1Y -4.510 CASE 2 17.878 33.929 22.140 0.500 0.760 0.500 152.38 4 1
54 Z-BRC L35*35*3 275.0 27.61 27.61 54-1P -5.369 CASE 1 19.448 33.929 22.140 0.500 0.760 0.500 146.10 4 1
50 Z-BRC L40*40*3 275.0 52.65 52.65 18-1P -6.349 CASE 14 12.059 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 199.14 4 1
48 Z-BRC L40*40*3 275.0 49.19 49.19 19-1P -6.449 CASE 1 13.111 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 190.98 4 1
46 Z-BRC L40*40*3 275.0 54.85 54.85 20-1P -7.823 CASE 14 14.264 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 183.10 4 1
44 Z-BRC L40*40*3 275.0 54.30 54.30 21-1P -8.428 CASE 1 15.522 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 175.52 4 1
42 Z-BRC L40*40*3 275.0 60.84 60.84 22-1P -10.273 CASE 14 16.885 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 168.29 4 1
40 Z-BRC L40*40*4 275.0 42.75 42.75 23-1P -10.280 CASE 1 24.046 33.929 29.520 1.000 1.000 1.000 161.45 4 1
38 Z-BRC L40*40*3 275.0 73.54 73.54 24-1P -14.630 CASE 14 19.893 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 155.05 4 1
36 Z-BRC L40*40*4 275.0 62.30 40.64 25-1P -11.450 CASE 1 28.176 33.929 29.520 1.000 1.000 1.000 149.15 4 1
34 Z-BRC L40*40*4 275.0 79.58 79.58 26-1P -23.492 CASE 14 30.306 33.929 29.520 1.000 1.000 1.000 143.81 4 1
32 Z-BRC L45*45*4 355.0 90.52 60.95 27-1P -20.626 CASE 1 46.721 33.929 33.840 1.000 1.000 1.000 123.29 4 1
26 Z-BRC L45*45*4 275.0 68.83 68.83 28-2P -20.317 CASE 1 65.854 33.929 29.520 1.000 1.000 1.000 72.76 3 1
23 Z-BRC L40*40*4 355.0 87.19 87.19 29-1P -29.503 CASE 1 39.311 33.929 33.840 1.000 1.000 1.000 126.27 4 1
21 Z-BRC L40*40*4 355.0 86.90 86.90 30-2P -29.408 CASE 1 39.311 33.929 33.840 1.000 1.000 1.000 126.27 4 1
15 Z-BRC L35*35*3 275.0 62.07 62.07 31-1P -13.742 CASE 13 34.367 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 94.16 3 1
12 Z-BRC L35*35*3 275.0 66.01 66.01 32-2P -13.062 CASE 2 19.789 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 144.84 4 1
10 Z-BRC L35*35*3 275.0 65.73 65.73 33-1P -13.008 CASE 1 19.789 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 144.84 4 1
4 Z-BRC L40*40*3 355.0 88.60 88.60 34-2P -22.486 CASE 8 46.276 33.929 25.380 1.000 1.000 1.000 82.09 3 1
7 ARMT L35*35*3 275.0 71.16 15.31 BTX -3.391 CASE 14 22.303 33.929 22.140 0.500 1.000 0.500 141.51 5 1
8 ARMB L45*45*4 275.0 50.34 50.34 TBY -14.861 CASE 8 60.913 33.929 29.520 0.500 1.000 0.500 103.99 1 1
51 HRZ L40*40*3 355.0 11.87 11.87 51-LX -2.254 CASE 2 18.982 33.929 25.380 1.000 1.000 1.000 158.72 4 1
27 HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 46.09 46.09 35-TP -10.205 CASE 6 40.948 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 58.82 3 1
24 HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 42.87 10.16 36-LX -2.249 CASE 1 40.948 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 58.82 3 1
16 HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 39.44 39.44 37-TP -8.732 CASE 6 40.948 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 58.82 3 1
13 HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 41.70 5.38 38-LX -1.192 CASE 5 40.948 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 58.82 3 1
5 HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 55.79 55.79 39-TP -12.352 CASE 8 40.948 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 58.82 3 1
1 HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 59.69 14.82 40-LP -3.281 CASE 8 40.948 33.929 22.140 1.000 1.000 1.000 58.82 3 1
52 S-HRZ L40*40*3 275.0 5.39 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0
28 S-HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 21.28 21.28 42P -4.712 CASE 14 41.859 33.929 22.140 0.500 1.000 0.500 53.37 3 1
17 S-HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 13.10 9.75 45P -2.159 CASE 5 41.859 33.929 22.140 0.500 1.000 0.500 53.37 3 1
6 S-HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 13.46 13.46 46P -2.979 CASE 14 41.859 33.929 22.140 0.500 1.000 0.500 53.37 3 1
2 S-HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 10.85 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0 0

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

Group Summary (Tension Portion):

Group Group Angle Steel

Max Max Tension Tension Tension Net Conn. Conn. Conn.No. Of
Label Desc. Size Strength
Usage Use In Control Force Control Section Shear Bearing Rupture Bolts
Tens. Member Load Case Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity
(MPa) % % (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
53 LEG L80*80*7 355.0 86.31 86.31 2X 180.769 CASE 2 209.450 965.104 631.680 0.000 8
55 LEG L80*80*7 355.0 90.22 90.22 1XY 188.959 CASE 2 209.450 965.104 631.680 0.000 8
49 LEG L75*75*6 355.0 92.53 89.68 3XY 178.287 CASE 2 198.800 723.828 406.080 0.000 6
47 LEG L75*75*6 355.0 90.68 88.05 4X 175.035 CASE 2 198.800 723.828 406.080 0.000 6
45 LEG L75*75*6 355.0 88.64 85.97 5XY 170.900 CASE 2 198.800 723.828 406.080 0.000 6
43 LEG L75*75*6 355.0 86.10 83.55 6X 166.089 CASE 2 198.800 723.828 406.080 0.000 6
41 LEG L75*75*6 355.0 83.08 80.53 7XY 160.101 CASE 2 198.800 723.828 406.080 0.000 6
39 LEG L75*75*5 355.0 96.79 90.95 8X 152.888 CASE 2 168.093 723.828 338.400 0.000 6
37 LEG L75*75*5 355.0 91.98 86.36 9XY 145.157 CASE 2 168.093 723.828 338.400 0.000 6
35 LEG L75*75*5 355.0 87.20 81.43 10X 136.885 CASE 2 168.093 723.828 338.400 0.000 6
33 LEG L75*75*5 355.0 80.90 75.58 11XY 127.038 CASE 2 168.093 723.828 338.400 0.000 6
31 LEG L75*75*5 355.0 72.81 67.13 12X 112.845 CASE 2 168.093 723.828 338.400 0.000 6
25 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 80.60 80.60 13XY 94.705 CASE 2 117.505 482.552 180.480 0.000 4
22 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 93.18 69.47 14X 81.629 CASE 2 117.505 482.552 180.480 0.000 4
20 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 65.45 46.45 15XY 54.586 CASE 2 117.505 482.552 180.480 0.000 4
14 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 24.27 24.27 16X 28.519 CASE 2 117.505 482.552 180.480 0.000 4
11 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 27.42 19.13 17XY 22.478 CASE 2 117.505 482.552 180.480 0.000 4
9 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 24.16 14.76 18X 17.342 CASE 8 117.505 482.552 180.480 0.000 4
3 LEG L60*60*4 355.0 15.02 14.81 19XY 17.398 CASE 8 117.505 482.552 180.480 0.000 4
56 Z-BRC L35*35*3 275.0 25.23 20.28 56-1X 4.489 CASE 1 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
54 Z-BRC L35*35*3 275.0 27.61 23.51 54-1XY 5.205 CASE 2 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
50 Z-BRC L40*40*3 275.0 52.65 26.11 18-1P 5.780 CASE 2 48.139 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
48 Z-BRC L40*40*3 275.0 49.19 31.21 19-1P 6.910 CASE 14 48.139 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
46 Z-BRC L40*40*3 275.0 54.85 32.55 20-1P 7.207 CASE 1 48.139 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
44 Z-BRC L40*40*3 275.0 54.30 40.21 21-1P 8.902 CASE 14 48.139 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
42 Z-BRC L40*40*3 275.0 60.84 43.87 22-1P 9.713 CASE 1 48.139 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
40 Z-BRC L40*40*4 275.0 42.75 40.75 23-1P 12.029 CASE 14 62.865 33.929 29.520 0.000 1
38 Z-BRC L40*40*3 275.0 73.54 46.51 24-1P 10.298 CASE 1 48.139 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
36 Z-BRC L40*40*4 275.0 62.30 62.30 25-1P 18.391 CASE 14 62.865 33.929 29.520 0.000 1
34 Z-BRC L40*40*4 275.0 79.58 49.81 26-1P 14.704 CASE 1 62.865 33.929 29.520 0.000 1
32 Z-BRC L45*45*4 355.0 90.52 90.52 27-3P 30.631 CASE 15 94.252 33.929 33.840 0.000 1
26 Z-BRC L45*45*4 275.0 68.83 63.41 28-1P 18.718 CASE 2 73.013 33.929 29.520 0.000 1
23 Z-BRC L40*40*4 355.0 87.19 86.79 29-2P 29.370 CASE 2 81.153 33.929 33.840 0.000 1
21 Z-BRC L40*40*4 355.0 86.90 86.25 30-1P 29.189 CASE 2 81.153 33.929 33.840 0.000 1
15 Z-BRC L35*35*3 275.0 62.07 58.40 31-2P 12.930 CASE 13 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
12 Z-BRC L35*35*3 275.0 66.01 58.95 32-1P 13.052 CASE 1 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
10 Z-BRC L35*35*3 275.0 65.73 58.00 33-2P 12.841 CASE 2 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
4 Z-BRC L40*40*3 355.0 88.60 85.78 34-1P 21.772 CASE 8 62.143 33.929 25.380 0.000 1
7 ARMT L35*35*3 275.0 71.16 71.16 TTY 15.756 CASE 8 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
8 ARMB L45*45*4 275.0 50.34 13.97 BBY 4.125 CASE 15 73.013 33.929 29.520 0.000 1

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

51 HRZ L40*40*3 355.0 11.87 9.29 51-LP 2.357 CASE 1 62.143 33.929 25.380 0.000 1
27 HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 46.09 19.62 35-LX 4.343 CASE 1 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
24 HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 42.87 42.87 36-TY 9.493 CASE 5 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
16 HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 39.44 17.76 37-LP 3.932 CASE 6 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
13 HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 41.70 41.70 38-TP 9.232 CASE 5 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
5 HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 55.79 16.55 39-LP 3.665 CASE 8 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
1 HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 59.69 59.69 40-TY 13.216 CASE 8 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
52 S-HRZ L40*40*3 275.0 5.39 5.39 41P 1.194 CASE 14 48.139 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
28 S-HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 21.28 3.04 43P 0.673 CASE 15 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
17 S-HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 13.10 13.10 45P 2.901 CASE 15 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
6 S-HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 13.46 0.63 47P 0.140 CASE 15 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1
2 S-HRZ L35*35*3 275.0 10.85 10.85 48P 2.402 CASE 5 40.466 33.929 22.140 0.000 1

*** Maximum Stress Summary for Each Load Case

Summary of Maximum Usages by Load Case:

Load Case Maximum Element Element

Usage % Label Type
CASE 1 96.79 8Y Angle
CASE 2 95.65 8Y Angle
CASE 3 75.38 3P Angle
CASE 4 74.48 1XY Angle
CASE 5 45.51 BTY Angle
CASE 6 57.58 8P Angle
CASE 7 56.54 29-4P Angle
CASE 8 88.60 34-2P Angle
CASE 9 65.37 14Y Angle
CASE 10 59.33 14Y Angle
CASE 11 55.44 8P Angle
CASE 12 52.75 1XY Angle
CASE 13 62.07 31-1P Angle
CASE 14 90.43 27-1P Angle
CASE 15 90.52 27-3P Angle
CASE 16 88.60 34-2P Angle

*** End of Report

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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Detailed Analysis Results

Prepared By:
SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

* *
* TOWER ANALYSIS AND DESIGN - (C) 1986-2000 Power Line Systems, Inc. *
* *

Project Name : S-2S Type Suspension Tower

Project Notes: 33kV, Double Circuit, Medium Span, ACSR 210/35
by : Tower Version 5.017
Licensed to : SA-RA

Successfully performed linear analysis

Member check option: ASCE 10

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

Joints Geometry:

Joint Symmetry X Coord. Y Coord. Z Coord. X Disp. Y Disp. Z Disp. X Rot. Y Rot. Z Rot.
Label Code (m) (m) (m) Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest.
1P XY-Symmetry 0.746 0.746 0 Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed
11P XY-Symmetry 0.2 0.2 12.9 Free Free Free Free Free Free
18P XY-Symmetry 0.2 0.2 18 Free Free Free Free Free Free
19P X-Symmetry 0 1.6 12.9 Free Free Free Free Free Free
20P X-Symmetry 0 1.6 15.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
21P X-Symmetry 0 1.6 17.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free

Secondary Joints:

Joint Symmetry Origin End Fraction Elevation X Disp. Y Disp. Z Disp. X Rot. Y Rot. Z Rot.
Label Code Joint Joint Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest. Rest.
22S XY-Symmetry 1P 11P 0 1.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free
23S XY-Symmetry 1P 11P 0 3 Free Free Free Free Free Free
2S XY-Symmetry 1P 11P 0 3.99 Free Free Free Free Free Free
3S XY-Symmetry 1P 11P 0 4.98 Free Free Free Free Free Free
4S XY-Symmetry 1P 11P 0 5.97 Free Free Free Free Free Free
5S XY-Symmetry 1P 11P 0 6.96 Free Free Free Free Free Free
6S XY-Symmetry 1P 11P 0 7.95 Free Free Free Free Free Free
7S XY-Symmetry 1P 11P 0 8.94 Free Free Free Free Free Free
8S XY-Symmetry 1P 11P 0 9.93 Free Free Free Free Free Free
9S XY-Symmetry 1P 11P 0 10.92 Free Free Free Free Free Free
10S XY-Symmetry 1P 11P 0 11.91 Free Free Free Free Free Free
12S XY-Symmetry 11P 18P 0 13.4 Free Free Free Free Free Free
13S XY-Symmetry 11P 18P 0 14.3 Free Free Free Free Free Free
14S XY-Symmetry 11P 18P 0 15.2 Free Free Free Free Free Free
15S XY-Symmetry 11P 18P 0 15.7 Free Free Free Free Free Free
16S XY-Symmetry 11P 18P 0 16.6 Free Free Free Free Free Free
17S XY-Symmetry 11P 18P 0 17.5 Free Free Free Free Free Free

Steel Material Properties:

Steel Modulus Yield Ultimate Member Member Member Member Member Member
Material of Stress Stress All. Stress All. Stress Rupture Rupture Bearing Bearing
Label Elasticity Fy Fu Hyp. 1 Hyp. 2 Hyp. 1 Hyp. 2 Hyp. 1 Hyp. 2
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
S355 2.062e+005 355 470 0 0 0 0 0 0
S275 2.062e+005 275 410 0 0 0 0 0 0

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

Bolt Properties:

Bolt Bolt Hole

Label Diameter Diameter
(cm) (cm) (kN)
M-12(5.8) 1.2 1.35 33.93
M-16(5.8) 1.6 1.75 60.32

Angle Properties:

Angle Angle
Long Short Thick. Unit Gross w/t Radius of Radius of Radius of Number of Wind
Type Size
Leg Leg Weight Area Ratio Gyration Rx Gyration Ry Gyration Rz Angles Width
(cm) (cm) (cm) (N/m) (cm^2) (cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
SAE L35*35*3 3.5 3.5 0.3 16 2.04 9 1.06 1.06 0.68 1 4
SAE L40*40*3 4 4 0.3 18 2.35 10 1.21 1.21 0.78 1 4
SAE L40*40*4 4 4 0.4 24 3.08 7.5 1.21 1.21 0.78 1 4
SAE L45*45*4 4.5 4.5 0.4 27 3.49 8.5 1.36 1.36 0.88 1 5
SAE L60*60*4 6 6 0.4 36 4.71 12 1.83 1.83 1.18 1 6
SAE L75*75*5 7.5 7.5 0.5 57 7.36 12 2.29 2.29 1.48 1 8
SAE L75*75*6 7.5 7.5 0.6 67 8.75 9.8 2.28 2.28 1.47 1 8
SAE L80*80*7 8 8 0.7 83 10.8 9 2.44 2.44 1.57 1 8

Angle Groups:

Group Group Angle Angle Material Element Group Optimize

Allow. Add.
Label Description Type Size Type Type Type Group
Angle Width
For Optimize
53 LEG SAE L80*80*7 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
55 LEG SAE L80*80*7 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
49 LEG SAE L75*75*6 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
47 LEG SAE L75*75*6 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
45 LEG SAE L75*75*6 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
43 LEG SAE L75*75*6 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
41 LEG SAE L75*75*6 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
39 LEG SAE L75*75*5 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
37 LEG SAE L75*75*5 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
35 LEG SAE L75*75*5 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
33 LEG SAE L75*75*5 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
31 LEG SAE L75*75*5 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
25 LEG SAE L60*60*4 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
22 LEG SAE L60*60*4 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
20 LEG SAE L60*60*4 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

14 LEG SAE L60*60*4 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000

11 LEG SAE L60*60*4 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
9 LEG SAE L60*60*4 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
3 LEG SAE L60*60*4 S355 Beam Leg None 0.000
56 Z-BRC SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
54 Z-BRC SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
50 Z-BRC SAE L40*40*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
48 Z-BRC SAE L40*40*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
46 Z-BRC SAE L40*40*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
44 Z-BRC SAE L40*40*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
42 Z-BRC SAE L40*40*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
40 Z-BRC SAE L40*40*4 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
38 Z-BRC SAE L40*40*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
36 Z-BRC SAE L40*40*4 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
34 Z-BRC SAE L40*40*4 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
32 Z-BRC SAE L45*45*4 S355 Truss Other None 0.000
26 Z-BRC SAE L45*45*4 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
23 Z-BRC SAE L40*40*4 S355 Truss Other None 0.000
21 Z-BRC SAE L40*40*4 S355 Truss Other None 0.000
15 Z-BRC SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
12 Z-BRC SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
10 Z-BRC SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
4 Z-BRC SAE L40*40*3 S355 Truss Other None 0.000
7 ARMT SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
8 ARMB SAE L45*45*4 S275 Beam Other None 0.000
51 HRZ SAE L40*40*3 S355 Truss Other None 0.000
27 HRZ SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
24 HRZ SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
16 HRZ SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
13 HRZ SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
5 HRZ SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
1 HRZ SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
52 S-HRZ SAE L40*40*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
28 S-HRZ SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
17 S-HRZ SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
6 S-HRZ SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000
2 S-HRZ SAE L35*35*3 S275 Truss Other None 0.000

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

The adjustment factors below only apply to dead load and wind areas that are calculated for members in the model.
They do not apply to equipment or to manually input dead load and drag areas.

Section Joint Defining Dead Load

Transverse Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Adj. Factor Adj. Factor
Label Section Bottom Adj. Factor
Drag Area Drag Area Drag Area Drag Area for Face Af for Face Ar
Adj. Factor Adj. Factor Adj. Factor Adj. Factor EIA Only EIA Only
For All For All For Face For Face
1 15S 1.100 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 10S 1.100 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
3 6S 1.100 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
4 1P 1.100 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Angle Member Connectivity:

Member Group Symmetry Origin End Ecc. Rest. Ratio Ratio Ratio Bolt # # Bolt # Shear Connect
Label Label Code Joint Joint Code Code RLX RLY RLZ Type Bolts Holes Planes Leg

1P 55 XY-Symmetry 1P 22S 1 4 1 1 1 M-16(5.8) 8 4 2 Both
2P 53 XY-Symmetry 22S 23S 1 4 1 1 1 M-16(5.8) 8 4 2 Both
3P 49 XY-Symmetry 23S 2S 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 6 3 2 Both
4P 47 XY-Symmetry 2S 3S 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 6 3 2 Both
5P 45 XY-Symmetry 3S 4S 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 6 3 2 Both
6P 43 XY-Symmetry 4S 5S 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 6 3 2 Both
7P 41 XY-Symmetry 5S 6S 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 6 3 2 Both
8P 39 XY-Symmetry 6S 7S 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 6 3 2 Both
9P 37 XY-Symmetry 7S 8S 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 6 3 2 Both
10P 35 XY-Symmetry 8S 9S 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 6 3 2 Both
11P 33 XY-Symmetry 9S 10S 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 6 3 2 Both
12P 31 XY-Symmetry 10S 11P 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 6 3 2 Both
13P 25 XY-Symmetry 11P 12S 1 4 1 1 1 M-16(5.8) 4 2 2 Both
14P 22 XY-Symmetry 12S 13S 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 4 2 2 Both
15P 20 XY-Symmetry 13S 14S 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 4 2 2 Both
16P 14 XY-Symmetry 14S 15S 1 4 1 1 1 M-16(5.8) 4 2 2 Both
17P 11 XY-Symmetry 15S 16S 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 4 2 2 Both
18P 9 XY-Symmetry 16S 17S 1 4 2 1 1 M-16(5.8) 4 2 2 Both
19P 3 XY-Symmetry 17S 18P 1 4 1 1 1 M-16(5.8) 4 2 2 Both
56-1P 56 XY-Symmetry 1P 22X 3 4 0.5 0.76 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
56-2P 56 XY-Symmetry 1P 22Y 3 4 0.5 0.76 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
54-1P 54 XY-Symmetry 22S 23X 3 4 0.5 0.76 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
54-2P 54 XY-Symmetry 22S 23Y 3 4 0.5 0.76 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
18-1P 50 None 23X 2S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
18-2P 50 None 23Y 2XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
18-3P 50 None 23S 2Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
18-4P 50 None 23XY 2X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
19-1P 48 None 2S 3X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

19-2P 48 None 2XY 3Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only

19-3P 48 None 2Y 3S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
19-4P 48 None 2X 3XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
20-1P 46 None 3X 4S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
20-2P 46 None 3Y 4XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
20-3P 46 None 3S 4Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
20-4P 46 None 3XY 4X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
21-1P 44 None 4S 5X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
21-2P 44 None 4XY 5Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
21-3P 44 None 4Y 5S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
21-4P 44 None 4X 5XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
22-1P 42 None 5X 6S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
22-2P 42 None 5Y 6XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
22-3P 42 None 5S 6Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
22-4P 42 None 5XY 6X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
23-1P 40 None 6S 7X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
23-2P 40 None 6XY 7Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
23-3P 40 None 6Y 7S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
23-4P 40 None 6X 7XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
24-1P 38 None 7X 8S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
24-2P 38 None 7Y 8XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
24-3P 38 None 7S 8Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
24-4P 38 None 7XY 8X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
25-1P 36 None 8S 9X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
25-2P 36 None 8XY 9Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
25-3P 36 None 8Y 9S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
25-4P 36 None 8X 9XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
26-1P 34 None 9X 10S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
26-2P 34 None 9Y 10XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
26-3P 34 None 9S 10Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
26-4P 34 None 9XY 10X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
27-1P 32 None 10S 11X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
27-2P 32 None 10XY 11Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
27-3P 32 None 10Y 11P 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
27-4P 32 None 10X 11XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
28-1P 26 None 11X 12S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
28-2P 26 None 11Y 12XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
28-3P 26 None 11P 12Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
28-4P 26 None 11XY 12X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
29-1P 23 None 12S 13X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
29-2P 23 None 12XY 13Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
29-3P 23 None 12Y 13S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
29-4P 23 None 12X 13XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
30-1P 21 None 13X 14S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
30-2P 21 None 13Y 14XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
30-3P 21 None 13S 14Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
30-4P 21 None 13XY 14X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
31-1P 15 None 14S 15X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

31-2P 15 None 14XY 15Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only

31-3P 15 None 14Y 15S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
31-4P 15 None 14X 15XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
32-1P 12 None 15X 16S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
32-2P 12 None 15Y 16XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
32-3P 12 None 15S 16Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
32-4P 12 None 15XY 16X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
33-1P 10 None 16S 17X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
33-2P 10 None 16XY 17Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
33-3P 10 None 16Y 17S 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
33-4P 10 None 16X 17XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
34-1P 4 None 17X 18P 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
34-2P 4 None 17Y 18XY 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
34-3P 4 None 17S 18Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
34-4P 4 None 17XY 18X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
BBP 8 XY-Symmetry 11P 19P 1 4 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
BTP 7 XY-Symmetry 12S 19P 2 5 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
MBP 8 XY-Symmetry 14S 20P 1 4 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
MTP 7 XY-Symmetry 15S 20P 2 5 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
TBP 8 XY-Symmetry 17S 21P 1 4 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
TTP 7 XY-Symmetry 18P 21P 2 5 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
51-TP 51 Y-Symmetry 23S 23X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
51-LP 51 X-Symmetry 23S 23Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
35-TP 27 Y-Symmetry 11P 11X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
35-LP 27 X-Symmetry 11P 11Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
36-TP 24 Y-Symmetry 12S 12X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
36-LP 24 X-Symmetry 12S 12Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
37-TP 16 Y-Symmetry 14S 14X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
37-LP 16 X-Symmetry 14S 14Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
38-TP 13 Y-Symmetry 15S 15X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
38-LP 13 X-Symmetry 15S 15Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
39-TP 5 Y-Symmetry 17S 17X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
39-LP 5 X-Symmetry 17S 17Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
40-TP 1 Y-Symmetry 18P 18X 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
40-LP 1 X-Symmetry 18P 18Y 3 4 1 1 1 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
40P 52 None 23S 23XY 3 4 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
41P 52 None 23X 23Y 3 4 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
42P 28 None 11P 11XY 3 4 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
43P 28 None 11X 11Y 3 4 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
44P 17 None 14S 14XY 3 4 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
45P 17 None 14X 14Y 3 4 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
46P 6 None 17S 17XY 3 4 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
47P 6 None 17X 17Y 3 4 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
48P 2 None 18X 18Y 3 4 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only
49P 2 None 18P 18XY 3 4 0.5 1 0.5 M-12(5.8) 1 1 1 Long only

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

Member Capacities:

Member Design Comp. Design Tension L/r L/r Connection Connection Net Section
Label Compression Control Tension Control Compression Shear Bearing Tension
Capacity Criterion Capacity Criterion Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
1P 230.218 L/r 209.450 Net Sect 96 230.218 965.104 631.680 209.450
2P 230.218 L/r 209.450 Net Sect 96 230.218 965.104 631.680 209.450
3P 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
4P 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
5P 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
6P 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
7P 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
8P 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
9P 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
10P 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
11P 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
12P 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
13P 146.790 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 42 146.790 482.552 180.480 117.505
14P 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
15P 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
16P 146.790 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 42 146.790 482.552 180.480 117.505
17P 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
18P 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
19P 146.790 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 42 146.790 482.552 180.480 117.505
56-1P 17.878 L/r 22.140 Bearing 152 17.878 33.929 22.140 40.466
56-2P 17.878 L/r 22.140 Bearing 152 17.878 33.929 22.140 40.466
54-1P 19.448 L/r 22.140 Bearing 146 19.448 33.929 22.140 40.466
54-2P 19.448 L/r 22.140 Bearing 146 19.448 33.929 22.140 40.466
18-1P 12.059 L/r 22.140 Bearing 199 12.059 33.929 22.140 48.139
18-2P 12.059 L/r 22.140 Bearing 199 12.059 33.929 22.140 48.139
18-3P 12.059 L/r 22.140 Bearing 199 12.059 33.929 22.140 48.139
18-4P 12.059 L/r 22.140 Bearing 199 12.059 33.929 22.140 48.139
19-1P 13.111 L/r 22.140 Bearing 191 13.111 33.929 22.140 48.139
19-2P 13.111 L/r 22.140 Bearing 191 13.111 33.929 22.140 48.139
19-3P 13.111 L/r 22.140 Bearing 191 13.111 33.929 22.140 48.139
19-4P 13.111 L/r 22.140 Bearing 191 13.111 33.929 22.140 48.139
20-1P 14.264 L/r 22.140 Bearing 183 14.264 33.929 22.140 48.139
20-2P 14.264 L/r 22.140 Bearing 183 14.264 33.929 22.140 48.139
20-3P 14.264 L/r 22.140 Bearing 183 14.264 33.929 22.140 48.139
20-4P 14.264 L/r 22.140 Bearing 183 14.264 33.929 22.140 48.139
21-1P 15.522 L/r 22.140 Bearing 176 15.522 33.929 22.140 48.139
21-2P 15.522 L/r 22.140 Bearing 176 15.522 33.929 22.140 48.139
21-3P 15.522 L/r 22.140 Bearing 176 15.522 33.929 22.140 48.139
21-4P 15.522 L/r 22.140 Bearing 176 15.522 33.929 22.140 48.139
22-1P 16.885 L/r 22.140 Bearing 168 16.885 33.929 22.140 48.139

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

22-2P 16.885 L/r 22.140 Bearing 168 16.885 33.929 22.140 48.139
22-3P 16.885 L/r 22.140 Bearing 168 16.885 33.929 22.140 48.139
22-4P 16.885 L/r 22.140 Bearing 168 16.885 33.929 22.140 48.139
23-1P 24.046 L/r 29.520 Bearing 161 24.046 33.929 29.520 62.865
23-2P 24.046 L/r 29.520 Bearing 161 24.046 33.929 29.520 62.865
23-3P 24.046 L/r 29.520 Bearing 161 24.046 33.929 29.520 62.865
23-4P 24.046 L/r 29.520 Bearing 161 24.046 33.929 29.520 62.865
24-1P 19.893 L/r 22.140 Bearing 155 19.893 33.929 22.140 48.139
24-2P 19.893 L/r 22.140 Bearing 155 19.893 33.929 22.140 48.139
24-3P 19.893 L/r 22.140 Bearing 155 19.893 33.929 22.140 48.139
24-4P 19.893 L/r 22.140 Bearing 155 19.893 33.929 22.140 48.139
25-1P 28.176 L/r 29.520 Bearing 149 28.176 33.929 29.520 62.865
25-2P 28.176 L/r 29.520 Bearing 149 28.176 33.929 29.520 62.865
25-3P 28.176 L/r 29.520 Bearing 149 28.176 33.929 29.520 62.865
25-4P 28.176 L/r 29.520 Bearing 149 28.176 33.929 29.520 62.865
26-1P 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 144 30.306 33.929 29.520 62.865
26-2P 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 144 30.306 33.929 29.520 62.865
26-3P 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 144 30.306 33.929 29.520 62.865
26-4P 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 144 30.306 33.929 29.520 62.865
27-1P 33.840 Bearing 33.840 Bearing 123 46.721 33.929 33.840 94.252
27-2P 33.840 Bearing 33.840 Bearing 123 46.721 33.929 33.840 94.252
27-3P 33.840 Bearing 33.840 Bearing 123 46.721 33.929 33.840 94.252
27-4P 33.840 Bearing 33.840 Bearing 123 46.721 33.929 33.840 94.252
28-1P 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 73 65.854 33.929 29.520 73.013
28-2P 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 73 65.854 33.929 29.520 73.013
28-3P 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 73 65.854 33.929 29.520 73.013
28-4P 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 73 65.854 33.929 29.520 73.013
29-1P 33.840 Bearing 33.840 Bearing 126 39.311 33.929 33.840 81.153
29-2P 33.840 Bearing 33.840 Bearing 126 39.311 33.929 33.840 81.153
29-3P 33.840 Bearing 33.840 Bearing 126 39.311 33.929 33.840 81.153
29-4P 33.840 Bearing 33.840 Bearing 126 39.311 33.929 33.840 81.153
30-1P 33.840 Bearing 33.840 Bearing 126 39.311 33.929 33.840 81.153
30-2P 33.840 Bearing 33.840 Bearing 126 39.311 33.929 33.840 81.153
30-3P 33.840 Bearing 33.840 Bearing 126 39.311 33.929 33.840 81.153
30-4P 33.840 Bearing 33.840 Bearing 126 39.311 33.929 33.840 81.153
31-1P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 94 34.367 33.929 22.140 40.466
31-2P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 94 34.367 33.929 22.140 40.466
31-3P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 94 34.367 33.929 22.140 40.466
31-4P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 94 34.367 33.929 22.140 40.466
32-1P 19.789 L/r 22.140 Bearing 145 19.789 33.929 22.140 40.466
32-2P 19.789 L/r 22.140 Bearing 145 19.789 33.929 22.140 40.466
32-3P 19.789 L/r 22.140 Bearing 145 19.789 33.929 22.140 40.466
32-4P 19.789 L/r 22.140 Bearing 145 19.789 33.929 22.140 40.466
33-1P 19.789 L/r 22.140 Bearing 145 19.789 33.929 22.140 40.466
33-2P 19.789 L/r 22.140 Bearing 145 19.789 33.929 22.140 40.466
33-3P 19.789 L/r 22.140 Bearing 145 19.789 33.929 22.140 40.466
33-4P 19.789 L/r 22.140 Bearing 145 19.789 33.929 22.140 40.466
34-1P 25.380 Bearing 25.380 Bearing 82 46.276 33.929 25.380 62.143

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

34-2P 25.380 Bearing 25.380 Bearing 82 46.276 33.929 25.380 62.143

34-3P 25.380 Bearing 25.380 Bearing 82 46.276 33.929 25.380 62.143
34-4P 25.380 Bearing 25.380 Bearing 82 46.276 33.929 25.380 62.143
BBP 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 104 60.913 33.929 29.520 73.013
BTP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 142 22.303 33.929 22.140 40.466
MBP 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 104 60.913 33.929 29.520 73.013
MTP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 142 22.303 33.929 22.140 40.466
TBP 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 104 60.913 33.929 29.520 73.013
TTP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 142 22.303 33.929 22.140 40.466
51-TP 18.982 L/r 25.380 Bearing 159 18.982 33.929 25.380 62.143
51-LP 18.982 L/r 25.380 Bearing 159 18.982 33.929 25.380 62.143
35-TP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
35-LP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
36-TP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
36-LP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
37-TP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
37-LP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
38-TP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
38-LP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
39-TP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
39-LP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
40-TP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
40-LP 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
40P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 145 22.839 33.929 22.140 48.139
41P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 145 22.839 33.929 22.140 48.139
42P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 53 41.859 33.929 22.140 40.466
43P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 53 41.859 33.929 22.140 40.466
44P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 53 41.859 33.929 22.140 40.466
45P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 53 41.859 33.929 22.140 40.466
46P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 53 41.859 33.929 22.140 40.466
47P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 53 41.859 33.929 22.140 40.466
48P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 53 41.859 33.929 22.140 40.466
49P 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 53 41.859 33.929 22.140 40.466
1X 230.218 L/r 209.450 Net Sect 96 230.218 965.104 631.680 209.450
1XY 230.218 L/r 209.450 Net Sect 96 230.218 965.104 631.680 209.450
1Y 230.218 L/r 209.450 Net Sect 96 230.218 965.104 631.680 209.450
2X 230.218 L/r 209.450 Net Sect 96 230.218 965.104 631.680 209.450
2XY 230.218 L/r 209.450 Net Sect 96 230.218 965.104 631.680 209.450
2Y 230.218 L/r 209.450 Net Sect 96 230.218 965.104 631.680 209.450
3X 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
3XY 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
3Y 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
4X 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
4XY 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
4Y 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
5X 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
5XY 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
5Y 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

6X 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800

6XY 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
6Y 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
7X 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
7XY 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
7Y 208.091 L/r 198.800 Net Sect 87 208.091 723.828 406.080 198.800
8X 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
8XY 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
8Y 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
9X 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
9XY 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
9Y 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
10X 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
10XY 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
10Y 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
11X 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
11XY 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
11Y 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
12X 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
12XY 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
12Y 170.891 L/r 168.093 Net Sect 87 170.891 723.828 338.400 168.093
13X 146.790 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 42 146.790 482.552 180.480 117.505
13XY 146.790 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 42 146.790 482.552 180.480 117.505
13Y 146.790 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 42 146.790 482.552 180.480 117.505
14X 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
14XY 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
14Y 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
15X 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
15XY 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
15Y 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
16X 146.790 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 42 146.790 482.552 180.480 117.505
16XY 146.790 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 42 146.790 482.552 180.480 117.505
16Y 146.790 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 42 146.790 482.552 180.480 117.505
17X 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
17XY 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
17Y 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
18X 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
18XY 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
18Y 95.116 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 98 95.116 482.552 180.480 117.505
19X 146.790 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 42 146.790 482.552 180.480 117.505
19XY 146.790 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 42 146.790 482.552 180.480 117.505
19Y 146.790 L/r 117.505 Net Sect 42 146.790 482.552 180.480 117.505
56-1X 17.878 L/r 22.140 Bearing 152 17.878 33.929 22.140 40.466
56-1XY 17.878 L/r 22.140 Bearing 152 17.878 33.929 22.140 40.466
56-1Y 17.878 L/r 22.140 Bearing 152 17.878 33.929 22.140 40.466
56-2X 17.878 L/r 22.140 Bearing 152 17.878 33.929 22.140 40.466
56-2XY 17.878 L/r 22.140 Bearing 152 17.878 33.929 22.140 40.466
56-2Y 17.878 L/r 22.140 Bearing 152 17.878 33.929 22.140 40.466

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

54-1X 19.448 L/r 22.140 Bearing 146 19.448 33.929 22.140 40.466
54-1XY 19.448 L/r 22.140 Bearing 146 19.448 33.929 22.140 40.466
54-1Y 19.448 L/r 22.140 Bearing 146 19.448 33.929 22.140 40.466
54-2X 19.448 L/r 22.140 Bearing 146 19.448 33.929 22.140 40.466
54-2XY 19.448 L/r 22.140 Bearing 146 19.448 33.929 22.140 40.466
54-2Y 19.448 L/r 22.140 Bearing 146 19.448 33.929 22.140 40.466
BBX 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 104 60.913 33.929 29.520 73.013
BBXY 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 104 60.913 33.929 29.520 73.013
BBY 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 104 60.913 33.929 29.520 73.013
BTX 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 142 22.303 33.929 22.140 40.466
BTXY 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 142 22.303 33.929 22.140 40.466
BTY 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 142 22.303 33.929 22.140 40.466
MBX 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 104 60.913 33.929 29.520 73.013
MBXY 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 104 60.913 33.929 29.520 73.013
MBY 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 104 60.913 33.929 29.520 73.013
MTX 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 142 22.303 33.929 22.140 40.466
MTXY 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 142 22.303 33.929 22.140 40.466
MTY 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 142 22.303 33.929 22.140 40.466
TBX 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 104 60.913 33.929 29.520 73.013
TBXY 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 104 60.913 33.929 29.520 73.013
TBY 29.520 Bearing 29.520 Bearing 104 60.913 33.929 29.520 73.013
TTX 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 142 22.303 33.929 22.140 40.466
TTXY 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 142 22.303 33.929 22.140 40.466
TTY 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 142 22.303 33.929 22.140 40.466
51-TY 18.982 L/r 25.380 Bearing 159 18.982 33.929 25.380 62.143
51-LX 18.982 L/r 25.380 Bearing 159 18.982 33.929 25.380 62.143
35-TY 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
35-LX 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
36-TY 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
36-LX 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
37-TY 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
37-LX 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
38-TY 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
38-LX 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
39-TY 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
39-LX 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
40-TY 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466
40-LX 22.140 Bearing 22.140 Bearing 59 40.948 33.929 22.140 40.466

Sum of Dead Load and Drag Areas From Equipment, Input and Calculated:

Joint Unfactored X-Drag Y-Drag

Label Dead Load Area Area
(kN) (m^2) (m^2)
1P 0.105 0.132 0.132 19P 0.068 0.129 0.032 1X 0.105 0.132 0.132
11P 0.099 0.143 0.119 20P 0.068 0.129 0.032 1XY 0.105 0.132 0.132
18P 0.041 0.074 0.052 21P 0.068 0.129 0.032 1Y 0.105 0.132 0.132

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

11X 0.099 0.149 0.113 22X 0.208 0.261 0.261 8Y 0.089 0.119 0.127
11XY 0.099 0.143 0.119 22XY 0.208 0.261 0.261 9X 0.092 0.125 0.119
11Y 0.099 0.149 0.113 22Y 0.208 0.261 0.261 9XY 0.092 0.119 0.125
18X 0.041 0.071 0.055 23X 0.197 0.250 0.239 9Y 0.092 0.125 0.119
18XY 0.041 0.074 0.052 23XY 0.197 0.239 0.250 10X 0.093 0.124 0.129
18Y 0.041 0.071 0.055 23Y 0.197 0.250 0.239 10XY 0.093 0.129 0.124
19X 0.068 0.129 0.032 2X 0.104 0.119 0.140 10Y 0.093 0.124 0.129
20X 0.068 0.129 0.032 2XY 0.104 0.140 0.119 12X 0.070 0.110 0.096
21X 0.068 0.129 0.032 2Y 0.104 0.119 0.140 12XY 0.070 0.115 0.091
22S 0.208 0.261 0.261 3X 0.102 0.138 0.119 12Y 0.070 0.110 0.096
23S 0.197 0.239 0.250 3XY 0.102 0.119 0.138 13X 0.062 0.093 0.090
2S 0.104 0.140 0.119 3Y 0.102 0.138 0.119 13XY 0.062 0.090 0.093
3S 0.102 0.119 0.138 4X 0.101 0.119 0.135 13Y 0.062 0.093 0.090
4S 0.101 0.135 0.119 4XY 0.101 0.135 0.119 14X 0.079 0.121 0.096
5S 0.100 0.119 0.133 4Y 0.101 0.119 0.135 14XY 0.079 0.126 0.091
6S 0.097 0.131 0.119 5X 0.100 0.133 0.119 14Y 0.079 0.121 0.096
7S 0.090 0.119 0.129 5XY 0.100 0.119 0.133 15X 0.062 0.112 0.089
8S 0.089 0.127 0.119 5Y 0.100 0.133 0.119 15XY 0.062 0.108 0.093
9S 0.092 0.119 0.125 6X 0.097 0.119 0.131 15Y 0.062 0.112 0.089
10S 0.093 0.129 0.124 6XY 0.097 0.131 0.119 16X 0.053 0.090 0.093
12S 0.070 0.115 0.091 6Y 0.097 0.119 0.131 16XY 0.053 0.093 0.090
13S 0.062 0.090 0.093 7X 0.090 0.129 0.119 16Y 0.053 0.090 0.093
14S 0.079 0.126 0.091 7XY 0.090 0.119 0.129 17X 0.076 0.126 0.091
15S 0.062 0.108 0.093 7Y 0.090 0.129 0.119 17XY 0.076 0.121 0.096
16S 0.053 0.093 0.090 8X 0.089 0.119 0.127 17Y 0.076 0.126 0.091
17S 0.076 0.121 0.096 8XY 0.089 0.127 0.119 Total 8.084 11.330 10.155

Unadjusted Dead Load and Drag Areas by Section:

SectionUnfactored X-Drag Y-Drag X-Drag Y-Drag

Label Dead Load Area All Area All Area Face Area Face
(kN) (m^2) (m^2) (m^2) (m^2)
1 0.861 1.623 1.231 0.687 0.475
2 1.648 2.899 2.116 1.251 0.827
3 1.324 1.965 1.965 0.824 0.824
4 3.517 4.842 4.842 1.933 1.933
Total 7.349 11.330 10.155 4.696 4.060

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

*** Loads Data

Vector Load Cases:

Load Case Dead Load SF for SF for SF for SF for SF for SF for SF for SF for SF for SF For Trans. Longit. Pole Pole Point
Description Factor Steel Wood Conc. Conc. Conc. Guys Non- Braces Insuls. Found. Wind Wind Trans. Longit. Loads
Arms, Poles Poles Ult. First Zero Steel Pressure Pressure Base Rot. Base Rot.
and Towers Crack Tens. Arms (Pa) (Pa) (deg) (deg)
CASE 1 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 18 loads
CASE 2 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 18 loads
CASE 3 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 18 loads
CASE 4 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 18 loads
CASE 5 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 6 loads
CASE 6 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 18 loads
CASE 7 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 18 loads
CASE 8 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 1 load
CASE 9 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 15 loads
CASE 10 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 15 loads
CASE 11 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 15 loads
CASE 12 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 15 loads
CASE 13 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 3 loads
CASE 14 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 3 loads
CASE 15 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 3 loads
CASE 16 1.6500 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 0 0 1 load

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 1":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 3693.47 5444.55 0 14Y 0 641 0
21X 3693.47 5444.55 0 7S 0 1147.65 0
20P 3693.47 5444.55 0 7X 0 1147.65 0
20X 3693.47 5444.55 0 7XY 0 1147.65 0
19P 3693.47 5444.55 0 7Y 0 1147.65 0
19X 3693.47 5444.55 0 23S 0 1321.95 0
14S 0 641 0 23X 0 1321.95 0
14X 0 641 0 23XY 0 1321.95 0
14XY 0 641 0 23Y 0 1321.95 0

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 2":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 2398.55 5444.55 0 14Y 0 641 0
21X 2398.55 5444.55 0 7S 0 1147.65 0
20P 2398.55 5444.55 0 7X 0 1147.65 0
20X 2398.55 5444.55 0 7XY 0 1147.65 0
19P 2398.55 5444.55 0 7Y 0 1147.65 0
19X 2398.55 5444.55 0 23S 0 1321.95 0
14S 0 641 0 23X 0 1321.95 0
14X 0 641 0 23XY 0 1321.95 0
14XY 0 641 0 23Y 0 1321.95 0

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 3":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 3693.47 2869.43 515.03 14Y 0 456.3 1301.85
21X 3693.47 2869.43 515.03 7S 0 811.95 811.95
20P 3693.47 2869.43 515.03 7X 0 811.95 811.95
20X 3693.47 2869.43 515.03 7XY 0 811.95 811.95
19P 3693.47 2869.43 515.03 7Y 0 811.95 811.95
19X 3693.47 2869.43 515.03 23S 0 935.25 935.25
14S 0 456.3 1301.85 23X 0 935.25 935.25
14X 0 456.3 1301.85 23XY 0 935.25 935.25
14XY 0 456.3 1301.85 23Y 0 935.25 935.25

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 4":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 2398.55 2869.43 515.03 14Y 0 456.3 1301.85
21X 2398.55 2869.43 515.03 7S 0 811.95 811.95
20P 2398.55 2869.43 515.03 7X 0 811.95 811.95
20X 2398.55 2869.43 515.03 7XY 0 811.95 811.95
19P 2398.55 2869.43 515.03 7Y 0 811.95 811.95
19X 2398.55 2869.43 515.03 23S 0 935.25 935.25
14S 0 456.3 1301.85 23X 0 935.25 935.25
14X 0 456.3 1301.85 23XY 0 935.25 935.25
14XY 0 456.3 1301.85 23Y 0 935.25 935.25

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 5":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 6386.31 0 0
21X 6386.31 0 0
20P 6386.31 0 0
20X 6386.31 0 0
19P 6386.31 0 0
19X 6386.31 0 0

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 6":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 3693.47 0 2177.82 14Y 0 0 1753.65
21X 3693.47 0 2177.82 7S 0 0 1147.65
20P 3693.47 0 2177.82 7X 0 0 1147.65
20X 3693.47 0 2177.82 7XY 0 0 1147.65
19P 3693.47 0 2177.82 7Y 0 0 1147.65
19X 3693.47 0 2177.82 23S 0 0 1321.95
14S 0 0 1753.65 23X 0 0 1321.95
14X 0 0 1753.65 23XY 0 0 1321.95
14XY 0 0 1753.65 23Y 0 0 1321.95

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 7":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 2398.55 0 2177.82 14Y 0 0 1753.65
21X 2398.55 0 2177.82 7S 0 0 1147.65
20P 2398.55 0 2177.82 7X 0 0 1147.65
20X 2398.55 0 2177.82 7XY 0 0 1147.65
19P 2398.55 0 2177.82 7Y 0 0 1147.65
19X 2398.55 0 2177.82 23S 0 0 1321.95
14S 0 0 1753.65 23X 0 0 1321.95
14X 0 0 1753.65 23XY 0 0 1321.95
14XY 0 0 1753.65 23Y 0 0 1321.95

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 8":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 10212.2 0 0

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 9":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 3693.47 5444.55 0 7X 0 1147.65 0
20P 3693.47 5444.55 0 7XY 0 1147.65 0
19P 3693.47 5444.55 0 7Y 0 1147.65 0
14S 0 641 0 23S 0 1321.95 0
14X 0 641 0 23X 0 1321.95 0
14XY 0 641 0 23XY 0 1321.95 0
14Y 0 641 0 23Y 0 1321.95 0
7S 0 1147.65 0

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 10":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 2398.55 5444.55 0 7X 0 1147.65 0
20P 2398.55 5444.55 0 7XY 0 1147.65 0
19P 2398.55 5444.55 0 7Y 0 1147.65 0
14S 0 641 0 23S 0 1321.95 0
14X 0 641 0 23X 0 1321.95 0
14XY 0 641 0 23XY 0 1321.95 0
14Y 0 641 0 23Y 0 1321.95 0
7S 0 1147.65 0

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 11":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 3693.47 2869.43 515.03 14S 0 456.3 1301.85
20P 3693.47 2869.43 515.03 14X 0 456.3 1301.85
19P 3693.47 2869.43 515.03 14XY 0 456.3 1301.85

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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

14Y 0 456.3 1301.85 23S 0 935.25 935.25

7S 0 811.95 811.95 23X 0 935.25 935.25
7X 0 811.95 811.95 23XY 0 935.25 935.25
7XY 0 811.95 811.95 23Y 0 935.25 935.25
7Y 0 811.95 811.95

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 12":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 2398.55 2869.43 515.03 7X 0 811.95 811.95
20P 2398.55 2869.43 515.03 7XY 0 811.95 811.95
19P 2398.55 2869.43 515.03 7Y 0 811.95 811.95
14S 0 456.3 1301.85 23S 0 935.25 935.25
14X 0 456.3 1301.85 23X 0 935.25 935.25
14XY 0 456.3 1301.85 23XY 0 935.25 935.25
14Y 0 456.3 1301.85 23Y 0 935.25 935.25
7S 0 811.95 811.95

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 13": Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 14":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N) (N) (N) (N)
---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
21P 6386.31 0 0 21P 3693.47 0 2177.82
20P 6386.31 0 0 20P 3693.47 0 2177.82
19P 6386.31 0 0 19P 3693.47 0 2177.82

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 15":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 2398.55 0 2177.82
20P 2398.55 0 2177.82
19P 2398.55 0 2177.82

Point Loads for Load Case "CASE 16":

JointVertical Transverse Longitudinal

Label Load Load Load
(N) (N) (N)
21P 10212.2 0 0

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

*** Analysis Results:

Maximum element utilization is 96.79% for Angle "8Y" in load case "CASE 1"

Angle Forces For All Load Cases:

Positive for tension - negative for compression

Group Angle
Max. Tens. Max. Comp. LC 1 LC 2 LC 3 LC 4 LC 5 LC 6 LC 7 LC 8
Label Label
For All LC For All LC
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
55 1P 0.000 -204.530 -204.530 -202.559 -171.579 -169.609 -12.868 -127.596 -125.625 -11.479
53 2P 0.000 -195.147 -195.147 -193.211 -161.811 -159.874 -12.334 -120.626 -118.690 -11.552
49 3P 0.000 -192.557 -192.557 -190.585 -156.854 -154.883 -12.220 -115.382 -113.410 -11.664
47 4P 0.000 -184.402 -184.402 -182.435 -151.975 -150.008 -12.023 -115.274 -113.307 -12.514
45 5P 0.000 -184.445 -184.445 -182.482 -148.379 -146.416 -11.837 -108.577 -106.614 -12.352
43 6P 0.000 -173.161 -173.161 -171.207 -141.602 -139.647 -11.625 -108.395 -106.440 -13.586
41 7P 0.000 -172.885 -172.885 -170.940 -136.120 -134.175 -11.411 -98.656 -96.710 -13.404
39 8P 0.000 -157.319 -157.319 -155.387 -126.862 -124.930 -11.179 -98.408 -96.476 -15.272
37 9P 0.000 -157.188 -157.188 -155.267 -121.491 -119.570 -10.970 -87.620 -85.699 -15.126
35 10P 0.000 -138.864 -138.864 -136.960 -111.458 -109.554 -10.735 -87.578 -85.674 -18.214
33 11P 0.000 -138.245 -138.245 -136.366 -105.847 -103.968 -10.452 -74.561 -72.682 -17.968
31 12P 0.000 -106.231 -106.231 -104.421 -87.984 -86.175 -9.934 -73.189 -71.380 -23.513
25 13P 0.000 -104.585 -104.585 -102.833 -77.658 -75.905 -9.461 -51.232 -49.479 -22.904
22 14P 0.000 -61.796 -61.796 -60.461 -54.211 -52.875 -7.337 -51.612 -50.277 -23.436
20 15P 0.000 -62.252 -62.252 -60.891 -38.428 -37.068 -7.342 -16.881 -15.521 -23.302
14 16P 0.000 -27.762 -27.762 -26.474 -19.613 -18.325 -6.812 -16.658 -15.370 -22.938
11 17P 1.208 -26.083 -26.083 -25.449 -15.861 -15.227 -3.437 -6.840 -6.206 -22.857
9 18P 0.000 -22.296 -2.182 -1.584 -3.204 -2.606 -3.186 -6.744 -6.146 -22.296
3 19P 0.000 -22.053 -2.086 -1.534 -1.665 -1.114 -2.829 -0.703 -0.152 -22.053
56 56-1P 2.836 -4.186 -4.177 -4.186 -2.635 -2.645 0.032 0.154 0.145 0.321
56 56-2P 0.270 -3.657 0.270 0.261 -2.131 -2.139 0.027 -3.649 -3.657 0.034
54 54-1P 3.076 -5.369 -5.369 -5.348 -3.932 -3.911 -0.137 -1.282 -1.261 0.374
54 54-2P 0.000 -4.066 -1.907 -1.889 -3.548 -3.530 -0.113 -4.066 -4.048 -0.146
50 18-1P 5.780 -6.349 5.779 5.780 3.289 3.290 -0.018 -0.327 -0.326 -0.758
50 18-2P 1.377 -5.810 -5.810 -5.809 -3.320 -3.319 -0.018 0.296 0.297 0.726
50 18-3P 0.000 -6.138 -0.561 -0.552 -2.575 -2.566 -0.060 -4.148 -4.139 -0.043
50 18-4P 4.076 -4.646 0.479 0.488 2.494 2.503 -0.060 4.067 4.076 -0.007
48 19-1P 6.910 -6.449 -6.449 -6.441 -3.906 -3.898 -0.054 -0.194 -0.186 0.807
48 19-2P 6.381 -1.592 6.374 6.381 3.831 3.839 -0.054 0.119 0.127 -0.853
48 19-3P 6.795 -0.270 -0.268 -0.270 2.300 2.299 -0.006 4.504 4.503 -0.022
48 19-4P 5.175 -4.523 0.251 0.250 -2.317 -2.319 -0.006 -4.521 -4.523 -0.004
46 20-1P 7.207 -7.823 7.207 7.200 4.294 4.288 0.026 0.060 0.053 -0.933
46 20-2P 1.756 -7.190 -7.183 -7.190 -4.271 -4.278 0.026 -0.036 -0.043 0.929
46 20-3P 0.062 -7.664 0.059 0.062 -2.724 -2.721 -0.029 -5.081 -5.078 -0.010
46 20-4P 5.043 -5.829 -0.101 -0.098 2.682 2.686 -0.029 5.039 5.043 -0.016
44 21-1P 8.902 -8.428 -8.428 -8.423 -5.003 -4.998 -0.037 0.032 0.038 1.041

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44 21-2P 8.381 -2.007 8.376 8.381 4.951 4.956 -0.037 -0.085 -0.079 -1.071
44 21-3P 8.698 0.000 0.108 0.102 3.348 3.342 0.023 5.989 5.982 0.004
44 21-4P 6.594 -5.974 -0.087 -0.094 -3.327 -3.334 0.023 -5.968 -5.974 -0.009
42 22-1P 9.713 -10.273 9.713 9.707 5.782 5.776 0.024 -0.000 -0.007 -1.219
42 22-2P 2.289 -9.699 -9.692 -9.699 -5.761 -5.768 0.024 0.021 0.015 1.215
42 22-3P 0.000 -10.055 -0.046 -0.040 -3.828 -3.822 -0.042 -6.930 -6.924 -0.018
42 22-4P 6.877 -7.637 -0.012 -0.006 3.769 3.775 -0.042 6.871 6.877 -0.016
40 23-1P 12.029 -10.280 -10.280 -10.270 -6.030 -6.019 -0.067 -0.108 -0.098 1.406
40 23-2P 10.202 -2.714 10.191 10.202 5.940 5.951 -0.067 0.019 0.030 -1.453
40 23-3P 11.796 -0.105 -0.099 -0.105 3.565 3.560 0.017 6.939 6.933 -0.022
40 23-4P 8.976 -6.932 0.111 0.106 -3.553 -3.558 0.017 -6.926 -6.932 0.009
38 24-1P 10.298 -14.630 10.298 10.284 5.751 5.737 0.062 0.051 0.037 -1.725
38 24-2P 3.278 -11.548 -10.233 -10.246 -5.685 -5.699 0.062 0.014 0.000 1.730
38 24-3P 0.002 -14.329 -0.011 -0.002 -2.900 -2.891 -0.055 -6.308 -6.300 -0.017
38 24-4P 6.242 -10.889 -0.064 -0.055 2.825 2.834 -0.055 6.234 6.242 -0.021
36 25-1P 18.391 -11.450 -11.450 -11.443 -6.091 -6.084 -0.046 0.167 0.173 2.135
36 25-2P 14.369 -4.110 11.385 11.391 6.026 6.033 -0.046 -0.231 -0.225 -2.171
36 25-3P 17.978 0.000 0.365 0.349 2.813 2.798 0.069 6.464 6.448 0.071
36 25-4P 13.563 -6.405 -0.290 -0.306 -2.739 -2.755 0.069 -6.390 -6.405 -0.054
34 26-1P 14.704 -23.492 14.704 14.702 7.866 7.865 -0.003 -0.093 -0.095 -2.749
34 26-2P 5.103 -18.562 -14.718 -14.719 -7.880 -7.881 -0.003 0.080 0.078 2.748
34 26-3P 0.000 -23.060 -0.183 -0.170 -3.466 -3.453 -0.083 -8.321 -8.308 -0.040
34 26-4P 8.222 -17.478 0.072 0.085 3.355 3.368 -0.083 8.209 8.222 -0.021
32 27-1P 30.602 -20.626 -20.626 -20.552 -11.750 -11.677 -0.396 -1.398 -1.324 3.577
32 27-2P 25.218 -6.718 20.140 20.213 11.264 11.338 -0.396 0.912 0.985 -3.757
32 27-3P 30.631 -1.866 -1.866 -1.859 3.853 3.860 -0.057 11.637 11.644 -0.387
32 27-4P 23.674 -11.721 1.783 1.790 -3.936 -3.929 -0.057 -11.721 -11.713 0.288
26 28-1P 18.718 -5.641 18.440 18.718 8.937 9.215 -1.516 -2.738 -2.460 -0.814
26 28-2P 1.138 -20.317 -20.317 -20.040 -10.814 -10.537 -1.516 0.861 1.138 -0.335
26 28-3P 0.000 -17.727 -3.776 -3.704 -8.265 -8.193 -0.412 -14.111 -14.039 -0.958
26 28-4P 13.659 -8.281 3.251 3.323 7.741 7.813 -0.412 13.587 13.659 0.557
23 29-1P 20.045 -29.503 -29.503 -29.487 -16.508 -16.492 -0.110 -1.004 -0.987 -0.111
23 29-2P 29.370 -0.110 29.353 29.370 16.358 16.375 -0.110 0.853 0.870 -0.082
23 29-3P 23.644 -1.727 -1.727 -1.686 7.815 7.855 -0.206 18.929 18.969 -0.502
23 29-4P 13.674 -19.172 1.484 1.524 -8.058 -8.018 -0.206 -19.172 -19.132 0.410
21 30-1P 29.189 -20.604 29.143 29.189 15.660 15.706 -0.228 -0.730 -0.684 -0.016
21 30-2P 0.511 -29.408 -29.408 -29.362 -15.924 -15.879 -0.228 0.465 0.511 -0.062
21 30-3P 0.000 -24.211 -1.117 -1.104 -9.344 -9.331 -0.088 -18.967 -18.954 -0.537
21 30-4P 18.858 -13.227 0.996 1.009 9.223 9.236 -0.088 18.845 18.858 0.352
15 31-1P 0.000 -13.742 -9.882 -9.741 -5.581 -5.441 -0.752 -0.942 -0.801 -0.306
15 31-2P 12.930 -0.752 8.962 9.102 4.662 4.802 -0.752 0.022 0.162 -0.441
15 31-3P 8.481 -1.034 -1.034 -1.003 0.692 0.724 -0.180 4.908 4.939 -0.790
15 31-4P 4.274 -5.136 0.806 0.837 -0.921 -0.889 -0.180 -5.136 -5.105 0.554
12 32-1P 13.052 -9.842 13.052 13.049 6.828 6.825 0.003 -0.203 -0.207 -0.099
12 32-2P 0.196 -13.062 -13.059 -13.062 -6.835 -6.839 0.003 0.196 0.193 -0.113
12 32-3P 0.000 -12.112 -0.445 -0.417 -1.499 -1.471 -0.136 -5.315 -5.287 -0.483
12 32-4P 5.184 -6.521 0.287 0.314 1.341 1.368 -0.136 5.157 5.184 0.398
10 33-1P 9.610 -13.008 -13.008 -12.972 -6.926 -6.890 -0.176 -0.212 -0.177 -0.616

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

10 33-2P 12.841 -0.176 12.805 12.841 6.723 6.759 -0.176 0.010 0.046 0.365
10 33-3P 11.714 -0.362 -0.160 -0.164 1.139 1.135 0.009 5.185 5.181 -0.362
10 33-4P 6.710 -5.188 0.161 0.157 -1.138 -1.141 0.009 -5.184 -5.188 0.290
4 34-1P 21.772 -0.510 0.129 0.230 -0.087 0.014 -0.510 -0.362 -0.261 21.772
4 34-2P 0.000 -22.486 -0.731 -0.630 -0.515 -0.414 -0.510 -0.239 -0.139 -22.486
4 34-3P 0.000 -2.498 -0.144 -0.095 -0.466 -0.417 -0.258 -1.486 -1.436 -0.512
4 34-4P 1.224 -1.002 -0.167 -0.117 0.155 0.205 -0.258 1.175 1.224 -0.001
8 BBP 0.823 -12.767 -0.922 0.823 -3.921 -2.175 -8.724 -9.717 -7.972 0.330
7 BTP 9.275 -0.339 3.939 2.083 3.801 1.945 9.275 2.172 0.317 -0.339
8 MBP 0.000 -12.783 -2.836 -0.982 -5.289 -3.436 -9.313 -10.606 -8.753 -0.439
7 MTP 10.058 0.000 5.936 3.973 5.222 3.258 9.868 3.082 1.119 0.464
8 TBP 0.000 -14.091 -2.669 -0.889 -5.077 -3.297 -8.931 -10.292 -8.511 -14.091
7 TTP 14.953 0.000 5.751 3.861 4.995 3.105 9.479 2.755 0.865 14.953
51 51-TP 1.854 -1.953 -1.939 -1.953 -0.564 -0.577 0.080 1.388 1.374 0.285
51 51-LP 2.357 0.000 2.357 2.340 2.091 2.075 0.094 1.477 1.461 0.133
27 35-TP 0.000 -10.205 -4.480 -3.045 -6.008 -4.574 -7.190 -10.205 -8.770 -0.512
27 35-LP 3.268 -1.833 -1.311 -1.833 0.810 0.289 2.599 3.268 2.747 -0.559
24 36-TP 9.493 -2.216 4.252 2.370 4.436 2.553 9.493 3.434 1.552 0.151
24 36-LP 1.234 -1.066 1.017 1.234 0.377 0.593 -1.066 -0.178 0.038 0.531
16 37-TP 0.153 -8.732 -7.265 -5.837 -6.929 -5.501 -7.156 -8.732 -7.303 -0.306
16 37-LP 3.932 0.000 2.292 1.716 3.365 2.790 2.897 3.932 3.356 0.476
13 38-TP 9.232 0.000 5.799 3.962 5.035 3.199 9.232 2.994 1.158 0.576
13 38-LP 0.399 -1.192 -0.487 -0.248 -0.729 -0.491 -1.192 -1.171 -0.932 0.399
5 39-TP 0.000 -12.352 -1.963 -0.514 -4.208 -2.759 -7.270 -9.162 -7.713 -12.352
5 39-LP 3.665 -0.132 1.468 0.887 1.434 0.853 2.921 1.083 0.501 3.665
1 40-TP 7.547 -1.458 4.463 2.959 3.823 2.319 7.547 1.804 0.300 -1.128
1 40-LP 0.000 -3.281 -1.734 -1.162 -1.609 -1.037 -2.869 -1.267 -0.695 -3.281
52 40P 1.113 0.000 0.074 0.053 0.074 0.053 0.117 0.074 0.053 0.038
52 41P 1.194 0.000 0.038 0.028 0.038 0.028 0.057 0.038 0.028 0.027
28 42P 0.000 -4.712 -1.341 -0.884 -1.341 -0.884 -2.291 -1.341 -0.884 -0.035
28 43P 0.673 -2.299 -1.349 -0.893 -1.349 -0.893 -2.299 -1.349 -0.893 -0.059
17 44P 0.015 -2.100 -1.228 -0.809 -1.228 -0.809 -2.100 -1.228 -0.809 0.015
17 45P 2.901 -2.159 -1.258 -0.825 -1.258 -0.825 -2.159 -1.258 -0.825 0.033
6 46P 0.000 -2.979 -1.243 -0.817 -1.243 -0.817 -2.128 -1.243 -0.817 -1.667
6 47P 0.140 -2.221 -1.302 -0.860 -1.302 -0.860 -2.221 -1.302 -0.860 -1.822
2 48P 2.402 0.000 1.409 0.931 1.409 0.931 2.402 1.409 0.931 1.954
2 49P 2.275 0.000 1.331 0.877 1.331 0.877 2.275 1.331 0.877 1.802

Angle Forces For All Load Cases (Continued):

Group Angle LC 9 LC 10 LC 11 LC 12 LC 13 LC 14 LC 15 LC 16
Label Label
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN)
55 1P -125.160 -121.988 -123.487 -120.315 -18.794 -45.048 -41.876 -11.479
53 2P -118.632 -115.291 -115.750 -112.409 -19.264 -44.492 -41.151 -11.552
49 3P -116.482 -112.987 -110.447 -106.953 -19.732 -40.482 -36.987 -11.664
47 4P -111.976 -108.093 -109.795 -105.912 -21.473 -48.961 -45.079 -12.514

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

45 5P -111.941 -108.057 -104.395 -100.511 -21.310 -38.947 -35.063 -12.352

43 6P -105.699 -101.282 -103.455 -99.038 -23.769 -50.662 -46.244 -13.586
41 7P -105.471 -101.060 -95.511 -91.100 -23.568 -36.598 -32.188 -13.404
39 8P -97.231 -92.051 -94.735 -89.555 -27.197 -53.672 -48.492 -15.272
37 9P -97.094 -91.914 -85.599 -80.419 -27.043 -32.482 -27.302 -15.126
35 10P -90.479 -84.062 -89.117 -82.700 -32.994 -60.015 -53.598 -18.214
33 11P -90.017 -83.636 -77.182 -70.801 -32.652 -24.154 -17.773 -17.968
31 12P -78.872 -70.406 -83.505 -75.040 -42.761 -72.720 -64.254 -23.513
25 13P -77.613 -69.283 -66.631 -58.301 -41.897 -30.685 -22.356 -22.904
22 14P -47.094 -41.360 -52.589 -46.856 -29.027 -49.478 -43.744 -23.436
20 15P -47.325 -41.551 -30.931 -25.157 -29.108 -5.783 -0.009 -23.302
14 16P -22.367 -18.818 -19.417 -15.868 -17.961 -21.264 -17.715 -22.938
11 17P -20.655 -17.732 -13.331 -10.408 -14.729 -1.716 1.208 -22.857
9 18P -8.391 -5.605 -10.914 -8.128 -13.979 -19.267 -16.481 -22.296
3 19P -8.301 -5.529 -7.807 -5.035 -13.779 -6.487 -3.716 -22.053
56 56-1P -3.028 -3.156 -1.321 -1.450 0.619 2.836 2.708 0.321
56 56-2P 0.122 0.102 -2.724 -2.744 0.081 -2.927 -2.946 0.034
54 54-1P -3.801 -3.956 -2.054 -2.209 0.734 3.076 2.921 0.374
54 54-2P -1.128 -1.084 -3.770 -3.725 -0.246 -3.418 -3.373 -0.146
50 18-1P 3.154 3.436 0.260 0.543 -1.408 -6.349 -6.066 -0.758
50 18-2P -3.186 -3.468 -2.864 -3.146 1.377 -4.558 -4.840 0.726
50 18-3P -0.340 -0.329 -3.559 -3.547 -0.071 -6.138 -6.126 -0.043
50 18-4P 0.290 0.287 0.969 0.967 -0.003 -4.644 -4.646 -0.007
48 19-1P -3.487 -3.799 -0.465 -0.777 1.523 6.910 6.598 0.807
48 19-2P 3.440 3.760 3.292 3.612 -1.592 5.198 5.518 -0.853
48 19-3P -0.171 -0.168 3.569 3.572 -0.026 6.792 6.795 -0.022
48 19-4P 0.145 0.141 -0.758 -0.762 0.008 5.175 5.171 -0.004
46 20-1P 3.882 4.232 0.441 0.792 -1.738 -7.823 -7.472 -0.933
46 20-2P -3.884 -4.241 -3.670 -4.028 1.756 -5.830 -6.188 0.929
46 20-3P 0.035 0.036 -4.107 -4.106 -0.015 -7.664 -7.663 -0.010
46 20-4P -0.061 -0.058 0.895 0.897 -0.025 -5.829 -5.826 -0.016
44 21-1P -4.657 -5.056 -0.640 -1.039 1.959 8.902 8.502 1.041
44 21-2P 4.627 5.032 4.275 4.679 -2.007 6.573 6.978 -1.071
44 21-3P 0.059 0.054 4.882 4.876 0.019 8.698 8.692 0.004
44 21-4P -0.063 -0.064 -1.267 -1.268 -0.003 6.594 6.593 -0.009
42 22-1P 5.360 5.819 0.743 1.203 -2.273 -10.273 -9.814 -1.219
42 22-2P -5.366 -5.832 -4.979 -5.445 2.289 -7.628 -8.094 1.215
42 22-3P -0.028 -0.024 -5.616 -5.613 -0.029 -10.055 -10.052 -0.018
42 22-4P -0.006 -0.004 1.405 1.407 -0.025 -7.637 -7.634 -0.016
40 23-1P -5.153 -5.690 -0.093 -0.630 2.633 12.029 11.492 1.406
40 23-2P 5.104 5.652 5.022 5.569 -2.714 8.978 9.525 -1.453
40 23-3P -0.080 -0.077 5.684 5.687 -0.023 11.793 11.796 -0.022
40 23-4P 0.066 0.058 -0.780 -0.788 0.031 8.976 8.968 0.009
38 24-1P 4.082 4.734 -1.445 -0.793 -3.224 -14.630 -13.978 -1.725
38 24-2P -4.070 -4.736 -4.576 -5.242 3.278 -10.881 -11.548 1.730
38 24-3P -0.001 0.002 -5.455 -5.452 -0.027 -14.329 -14.327 -0.017
38 24-4P -0.038 -0.032 -0.541 -0.535 -0.041 -10.889 -10.883 -0.021
36 25-1P -3.694 -4.518 2.882 2.058 4.050 18.391 17.567 2.135

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

36 25-2P 3.658 4.489 4.639 5.469 -4.110 13.539 14.369 -2.171

36 25-3P 0.246 0.217 5.985 5.955 0.137 17.978 17.949 0.071
36 25-4P -0.229 -0.215 1.487 1.501 -0.075 13.549 13.563 -0.054
34 26-1P 4.804 5.839 -3.592 -2.556 -5.118 -23.492 -22.457 -2.749
34 26-2P -4.832 -5.869 -6.128 -7.165 5.103 -17.525 -18.562 2.748
34 26-3P -0.118 -0.105 -7.562 -7.548 -0.086 -23.060 -23.046 -0.040
34 26-4P 0.060 0.060 -2.073 -2.073 -0.015 -17.477 -17.478 -0.021
32 27-1P -7.366 -8.648 3.632 2.350 6.289 30.602 29.320 3.577
32 27-2P 7.144 8.500 9.066 10.421 -6.718 23.863 25.218 -3.757
32 27-3P -1.346 -1.231 9.511 9.627 -0.591 30.515 30.631 -0.387
32 27-4P 1.248 1.139 3.237 3.129 0.513 23.674 23.566 0.288
26 28-1P 17.761 15.267 10.221 7.726 12.156 -3.147 -5.641 -0.814
26 28-2P -18.636 -15.864 -15.686 -12.913 -13.818 -16.926 -14.154 -0.335
26 28-3P -2.748 -2.467 -10.043 -9.761 -1.444 -17.727 -17.445 -0.958
26 28-4P 2.407 2.198 3.686 3.477 0.976 -8.072 -8.281 0.557
23 29-1P -16.492 -16.427 -4.782 -4.717 -0.348 19.981 20.045 -0.111
23 29-2P 16.361 16.313 14.374 14.326 0.210 20.973 20.925 -0.082
23 29-3P -1.266 -1.116 11.071 11.221 -0.747 23.494 23.644 -0.502
23 29-4P 1.174 1.064 -2.360 -2.470 0.535 13.674 13.564 0.410
21 30-1P 16.365 16.307 4.280 4.222 0.282 -20.546 -20.604 -0.016
21 30-2P -16.438 -16.334 -14.064 -13.961 -0.512 -20.532 -20.429 -0.062
21 30-3P -0.901 -0.795 -12.519 -12.413 -0.547 -24.211 -24.105 -0.537
21 30-4P 0.767 0.674 3.597 3.504 0.435 -13.134 -13.227 0.352
15 31-1P -12.625 -9.850 -9.539 -6.764 -13.742 -3.995 -1.221 -0.306
15 31-2P 12.301 9.667 11.105 8.471 12.930 11.857 9.223 -0.441
15 31-3P -0.925 -0.776 1.529 1.678 -0.758 8.332 8.481 -0.790
15 31-4P 0.755 0.638 1.329 1.212 0.553 4.274 4.157 0.554
12 32-1P 6.680 6.612 1.250 1.182 0.322 -9.774 -9.842 -0.099
12 32-2P -6.746 -6.681 -5.954 -5.889 -0.332 -9.953 -9.888 -0.113
12 32-3P -0.389 -0.307 -3.108 -3.027 -0.403 -12.112 -12.030 -0.483
12 32-4P 0.365 0.310 -1.317 -1.371 0.267 -6.466 -6.521 0.398
10 33-1P -6.645 -6.563 -1.299 -1.217 -0.403 9.528 9.610 -0.616
10 33-2P 6.624 6.578 5.885 5.839 0.228 10.010 9.964 0.365
10 33-3P -0.230 -0.192 2.607 2.645 -0.196 11.677 11.714 -0.362
10 33-4P 0.154 0.112 1.699 1.657 0.194 6.710 6.669 0.290
4 34-1P 8.143 5.393 7.738 4.988 13.545 6.734 3.985 21.772
4 34-2P -8.259 -5.409 -8.450 -5.600 -14.069 -9.172 -6.322 -22.486
4 34-3P -0.210 -0.154 -0.746 -0.690 -0.289 -2.498 -2.443 -0.512
4 34-4P -0.046 -0.052 -0.256 -0.262 0.017 -0.995 -1.002 -0.001
8 BBP -1.358 0.302 -4.792 -3.132 -8.299 -12.767 -11.107 0.330
7 BTP 4.392 2.626 4.725 2.959 8.833 5.423 3.657 -0.339
8 MBP -2.837 -0.948 -5.831 -3.942 -9.490 -12.783 -10.894 -0.439
7 MTP 5.931 3.929 5.846 3.844 10.058 5.617 3.615 0.464
8 TBP -2.549 -0.783 -5.079 -3.314 -8.857 -10.613 -8.847 -14.091
7 TTP 5.624 3.750 5.090 3.216 9.402 3.484 1.610 14.953
51 51-TP -1.064 -1.168 0.188 0.085 0.523 1.854 1.750 0.285
51 51-LP 1.405 1.359 1.832 1.786 0.240 1.498 1.452 0.133
27 35-TP -4.089 -2.385 -5.971 -4.267 -8.517 -9.717 -8.013 -0.512

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

27 35-LP -1.376 -1.556 -0.015 -0.195 0.918 0.105 -0.075 -0.559

24 36-TP -0.502 -0.511 -0.630 -0.639 0.253 -2.207 -2.216 0.151
24 36-LP 0.566 0.671 0.270 0.375 -0.516 0.038 0.142 0.531
16 37-TP -0.692 -0.745 -0.470 -0.524 0.153 -0.407 -0.461 -0.306
16 37-LP 1.416 0.904 2.941 2.429 2.581 2.655 2.143 0.476
13 38-TP 5.490 3.684 5.283 3.477 9.083 4.826 3.019 0.576
13 38-LP -0.468 -0.276 -0.632 -0.439 -0.962 -0.875 -0.683 0.399
5 39-TP -2.334 -0.779 -4.212 -2.657 -7.794 -8.047 -6.492 -12.352
5 39-LP 0.827 0.370 0.833 0.376 2.308 0.325 -0.132 3.665
1 40-TP -0.307 -0.155 -0.580 -0.428 -0.621 -1.458 -1.306 -1.128
1 40-LP -1.240 -0.826 -1.102 -0.689 -2.087 -0.683 -0.269 -3.281
52 40P 0.040 0.030 0.295 0.284 0.065 1.113 1.102 0.038
52 41P 0.028 0.023 0.303 0.298 0.034 1.194 1.189 0.027
28 42P -0.354 -0.125 -1.464 -1.235 -1.165 -4.712 -4.483 -0.035
28 43P -0.373 -0.145 -0.257 -0.028 -1.173 0.444 0.673 -0.059
17 44P -0.313 -0.103 -0.608 -0.399 -1.066 -1.244 -1.034 0.015
17 45P -0.292 -0.076 0.329 0.546 -1.090 2.684 2.901 0.033
6 46P -0.269 -0.057 -0.997 -0.784 -1.078 -2.979 -2.766 -1.667
6 47P -0.367 -0.146 -0.371 -0.150 -1.131 -0.081 0.140 -1.822
2 48P 0.745 0.506 0.909 0.670 1.224 1.457 1.218 1.954
2 49P 0.658 0.431 0.614 0.387 1.156 0.447 0.220 1.802

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 1 "CASE 1"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.0007639 0.1487 -0.005944 -1.5917 -0.0703 0.0098 0.2008 0.3487 12.89
18P -0.0005976 0.3283 -0.008048 -2.1039 -0.0133 -0.0058 0.1994 0.5283 17.99
19P 0.0009051 0.1487 -0.04815 -1.7845 -0.0230 -0.0142 0.0009051 1.749 12.85
20P 2.246e-005 0.2247 -0.05883 -2.1117 -0.0092 -0.0105 2.246e-005 1.825 15.14
21P -0.0002813 0.3099 -0.06048 -2.1506 -0.0102 -0.0084 -0.0002813 1.91 17.44
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.0006919 0.1487 0.004964 -1.5831 0.0212 -0.0329 0.2007 -0.0513 12.9
11XY 0.0006506 0.1488 0.004845 -1.5906 -0.0604 -0.0199 -0.1993 -0.05121 12.9
11Y 0.0007764 0.1488 -0.006075 -1.5946 0.0245 0.0129 -0.1992 0.3488 12.89
18X -0.0006588 0.3283 0.006672 -2.0990 -0.0182 -0.0129 0.1993 0.1283 18.01
18XY -0.0006434 0.3283 0.006586 -2.0922 -0.0079 -0.0087 -0.2006 0.1283 18.01
18Y -0.0005811 0.3284 -0.008133 -2.1054 -0.0173 -0.0074 -0.2006 0.5284 17.99
19X 0.0001833 0.1489 0.04491 -1.6577 -0.0175 -0.0166 0.0001833 -1.451 12.94
20X -0.0001587 0.225 0.05539 -1.9883 -0.0124 0.0060 -0.0001587 -1.375 15.26
21X -0.0008429 0.3101 0.05697 -2.0297 -0.0096 -0.0129 -0.0008429 -1.29 17.56

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -9.138 0.0 -11.570 0.0 207.139 0.0 0.0 0.222 0.0 -0.436 0.0 -0.017 0.0 0.0
1X 8.353 0.0 -10.970 0.0 -189.356 0.0 0.0 0.173 0.0 0.423 0.0 -0.014 0.0 0.0
1XY -8.365 0.0 -10.796 0.0 -189.321 0.0 0.0 0.183 0.0 -0.399 0.0 0.018 0.0 0.0
1Y 9.149 0.0 -11.763 0.0 207.037 0.0 0.0 0.209 0.0 0.462 0.0 0.016 0.0 0.0

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 2 "CASE 2"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.0007462 0.1487 -0.005802 -1.5914 -0.0687 0.0113 0.2007 0.3487 12.89
18P -0.0006043 0.3283 -0.007851 -2.1019 -0.0124 -0.0037 0.1994 0.5283 17.99
19P 0.0007936 0.1487 -0.04764 -1.7631 -0.0221 -0.0094 0.0007936 1.749 12.85
20P 2.285e-006 0.2248 -0.0583 -2.0908 -0.0097 -0.0101 2.285e-006 1.825 15.14
21P -0.0003678 0.3099 -0.05993 -2.1301 -0.0101 -0.0051 -0.0003678 1.91 17.44
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.0007046 0.1487 0.005109 -1.5850 0.0217 -0.0297 0.2007 -0.05129 12.91
11XY 0.0006682 0.1488 0.004988 -1.5910 -0.0620 -0.0185 -0.1993 -0.05123 12.9
11Y 0.0007637 0.1487 -0.005931 -1.5927 0.0241 0.0161 -0.1992 0.3487 12.89
18X -0.0006467 0.3283 0.006869 -2.1001 -0.0180 -0.0098 0.1994 0.1283 18.01
18XY -0.0006367 0.3283 0.006783 -2.0941 -0.0088 -0.0065 -0.2006 0.1283 18.01
18Y -0.0005932 0.3284 -0.007936 -2.1043 -0.0175 -0.0043 -0.2006 0.5284 17.99
19X 0.0002948 0.1489 0.04541 -1.6792 -0.0184 -0.0118 0.0002948 -1.451 12.95
20X -0.0001385 0.2249 0.05593 -2.0092 -0.0119 0.0064 -0.0001385 -1.375 15.26
21X -0.0007564 0.3101 0.05751 -2.0503 -0.0097 -0.0096 -0.0007564 -1.29 17.56

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -9.055 0.0 -11.488 0.0 205.186 0.0 0.0 0.218 0.0 -0.431 0.0 -0.017 0.0 0.0
1X 8.439 0.0 -11.056 0.0 -191.287 0.0 0.0 0.177 0.0 0.427 0.0 -0.014 0.0 0.0
1XY -8.447 0.0 -10.878 0.0 -191.274 0.0 0.0 0.188 0.0 -0.404 0.0 0.018 0.0 0.0
1Y 9.063 0.0 -11.677 0.0 205.106 0.0 0.0 0.205 0.0 0.458 0.0 0.016 0.0 0.0

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 3 "CASE 3"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.03874 0.08128 -0.004846 -0.8619 0.3506 0.0006 0.2387 0.2813 12.9
18P 0.0803 0.1791 -0.006391 -1.1465 0.4756 -0.0144 0.2803 0.3791 17.99
19P 0.03915 0.08127 -0.02738 -1.0233 0.3714 -0.0240 0.03915 1.681 12.87
20P 0.05715 0.1228 -0.03268 -1.1711 0.4758 -0.0152 0.05715 1.723 15.17
21P 0.07656 0.169 -0.03365 -1.1961 0.4800 -0.0178 0.07656 1.769 17.47
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.03865 0.08134 0.001119 -0.8742 0.4008 -0.0129 0.2386 -0.1187 12.9
11XY 0.03862 0.08142 0.003747 -0.8609 0.3605 -0.0107 -0.1614 -0.1186 12.9
11Y 0.03873 0.0814 -0.002229 -0.8857 0.4041 -0.0070 -0.1613 0.2814 12.9
18X 0.08023 0.179 0.001598 -1.1381 0.4739 -0.0033 0.2802 -0.02098 18
18XY 0.08025 0.1791 0.004929 -1.1348 0.4810 -0.0001 -0.1197 -0.02092 18
18Y 0.08031 0.1791 -0.003058 -1.1444 0.4748 -0.0170 -0.1197 0.3791 18
19X 0.03843 0.08152 0.02414 -0.8965 0.3770 -0.0068 0.03843 -1.518 12.92
20X 0.05697 0.1231 0.02924 -1.0477 0.4727 0.0107 0.05697 -1.477 15.23
21X 0.076 0.1692 0.03014 -1.0752 0.4806 -0.0035 0.076 -1.431 17.53

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -9.129 0.0 -9.337 0.0 174.872 0.0 0.0 0.258 0.0 -0.315 0.0 -0.005 0.0 0.0
1X 0.703 0.0 -3.666 0.0 -45.797 0.0 0.0 -0.022 0.0 0.156 0.0 -0.012 0.0 0.0
1XY -8.356 0.0 -8.563 0.0 -157.053 0.0 0.0 0.219 0.0 -0.279 0.0 0.006 0.0 0.0
1Y 1.499 0.0 -4.459 0.0 63.478 0.0 0.0 0.015 0.0 0.195 0.0 0.014 0.0 0.0

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 4 "CASE 4"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.03872 0.08131 -0.004704 -0.8616 0.3522 0.0021 0.2387 0.2813 12.9
18P 0.08029 0.1791 -0.006193 -1.1446 0.4765 -0.0123 0.2803 0.3791 17.99

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

19P 0.03904 0.08131 -0.02687 -1.0018 0.3723 -0.0193 0.03904 1.681 12.87
20P 0.05713 0.1229 -0.03215 -1.1501 0.4753 -0.0148 0.05713 1.723 15.17
21P 0.07647 0.169 -0.0331 -1.1756 0.4801 -0.0145 0.07647 1.769 17.47
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.03866 0.08135 0.001263 -0.8761 0.4013 -0.0098 0.2387 -0.1186 12.9
11XY 0.03864 0.0814 0.00389 -0.8612 0.3589 -0.0092 -0.1614 -0.1186 12.9
11Y 0.03872 0.08139 -0.002085 -0.8838 0.4037 -0.0039 -0.1613 0.2814 12.9
18X 0.08025 0.179 0.001795 -1.1392 0.4741 -0.0002 0.2802 -0.02096 18
18XY 0.08026 0.1791 0.005126 -1.1368 0.4801 0.0021 -0.1197 -0.02092 18.01
18Y 0.0803 0.1791 -0.002861 -1.1434 0.4746 -0.0139 -0.1197 0.3791 18
19X 0.03854 0.08148 0.02464 -0.9179 0.3760 -0.0020 0.03854 -1.519 12.92
20X 0.05699 0.123 0.02978 -1.0686 0.4732 0.0110 0.05699 -1.477 15.23
21X 0.07609 0.1692 0.03068 -1.0958 0.4805 -0.0002 0.07609 -1.431 17.53

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -9.047 0.0 -9.255 0.0 172.918 0.0 0.0 0.253 0.0 -0.311 0.0 -0.005 0.0 0.0
1X 0.789 0.0 -3.751 0.0 -47.728 0.0 0.0 -0.018 0.0 0.160 0.0 -0.012 0.0 0.0
1XY -8.439 0.0 -8.645 0.0 -159.007 0.0 0.0 0.223 0.0 -0.283 0.0 0.005 0.0 0.0
1Y 1.413 0.0 -4.373 0.0 61.546 0.0 0.0 0.010 0.0 0.190 0.0 0.013 0.0 0.0

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 5 "CASE 5"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 9.34e-005 -0.0001152 -0.0008456 -0.0012 -0.0084 -0.0082 0.2001 0.1999 12.9
18P 3.685e-005 -1.521e-005 -0.001141 -0.0099 -0.0046 -0.0117 0.2 0.2 18
19P 0.0005927 -0.0002171 -0.002672 -0.1080 -0.0046 -0.0253 0.0005927 1.6 12.9
20P 0.0001325 -0.0002172 -0.002831 -0.1052 0.0026 -0.0030 0.0001325 1.6 15.2
21P 0.0004607 -0.0002178 -0.002892 -0.1032 -0.0005 -0.0175 0.0004607 1.6 17.5
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X -6.868e-005 -4.682e-005 -0.0008552 0.0098 -0.0026 -0.0165 0.1999 -0.2 12.9
11XY -9.34e-005 0.0001152 -0.0008456 0.0012 0.0084 -0.0082 -0.2001 -0.1999 12.9
11Y 6.868e-005 4.682e-005 -0.0008552 -0.0098 0.0026 -0.0165 -0.1999 0.2 12.9
18X -6.413e-005 -8.698e-005 -0.00114 0.0054 -0.0009 -0.0167 0.1999 -0.2001 18
18XY -3.685e-005 1.521e-005 -0.001141 0.0099 0.0046 -0.0117 -0.2 -0.2 18

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

18Y 6.413e-005 8.698e-005 -0.00114 -0.0054 0.0009 -0.0167 -0.1999 0.2001 18

19X -0.0005927 0.0002171 -0.002672 0.1080 0.0046 -0.0253 -0.0005927 -1.6 12.9
20X -0.0001325 0.0002172 -0.002831 0.1052 -0.0026 -0.0030 -0.0001325 -1.6 15.2
21X -0.0004607 0.0002178 -0.002892 0.1032 0.0005 -0.0175 -0.0004607 -1.6 17.5

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -0.558 0.0 -0.559 0.0 12.971 0.0 0.0 0.029 0.0 -0.027 0.0 0.001 0.0 0.0
1X -0.577 0.0 0.574 0.0 12.857 0.0 0.0 -0.027 0.0 -0.029 0.0 0.002 0.0 0.0
1XY 0.558 0.0 0.559 0.0 12.971 0.0 0.0 -0.029 0.0 0.027 0.0 0.001 0.0 0.0
1Y 0.577 0.0 -0.574 0.0 12.857 0.0 0.0 0.027 0.0 0.029 0.0 0.002 0.0 0.0

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 6 "CASE 6"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.08781 -0.0005295 -0.003751 0.0091 0.9147 -0.0233 0.2878 0.1995 12.9
18P 0.1897 0.0002163 -0.004865 -0.0189 1.1785 -0.0413 0.3897 0.2002 18
19P 0.08895 -0.0005593 -0.002732 -0.1218 0.9043 -0.0532 0.08895 1.599 12.9
20P 0.1327 -6.256e-005 -0.001593 -0.0518 1.1560 -0.0380 0.1327 1.6 15.2
21P 0.1805 3.712e-005 -0.001979 -0.0699 1.1869 -0.0458 0.1805 1.6 17.5
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.08769 -0.0004325 -0.003685 -0.0331 0.9191 0.0250 0.2877 -0.2004 12.9
11XY 0.08769 -0.0003907 0.002652 0.0102 0.9247 0.0132 -0.1123 -0.2004 12.9
11Y 0.08778 -0.0003736 0.002575 -0.0446 0.9225 -0.0449 -0.1122 0.1996 12.9
18X 0.1896 0.0001992 -0.004833 -0.0033 1.1792 0.0245 0.3896 -0.1998 18
18XY 0.1897 0.0002368 0.003403 -0.0072 1.1840 0.0268 -0.01033 -0.1998 18
18Y 0.1897 0.0003037 0.003372 -0.0097 1.1801 -0.0448 -0.01028 0.2003 18
19X 0.08823 -0.0003051 -0.0005089 0.0049 0.9098 0.0225 0.08823 -1.6 12.9
20X 0.1325 0.0001918 -0.001844 0.0716 1.1528 0.0335 0.1325 -1.6 15.2
21X 0.1799 0.0002922 -0.001533 0.0509 1.1875 0.0246 0.1799 -1.6 17.5

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -7.941 0.0 -5.774 0.0 130.052 0.0 0.0 0.287 0.0 -0.146 0.0 0.012 0.0 0.0
1X -7.820 0.0 5.784 0.0 130.004 0.0 0.0 -0.271 0.0 -0.155 0.0 -0.011 0.0 0.0
1XY -7.168 0.0 -5.000 0.0 -112.234 0.0 0.0 0.248 0.0 -0.109 0.0 -0.011 0.0 0.0
1Y -7.024 0.0 4.991 0.0 -112.322 0.0 0.0 -0.234 0.0 -0.116 0.0 0.013 0.0 0.0

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 7 "CASE 7"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.08779 -0.0005075 -0.003609 0.0094 0.9164 -0.0218 0.2878 0.1995 12.9
18P 0.1897 0.0002187 -0.004668 -0.0170 1.1795 -0.0392 0.3897 0.2002 18
19P 0.08884 -0.000516 -0.002226 -0.1004 0.9052 -0.0485 0.08884 1.599 12.9
20P 0.1327 -1.927e-005 -0.001058 -0.0309 1.1555 -0.0377 0.1327 1.6 15.2
21P 0.1804 8.052e-005 -0.001433 -0.0494 1.1870 -0.0425 0.1804 1.6 17.5
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.0877 -0.0004241 -0.003541 -0.0351 0.9196 0.0281 0.2877 -0.2004 12.9
11XY 0.08771 -0.0004127 0.002795 0.0098 0.9231 0.0146 -0.1123 -0.2004 12.9
11Y 0.08776 -0.000382 0.002719 -0.0427 0.9220 -0.0418 -0.1122 0.1996 12.9
18X 0.1897 0.0002159 -0.004636 -0.0044 1.1794 0.0276 0.3897 -0.1998 18
18XY 0.1897 0.0002344 0.0036 -0.0092 1.1830 0.0289 -0.01033 -0.1998 18
18Y 0.1897 0.000287 0.003569 -0.0086 1.1799 -0.0417 -0.01029 0.2003 18
19X 0.08834 -0.0003484 -3.432e-006 -0.0165 0.9089 0.0272 0.08834 -1.6 12.9
20X 0.1325 0.0001485 -0.001309 0.0506 1.1533 0.0339 0.1325 -1.6 15.2
21X 0.18 0.0002488 -0.0009871 0.0304 1.1874 0.0279 0.18 -1.6 17.5

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -7.859 0.0 -5.692 0.0 128.099 0.0 0.0 0.282 0.0 -0.142 0.0 0.012 0.0 0.0
1X -7.734 0.0 5.698 0.0 128.072 0.0 0.0 -0.266 0.0 -0.151 0.0 -0.012 0.0 0.0
1XY -7.250 0.0 -5.082 0.0 -114.187 0.0 0.0 0.252 0.0 -0.114 0.0 -0.011 0.0 0.0
1Y -7.110 0.0 5.076 0.0 -114.254 0.0 0.0 -0.238 0.0 -0.121 0.0 0.013 0.0 0.0

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 8 "CASE 8"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.0001637 0.007068 -0.0007893 -0.1223 -0.0156 0.0015 0.2002 0.2071 12.9
18P 0.0001136 0.03268 -0.00199 -0.5004 -0.0055 -0.0093 0.2001 0.2327 18
19P 0.000281 0.007091 -0.004498 -0.1645 -0.0054 -0.0069 0.000281 1.607 12.9
20P 0.0001568 0.01508 -0.008365 -0.2960 0.0054 -0.0048 0.0001568 1.615 15.19
21P 0.0005139 0.02822 -0.01626 -0.6497 0.0010 -0.0161 0.0005139 1.628 17.48
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.0001217 0.007073 0.0001246 -0.1265 0.0031 -0.0054 0.2001 -0.1929 12.9
11XY 0.0001168 0.007116 0.0001284 -0.1255 -0.0114 -0.0087 -0.1999 -0.1929 12.9
11Y 0.000169 0.007119 -0.000791 -0.1254 0.0047 -0.0024 -0.1998 0.2071 12.9
18X 8.319e-005 0.03269 0.0009352 -0.4841 -0.0091 -0.0008 0.2001 -0.1673 18
18XY 9.55e-005 0.03267 0.00102 -0.4838 0.0019 -0.0004 -0.1999 -0.1673 18
18Y 0.0001448 0.03279 -0.001906 -0.4921 -0.0074 -0.0152 -0.1999 0.2328 18
19X -4.864e-005 0.007098 0.003738 -0.1578 -0.0037 -0.0068-4.864e-005 -1.593 12.9
20X -3.558e-005 0.01509 0.007461 -0.2894 0.0031 -0.0015-3.558e-005 -1.585 15.21
21X 0.0001005 0.02857 0.01247 -0.4840 0.0031 0.0007 0.0001005 -1.571 17.51

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -0.483 0.0 -0.272 0.0 11.371 0.0 0.0 0.011 0.0 -0.025 0.0 -0.001 0.0 0.0
1X -0.043 0.0 0.275 0.0 0.405 0.0 0.0 -0.012 0.0 0.001 0.0 -0.001 0.0 0.0
1XY 0.039 0.0 0.250 0.0 0.424 0.0 0.0 -0.014 0.0 -0.001 0.0 0.002 0.0 0.0
1Y 0.486 0.0 -0.252 0.0 11.350 0.0 0.0 0.012 0.0 0.027 0.0 0.001 0.0 0.0

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 9 "CASE 9"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.0005634 0.09064 -0.003796 -1.0130 -0.0482 0.0114 0.2006 0.2906 12.9
18P -2.389e-005 0.2103 -0.005498 -1.4704 -0.0066 -0.0045 0.2 0.4103 17.99

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

19P 0.0006926 0.09063 -0.03151 -1.1862 -0.0158 -0.0119 0.0006926 1.691 12.87
20P 0.00019 0.1401 -0.04004 -1.4529 0.0005 -0.0040 0.00019 1.74 15.16
21P 0.0002152 0.1975 -0.04219 -1.5179 -0.0036 -0.0078 0.0002152 1.797 17.46
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.0005271 0.09067 0.003167 -1.0169 0.0174 -0.0153 0.2005 -0.1093 12.9
11XY 0.0005072 0.0907 0.003103 -1.0133 -0.0431 -0.0180 -0.1995 -0.1093 12.9
11Y 0.0005765 0.09072 -0.003865 -1.0218 0.0194 0.0055 -0.1994 0.2907 12.9
18X -5.441e-005 0.2103 0.004609 -1.4693 -0.0118 -0.0042 0.1999 0.01034 18
18XY -5.006e-005 0.2103 0.004596 -1.4660 -0.0045 -0.0042 -0.2001 0.01035 18
18Y -1.21e-005 0.2104 -0.005507 -1.4716 -0.0119 -0.0061 -0.2 0.4104 17.99
19X 0.0003051 0.09069 0.02989 -1.1314 -0.0132 -0.0045 0.0003051 -1.509 12.93
20X 5.883e-005 0.1402 0.03831 -1.3998 -0.0015 0.0002 5.883e-005 -1.46 15.24
21X -8.526e-005 0.1975 0.04042 -1.4663 -0.0035 -0.0034-8.526e-005 -1.402 17.54

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -5.635 0.0 -7.411 0.0 127.196 0.0 0.0 0.142 0.0 -0.266 0.0 -0.011 0.0 0.0
1X 5.091 0.0 -6.971 0.0 -114.966 0.0 0.0 0.110 0.0 0.256 0.0 -0.009 0.0 0.0
1XY -5.095 0.0 -6.870 0.0 -114.963 0.0 0.0 0.115 0.0 -0.241 0.0 0.011 0.0 0.0
1Y 5.639 0.0 -7.518 0.0 127.153 0.0 0.0 0.135 0.0 0.282 0.0 0.010 0.0 0.0

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 10 "CASE 10"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.0005013 0.08795 -0.003551 -0.9623 -0.0436 0.0099 0.2005 0.288 12.9
18P -0.0001248 0.1998 -0.005017 -1.3526 -0.0061 -0.0031 0.1999 0.3998 17.99
19P 0.0005661 0.08797 -0.02941 -1.0992 -0.0141 -0.0081 0.0005661 1.688 12.87
20P 0.0001275 0.1347 -0.03689 -1.3316 -0.0017 -0.0047 0.0001275 1.735 15.16
21P 4.944e-005 0.188 -0.03857 -1.3810 -0.0041 -0.0050 4.944e-005 1.788 17.46
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.0004794 0.08798 0.003065 -0.9652 0.0155 -0.0143 0.2005 -0.112 12.9
11XY 0.0004628 0.08799 0.002999 -0.9629 -0.0401 -0.0150 -0.1995 -0.112 12.9
11Y 0.0005161 0.08801 -0.003619 -0.9682 0.0170 0.0077 -0.1995 0.288 12.9
18X -0.0001471 0.1998 0.004337 -1.3529 -0.0107 -0.0034 0.1999 -0.0001534 18
18XY -0.0001442 0.1999 0.004313 -1.3501 -0.0049 -0.0035 -0.2001 -0.0001436 18

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

18Y -0.0001169 0.1999 -0.005038 -1.3542 -0.0110 -0.0037 -0.2001 0.3999 17.99
19X 0.00029 0.08799 0.0283 -1.0658 -0.0124 -0.0036 0.00029 -1.512 12.93
20X 1.653e-005 0.1347 0.0357 -1.2994 -0.0031 0.0012 1.653e-005 -1.465 15.24
21X -0.0001646 0.1881 0.03735 -1.3499 -0.0041 -0.0030 -0.0001646 -1.412 17.54

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -5.509 0.0 -7.365 0.0 124.137 0.0 0.0 0.140 0.0 -0.259 0.0 -0.010 0.0 0.0
1X 5.049 0.0 -7.018 0.0 -113.850 0.0 0.0 0.112 0.0 0.253 0.0 -0.009 0.0 0.0
1XY -5.052 0.0 -6.907 0.0 -113.858 0.0 0.0 0.118 0.0 -0.239 0.0 0.011 0.0 0.0
1Y 5.512 0.0 -7.479 0.0 124.105 0.0 0.0 0.133 0.0 0.274 0.0 0.009 0.0 0.0

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 11 "CASE 11"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.03337 0.05348 -0.003641 -0.6142 0.3015 -0.2568 0.2334 0.2535 12.9
18P 0.06861 0.1291 -0.005123 -0.9686 0.3878 -0.5118 0.2686 0.3291 17.99
19P 0.04017 0.05436 -0.02068 -0.7918 0.3139 -0.2851 0.04017 1.654 12.88
20P 0.05974 0.08567 -0.02634 -0.9606 0.3995 -0.4483 0.05974 1.686 15.17
21P 0.07866 0.1225 -0.02815 -1.0187 0.3939 -0.5691 0.07866 1.723 17.47
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.03152 0.05354 0.0007157 -0.6372 0.3192 -0.2695 0.2315 -0.1465 12.9
11XY 0.03151 0.05537 0.002899 -0.6373 0.2842 -0.2793 -0.1685 -0.1446 12.9
11Y 0.03337 0.05539 -0.001452 -0.6581 0.3501 -0.2708 -0.1666 0.2554 12.9
18X 0.06483 0.1291 0.001446 -0.9645 0.3855 -0.5027 0.2648 -0.07086 18
18XY 0.06483 0.1329 0.004193 -0.9613 0.3910 -0.5031 -0.1352 -0.06711 18
18Y 0.06862 0.1329 -0.002374 -0.9661 0.3840 -0.5143 -0.1314 0.3329 18
19X 0.02492 0.05446 0.01895 -0.7315 0.3033 -0.2675 0.02492 -1.546 12.92
20X 0.03554 0.08577 0.0245 -0.9022 0.3894 -0.4397 0.03554 -1.514 15.22
21X 0.0483 0.1226 0.02626 -0.9618 0.3904 -0.5553 0.0483 -1.477 17.53

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -7.364 0.0 -6.369 0.0 126.351 0.0 0.0 0.183 0.0 -0.231 0.0 0.022 0.0 0.0
1X -0.071 0.0 -1.548 0.0 -18.541 0.0 0.0 -0.044 0.0 0.095 0.0 0.016 0.0 0.0
1XY -6.003 0.0 -6.596 0.0 -114.155 0.0 0.0 0.177 0.0 -0.190 0.0 0.029 0.0 0.0
1Y -0.302 0.0 -2.906 0.0 30.764 0.0 0.0 -0.002 0.0 0.100 0.0 0.035 0.0 0.0

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 12 "CASE 12"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.03331 0.0508 -0.003395 -0.5634 0.3061 -0.2584 0.2333 0.2508 12.9
18P 0.06851 0.1186 -0.004642 -0.8508 0.3883 -0.5104 0.2685 0.3186 18
19P 0.04004 0.0517 -0.01858 -0.7048 0.3155 -0.2812 0.04004 1.652 12.88
20P 0.05968 0.08019 -0.02319 -0.8393 0.3974 -0.4489 0.05968 1.68 15.18
21P 0.0785 0.1131 -0.02453 -0.8818 0.3934 -0.5663 0.0785 1.713 17.48
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.03147 0.05084 0.0006138 -0.5855 0.3173 -0.2686 0.2315 -0.1492 12.9
11XY 0.03147 0.05266 0.002796 -0.5869 0.2872 -0.2763 -0.1685 -0.1473 12.9
11Y 0.03331 0.05268 -0.001206 -0.6045 0.3478 -0.2686 -0.1667 0.2527 12.9
18X 0.06474 0.1186 0.001173 -0.8482 0.3866 -0.5020 0.2647 -0.08135 18
18XY 0.06474 0.1224 0.00391 -0.8454 0.3906 -0.5023 -0.1353 -0.0776 18
18Y 0.06851 0.1224 -0.001905 -0.8487 0.3849 -0.5119 -0.1315 0.3224 18
19X 0.02491 0.05176 0.01736 -0.6660 0.3040 -0.2666 0.02491 -1.548 12.92
20X 0.0355 0.08024 0.02188 -0.8018 0.3877 -0.4387 0.0355 -1.52 15.22
21X 0.04822 0.1131 0.02318 -0.8455 0.3898 -0.5548 0.04822 -1.487 17.52

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -7.238 0.0 -6.323 0.0 123.292 0.0 0.0 0.181 0.0 -0.224 0.0 0.022 0.0 0.0
1X -0.112 0.0 -1.595 0.0 -17.425 0.0 0.0 -0.042 0.0 0.092 0.0 0.017 0.0 0.0
1XY -5.959 0.0 -6.633 0.0 -113.050 0.0 0.0 0.180 0.0 -0.187 0.0 0.028 0.0 0.0
1Y -0.429 0.0 -2.867 0.0 27.717 0.0 0.0 -0.004 0.0 0.093 0.0 0.034 0.0 0.0

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 13 "CASE 13"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.0003126 0.01322 -0.001354 -0.2499 -0.0231 0.0067 0.2003 0.2132 12.9
18P 0.0005013 0.05173 -0.002538 -0.5815 -0.0025 -0.0079 0.2005 0.2517 18
19P 0.000667 0.01311 -0.01052 -0.4312 -0.0083 -0.0208 0.000667 1.613 12.89
20P 0.0003411 0.02701 -0.01573 -0.6003 0.0108 0.0021 0.0003411 1.627 15.18
21P 0.0008518 0.04659 -0.01805 -0.6770 0.0025 -0.0150 0.0008518 1.647 17.48
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.0002292 0.0133 0.0003588 -0.2546 0.0090 -0.0055 0.2002 -0.1867 12.9
11XY 0.0002129 0.01334 0.0003655 -0.2491 -0.0144 -0.0157 -0.1998 -0.1867 12.9
11Y 0.0003038 0.01335 -0.001358 -0.2646 0.0119 -0.0121 -0.1997 0.2134 12.9
18X 0.0004528 0.05173 0.001173 -0.5739 -0.0053 -0.0049 0.2005 -0.1483 18
18XY 0.0004607 0.05174 0.001229 -0.5713 0.0022 -0.0049 -0.1995 -0.1483 18
18Y 0.0005211 0.05182 -0.002482 -0.5794 -0.0045 -0.0130 -0.1995 0.2518 18
19X 3.139e-005 0.01333 0.007667 -0.3210 -0.0035 -0.0063 3.139e-005 -1.587 12.91
20X 0.0001756 0.02723 0.0127 -0.4931 0.0080 -0.0063 0.0001756 -1.573 15.21
21X 0.000357 0.04682 0.01496 -0.5719 0.0030 -0.0036 0.000357 -1.553 17.51

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -0.771 0.0 -0.376 0.0 18.424 0.0 0.0 0.015 0.0 -0.041 0.0 -0.003 0.0 0.0
1X 0.052 0.0 0.385 0.0 -2.173 0.0 0.0 -0.017 0.0 0.008 0.0 -0.002 0.0 0.0
1XY -0.061 0.0 0.334 0.0 -2.115 0.0 0.0 -0.021 0.0 -0.008 0.0 0.004 0.0 0.0
1Y 0.781 0.0 -0.342 0.0 18.362 0.0 0.0 0.016 0.0 0.044 0.0 0.003 0.0 0.0

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 14 "CASE 14"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.03028 0.003649 -0.001948 -0.0926 0.3215 -1.1276 0.2303 0.2036 12.9
18P 0.06738 0.02209 -0.002956 -0.3470 0.3841 -2.1499 0.2674 0.2221 18

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

19P 0.05852 0.007429 -0.006594 -0.2712 0.3070 -1.1642 0.05852 1.607 12.89
20P 0.09167 0.01567 -0.009159 -0.3436 0.3950 -1.8869 0.09167 1.616 15.19
21P 0.1203 0.02702 -0.0107 -0.3972 0.3991 -2.3798 0.1203 1.627 17.49
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.02261 0.003741 -0.0009099 -0.1279 0.2327 -1.1077 0.2226 -0.1963 12.9
11XY 0.02261 0.01141 0.001048 -0.1900 0.2316 -1.1187 -0.1774 -0.1886 12.9
11Y 0.03028 0.01142 5.184e-005 -0.1996 0.3572 -1.1441 -0.1697 0.2114 12.9
18X 0.05151 0.02211 -0.0007973 -0.3374 0.3865 -2.1135 0.2515 -0.1779 18
18XY 0.05151 0.03795 0.001933 -0.3322 0.3900 -2.1138 -0.1485 -0.162 18
18Y 0.06739 0.03801 -0.0002286 -0.3356 0.3801 -2.1527 -0.1326 0.238 18
19X -0.004685 0.007577 0.00469 -0.2039 0.2535 -1.1185 -0.004685 -1.592 12.9
20X -0.01023 0.01578 0.007138 -0.2789 0.3583 -1.8559 -0.01023 -1.584 15.21
21X -0.007147 0.02716 0.008596 -0.3340 0.3839 -2.3381 -0.007147 -1.573 17.51

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -3.891 0.0 -0.111 0.0 45.200 0.0 0.0 0.043 0.0 -0.091 0.0 0.109 0.0 0.0
1X -0.007 0.0 3.450 0.0 33.476 0.0 0.0 -0.120 0.0 0.017 0.0 0.101 0.0 0.0
1XY 0.122 0.0 -2.815 0.0 -33.138 0.0 0.0 0.104 0.0 0.008 0.0 0.104 0.0 0.0
1Y -2.755 0.0 -0.523 0.0 -21.119 0.0 0.0 -0.023 0.0 -0.045 0.0 0.113 0.0 0.0

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 15 "CASE 15"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.03022 0.0009664 -0.001703 -0.0419 0.3261 -1.1291 0.2302 0.201 12.9
18P 0.06728 0.01161 -0.002475 -0.2292 0.3846 -2.1485 0.2673 0.2116 18
19P 0.05839 0.004771 -0.004498 -0.1842 0.3086 -1.1604 0.05839 1.605 12.9
20P 0.09161 0.01019 -0.006008 -0.2223 0.3928 -1.8875 0.09161 1.61 15.19
21P 0.1201 0.01757 -0.007083 -0.2603 0.3986 -2.3770 0.1201 1.618 17.49
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.02256 0.001043 -0.001012 -0.0763 0.2309 -1.1068 0.2226 -0.199 12.9
11XY 0.02257 0.008702 0.0009451 -0.1396 0.2345 -1.1157 -0.1774 -0.1913 12.9
11Y 0.03022 0.008713 0.000298 -0.1460 0.3549 -1.1419 -0.1698 0.2087 12.9
18X 0.05142 0.01162 -0.001069 -0.2210 0.3876 -2.1127 0.2514 -0.1884 18
18XY 0.05142 0.02746 0.00165 -0.2163 0.3896 -2.1131 -0.1486 -0.1725 18

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

18Y 0.06728 0.02751 0.0002405 -0.2182 0.3810 -2.1503 -0.1327 0.2275 18

19X -0.0047 0.004875 0.003099 -0.1384 0.2542 -1.1176 -0.0047 -1.595 12.9
20X -0.01027 0.01026 0.004523 -0.1785 0.3566 -1.8549 -0.01027 -1.59 15.2
21X -0.007227 0.01766 0.005522 -0.2177 0.3833 -2.3376 -0.007227 -1.582 17.51

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -3.766 0.0 -0.066 0.0 42.141 0.0 0.0 0.042 0.0 -0.084 0.0 0.109 0.0 0.0
1X -0.048 0.0 3.403 0.0 34.592 0.0 0.0 -0.118 0.0 0.014 0.0 0.101 0.0 0.0
1XY 0.166 0.0 -2.852 0.0 -32.032 0.0 0.0 0.107 0.0 0.010 0.0 0.103 0.0 0.0
1Y -2.883 0.0 -0.485 0.0 -24.167 0.0 0.0 -0.025 0.0 -0.052 0.0 0.112 0.0 0.0

*** Analysis Results for Load Case No. 16 "CASE 16"

Equilibrium Joint Positions and Rotations:

Joint X-Displ Y-Displ Z-Displ X-Rot Y-Rot Z-Rot X-Pos Y-Pos Z-Pos
Label (m) (m) (m) (deg) (deg) (deg) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 0.746 0
11P 0.0001637 0.007068 -0.0007893 -0.1223 -0.0156 0.0015 0.2002 0.2071 12.9
18P 0.0001136 0.03268 -0.00199 -0.5004 -0.0055 -0.0093 0.2001 0.2327 18
19P 0.000281 0.007091 -0.004498 -0.1645 -0.0054 -0.0069 0.000281 1.607 12.9
20P 0.0001568 0.01508 -0.008365 -0.2960 0.0054 -0.0048 0.0001568 1.615 15.19
21P 0.0005139 0.02822 -0.01626 -0.6497 0.0010 -0.0161 0.0005139 1.628 17.48
1X 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.746 -0.746 0
1XY 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 -0.746 0
1Y 0 0 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -0.746 0.746 0
11X 0.0001217 0.007073 0.0001246 -0.1265 0.0031 -0.0054 0.2001 -0.1929 12.9
11XY 0.0001168 0.007116 0.0001284 -0.1255 -0.0114 -0.0087 -0.1999 -0.1929 12.9
11Y 0.000169 0.007119 -0.000791 -0.1254 0.0047 -0.0024 -0.1998 0.2071 12.9
18X 8.319e-005 0.03269 0.0009352 -0.4841 -0.0091 -0.0008 0.2001 -0.1673 18
18XY 9.55e-005 0.03267 0.00102 -0.4838 0.0019 -0.0004 -0.1999 -0.1673 18
18Y 0.0001448 0.03279 -0.001906 -0.4921 -0.0074 -0.0152 -0.1999 0.2328 18
19X -4.864e-005 0.007098 0.003738 -0.1578 -0.0037 -0.0068-4.864e-005 -1.593 12.9
20X -3.558e-005 0.01509 0.007461 -0.2894 0.0031 -0.0015-3.558e-005 -1.585 15.21
21X 0.0001005 0.02857 0.01247 -0.4840 0.0031 0.0007 0.0001005 -1.571 17.51

Joint Support Reactions:

Joint Label X-Force % Y-Force % Z-Force Comp. % Uplift % X-Moment % Y-Moment % Z-Moment % Max. %
(kN) Usage (kN) Usage (kN) Usage Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage (kN-m) Usage Usage
1P -0.483 0.0 -0.272 0.0 11.371 0.0 0.0 0.011 0.0 -0.025 0.0 -0.001 0.0 0.0
1X -0.043 0.0 0.275 0.0 0.405 0.0 0.0 -0.012 0.0 0.001 0.0 -0.001 0.0 0.0

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

1XY 0.039 0.0 0.250 0.0 0.424 0.0 0.0 -0.014 0.0 -0.001 0.0 0.002 0.0 0.0
1Y 0.486 0.0 -0.252 0.0 11.350 0.0 0.0 0.012 0.0 0.027 0.0 0.001 0.0 0.0

Joint Displacements, Loads and Member Forces on Joints:

Joint X External Y External Z External X Member Y Member Z Member X Y Z

Label Load Load Load Force Force Force Disp. Disp. Disp.
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (m) (m) (m)
1P 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1726 0.4828 0.2724 -11.1988 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
11P 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1635 0.0000 0.0000 0.1635 0.0002 0.0071 -0.0008
18P 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0678 0.0000 0.0000 0.0678 0.0001 0.0327 -0.0020
19P 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1117 0.0000 0.0000 0.1117 0.0003 0.0071 -0.0045
20P 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1117 0.0000 0.0000 0.1117 0.0002 0.0151 -0.0084
21P 0.0000 0.0000 -10.3239 0.0000 0.0000 10.3239 0.0005 0.0282 -0.0163
1X 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1726 0.0426 -0.2752 -0.2326 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
1XY 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1726 -0.0391 -0.2503 -0.2516 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
1Y 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1726 -0.4863 0.2523 -11.1773 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
11X 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1635 0.0000 0.0000 0.1635 0.0001 0.0071 0.0001
11XY 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1635 0.0000 0.0000 0.1635 0.0001 0.0071 0.0001
11Y 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1635 0.0000 0.0000 0.1635 0.0002 0.0071 -0.0008
18X 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0678 0.0000 0.0000 0.0678 0.0001 0.0327 0.0009
18XY 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0678 0.0000 0.0000 0.0678 0.0001 0.0327 0.0010
18Y 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0678 0.0000 0.0000 0.0678 0.0001 0.0328 -0.0019
19X 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1117 -0.0000 0.0000 0.1117 -0.0000 0.0071 0.0037
20X 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1117 -0.0000 0.0000 0.1117 -0.0000 0.0151 0.0075
21X 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1117 0.0000 0.0000 0.1118 0.0001 0.0286 0.0125
22S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.3428 0.0000 0.0000 0.3428 0.0001 0.0001 -0.0001
23S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.3255 0.0000 0.0000 0.3255 0.0000 0.0001 -0.0002
2S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1712 -0.0000 0.0000 0.1712 -0.0000 0.0003 -0.0002
3S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1691 0.0000 0.0000 0.1691 0.0000 0.0004 -0.0003
4S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1671 0.0000 0.0000 0.1671 0.0000 0.0007 -0.0003
5S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1652 0.0000 0.0000 0.1652 0.0000 0.0011 -0.0004
6S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1603 0.0000 0.0000 0.1603 0.0000 0.0015 -0.0004
7S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1490 0.0000 0.0000 0.1490 0.0001 0.0021 -0.0005
8S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1469 0.0000 0.0000 0.1469 0.0001 0.0029 -0.0006
9S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1513 0.0000 0.0000 0.1513 0.0001 0.0040 -0.0007
10S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1527 0.0000 0.0000 0.1527 0.0002 0.0053 -0.0007
12S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1157 0.0000 0.0000 0.1157 0.0000 0.0084 -0.0009
13S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1017 0.0000 0.0000 0.1017 0.0005 0.0113 -0.0011
14S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1304 0.0000 0.0000 0.1304 0.0000 0.0151 -0.0013
15S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1020 0.0000 0.0000 0.1020 0.0002 0.0175 -0.0015
16S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0874 0.0000 0.0000 0.0874 0.0003 0.0227 -0.0017
17S 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1246 0.0000 0.0000 0.1246 0.0002 0.0284 -0.0019

Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Prepared By: SA-RA Project Department SUMMARY of ANALYSIS RESULTS
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Prepared By:


Prepared By:
SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower


1- The following reactions are taken from "Summary of Analysis Results" section
2- In vertical Forces column positive reaction means compression force, negative reaction means uplift force
Longitunal Transverse Vertical Force Shear Force Transverse Longitunal Vertical Bending
Case No Load Case Joint Label
Force (kN) Force (kN) (kN) (kN) Moment (kN.m) Moment (kN.m) Moment (kN.m) Moment (kN.m)
1P -9.14 -11.57 207.11 14.74 0.22 -0.44 -0.02 0.49
1X 8.35 -10.97 -189.39 13.79 0.17 0.42 -0.01 0.46
1 CASE 1
1XY -8.37 -10.8 -189.35 13.66 0.18 -0.4 0.02 0.44
1Y 9.15 -11.76 207.01 14.9 0.21 0.46 0.02 0.51
1P -9.05 -11.49 205.16 14.63 0.22 -0.43 -0.02 0.48
1X 8.44 -11.06 -191.32 13.91 0.18 0.43 -0.01 0.46
2 CASE 2
1XY -8.45 -10.88 -191.3 13.77 0.19 -0.4 0.02 0.45
1Y 9.06 -11.68 205.08 14.78 0.2 0.46 0.02 0.5
1P -9.13 -9.34 174.84 13.06 0.26 -0.31 0 0.41
1X 0.7 -3.67 -45.83 3.73 -0.02 0.16 -0.01 0.16
3 CASE 3
1XY -8.36 -8.56 -157.08 11.97 0.22 -0.28 0.01 0.35
1Y 1.5 -4.46 63.45 4.7 0.01 0.19 0.01 0.2
1P -9.05 -9.25 172.89 12.94 0.25 -0.31 0 0.4
1X 0.79 -3.75 -47.76 3.84 -0.02 0.16 -0.01 0.16
4 CASE 4
1XY -8.44 -8.65 -159.04 12.08 0.22 -0.28 0.01 0.36
1Y 1.41 -4.37 61.52 4.59 0.01 0.19 0.01 0.19
1P -0.56 -0.56 12.94 0.79 0.03 -0.03 0 0.04
1X -0.58 0.57 12.83 0.81 -0.03 -0.03 0 0.04
5 CASE 5
1XY 0.56 0.56 12.94 0.79 -0.03 0.03 0 0.04
1Y 0.58 -0.57 12.83 0.81 0.03 0.03 0 0.04
1P -7.94 -5.77 130.02 9.82 0.29 -0.15 0.01 0.32
1X -7.82 5.78 129.97 9.72 -0.27 -0.16 -0.01 0.31
6 CASE 6
1XY -7.17 -5 -112.26 8.74 0.25 -0.11 -0.01 0.27
1Y -7.03 4.99 -112.35 8.62 -0.23 -0.12 0.01 0.26
1P -7.86 -5.69 128.07 9.7 0.28 -0.14 0.01 0.32
1X -7.73 5.7 128.04 9.6 -0.27 -0.15 -0.01 0.31
7 CASE 7
1XY -7.25 -5.08 -114.22 8.86 0.25 -0.11 -0.01 0.28
1Y -7.11 5.08 -114.28 8.74 -0.24 -0.12 0.01 0.27


Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Date: 30.05.06 Page 1/2
SA-RA Energy CALCULATION SHEET Subject: Design of S-2S Type Tower

1P -0.48 -0.27 11.34 0.55 0.01 -0.02 0 0.03

1X -0.04 0.27 0.38 0.28 -0.01 0 0 0.01
8 CASE 8
1XY 0.04 0.25 0.39 0.25 -0.01 0 0 0.01
1Y 0.48 -0.25 11.32 0.55 0.01 0.03 0 0.03
1P -5.63 -7.41 127.17 9.31 0.14 -0.27 -0.01 0.3
1X 5.09 -6.97 -115 8.63 0.11 0.26 -0.01 0.28
9 CASE 9
1XY -5.1 -6.87 -114.99 8.55 0.12 -0.24 0.01 0.27
1Y 5.64 -7.52 127.12 9.4 0.13 0.28 0.01 0.31
1P -5.51 -7.36 124.11 9.2 0.14 -0.26 -0.01 0.29
1X 5.05 -7.02 -113.88 8.65 0.11 0.25 -0.01 0.28
10 CASE 10
1XY -5.05 -6.91 -113.89 8.56 0.12 -0.24 0.01 0.27
1Y 5.51 -7.48 124.08 9.29 0.13 0.27 0.01 0.3
1P -7.36 -6.37 126.32 9.73 0.18 -0.23 0.02 0.29
1X -0.07 -1.55 -18.57 1.55 -0.04 0.09 0.02 0.1
11 CASE 11
1XY -6 -6.6 -114.19 8.92 0.18 -0.19 0.03 0.26
1Y -0.3 -2.9 30.73 2.92 0 0.1 0.03 0.1
1P -7.24 -6.32 123.26 9.61 0.18 -0.22 0.02 0.29
1X -0.11 -1.6 -17.45 1.6 -0.04 0.09 0.02 0.1
12 CASE 12
1XY -5.96 -6.63 -113.08 8.92 0.18 -0.19 0.03 0.26
1Y -0.43 -2.87 27.69 2.9 0 0.09 0.03 0.09
1P -0.77 -0.37 18.39 0.86 0.01 -0.04 0 0.04
1X 0.05 0.38 -2.2 0.39 -0.02 0.01 0 0.02
13 CASE 13
1XY -0.06 0.33 -2.15 0.34 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.02
1Y 0.78 -0.34 18.33 0.85 0.02 0.04 0 0.05
1P -3.89 -0.11 45.17 3.89 0.04 -0.09 0.11 0.1
1X 0 3.45 33.45 3.45 -0.12 0.02 0.1 0.12
14 CASE 14
1XY 0.12 -2.82 -33.17 2.82 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.1
1Y -2.76 -0.52 -21.15 2.81 -0.02 -0.04 0.11 0.05
1P -3.77 -0.06 42.11 3.77 0.04 -0.08 0.11 0.09
1X -0.05 3.4 34.56 3.4 -0.12 0.01 0.1 0.12
15 CASE 15
1XY 0.17 -2.85 -32.06 2.86 0.11 0.01 0.1 0.11
1Y -2.89 -0.49 -24.2 2.93 -0.02 -0.05 0.11 0.06
1P -0.48 -0.27 11.34 0.55 0.01 -0.02 0 0.03
1X -0.04 0.27 0.38 0.28 -0.01 0 0 0.01
16 CASE 16
1XY 0.04 0.25 0.39 0.25 -0.01 0 0 0.01
1Y 0.48 -0.25 11.32 0.55 0.01 0.03 0 0.03
MAXIMUM: 9.15 5.78 207.11 14.9
MINIMUM: -9.14 -11.76 -191.32 0.25


Project: 33kV Double Circuit Medium Span Towers Date: 30.05.06 Page 2/2


Prepared By:
height of stem D(m)= 1.9
width of stem a(m)= 0.4 LOADS COMING FROM TOWER :
c(m)= 1.081 Axial-Force Moment Shear Moment Shear
h(m)= 0 P axial Myy Tx Mxx Ty
length of footing L(m)= 3.8 (kN) (kN.m) (kN) (kN.m) (kN)
distance between legs L'(m)= 1.238
height of footing T(m)= 0.3
26 361 29 591 48
width of footing B(m)= 3.8
weight of concrete of stem W1(kN)= 28.63
weight of concrete of footing W2(kN)= 102
weight of concrete of beam W3(kN)= 0 88.13546864
soil unit weight ү(kN/m3)= 16 85.98727446
weight of backfill soil Wb,f(kN)= 380.4 -11.61160598
total vertical load Q(kN)= 537
internal friction angle Ø= 20
passive earth pressure coefficent Kp= 2.04 136.9675903
active earth pressure coefficent Ka= 0.49 108.364118
passive-earth pressure transverse direc. Ppy-y(kN)= 83.25 -33.98844951
moment due to passive-earth pressure transverse direc. Mpy-y(kN)= 25.38
active-earth pressure transverse direc. Pay-y(kN)= 20.01
moment due to active-earth pressure transverse direc. May-y(kN)= 5.069
applied total moment over the foundation in transverse direc. ΣM(kN.m)= 446.3
eccentricity in transverse direction e(m)= 0.831
transverse direction applied soil pressure qmax(kN/m2)= 88.14 LONGITUDINAL VIEW
transverse direction applied soil pressure qmin(kN/m2)= 0
total vertical load Q(kN)= 537
internal friction angle Ø= 20
passive earth pressure coefficent Kp= 2.04
active earth pressure coefficent Ka= 0.49
passive-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Ppy-y(kN)= 83.25
moment due to passive-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Mpy-y(kN)= 9.97
active-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Pay-y(kN)= 20.01
moment due to active-earth pressure longitudinal direc. May-y(kN)= 6.101
applied total moment over the foundation in longitudinal direc. ΣM(kN.m)= 650.9
eccentricity in longitudinal direction e(m)= 1.212
longitudinal direction applied soil pressure qmax(kN/m2)= 137
longitudinal direction applied soil pressure qmin(kN/m2)= 0
volume of concrete(m3)= 5.548
transverse direction resisting moments Mres(kN.m)= 1381
transverse direction overturninig moments Move(kN.m)= 1069
Factor of safetyof overturning= 1.292
1 10 301 78.53
2*Q γ = 16kN / m3 2 12 302 113.09
q= 3 14 303 153.93
3 * B ( − e) q ≤ qall = 150 kN / m 2 4
2 6 20 306 314.16
1 + sin θ 1 − sin θ 7 22 307 380.13
Kp = Ka = 8 24 308 452.38
1 − sin θ 1 + sin θ
θ = 20° θ = 20° 78.53 78.53


required steel area As(mm2)= 5687 Steel Grade Conc. Grade
Km(mm /kN) Kl K
Asmin(mm )= 3800 S420 C20 260 380 766.3228
10 K > Kl → O.K
number of reinforcement at top of pad : 72
number of reinforcement at bottom of pad : 72 Points Axial force Mxx Myy Tx Ty
P 205.16 -11.46 -14.554 -9.05 -11.49
COLUMN REINFORCEMENT X -191.32 10.69 -14.009 8.44 -11.06
XY -191.3 -10.70 -13.781 -8.45 -10.88
For S420&C20 m=fyd/fcd 27.38 Y 205.08 11.48 -14.795 9.06 -11.68
According to ACI code min. steel ratio βmin= 0.005
Asmin(mm2)= 800

According to interaction diagram:

From interaction diagram:β*m= 0.15

Md Calculation of reinforcement ratio:β 0.00547932

m= reinforcement Areq(mm2) 876.690411

b * h 2 * f cd m: 0.013
number of reinforcement: 11

N Column Depth

n= n: 0.096
b * h * f cd
Column Width
height of stem D(m)= 1.9
width of stem a(m)= 0.4 LOADS COMING FROM TOWER :
c(m)= 1.256 Axial-Force Moment Shear Moment Shear
h(m)= 0 P axial Myy Tx Mxx Ty
length of footing L(m)= 4.15 (kN) (kN.m) (kN) (kN.m) (kN)
distance between legs L'(m)= 1.238
height of footing T(m)= 0.3
26 361 29 591 48
width of footing B(m)= 4.15
weight of concrete of stem W1(kN)= 28.63
weight of concrete of footing W2(kN)= 121.6
weight of concrete of beam W3(kN)= 0 74.11572715
soil unit weight ү(kN/m3)= 16 74.10824302
weight of backfill soil Wb,f(kN)= 455.5 -0.737292183
total vertical load Q(kN)= 631.8
internal friction angle Ø= 20
passive earth pressure coefficent Kp= 2.04 97.16347795
active earth pressure coefficent Ka= 0.49 91.33737582
passive-earth pressure transverse direc. Ppy-y(kN)= 88.56 -17.96642498
moment due to passive-earth pressure transverse direc. Mpy-y(kN)= 25.91
active-earth pressure transverse direc. Pay-y(kN)= 21.29
moment due to active-earth pressure transverse direc. May-y(kN)= 5.101
applied total moment over the foundation in transverse direc. ΣM(kN.m)= 445.8
eccentricity in transverse direction e(m)= 0.706
transverse direction applied soil pressure qmax(kN/m2)= 74.12 LONGITUDINAL VIEW
transverse direction applied soil pressure qmin(kN/m2)= 0
total vertical load Q(kN)= 631.8
internal friction angle Ø= 20
passive earth pressure coefficent Kp= 2.04
active earth pressure coefficent Ka= 0.49
passive-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Ppy-y(kN)= 88.56
moment due to passive-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Mpy-y(kN)= 10.00
active-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Pay-y(kN)= 21.29
moment due to active-earth pressure longitudinal direc. May-y(kN)= 6.229
applied total moment over the foundation in longitudinal direc. ΣM(kN.m)= 651
eccentricity in longitudinal direction e(m)= 1.03
longitudinal direction applied soil pressure qmax(kN/m2)= 97.16
longitudinal direction applied soil pressure qmin(kN/m2)= 0
volume of concrete(m3)= 6.383
transverse direction resisting moments Mres(kN.m)= 1672
transverse direction overturninig moments Move(kN.m)= 1136
Factor of safetyof overturning= 1.471
1 10 301 78.53
2*Q γ = 16kN / m3 2 12 302 113.09
q= 3 14 303 153.93
3 * B ( − e) q ≤ qall = 100 kN / m 2 4
2 6 20 306 314.16
1 + sin θ 1 − sin θ 7 22 307 380.13
Kp = Ka = 8 24 308 452.38
1 − sin θ 1 + sin θ
θ = 20° θ = 20° 78.53 78.53


required steel area As(mm2)= 5681 Steel Grade Conc. Grade
Km(mm /kN) Kl K
Asmin(mm )= 4150 S420 C20 260 380 837.8411
10 K > Kl → O.K
number of reinforcement at top of pad : 72
number of reinforcement at bottom of pad : 72 Points Axial force Mxx Myy Tx Ty
P 205.16 -11.46 -14.554 -9.05 -11.49
COLUMN REINFORCEMENT X -191.32 10.69 -14.009 8.44 -11.06
XY -191.3 -10.70 -13.781 -8.45 -10.88
For S420&C20 m=fyd/fcd 27.38 Y 205.08 11.48 -14.795 9.06 -11.68
According to ACI code min. steel ratio βmin= 0.005
Asmin(mm2)= 800

According to interaction diagram:

From interaction diagram:β*m= 0.15

Md Calculation of reinforcement ratio:β 0.00547932

m= reinforcement Areq(mm2) 876.690411

b * h 2 * f cd m: 0.013
number of reinforcement: 11

n= n: 0.096 Column Depth
b * h * f cd
Column Width
height of stem D(m)= 1.7
width of stem a(m)= 0.4 LOADS COMING FROM TOWER :
c(m)= 2.181 Axial-Force Moment Shear Moment Shear
h(m)= 0 P axial Myy Tx Mxx Ty
length of footing L(m)= 6 (kN) (kN.m) (kN) (kN.m) (kN)
distance between legs L'(m)= 1.238
height of footing T(m)= 0.3
26 361 29 591 48
width of footing B(m)= 6
weight of concrete of stem W1(kN)= 25.62
weight of concrete of footing W2(kN)= 254.3
weight of concrete of beam W3(kN)= 0 47.57070122
soil unit weight ү(kN/m3)= 16 43.20276689
weight of backfill soil Wb,f(kN)= 809.8 18.78270796
total vertical load Q(kN)= 1116
internal friction angle Ø= 20
passive earth pressure coefficent Kp= 2.04 51.22773451
active earth pressure coefficent Ka= 0.49 48.96862666
passive-earth pressure transverse direc. Ppy-y(kN)= 98.1 13.01684819
moment due to passive-earth pressure transverse direc. Mpy-y(kN)= 21.09
active-earth pressure transverse direc. Pay-y(kN)= 23.58
moment due to active-earth pressure transverse direc. May-y(kN)= 3.649
applied total moment over the foundation in transverse direc. ΣM(kN.m)= 439.6
eccentricity in transverse direction e(m)= 0.394
transverse direction applied soil pressure qmax(kN/m2)= 43.2 LONGITUDINAL VIEW
transverse direction applied soil pressure qmin(kN/m2)= 18.78
total vertical load Q(kN)= 1116
internal friction angle Ø= 20
passive earth pressure coefficent Kp= 2.04
active earth pressure coefficent Ka= 0.49
passive-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Ppy-y(kN)= 98.1
moment due to passive-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Mpy-y(kN)= 6.94
active-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Pay-y(kN)= 23.58
moment due to active-earth pressure longitudinal direc. May-y(kN)= 5.069
applied total moment over the foundation in longitudinal direc. ΣM(kN.m)= 647.1
eccentricity in longitudinal direction e(m)= 0.58
longitudinal direction applied soil pressure qmax(kN/m2)= 48.97
longitudinal direction applied soil pressure qmin(kN/m2)= 13.02
volume of concrete(m3)= 11.89
transverse direction resisting moments Mres(kN.m)= 3708
transverse direction overturninig moments Move(kN.m)= 1481
Factor of safetyof overturning= 2.504
1 10 301 78.53
2*Q γ = 16kN / m3 2 12 302 113.09
q= 3 14 303 153.93
3 * B ( − e) q ≤ qall = 50 kN / m 2 4
2 6 20 306 314.16
1 + sin θ 1 − sin θ 7 22 307 380.13
Kp = Ka = 8 24 308 452.38
1 − sin θ 1 + sin θ
θ = 20° θ = 20° 78.53 78.53


required steel area As(mm2)= 5601 Steel Grade Conc. Grade
Km(mm /kN) Kl K
Asmin(mm )= 6000 S420 C20 260 380 1228.498
10 K > Kl → O.K
number of reinforcement at top of pad : 76
number of reinforcement at bottom of pad : 76 Points Axial force Mxx Myy Tx Ty
P 205.16 -10.26 -13.022 -9.05 -11.49
COLUMN REINFORCEMENT X -191.32 9.57 -12.535 8.44 -11.06
XY -191.3 -9.58 -12.331 -8.45 -10.88
For S420&C20 m=fyd/fcd 27.38 Y 205.08 10.27 -13.237 9.06 -11.68
According to ACI code min. steel ratio βmin= 0.005
Asmin(mm2)= 800

According to interaction diagram:

From interaction diagram:β*m= 0.15

Md Calculation of reinforcement ratio:β 0.00547932

m= reinforcement Areq(mm2) 876.690411

b * h 2 * f cd m: 0.012
number of reinforcement: 11

n= n: 0.096
Column Depth

b * h * f cd
Column Width
height of stem D(m)= 1.9
width of stem a(m)= 0.4 LOADS COMING FROM TOWER :
c(m)= 1.181 Axial-Force Moment Shear Moment Shear
h(m)= 0 P axial Myy Tx Mxx Ty
length of footing L(m)= 4 (kN) (kN.m) (kN) (kN.m) (kN)
distance between legs L'(m)= 1.238
height of footing T(m)= 0.3
26 361 29 591 48
width of footing B(m)= 4
weight of concrete of stem W1(kN)= 28.63
weight of concrete of footing W2(kN)= 113
weight of concrete of beam W3(kN)= 0 75.84240375
soil unit weight ү(kN/m3)= 10 69.53733444
weight of backfill soil Wb,f(kN)= 264.2 -15.56252344
total vertical load Q(kN)= 431.8
internal friction angle Ø= 20
passive earth pressure coefficent Kp= 2.04 147.0513054
active earth pressure coefficent Ka= 0.49 88.13830367
passive-earth pressure transverse direc. Ppy-y(kN)= 53.93 -34.16349267
moment due to passive-earth pressure transverse direc. Mpy-y(kN)= 16.05
active-earth pressure transverse direc. Pay-y(kN)= 12.96
moment due to active-earth pressure transverse direc. May-y(kN)= 3.319
applied total moment over the foundation in transverse direc. ΣM(kN.m)= 453.9
eccentricity in transverse direction e(m)= 1.051
transverse direction applied soil pressure qmax(kN/m2)= 75.84 LONGITUDINAL VIEW
transverse direction applied soil pressure qmin(kN/m2)= 0
total vertical load Q(kN)= 431.8
internal friction angle Ø= 20
passive earth pressure coefficent Kp= 2.04
active earth pressure coefficent Ka= 0.49
passive-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Ppy-y(kN)= 53.93
moment due to passive-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Mpy-y(kN)= 6.38
active-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Pay-y(kN)= 12.96
moment due to active-earth pressure longitudinal direc. May-y(kN)= 3.859
applied total moment over the foundation in longitudinal direc. ΣM(kN.m)= 652.3
eccentricity in longitudinal direction e(m)= 1.511
longitudinal direction applied soil pressure qmax(kN/m2)= 147.1
longitudinal direction applied soil pressure qmin(kN/m2)= 0
volume of concrete(m3)= 6.016
transverse direction resisting moments Mres(kN.m)= 1225
transverse direction overturninig moments Move(kN.m)= 1108
Factor of safetyof overturning= 1.106
1 10 301 78.53
2*Q γ = 16kN / m3 2 12 302 113.09
q= 3 14 303 153.93
3 * B ( − e) q ≤ qall = 150 kN / m 2 4
2 6 20 306 314.16
1 + sin θ 1 − sin θ 7 22 307 380.13
Kp = Ka = 8 24 308 452.38
1 − sin θ 1 + sin θ
θ = 20° θ = 20° 78.53 78.53


required steel area As(mm2)= 5784 Steel Grade Conc. Grade
Km(mm /kN) Kl K
Asmin(mm )= 4000 S420 C20 260 380 793.1858
10 K > Kl → O.K
number of reinforcement at top of pad : 74
number of reinforcement at bottom of pad : 74 Points Axial force Mxx Myy Tx Ty
P 205.16 -11.46 -14.554 -9.05 -11.49
COLUMN REINFORCEMENT X -191.32 10.69 -14.009 8.44 -11.06
XY -191.3 -10.70 -13.781 -8.45 -10.88
For S420&C20 m=fyd/fcd 27.38 Y 205.08 11.48 -14.795 9.06 -11.68
According to ACI code min. steel ratio βmin= 0.005
Asmin(mm2)= 800

According to interaction diagram:

From interaction diagram:β*m= 0.15

Md Calculation of reinforcement ratio:β 0.00547932

m= reinforcement Areq(mm2) 876.690411

b * h 2 * f cd m: 0.013
number of reinforcement: 11

n= n: 0.096 Column Depth
b * h * f cd
Column Width
height of stem D(m)= 1.9
width of stem a(m)= 0.4 LOADS COMING FROM TOWER :
c(m)= 1.306 Axial-Force Moment Shear Moment Shear
h(m)= 0 P axial Myy Tx Mxx Ty
length of footing L(m)= 4.25 (kN) (kN.m) (kN) (kN.m) (kN)
distance between legs L'(m)= 1.238
height of footing T(m)= 0.3
26 361 29 591 48
width of footing B(m)= 4.25
weight of concrete of stem W1(kN)= 28.63
weight of concrete of footing W2(kN)= 127.6
weight of concrete of beam W3(kN)= 0 63.84038296
soil unit weight ү(kN/m3)= 10 62.08577423
weight of backfill soil Wb,f(kN)= 298.8 -8.82910013
total vertical load Q(kN)= 481
internal friction angle Ø= 20
passive earth pressure coefficent Kp= 2.04 98.13934074
active earth pressure coefficent Ka= 0.49 77.61287552
passive-earth pressure transverse direc. Ppy-y(kN)= 56.3 -24.35620142
moment due to passive-earth pressure transverse direc. Mpy-y(kN)= 16.29
active-earth pressure transverse direc. Pay-y(kN)= 13.53
moment due to active-earth pressure transverse direc. May-y(kN)= 3.342
applied total moment over the foundation in transverse direc. ΣM(kN.m)= 453.7
eccentricity in transverse direction e(m)= 0.943
transverse direction applied soil pressure qmax(kN/m2)= 63.84 LONGITUDINAL VIEW
transverse direction applied soil pressure qmin(kN/m2)= 0
total vertical load Q(kN)= 481
internal friction angle Ø= 20
passive earth pressure coefficent Kp= 2.04
active earth pressure coefficent Ka= 0.49
passive-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Ppy-y(kN)= 56.3
moment due to passive-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Mpy-y(kN)= 6.41
active-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Pay-y(kN)= 13.53
moment due to active-earth pressure longitudinal direc. May-y(kN)= 3.916
applied total moment over the foundation in longitudinal direc. ΣM(kN.m)= 652.3
eccentricity in longitudinal direction e(m)= 1.356
longitudinal direction applied soil pressure qmax(kN/m2)= 98.14
longitudinal direction applied soil pressure qmin(kN/m2)= 0
volume of concrete(m3)= 6.635
transverse direction resisting moments Mres(kN.m)= 1383
transverse direction overturninig moments Move(kN.m)= 1156
Factor of safetyof overturning= 1.197
1 10 301 78.53
2*Q γ = 16kN / m3 2 12 302 113.09
q= 3 14 303 153.93
3 * B ( − e) q ≤ qall = 100 kN / m 2 4
2 6 20 306 314.16
1 + sin θ 1 − sin θ 7 22 307 380.13
Kp = Ka = 8 24 308 452.38
1 − sin θ 1 + sin θ
θ = 20° θ = 20° 78.53 78.53


required steel area As(mm2)= 5781 Steel Grade Conc. Grade
Km(mm /kN) Kl K
Asmin(mm )= 4250 S420 C20 260 380 843.1572
10 K > Kl → O.K
number of reinforcement at top of pad : 74
number of reinforcement at bottom of pad : 74 Points Axial force Mxx Myy Tx Ty
P 205.16 -11.46 -14.554 -9.05 -11.49
COLUMN REINFORCEMENT X -191.32 10.69 -14.009 8.44 -11.06
XY -191.3 -10.70 -13.781 -8.45 -10.88
For S420&C20 m=fyd/fcd 27.38 Y 205.08 11.48 -14.795 9.06 -11.68
According to ACI code min. steel ratio βmin= 0.005
Asmin(mm2)= 800

According to interaction diagram:

From interaction diagram:β*m= 0.1

Md Calculation of reinforcement ratio:β 0.00365288

m= reinforcement Areq(mm2) 584.460274

b * h 2 * f cd m: 0.013
number of reinforcement: 10

n= n: 0.096
Column Depth

b * h * f cd
Column Width
height of stem D(m)= 1.7
width of stem a(m)= 0.4 LOADS COMING FROM TOWER :
c(m)= 1.831 Axial-Force Moment Shear Moment Shear
h(m)= 0 P axial Myy Tx Mxx Ty
length of footing L(m)= 5.3 (kN) (kN.m) (kN) (kN.m) (kN)
distance between legs L'(m)= 1.238
height of footing T(m)= 0.3
26 361 29 591 48
width of footing B(m)= 5.3
weight of concrete of stem W1(kN)= 25.62
weight of concrete of footing W2(kN)= 198.4
weight of concrete of beam W3(kN)= 0 41.55518157
soil unit weight ү(kN/m3)= 10 41.05777789
weight of backfill soil Wb,f(kN)= 397.5 5.043797904
total vertical load Q(kN)= 647.5
internal friction angle Ø= 20
passive earth pressure coefficent Kp= 2.04 49.36457894
active earth pressure coefficent Ka= 0.49 49.14889414
passive-earth pressure transverse direc. Ppy-y(kN)= 55.53 -3.047318344
moment due to passive-earth pressure transverse direc. Mpy-y(kN)= 12.60
active-earth pressure transverse direc. Pay-y(kN)= 13.35
moment due to active-earth pressure transverse direc. May-y(kN)= 2.406
applied total moment over the foundation in transverse direc. ΣM(kN.m)= 446.8
eccentricity in transverse direction e(m)= 0.69
transverse direction applied soil pressure qmax(kN/m2)= 41.06 LONGITUDINAL VIEW
transverse direction applied soil pressure qmin(kN/m2)= 5.044
total vertical load Q(kN)= 647.5
internal friction angle Ø= 20
passive earth pressure coefficent Kp= 2.04
active earth pressure coefficent Ka= 0.49
passive-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Ppy-y(kN)= 55.53
moment due to passive-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Mpy-y(kN)= 4.46
active-earth pressure longitudinal direc. Pay-y(kN)= 13.35
moment due to active-earth pressure longitudinal direc. May-y(kN)= 3.029
applied total moment over the foundation in longitudinal direc. ΣM(kN.m)= 647.6
eccentricity in longitudinal direction e(m)= 1
longitudinal direction applied soil pressure qmax(kN/m2)= 49.36
longitudinal direction applied soil pressure qmin(kN/m2)= 0
volume of concrete(m3)= 9.515
transverse direction resisting moments Mres(kN.m)= 2077
transverse direction overturninig moments Move(kN.m)= 1347
Factor of safetyof overturning= 1.542
1 10 301 78.53
2*Q γ = 16kN / m3 2 12 302 113.09
q= 3 14 303 153.93
3 * B ( − e) q ≤ qall = 50 kN / m 2 4
2 6 20 306 314.16
1 + sin θ 1 − sin θ 7 22 307 380.13
Kp = Ka = 8 24 308 452.38
1 − sin θ 1 + sin θ
θ = 20° θ = 20° 78.53 78.53


required steel area As(mm2)= 5694 Steel Grade Conc. Grade
Km(mm /kN) Kl K
Asmin(mm )= 5300 S420 C20 260 380 1067.581
10 K > Kl → O.K
number of reinforcement at top of pad : 73
number of reinforcement at bottom of pad : 73 Points Axial force Mxx Myy Tx Ty
P 205.16 -10.26 -13.022 -9.05 -11.49
COLUMN REINFORCEMENT X -191.32 9.57 -12.535 8.44 -11.06
XY -191.3 -9.58 -12.331 -8.45 -10.88
For S420&C20 m=fyd/fcd 27.38 Y 205.08 10.27 -13.237 9.06 -11.68
According to ACI code min. steel ratio βmin= 0.005
Asmin(mm2)= 800

According to interaction diagram:

From interaction diagram:β*m= 0.15

Md Calculation of reinforcement ratio:β 0.00547932

m= reinforcement Areq(mm2) 876.690411

b * h 2 * f cd m: 0.012
number of reinforcement: 11

n= n: 0.096
Column Depth

b * h * f cd
Column Width


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