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Sub code: 33 Subject: PHYSICS Max. marks: 35 Time: 1.5 Hr

Read the following instructions carefully

 Physical quantities/values must be written with their units.
 Formulae must be written along with the terms explained.
 Answers without appropriate / necessary diagrams carry no marks.
 Answers without proper question number and the answers written out of the margin are not

I . Answer any THREE of the following questions: 3x1=03

1. Mention the SI unit of conductance.
2. What is the average velocity of free electrons in a metal at room temperature?
3. Give one use of potentiometer.
4. What is the significance of junction rule?

II . Answer ANY THREE of the following questions: 3x2=06

5. Draw the graph of temperature verssus resistivity of conductors.
6. Mention the relation between the resistance and resistivity?
7. Define i) relaxation time ii) current density
8. Write the expression for equivalent emf when two cells of emf’s 1 and 2
connected in series.

III . Answer ANY TWO of the following questions: 2x3=06

9. Distinguish betweeen resistance and resistivity.
10. Obtain the relation for equivalent resistance when two resistances are connected in parallel.
11. Derive the relation between current density and electric field.

IV. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions 2X5=10

12. State Ohm’s law and hence deduce it.
13. Obtain the expression for effevtive emf and effective internal resistance of two cells
connected in parallel.
14. State and explain Kirchhoff’s rules.
15. Arrive at the condition for balance of a wheatstone’s network.

IV. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions (PROBLEMS) 2X5=10

16. A copper wire of area 4mm2 is 4m long and carries a
currrent of 10A. if the number density of free electrons is 8
X 1028 m-3. How much time is required by an electron to
travel the length of the wire?
17. A battery of emf 24V and internal resistance r is connected in a
circuit having two parallel resistors of 3 ohm and 6 ohm in
series with an 8 ohm resistor as shown in fig. the current
flowing in 3 ohm is 0.8A. calculate the i) current in 6 ohm
resistor, ii) internal resistance of the battery iii) terminal p.d of
the battery.
18. An electrical network is arranged as shown in fig. find the value
of current in the branch AF.

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