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Mathematics is everywhere in this universe. We seldom note it. We enjoy

nature and are not interested in going deep about what mathematical idea is
in it. Here are a very few properties of mathematics that are depicted in
a) Symmetry  It is everywhere you look in nature. Symmetry is when a
figure has two sides that are mirror images of one another. It would then
be possible to draw a line through a picture of the object and along either
side the image would look exactly the same. This line would be called a
line of symmetry.
Our eyes are easily drawn to the objects or things that have perfect line
Of symmetry. We find such object sor things very appealing and eye
pleasing. One example is Human Body.

b) Febonacci Sequence  1,1,2,3,5,8,13 etc where each number is derived

by adding the previous two numbers. It can easily be spotted in nature.
It is found in natural things like Pineapple, sunflower.

Mathematics is omnipresent. It is present in our houses too. However, we

didn’t notice it unless our attention is brought to it.

a) Shapes of Floor Tiles  No house is complete without floor. Our floor

tiles are either rectangular or square in shape.
Such shapes of floor tiles look very appealing and soothing to us because
of their perfect shape and symmetry.

b) Shape of our rooms  House is made of rooms which can be functionally

classified into many categories based on their usage. However, the shape
of rooms is mostly rectangular or square. Such type of shape allows
optimum usage of available space in room thus making it more functional
and aesthetically beautiful.

c) Shape of various artifacts in our rooms  Various artifacts found in

our rooms such as Dining Table, Single or Double Bed, Sofa Sets also
exhibit definite mathematical shapes like rectangle, square or circle etc.

Without mathemetics, Banks cannot function. In modern world the

importance of earning, investing, utilizing and managing money cannot be
underestimated and role of mathematics in this cannot be overemphasised.

a) Financial instruments of all kinds  Checking accounts, Savings accounts,

Mutual Funds, Stocks, Bonds, Fixed Income Investments like Mortgages,
Derivatives, Options, Futures Contracts etc are ALL mathematical objects
defined by mathematical relations between an underlying object, time,
risk, and price.

b) Treasury Cycle and Accounting  Keeping accountants busy and ledgers,

balance sheets, cash flow statements in order

c) Trading, Settlement, Booking  Processing a Trade

d) Regulatory Reporting  Government wants lots of numbers from banks

e) Investment Analysis  Pricing Deals, Mergers, and Acquisition

f) Equity and Debt Research  Analyzing performance of stocks and bonds

predicting future behaviour.

Mathematics is omnipresent. It is present in our houses too. However, we

didn’t notice it unless our attention is brought to it.

a) Shape of your Garden  Planting a garden of any size requires math. You
need to calculate the length and width of your garden as well as the
spacing of your plants using measurements in inches, feet, centimeters,
meters, etc.

b) Spacing between plants  Mathematical measurements also allow you to

have straight rows in your garden. Without accurate measurements, you
risk overcrowding your plants and vegetables. For instance, pumpkin and
watermelon plants require much more space than broccoli


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