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A: Hello Ariana How are you?

B: I´m not so good.

A: Why do you say that, What happened?
B: Well there are many problems in my house. My brothers are often discussing. my uncles don´t have a nice
relationship. I am very worried about it.
A: I knew that something was happening, You do not look very well.
B: Yes, My house is an conflictive environment, My parents are always fighting. I have not made anything by myself.
A: Well, i understand you , some relatives don´t get along between themselves , but in my house i do not worry
about it, because I always want to create a nice house environment.
B: I completely agree with you , We should start to suggest ideas for improving our family relationships.
A: What things Did you have when these problems appeared?
B: Whenever This situation happened I used to go out some minutes, relaxing, or get distract.
A: I think you should practice some sports, as for example rafting, skydiving.
B: Why do you think that I have to practice this sports?
A: Because You will feel very happy , with a sensation of momentary well being.
B: You have practiced this kind of sports, haven´t you ?
A: Yes , One year ago, when I got away I practiced rafting with my best Friends , I hung out much more with them, I
never felt a sensation like it.
B: Wow, You have enjoyed to make this actvity.
A: Yes , I could not forget this amazing and memorable experience. I would like to repeat it .
B: Is that safe? How Can I practice this sport in a safe way?
A: Check the weather conditions, To Have a lifeboat near to you, life jacket, safety helmets and more. You can´t take
risks in the RAFTING You have to consider whichever these details carefully.
B: How Did you notice this sport?
A: Well , I was searching on internet and I entered in a web site unexpectedly. It is called “TrySports”, TrySports was
created five years ago . This website was about extreme sports. There are offers to practice this kind of sports to cheap
B: Is this web site reliable?
A: Yes, I have researched about this web site and I could see that It was very reliable. There were many good
comments related to this internet site.
B: Have not you repeated this activity?
A: No , Few times I am free, I am free 3 to 4 days approximately. I had been working as a doctor after I made This
experience. I haven´t had enough time, however I would like to practice it one more time.
B: Interesting, I like many things related to health. What things do you do in your workplace?
A: Well I make all type of activities, I take children temperature , To Treat an illness, give recommendations to the
patients for to feel better .and making resonance tests.
B: That is amazing. If your patient get sick, What recommendations Do you give them?
A: Before to come here most of people used to treat an illness with traditional medicine, some plant remedies and
natural things. But some forms of this treatments do not heal. So that this people arrive here to search another
solutions. Whenever Patients arrive here I make an specific study of my patient and from there I recommend them to
take pills, antibiotics or painkillers, depend of the illness.
B: Are these activities complicated for you?
A: I did get used to making all these activities Little to Little.
B: You needed helpful at the beginning , didn´t you?
A: Yes My Colleagues helped to me, but now I can make by myself.
B: I can see that you are very prepared to make your job in the best way. Thank you for your advice for my situation at
home. I will try to find solution and solving all this.
A: dont worry …. I will be to help you.

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