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1. Addition
In addition,
Similarly, My friend is very lazy. In addition, he is stupid.
In similar fashion, (it would be much better to use when you want to
In like manner, add a new big idea)
Equally important,

Also => My friend is very lazy. He is also stupid Use when you want to add more
As well => My friend is very lazy. He is stupid as well info/ small idea in the same big
As well as => My friend is very lazy as well as stupid idea
2. Contradiction
In contrast,
On the contrary,
However, My friend is lazy. In contrast, he is kind to people.

Although……, - Mike is lazy. Unlike Mike, Sue is hard working

Even though…., - Although/Even though Mike is lazy, when his
Unlike……., mother shouts at him, he still has to clean his
Despite his bad manner, I still love him
Despite Despite the fact that he has a bad manner,
In spite of + NP,….. I still love him
+ the fact that + Cl,…..
The percentage of grass increased while the percentage of zebras
Cl + while/whereas/ whilst + Cl => decreased

3. Emphasis
It is important/ vital/essential/ crucial to note that => The human demands about
Obviously, food or clothes are getting higher.
Particularly,/ Especially,/ in particular, +Cl Obviously, they kill more animals
In fact, to satisfy their needs.

4. Restate

In other words,
To put it differently, => My brother is lazy. In other
Cl + +Cl words, he only does things if
That is to say,
To put it another way, there is someone who forces him
to do.
5. Cause and effect
Result in
Cl Lead to + NP Smoke released from factories leads to
(cause)+ Contribute to (effect)=> air pollution
Bring about

Cl (effect) + Because of => Animals die because of the

On account of + NP (cause) environmental destruction
Due to
Owing to

Cl (effect) + As + NP (cause) => Animals die because people
Since destroy the environment excessively

As a result,
As a consequence,
Because of this, + Cl (effect) => People destroy the environment
Accordingly, excessively. As a result, animals die
Thus, => People destroy the environment excessively, and
For this reason, animals die for this reason.

Result in
Cl Lead to => Smoke released from the factories
(cause)+ Contribute to leads to the fact that the air is
+ the fact that + Cl
Bring about polluted

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