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Comunicare în limba englezA

- Curs de initiere -


Competenţe/abilităţi specifice:

 Traducerea unor texte funcţionale scurte din limba engleză înlimba română şi retroversiune
 Cererea şi oferirea de informaţii pe teme familiare şi în contexte de nevoie imediată folosind
intonaţia corespunzătoare
 Descrierea, relatarea simplă a unor persoane, locuri, evenimente
 Îndeplinirea unor instrucţiuni simple în contexte funcţionale
 Participarea laconversaţii simple în contexte funcţionale
 Participarea spontană în conversaţii scurte pe subiecte de interes
 Elaborarea unei descrieri simple a unui eveniment sau experienţe personale
 Comunicarea pentru realizarea unei sarcini simple, de rutină, care necesită schimb de informaţii în
dialog direct
 Producerea unui raport oral/scris asupra desfăşurării unei activităţi
 Descrierea unor persoane/locuri
 Consolidare şi evaluare
 Participarea la conversaţii în contexte obişnuite (mijloace de transport,călătorii)
 Identificarea unor detalii specifice în texte autentice
 Traducerea unor texte funcţionale
 Producerea de mesaje orale adecvate anumitor contexte
 Participarea la conversaţii cu respectarea concordanţei timpurilor
 Producerea unor mseaje orale scrise adecvate unor anumite contexte
 Prodicerea unui raport oral/scris asupra desfăşurării unei activităţi
 Producerea de mesaje orale/scrise
 Cererea şi oferirea de informaţii pe teme familiare
 Identificarea unor detalii specifice
 Traducerea unor texte
 Identificarea unor detalii specifice din texte, traducerea unor texte respectând cerinţele formulate
 Producerea unor mesaje orale/scrise (conversaţii telefonice, scrisori)
 Comunicare pentru realizarea unei sarcini ce necesită schimb de informaţii directe
 Producerea unor mesaje orale şi scrise


Comunicare în limba englezA

- Curs de initiere -

International English
Cunoasteti cuvinte in limba engleza?Dar in alte limbi?
1. Find these items on the page. - Gasiti elementele: pian, jacheta, basket, taxi, rugby, ketchup

Taxi piano basket rugby jacket

2 Listen to these words. Are they the same in your language? – Ascultati aceste cuvinte? Sunt ele la fel in
limba romana?Dar in alte limbi?
3 Write your favorite word from this page. - Scrieti cuvantul favorit de pe pagina: __________

Unit 1: Nice to meet you! – Imi pare bine sa va cunosc!

1. Practice greeting people. - Exersati diverse forme de a face cunostinta.

Example: Hi, my name in Tom.
Hello, I’m Mary. How are you?

2. How are you? Choose an expression. - Cum te simti? Alegeti o expresie.

Not so good Fine Terrible!
Great! All right
3. Introduce yourself to another person. – Prezentati-va altei persoane.
Example: Hi, my name’s _____________. What’s your name?
I’m __________.

4. Introduce your partener to other people in the class. - Prezentati persoana alaturata altei persoane din
Example: This is __________.
Hello, _________. Nice to meet you, I’m _________.
Hi, __________. Nice to meet you, too.

5. Read and complete. - Cititi si completati.

Good morning, Tom.
Good _______, Mrs Pop. Morning
_______ afternoon, Mr Williams. 00:00 Midnight to 11:59
Good _________, Miss Bradley. Afternoon
______ evening, Mr Williams. 12:00 Midday to 18:00
Good ________, Mr Green. Evening
4 18:00 to 20:00
6. Read the text. – Cititi textul.
Hello, Peter.
Good morning, Miss Perry.
What’s that, Peter.A ball?
No, it’s a calculator.
7. Ask and answer about these objects. – Intrebati si raspundeti despre obiectele: bus - autobus, t-shirt -
tricou, guitar - chitara, train - tren, hot-dog, radio.
Example: What’s that? It’s a camera.

Language Check - Gramatica – de retinut!

The indefinite article a. - Articolul nedefinit a
A banana bananas A sandwish sandwiches
A pencil pencils A magazine magazines
Write a where possible: ___ taxi ___ bus ___ sandwiches ___ T-shirt ___ trainers ___
The verb to be (1) – Verbul a fi I’________ (am)
Complete the table. – Completati tabelul. You’ ______ (are)
Questions - intrebari It’______ (is)
What’s that? What’s your name? How are you?
It’s a calculator. My name’s Peter. I’m fine.
Complete these questions and answers. – Completati intrebarile si raspunsurile corecte.
_________________________? ____________________________ Tanya.
_________________________? ____________________________ OK.
_________________________? ____________________________ taxi.

Greeting and introductions. – Forme de salut si prezentare.

Put the convesation in the correct order. – Aranjati conversatia in ordinea corecta.
a. Hello, Tom. Nice to meet you, too. ______
b. I’m OK. And you? _____
c. Hi, Mary. Nice to meet you. _____
d. Hello, Jill. _____
e. Fine, thanks. Tom, this is Mary. Mary, this is Tom. _____
f. Hi, Tom. How are you? _____

Unit 2 :How old are you? – Cati ani ai?

1. Listen and repeat - Ascultati si repetati: 0-zero, 1- one, 2 – two, 3 – three, 4 – four, 5 – five, 6 – six, 7 –
seven, 8 – eight, 9 – nine, 10 – ten.
2. Write in the missing words and say the seqence of numbers. – Completati cuvantul lipsa si cititi secventa
de numere.
One – two – three – _______ Two – four – six – ______ Company name Company number
Three – five – ________ – nine _______ – eight – six – four
Best Solutions 313-4857
3. Pair work–Lucru in echipe
Student 1 – say a number from the list; ABC Computers 871-3636
Cursant 1 – spune un numar de telefon din lista Computer-Land 956-9800
Student 2 – say the name of the company
Zero Market 220-5364
Cursant2 – spune numele firmei care are telefonul
4. Listen and repeat – Asculta si repeta: 11 – eleven, 12 – twelve, 13 – thirteen, 14 – fourteen, 15 – fifteen,
16 – sixteen, 17 – seventeen, 18 – eighteen, 19 – nineteen, 20 – twenty.
5. Write in the missing words and say the seqence of numbers. – Completati cuvantul lipsa si cititi secventa
de numere.
Eleven – twelve – thirteen – _______ Twelve – fourteen – sixteen – ______
Thirteen – fifteen – ________ – nineteen
_______ – eighteen – sixteen – fourteen Girl or boy’s name Boy or girl’s age
6. Pair work – lucru pe grupe Peter 13
Student 1 – say a number from the list; Rebecca Robin 20
Cursant 1 – spune un numar din lista Christine 11
Simon Richard Petra 18
Student 2 – say the name/names of the boys or girls
Cursant2 – spune numele fetelor/baietilor cu varsta respectiva
7. a or an? Look at these words and find the difference. – a sau an?Priviti cuvintele si gasiti diferenta.
a banana an apple an ice-cream a pizza a hot dog
an egg a pencil an umbrella a jacket an overcoat
8. - Read these words – cititi cuvintele: window, poster, insect, pen, map, orange, book, clock, elephant.
- Write the anwords from above – scrieti cuvintele carora li se potriveste articolul an:
Resume - recapitulare: Find word in Unit1 and Unit2 beginning with the letter p. Write them in your
notebook. – Gasiti cuvintele invatate pana in prezent ce incep cu litera p. Scrieti-le in caietul de notite.

Language check- Gramatica – de retinut!

The indefinite article – articolul nedefinit
i) Use an before vowels. - Folositi an inainte de vocale
an apple an egg an umbrella an elephant an orange
ii) Don’t use indefinite articles with plural nouns. - Nu folositi articole nedefinite inainte de
substantive la plural,
That is a banana. They are bananas. It is not an orange.They are not oranges.
Plural noun forms – Forme de plural a substantivelor
i) You form the plural by adding –s. – Pluralul se formeaza prin adaugarea unui –s la finalul
substantivului an egg - eggs
ii) If the noun ends in s, z, ch, sh orx, add -es –Daca substantivul se termina in s, z, ch, sh
sau x, adaugati -es. a bus - buses
iii) If the noun ends with a consonant +y, changey to i and add –es. – Daca substantivul se
termina cu o consoana urmata de y, schimbati y in i si adaugati –es.
sky - skies
Negative verb forms (1) – Forma negativa a verbelor.
You make the verb to be negative by adding not after the verb. Adaugati not dupa verb pentru a
obtine forma lui negativa.
Complete these sentences with a negative verb. – Completati propozitiile cu forma negativa a verbului.
That _______________________ a tram, it is a trolley bus.
They ______________________ buses, they are trains.

Unit 3 : Where are you? – Unde esti/te afli?

Love from Paris, Love from London, Love from Bucharest, Love from New York,
Jane Peter Paul Amy
1. a. Where are they? Look at the pictures and tell. – Unde sunt ei? Priviti pozele si spuneti.
b. Ask and answer. – Intrebati si raspundeti.
c. Example: Where in Peter? He is in London.
2. a. Where are these places – Colosseum, Acropolis, Wembley Stadium? Choose from the cities.
Rome New York Athens Berlin London

b. Ask and answer. – Intrebati si raspundeti.

Example: Where in the Colosseum? It’s in _________.
3. a. Match the questions and the answers. – Potriviti intrebarile cu raspunsurile adecvate.
1) Is Peter in London? A) Yes, it is.
2) Is Jane in Paris? B) No, they aren’t.
3) Are Paul and Amy in Rome? C) No, it isn’t.
4) Is the Acropolis in Athens? D) Yes, he is.
5) Is Wembley Stadium in Berlin? E) Yes, she is.
4. Pair work – lucru pe grupe: Ask and answer similar questions. – Intrebati si raspundeti in mod
5. Pair work – lucru pe grupe: Write in your notebook three different yes/no questions about people in
the room. Then ask your question and write down the correct answer. – Scrieti in caietul de notite 3
intrebari diferite de tipul “da/nu”, despre alte persoane din sala. Apoi intrebati persoanele in cauza
si notati-va raspunsurie corecte.
6. People in the news: a. Is a famous person from your country visiting another country now? Who?
Why are they there?
b. Talk about a famous person you know and like. Say who they are and where they are now.
7. Read the text.
A. Good evening, sir. Is this your car?
B. Yes, it is.
A. How old are you? O R I Y
B. I’m eighteen.
A. What’s your name? Q U M
B. John Thompson.
A. Thomson. How do you spell that, with a p? A H J K
B. Yes. T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N.
A. Can I see your license, Mr Thompson? F L M N S X Z
B. yes... , just a minute.
A. Hurry up! B C D E G P T V
B. I don’t know. It isn’t here.
8. Act out a conversations between a driver and a police officer. Use your own name and age. –
Imaginati un dialog intre un sofer si un politist. Folositi numele si varsta dumneavoastra.
9. a. Read the group of letters. – Cititi grupele de litere.
b. Point a letter and ask another student to say it. – Aratati o litera si rugati alta persoana sa o spuna.
10. Ask and answer about the items in the picture. – Intrebati si raspundeti pe baza imaginii.

Example: How do you spell ? W-A-T-C-H

11. a. Listen and repeat the numbers. – Ascultati si repetati numerele.
20-twenty, 30-thirty, 40-forty, 50-fifty, 60-sixty, 70-severty, 80-eighty, 90-ninety
b. Write the numbers – Scrieti numerele.
A = twenty-two B = sixty-six


C = ?_________




c. Ask and answer about about the letters 20 twenty M E H
– potriviti literele cu numerele
corespunzatoare, apoi intrebati si raspundeti 30 thirty A T K
ca in exemplu. 40 forty
Example: What’s G? Eighty-five.
50 fifty I Q F
Resume - recapitulare: Write out this 60 sixty
61 75 82 / 32 78 24 / 46 24 78 61 / 51 43 70 seventy O R
36 24 64 64 51 85 24 43 36 ! 80 eighty U G P
90 ninety J S C

Language Check - Gramatica – de retinut!

1. The word to be: (2) Questions and short answers – Verbul a fi: Intrebari cu raspunsul scurt.
Yes, he is.
He’s in Prague. → Is he in Prague?
No, he isn’t.

Yes, she is.

She’s in Sydney. → Is she in Sydney?
No, she isn’t.

Yes, they are.

They’re in New York. → Are they in New York.
No, they aren’t.

Is Heroes Squere in Prague? No it isn’t.

Is Wembley Stadium in London. Yes, it is.

Yes, I am.
Are you eighteen
No, I’m not.

Answer these questions – Raspundeti la intrebari.

Are you twenty-three? _______________________________________.
Are you in London ? ________________________________________.
2. Personal pronouns – pronume personale
Write I / you / he / she / it / theyin the correct place – Foloseste pronumele in locul potrivit.

A: How old are _______, Peter?

B: _____’m fourteen.
A: Who’s that?
B: Melanie.
A: How old is ______?
B: Twenty, I think. And that’s Richard. ______ eighteen. _______’re great!
A: What is that?
B: ______’s Wembley Stadium.

Unit 4: What’s her name? – Cum se numeste?

1. Who is it? Identify the people. Choose from the list – Cine este? Identifica in lista persoanele.

Martina Hingis

Steven Spielberg

Michael Schumacher

Zinedine Zidane

Florin Piersic
Mugur Mihaescu

2. Match the years and the people in the photos – Asociaza pesonajele din imagini cu anii in care s-au
1969 1936 1972 1995

Ask and answer:

Example: How old is Florin Piersic?
I don’t know. I think he’s …
I think he was born in …
3. Read the text about Michael Schumacher and answer the questions – cititi textul despre Michael
Schumacher si raspundeti la intrebari.
Michael Schumacher
a. Where is he from?
was born in Germany.
b. What’s his job?
His brother is also a racing driver.
c. How old is his brother?
Ralf was born in 1975.
4. a. Put these words into two groups – imparte cuvintele de mai jos in 2 grupe.

Romania German
Race y Football
driver player
b. Ask and answer about the people in the picture/ or other famous people you know– Intrebati si
raspundeti ca in model depsre persoanele din poze sau despre alte persoane cunoscute.
Example: Where’s Patrick Berger from?
He’s from the Czech Republic.
What is his job?
He’s a football player.
5. Write the age, country and occupation of three famous people. Don’t right the names. Show your
information to another student. Guess who the people are – Scrieti varsta, tara si ocupatia a trei
personalitati cunoscute. Nu le scrieti numele. Aratati informatiile altor cursanti. Ghiciti despre cine
este vorba.
6. a. Find the meaning of these words in a dictionary.
brother sister cousin friend mother
father son daughter uncle aunt
7. Write down the name of three people (brother, sister, cousin or friend). Show the list to another
student. Ask about the people – Scrie numele a trei persoane (frate, sora, var sau prieten).
Schimbati lista cu alt cursant. Puneti intrebari despre persoanele respective.

Example: Who’s Peter?
He’s my cousin. He’s a student.
8. Look at the pictures and complete the conversations.Who are they talking about? – Uitati-va la
poze si completati conversatiile.
Example: 1. My cousin Alice.

Who’s the woman in the photo, Emma?

That’s my_________________________________.
Is she ____________________ balerina?
No!That’s her hobby!She’s a teacher. 1. My cousin Alice.

Who’s the _______________________________?

That’s ______________________________.
Is he _______________________ guitarist?
No!___________________________ doctor.
2. My brother Brian.
Resume - recapitulare:
a. Look at the family tree and say how the people are related to Emma (Me) – Priviti arborele genealogic
si spuneti relatiile de rudenie cu Emma.
Tom Susan Jim Helen
Example: Tom is her (Emma’s) father.
Me!! Brian Diana Alice Colin

b. Draw a similar diagram about your family – Desenati arborele genealogic al familiei.
c. Write a sentence about your favourite cousin, uncle or friend – Scrieti o propozitie despre verisorul,
unchiul sau prietenul favorit.

Language Check - Gramatica – de retinut!

1. Possessive adjectives – adjective posesive:
his for a man, her for a women – his se foloseste pentru barbati, her se foloseste pentru femei

What’s his name? Patrick Berger

What’s his job? He’s a football player.
What’s her name? Alice.
What’s her job? She’s a teacher.

2. Asking for and giving personal information – cum se cer si dau informatii personale.

Where’s she from? She’s from Switzerland.

What’s her job? She’s a tennis player.
Is he a football player? No. He’s a taxi driver.

Complete these question and answers – Completati urmatoarele raspunsuri si intrebari:

1. What’s ________________job? He’s _________________tennis player.
2. What’s her ________________?_____________ teacher.
3. Where’s __________________?He ______________Hungary?
4. Is __________ England? No, he ____________Germany.
5. Is _______musician? No, she __________ teacher.

Unit 5: Focus on Europe – Focus pe Europa

1. Look at the map and identify countries from the

list – Uitati-va pe harta si identificai tarile.
England Hungary Poland Russia Germany Italia France
Listen and check the names of the countries. Practise the pronunciation. Is it the same in your
language? Exersati pronuntia tarilor. Seamana cu cele din limba ta?
2. Write the names of the countries in your notebook and mark the stress – Scrieti numele tarilor in caietul
de notite si marcati accentul.
Example: Hủngary
3. Cover the map and answer these question – Parcurgeti harta si raspundeti la intrebari.
a. What’s the capital of the Czech Republic? b. How do you spell it in
c. Is Milan the capital of Italy?
4. Write similar questions. Ask your questions to other groups – Scrieti intrebari
asemanatoare. Intrebati alte persoane din jur si raspundeti la intrebarile lor.
5. Look at the photos. Where are the people from?
Uita-te la poze.De unde sunt persoanele?
A: Who’s that?
B: Martina Hingis.
A: Where’s she from?
B: She’s from Switzerland.

6. Make a list of other people from the countries on the map. Tell another student about the people in your
list. Faceti o lista cu alte persoane din tarii de pe harta.Vorbiticu alt cursant despre persoanele de pe lista.

Paula’s answers
1. Read the problems and the answers.
Cititi problemele si raspunsurile. Dear Paula,
I don’t understand the difference
Dear Paula,
between he and she and his and her.
Is the vowel sound in five the same as the
Best wishes,
vowel sound in nine?

11 Dear Peter,
Dear Dorota,
He and his are for man.
Yes,it is.The vowel sound is this one: /ar/
She and her are for women.
Dear Paula,
I’m studentor I’m a student.Which is
Best wishes,
Dear Erika,
I’m a student is right.

2. Write a letter to your teacher with a real language problem or question that you have.
Scrieti o scrisoare profesorului de limba engleza cu o problema legata de limba engleza sau o
intrebare pe care o aveti.
1. Complete the registration form – Completeaza formularul de inregistrare.

Surname _________________________
First name(s) ________________________
Country of origin _____________
Occupation ___________________________________
Telephone number ________________________
2. Write the conversation between the two people. Include these question – Scrieti o convesatie
dintre 2 persoane. Includeti aceste intrebari.
How do you spell that? Where are you?
How old are you? What’s your job?
3. Act out your conversation with another student – Simulati cu alt cursant conversatia scrisa la 2.

1. a or an?
Pair work– Lucru pe grupe.
Ask and answer – Intreaba si
What’s that? It’s a/an….
2. Draw four more objects. Show your drawings to another student. Ask and answer about the
drawings – Desenati alte patru obiecte. Aratati desenele altui cursant. Puneti intrebari si

Progress Check

1. a. Order these to make a conversation – Aranjatipropozitiile astfel incat sa formeze o conversatie:

a) Hi, Jenny. Nice to meet you.
b) Fine, thanks. Peter, this is Jenny. Jenny, this is Peter.
c) I’m ok, thanks,Darren. And you?
d) Hello, Peter. How are you?
e) Nice to meet you,too.
2. Identify these objects and ask a partner about them – Identifica
obiectele si intreaba-ti partenerul despre ele.
Example: Is this a bicycle?

3. Match the questions and the answers – Asociaza raspunsurile cu intrebarile potrivite.
1. How old is he? a) No, he isn’t.
2. Who’s that? b) I’m in Budapest.
3. Where’s that? c) He’s from Australia.
4. What’s that? d) T-H-A-T
5. Is Jack a teacher? e) No, she isn’t.
6. Is Harry’s mother an architect? f) He’s an architect.
7. Is that a notebook? g) It’s Tom Hanks.
8. How do you spell that? h) He’s 27.
9. What’s his job? i) Germany.
10. Where’s he from? J) No, it isn’t.
11. What’s her job? k) She’s a tennis player.
12. Where are you? l) It’s an umbrella.
4. Complete the table – Completati tabelul.

Personal Pronom Possesive Adjective

I _____________________
______________ your
______________ his
She ______________________

The population of England, Scotland and Wales is sixty million. The population of Scotland is
five million. The population of Wales is three million. What’s the population of England?

Unit 6: It’s nine o’clock in London – E ora noua in Londra

What a fanatastic clock!

Yes! Briliant!

What time is it?

I don’t know!

1. Look at the picture and complete the dialogue. – Uitati-va la poza si completati dialogul.
A: What time is it?
B: It’s nine o’clock.
A: What time is it in Prague?
B: Where?
A: Prague.
B: I don’t know. I think it’s one hour ahead.
A: So it’s __________________________________.
B: Yes.
A:__________________________________ in New York?
B: New York?
A: Yes.
B: It’s four hours behind, I think.
A: So it’s ________________________________________.
B: Yes. Why?
A: Nothing.
2. Look at the chart and answer the questions. – Priviti tabela urmatoare si raspundeti la intrebari.
a) It’s nine o’clock in London.
What time is it in Athens?

b) It’s ten o’clock in Budapest.

What’s the time in Moscow? Athens (+2) GMT
________________________________________. Budapest (+1) GMT
Moscow (+3) GMT
c) It’s twelve o’clock in Moscow.
Los Angeles (-8) GMT
What’s the time in Tokyo?
Tokyo (+9) GMT

d) It’s two o’clock in London. GMT- Greenwich Mean Time

What time is it in Los Angeles?

e) It’s four o’clock in Budapest.

What’s the time in your town?

3. Match the times with the clocks. Asociati orele cu ceasurile de mai jos.

six o’clock
a. b. c. half past three
twenty past two
five past eleven
quarter to three
seventeen minutes to five

d. e. f.
4. Say these times and write them in words. Use language from activity 3. – Spuneti si scrieti ce ora este in
fiecare situatie.
a) 4:05 b) 7:09 c) 11:55 d) 9:31 e) 3:25 f) 12:44
Example: It’s five past four.

5. Pairwork
Ask complete question and answers. Check the chart in activity 2. – Formulati intrebari complete si
raspunsurile corespunzatoare.
Look at your watch. What time is it…. in London?
in New York?
in Tokyo?

6. Read. – Cititi.
A: What time is it? B: It’s half past nine.
A: Half past nine?! B: Yes. What’s the matter?
A: I’m late!
7. Sound check: the /i/ sound: minute /minit/
a) Practice the /i/ sound in these words. - Exersati sunetul /i/ in urmatoarele cuvinte.
in this think listen practise brilliant England
guitar artist Switzerland optician tennis Italy
b) Now practise these sentences. – Acum exersati cu urmatoarele propozitii.
I think Switzerland’s near Italy.
Listen and practise this brilliant sentence.
8. a) Read the conversation. – Cititi conversatia.
A: Can I have a cup of coffee, pleasee?
B: A cup a coffee?
A: Yes.
B: Anything else?
A: No, thanks.
B: How about a cake? This chocolate cake is very nice.
A: Er… no, thanks.
B: How a sandwich?
A: No.
B: A cheese sandwich?

A: No! Just a cup of coffee, please.
B: All right.
b) Close your books and practise the conversation with a partner. – Inchideti cartile si exersati
conversatii cu un partener.

Resume: Look at the picture and write the time. Choose from this list. –
Uitati-va la poze si scrieti ora. Alegeti din lista.

9 am 3 pm midday midnight
(am = morning; pm=afternoon/evening)
Example: I think it’s nine o’clock in the morning.

Language Check - Gramatica – de retinut!

1. Asking and telling the time. – Cum se intreaba si cum se spune ora.
It’s five o’clock.
What time is it? It’s half past six.
What’s the time? It’s five to nine.
It’s quarter past eight in the
2. Asking for things to eat and drink. – Cum se cere de mancare si de baut.

a cup of coffee
Can I have a glass of milk please?
a can of Coke
3. Offering things to eat and drink. Cum se ofera de mancare si de baut.
How about a cake?
Yes, please.
4. Polite refusals. – Refuzuri politicoase.
a) Refusing an offer
How about a chocolate cake?
b) Refusing a request
Can I have a Coke?
Nok, sorry.

Complete the conversation. – Completati conversatia.
1. A: _________________________ it?
B: __________ three o’clock.
A: So ______________________ time in London?
B: _____________ two o’clock.

2. A: __________________________ a cup of coffee, ________?

B: No, ________________________. __________________________a can of Coke?
A: No, _________________________________________.

UNIT 7: The next train to Paris – Urmatorul tren catre Paris

1. a. Look in the picture. Are these sentence true or false? – Utiati-va la poza. Urmatoarele afirmatii
sunt adevarate sau false?
a) There’s a clock in the picture

b) There are three trains.

c) There are about twenty people.

d) There isn’t a kiosk at the station.

e) There are five taxis.

b. Write three sentences to describe the picture. Use the dictionary to find any new words. – Scrieti
trei propozitii care sa descrie imaginea. Folositi dictionarul pentru cuvinte noi.
2. Pair work
a) Student A: Look at the photo of the station.
Student B: Close your book and say what you remember from the photo. CITY BREAKS TO PARIS
Example: There are about twenty people… AND BRUSSELS
b) Put twenty things on the desk in front of you. Try to remember all the things. There are eleven trains
Student A: Close your eyes. Say what you can remember. a day to Paris and seven
Student B: Tell Student A if he/she is right or wrong. to Brussels. On
Example: There are four notebooks on the desk. weekdays(Monday to
No, there are three… Friday) there are trains
3. a. Read. Write the times of the buses and trains. – Cititi. Scrieti la ce ore sunt every hour to Paris from
autobuzele si trenurile.
9am and every two
Tourist: Excuse me? Do you speak English?
hours to Brussels
Official: Yes, a little.
starting at 8:30 am.
Tourist: What time’s the next train to Paris?
There are two extra
Official: Paris? There’s a train to Paris at ______________________.
Tourist: What about Brussels? trains to Paris at
Official: Brussels? There’s a train at ______________________and there’s weekends at 8:30 am
bus at ____________. and 10:30 am.
Tourist: Thank you.
Official: You’re welcome.
b. Pair work: Read out the complete conversation. – Cititi si completati conversatia.
4.Pair work
Student A: You are an official.
Student B: You are a tourist.

Ask and answer about the trains and buses to your town and another place in your country.
5. a. Read the City Breaks information and complete the sentences
1. There _____________ seven trains a day to __________________________.
2. ____________________________eleven ______________________ Paris.
3. ________________________a train to ______________________________at 10 am.
b. Answer these questions.
1. What time are the first and the last trains to Paris on weekday?
2. What time is the first train to Paris at weekends?
3. What time is the last train to Brussels?

6. b. Read. – Cititi.
London Sheffield Leeds York Newcastle Edimburg

London 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 1200 1300

Sheffield ………. 11:30 12:30 13:30 ……… ……….
Leeds 12:30 ………. 13:30 14:30 16:30 ……….
York ………. 14:30 14:45 ……….. 17:45 ………..
Newcastle 15:00 ………. 16:00 17:00 ……… ………
Edimburg 17:30 18:30 18:30 19:30 21:45 21:00
c. Answer the questions. – Raspundeti la intrebari.
1. Is there a bus to York at nine o’clock?
2. Is there a bus from Newcastle to Edimburg at three o’clock?
3. Is the one o’clock bus to Edimburg non-stop?
4. Is there a bus from Leeds to York in the morning?
5. What time is the first bus to Sheffield?
6. Is the midday bus to Leeds non-stop?
d. Read this conversation. Invent a similar one with information from the timetable. – Cititi conversatia.
Imaginati-va una similara cu informatiile din orar.
A: Is there a bus to Edimburg at nine o’clock?
B: Yes, there is.
A: Is it non-stop?
B: No, it isn’t.

e. Ask and answer different questions about timeable. – Intrebati si raspundeti diferite intrebari
referitoare la orar.

7. Pronunciation: The /ei/ sound as in trains /treinz/. Which words contains the /ei/ sound?
Eight day extra trainers cake sandwich grey break welcome

Language Check - Gramatica – de retinut!

1. There is/there are – Este/Sunt
There’s a train to Paris at eight o’clock in the morning.
There are seven trains a day Brussels.
There isn’t a bus at seven o’clock.
There aren’t eleven trains a day at weekends.
Interrogative and short answers:
-Is there a bus to Edimburg at nine o’clock in the morning?
Yes, there is.

-Are there five buses a day to York?
No, there aren’t.There are three.
2. Expressing thanks and responding – Expresii de multumire

There’s a train at nine o’clock. Thank you(very much).
You’re welcome.
Don’t mention it.

Practice: Complete the conversation

A: ________________ a train to Leeds at eight o’clock?
B: No, ____________________. But_____________________________a bus at eight.
A: What about trains?
B: _________________________three trains to Leeds in the morning, at seven o’clock, nine-thirty and
eleven o’clock.
A: Ok.Can I have a ticket for the nine-thirty train on Sunday?
B: I’m sorry. There _______________________ three trains in the morning at weekends. At weekends,
________________ two trains, at seven o’clock and eleven o’clock.

UNIT 8: Where’s my T-shirt? – Unde mi-e tricoul?

Baseball cap ___ Shirt ___

Socks ___ Dress ___

Sunglasses ___ Glasses ___

T-Shirt ___ Shoes ___

Jacket ___

1. a. Match the labels and the clothes. –

Asociati etichetele cu hainele.
b. Pair work: Ask and answer about
clothes. – Intrebati si raspundeti
despre haine
Example: What’s this? It’s a T-shirt.
What are these? They’re jeans.
2. Look at the example and find three more in the list of clothes.
Uitati-va la exemplu si mai gasiti trei in lista de haine Singular Plural
Example: They’re jeans. Jacket trainers
or It’s a pair of jeans.

3. a. Put the clothes into two lists: singular and plural. – Puneti hainele in liste: singular si plural.
b. Practise the pronunciation of the plural forms. Exersati pronuntia formelor de plural.
Are they /s/,/z/ or /iz/ plurals? Make three lists in your notebook.
c. Now make the singular items plural. Add them to the other two lists. Puneti la plural si articolele
aflate la singular.Adaugati-le la cele doua liste.
d. Add three more words to each list. Compare your list with another student. Adaugati alte trei
cuvinte la fiecare lista.Comparati-le cu lista altor cursanti.
4. Make notes about clothes items in the class. – Luati notite referitoare la articolele de imbracaminte
din clasa.
Example: There are fourteen peole wearing a T-shirt.
There are twelve people wearing glasses.

5. Ask and answer about his other clothes.

Example: Where’s his cap? It’s…
Where are his sunglasses? They’re…

6. a. Make a note of where things are in the classroom. Use these expression: - Notati-va unde se afla
lucrurile in clasa. Folositi expresii precum:
in my bag in my desk on my desk on the wall on the floor
under my desk under my chair in my bag In my pocket
Example: There’s a bag under my desk.
There are four posters on the wall.
b. Make a list of examples on the board. Faceti o lista cu exemple pe tabla.

7. a. Look at the colour and practise the pronunciation of the colours. – Uitati-va la culori si exersati
1 red
2 orange
3 yellow
4 green
5 blue
6 indigo
7 violet
8 purple
9 pink
10 silver
11 gold
12 beige
13 brown
14 grey
15 black
16 white
b. Which colour contains the same vowel sounds as the following words? – Care dintre culori contin
aceleasi vocale ca si urmatoarele cuvinte?
minute train ten school jeans

c. What is you favorite colour? – Care este culoarea ta preferata?

8. Pair work
Student A: Close your book.
Student B: Ask a question about the clothes in this lesson unit.
Example: What colour is the leather jascket/
What colour are the trainers?
9. Read these question. – Cititi intrebarile?
a. What colour is the T-shirt on the chair?
b. What colour are the jeans in the drawer?

c. Where are the white trainers?
10. a. Answer these questions. – Raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari.
1. What colour is your schoolbag?
2. What colour is your pan?
3. What colour are your shoes?
b. Write down five question about items which are not in the classroom. Ask your questions to
other students. – Scrieti cinci intrebari despre articole care nnu sunt in sala de clasa. Puneti intrebari
despre ele unui alt cursant.
Example: What colour are the walls in your bedroom?
Resume: Describe your favourite T-shirt.What colour is it? Are there any words or pictures on it? –
Descrieti tricoul preferat. Ce culoare are? Contine cuvinte sau desene pe el?
Language Check - Gramatica – de retinut!
1. Adjectives - Adjective
i) Position:
The normal position of an adjective is before the noun it describes. – Pozitia normala a adjectivului
este inaintea substantivului pe care il descrie.
There’s a white T-shirt on the chair.
Your red T-shirt is in the drawer.
An adjective also comes after the verb to be.– Poate aparea de asemenea dupa verbul be.
My baseball cap is green.
ii) Form:
Singular and plural adjectives have the same form. – Adjectivele au aceeasi forma atat la singular
cat si la plural.
Her dress is yellow and her socks are yellow, too.
His white T-shirt is in the drawer and his white trainers are under the bed.
2. Prepositions – Prepozitii
The usual position is before the noun. – Pozitia normala este inainte de substantiv.
Where are my jeans? Where’s my white T-shirt?
They’re in the drawer. It’s on the chair.
3. The definite article – Articolul definit
What colour is the leather jacket? His trainers are under the bed.
(There is only one leather jacket.) (There is only one bed).

Re-order these words to make sentences. Add punctuation, if necessary. – Rearanjati cuvintele
astfel incat sa aiba sens. Unde este nevoie adaugati puntuatia.
1. under bed trainers his the
2. bed is the on yellow her dress
3. are jeans colour what
4. my white is where T-shirt
5. drawer are socks in blue the your

UNIT 9: I don’t like the folk music – Nu imi place muzica folk

1. Look at the photos. What kind of singers or musicians are they? – Choose from the list in the box. –
Uita-te la poze. Ce fel de muzicieni sunt acestia? Alege din lista de mai jos.
Example: She’s a folk singer.
They’re rock musicians.

2. a) Complete the conversation with words from the list in the box. – Completeaza conversatia cu cuvinte
din lista.
A: Excuse me? What kind of music do you like?
B: I like ______________________________.
A: Do you like _____________________________?
B: Yes, I do.
rock music heavy metal
A: Excuse me? What kind of music do you like?
folk music pop music
C: I like __________________________________.
techno classical music
A: I see.What about ________________________________?
rap jazz blues
C: I don’t like _______________________________.
A: Thank you.

b) Pair work: Ask and answer five questions with Do you like …? Make notes of your partner’s replies.
– Intreaba si raspunde la cinci intrebari care incept cu Iti place…?Notati-va raspunsurile parenerilor.
Example: Do you like rock music? Do you like jazz?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

3. a) Read the poem. – Cititi poezia. I like blues, I like rock

b) Read again more quickly! – Mai cititi-o odata mai mai repede. I like jazz, I like pop
4. Write down the names of singers and musicians you like who come I like music all over the world
all over the world. Show your list to another student.Ask and answer I like rap, I like techno
about the names. – Scrieti numele cantaretilor care va plac. Aratati And I like heavy metal
lista altor cursanti. Intrebatii despre acestia. But I don’t like old music at all!
Example: Who’s Elton John? Do you like Elton John?
He’s a pop singer. Yes, I do.

5. a) Read this extract from the interview and find five extra words. – Cititi interviul si gasiti cinci cuvinte pe
care nu le stiti.
Interviewer: Is the rock music your favorite kind of music?
Jason: Yes, it is.
Interviewer: What other kinds of the music do you like?
Jason: Er… well, I like techno …
Interviewer: Techno …
Jason: Yeah, but I like jazz as well.
Interviewer: Jazz! That’s really interesting.
Jason: Yeah. And I don’t like the folk music.
Interviewer: Do you like the classical music?
Jason: No, I don’t.
Interviewer: Who’s your favourite singer?
Jason: Linda Smith.
Interviewer: Who’s she?
Jason: My sister.

6. Ask and answer questions about Jason Larido. – Intrebati si raspundeti despre Jason Larido.
Example: Does he like …?
Yes, he does.
No, he doesn’t.

a) Pair work: Answer these questions.
1. What’s your favourite kind of music?
2. Who’s your favourite band/singer/musician?
3. What’s your favourite song/album?
4. What’s your favourite music magazine?
5. How much is a new pop CD in your country?
6. How much is a good T-shirt?
b) Compare your answers with another pair. Do you agree about music and prices?

Language Check - Gramatica – de retinut!
Present Simple (1): likes and dislikes – prezetul simplu: ce ne place si ce nu ne place.
I He

You like rock music. likes rock music.

We She

I He

You don’t like folk music. doesn’t like folk music.

We She

I he

Do you like jazz? Does like jazz?

we she

I Yes, does.
Short answers

Yes, you do. he

we she
No, they don’t. No, doesn’t.

Asking about prices – Intrebati despre preturi:

How much is it? How much are they?
It’s $14,99. They’re $14,99 each.
It’s fourteen dollars ninety-nine cents.

Practice: Complete these dialogues. – Completati urmatoarele dialoguri.

1. A: How much _______ the Oasis CD?
B: __________ $14,99.
2. A: ___________________ the posters?
B: __________ $9,50.
3. A: _____________________like techno music?
B: Yes, I _____.

UNIT 10: Focus on your world – Focus pe lumea ta

1. Answer the questionnaire. – Completati chestionarul.

A. Are you a sport fan? Yes No
If the answer is Yes, go to question B.If the answer is No, go to question C.
B. What is your favourite sport?
Football (soccer)
Ice hockey
American football
Other (write a name)
What is your favourite team?
Who is your favourite player?
Who is your favourite athelete?
C. Are you a music fan?
Yes No
If the answer is Yes, go to question D.If the answer is No, go to question E.

D. Which is your favourite kind of music?

Other(write a name)
E. Are you a film fan?
Yes No
If the answer is Yes, go to question F.If the answer is No, wait!

F. What kind of films do you like?

action films
comedy films
horror films
science fiction films
American football
Other (write a name)

What is your favourite film of all time?


2. a. Ask a partner about his/her answers. – Intrebati partenerul despre raspunsurile lui/ei.

Are you a music fan? Yes, I am

No,I don’t.
Do you like jazz?

b. Choose a new partner.Exchange books and read the answers to the questionnaire. Report to the
class about your partner. – Alegeti un partener nou. Faceti schimb de manuale si cititi raspunsurile la
chestionar.Povestiti clasei despre partenerul vostru.
Example: Jack likes rock music.
Susan likes football.
c. Ask about other students. – Intrebati despre alti studenti.
Example: Does Petra like films?Yes, she does.
Does Zoltán like tennis?No, he doesn’t.

3. Collect information about the whole class. Make charts on the board. Work out percentages(%).
Adunatii informatii despre toata clasa. Faceti grafice pe tabla. Calculatii procentaje.
40 per cent of the class like sports.
60 per cent don’t like sports. Like sports |||| |||
(IIII equals 5)
Don’t like
sports |||| |||| ||

4. a. In groups: make a list of sports people,music and film stars from your country that you like.
b. Compare your list with other groups.
c. Make a top ten list for the whole class.

Paula’s answers
1. Read the problems. Write a possible replay. – Cititi problemele. Scrieti posibile raspunsuri.

Dear Paula, Dear Paula, Dear Paula,

Is this correct? There’s and there is are What’s the difference between
These are my whites the same. Can we say Yes, this questions: What’s the time?
shoes. there’s as a short answer? and What time is it?
Éva. Yours, Yours,
Carla Bruno

Dear Paula,
Which is right? I like the rock music or I like
rock music.

2. Write two correct sentences and a sentence with one mistake in it. Show them to a partner.
Read your partner’s and spot the mistake. – Scrieti doua propozitii corecte si una incorecta.
Aratati-le partenerului. Cititi propozitiile sale si identificati greselile.

Task: Friend and Family – Prieten si familie

a) Write a questionnaire like the one on the beginning of the unit. – Scrieti un chestionar ca si acela de la
inceputul unitului.
b) Take the questionnaire home and ask questions to your family and friends. Write the answers in English.
– Luati chestionarul acasa prezentati-l familiei sau prietenilor. Scrieti raspunsurile in engleza.
c) Write a paragraph about the answers you recived. – Scrieti un paragraf despre raspunsurile pe care le

a) Find words to complete this basketball mind map. – Gasiti cuvinte care sacompleteze diagrama.
b) Choose a different sport for a mind map. Make a list of words which connect with the sport. Ask
other students and the teacher for help, or use your dictionary.– Alegeti un sport diferit si faceti o
alta diagrama asemanatoare. Faceti o lista de cuvinte care au legatura cu sportul respectiv. Cereti
ajutor altor studenti si formatorului, sau folositi dictionarul.

shirt fan


forward court
Progress Check
1. Correct these times. – Corecteaza aceste timpuri.
a) It’s five o clock. _____________________________________________________
b) It’s seven to six. _____________________________________________________
c) It’s a half past nine. _____________________________________________________
d) It’s quarter to nine o’clock. ____________________________________________
e) It’s quarter past eight in morning. _____________________________________________
2. Are these sentences true about your town? Write true or false. – Aceste propozitii sunt adevarate
despre orasul tau?
a) There are two railway stations. _________
b) There’s a train from my town to London. ________
c) There are three bus station. ___________
d) There are buses to Vienna and Prague. __________
3. Complete these sentences including a colour or colours. – Completati aceste propozitii incluzand
a) My English book is _____________________________.
b) My pen ______________________________________.
c) My notebook _________________________________.
4. Make questions. – Mai multe intrebari.
a) Alan and Maria like spaghetti. ________________________________________________
b) Your sister likes techno music. ________________________________________________
c) Petra likes action movies. ________________________________________________
5. Complete the questions and answers and connect them. – Completati intrebarile si raspunsurile si
a) ___________________ Mary like English?
b) ___________________ John _________________ films?
c) ___________________ your sisters _____________ pizza?
d) ___________________ you _______________ football?

1) Yes, he ________________.
2) No, they _________________.
3) __________________, she doesn’t.
4) No, ____________________.

6. Write these prices in words. – Scrieti aceste preturi in cuvinte.
a) $14,50 ____________________________________________________
b) $22,95 ____________________________________________________
c) $12,29 ____________________________________________________
d) $99,50 ______________________________________________________

And finally …
The most popular spectator sport in Britain is soccer. The most popular partipation sport is ...

UNIT 11: I hate onions! – Nu imi place ceapa!

Margharita Siciliana
Mozzarella cheese, tomatoes Cheese, tomatoes, ham, olives,
Pizza menu

Quatro Stagioni (Four Seasons) Neptune

Cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms, Cheese, tomatoes, tuna, olives
Fiorentina Gardiniera
Cheese, tomatoes, spinach Green peppers, onion, peas, tomatoes
Capricciosa La Reine
Cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms, ham Cheese, tomatoes, ham, mushrooms,

1. Look in the pizza menu. – Uitati-va la meniul de pizza.

a) Match the words and the illustrations. Use the dictionary to find any words you don’t know. –
Asociati cuvintele cu poze. Folositi dictionarul pentru cuvintele pe care nu le stiti.
b) Write the words and mark the stress. Scrieti cuvintele si marcati accentul.
Example: m`ushrooms

2. a) Read the text and complete the questions and Fact: There are about 500 pizza delivery
answers. – Cititi textul si completati intrebarile si
workers in London. In USA, there are about a
hundred thousand! Pizza is now the number
1) ______________Alan like onions? ______________.
one take-away food in the world.
2) _______________Kate like cheese?
But it’s difficult for three people to order
3) ________________ Kate and Lizzie ____________ one take-away pizza! People want different
ham?______________________________________. things. For example, Kate likes tomatoes and
4) _________________Kate and Alan ______________ mushrooms, but she hates spinach. She
tomatoes? _________________________________. loves pepperoni but she doesn’t like ham.
5) Which vegetables ______________Alan ________? Alan likes ham, tuna and pepperoni. He likes
__________________________________________. onions,peas and olives, but he hates cheese.
6) __________________Lizzie _____________meat? Lizzie’s a vegetarian. She loves spinach but
__________________________________________. she hates mushrooms.
b) Choose the perfect pizza for Alan, Kate and Lizzie. –
Alegeti pizza potrivita pentru Alan, Kate si Lizzie.
3. Decide on your five favourite ingredients for a new pizza. Give it a name. Alegeti cinci ingrediente
favorite pentru o noua pizza. Dati-i un nume.
4. Read this conversation. Then practise the intonation of the responses. – Cititi conversatia. Exersati
intonatia raspunsurilor.
A: I like tomatoes. A: I don’t like spinach.
B: Me too. B: Me neither.
A: And I love mushrooms. A: And I don’t like onions.
B: Do you?I don’t. B: Don’t you? I do.

5. a) Pair work
Say if you like or don’t like the ingredients on the pizza menu. – Specificati daca va plac sau nu
ingredientele din meniul de pizza.
Make a note of your partner’s likes and dislikes. – Notati-va ce ii place si ce nu partenerului vostru.
Example: I like cheese. I don’t like onions.
Me too. Don’t you? I do.
b) Change partners. Tell your new partner about your old partner. Respond in the same way. –
Schimbati partenerul. Povesteste-i noului partener despre cel dinainte.
Example: Petra likes cheese. She doesn’t like onions.
Does she? I don’t. Me neither.
6. Give reason for your dislike. – Motivati de ce nu va place.
Example: Why don’t you like …?
Beacause I don’t like the taste/I’m vegetarian/I don’t like vegetables.

7. Respond to these likes and dislikes. – Raspundeti la aceste placeri si neplaceri.
a) I like spinach. _________________________.
b) I love tuna. ____________________________.
c) I hate onions, ___________________________________.
d) My sister loves mushrooms. ____________________________________.
e) My parents don’t like pizzas. _______________________________________.
f) My cousin Simon doesn’t like cheese. ___________________________________.

Are pizzas from Italy?

Pizzas are from Italy – or are they? Pizza is an Italian word, it
means piece. In Italy, pizzas are small with a thin base. In America,
pizzas are enormous, with a thick base.These are deep pan pizzas,
and there are deep pan pizzas in restaurants from Buenos Aires to
Beijing. So, are pizzas from Italy, or America?

8. a) Read and make a note of any words you don’t know. – Cititi si notati-va cuvintelepe pe care nu le
b) Ask other students and the teacher about any new words. – Intrebati alti cursanti sau profesorul
despre cuvintele noi.
Example: What does ‘enormous’ mean?
c) Close your book and write down what you can remember from the article. – Inchideti cartea si
scrieti ce va puteti amintii despre articol.
9. a) Listen to the pronunciation of these food items. –
Ascultati pronuntia acestor mancaruri.
b) Discuss with other students.Are they good for you? –
Discutati cu alti studenti daca sunt bune. pear
Example: I think ______ are/aren’t good for you.
chocolate sweets

apple biscuits carrots
plums bananas
10. Pronunciation. /s/ or /z/ at the end of word? –
a) Make two lists of the food items in the illustration.
– Faceti doua liste cu mancarurile din poze.
b) Add words from the pizza menu to the list.
– Adaugati la lista cuvinte din meniul de pizza.

Resume: In groups of four. Imagine a café. In grupe de cate patru.Imaginati-va ca sunteti la o cafenea.
a) Decide what kind of café it is. Design and write the menus. Hotarati ce fel de cafenea este.
Proiectati meniurile.
b) Role play:
Student A: You are waiter/waitress in the café.
Student B/C/D: You are customers.
Student A stays in the café. Student B,C and D visit other cafés in the classroom. Act out a
conversation between the waiter and customers. Use these words and expressions:
Example: Can I help you? Can I see the menu,please?
What is there on the menu? Can I have …

Language Check - Gramatica – de retinut!
1. Agreeing and disagreeing. – Cadem de acord?
I like cheese Me too.
Do you? I don’t.
She likes cheese. Does she? I don’t
Me neither.
I don’t like olives. Don’t you? I do.
She doesn’t like olives. Doesn’t she? I do.

2. Expressing strong likes and dislikes. Imi place mult! / Nu suport!

I love spinach.
I hate onions.
3. Asking for and giving reasons. Cerand si oferind motive.
Why don’t you like cheese?
Because I don’t like the taste.
Practice: Complete the sentence about likes and dislikes.Completati propozitiile.
1) We don’t ________________ hamburgers because ______________meat.
2) Why ___________you ____________hamburgers?____________________ vegetarian.
3) ___________ your friend like pizzas? Yes, he ________________.
4) _______________ your mother and father _______________ fish and chips?
Yes, _____________________________.

UNIT 12: What does Helen do? – Cu ce se ocupa Helen?

1. a.Complete the conversation and write the names of seven people in the photos. – Completati
conversatia si scrieti numele celor sapte persoane din poze.
a) Hi, my name’s Helen. What’s your name?
Simon. What do you do, Helen?
I’m a computer programmer. I work for IBM. What do you do?
______________________________________ air traffic controller.
b) Hello, my name’s Wendy. What’s your name?
What do ____________________, Alan?
I’m a mechanic. I work in a garage.
What about you, Wendy? ___________________________ a nurse?
No, _____________________ vet.
c) Who’s that man?
_____________ name’s Martin Williams.
What’s his job?
He’s a television producer.
Really? Who’s that woman with him?
______________ name’s Louise Barrett.
What ________________________ job?
_______________________ student. She wants to be a pilot.

b. Ask and answer.Intrebati si raspundeti.

Example: What does Helen do? Is Martin ann actor?
She’s a …. No, …
2. Match the questions and the answers. – Asociati raspunsurile cu intrebarile.
a) What does Helen do? 1. A pilot.
b) Who does she work for? 2. He’s a television producer.
c) Is Simon a pilot? 3. In a garage.
d) What does Wendy do? 4. She’s a computer programmer.
e) Is Alan a mechanic? 5.IBM
f) Where does he work? 6. No, he isn’t.
g) What does Martin do? 7. Yes, he is.
h) What does Louise want to be? 8. She’s a vet.
3. a. Connect the occupation and the workplaces. Make affirmative and negative sentences. –
Conectati ocupatiile cu locurile unde se desfasoara.
doctor pilot mechanic school theatre
waiter actor cook garage restaurant
Air traffic controller musician nurse office airport
Computer programmer artist teacher hospital studio
Example: Doctors work in hospitals.
Mechanics don’t work in theatres.
b. Ask and answer. – Intrebati si raspundeti.
Example: Doctor work in hospitals? Do teacher work in offices?
Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
4. Read the information and work out the jobs. – Cititi informatiile si ghiciti meseria.
a) He works in a hospital but he isn’t a doctor.
b) They work in a theatre but they aren’t actors.
c) She works at an airport but she isn’t a pilot.
d) We work in a restaurant but we aren’t waiters.
e) I work in a school but I’m not a teacher.

5. a) In a group of six to eight. Write down all the occupations you know. – In grupe de cate 6-8.
Scrieti ocupatiile pe care le cunoasteti.
b) Tell the rest of the class the occupations. If other students don’t know them, mime them. Don’t
translate! – Spuneti ocupatiile respective clasei. Daca alti cursanti nu le cunosc, mimati-le. Nu traduceti!
c) Start a chain dialogue round the group. Use a different occupation each time. – Incepeti un dialog
in lant in grup. Folositi alta ocupatie de fiecare date.
Example: A: I’m a pilot. Are you a pilot?
B: No, I’m not.

A: What do you do?

B: I’m a cook.Are you a cook?
C: No, I’m not.
6. a. Read the article and write three questions. Ask your questions to another student. – Cititi articolul
si scrieti trei intrebari. Puneti-le altui cursant.
Example: What does she do?

THIS WEEK: A fashion photographer
My name is Alexandra Miller and I’m a photographer. I’m 28 years old and I work for
a newspaper called The Globe. I don’t take news photographs, I specialize in fashion
photographs. I work in different countries, but I usually work in London.I take
photographs at fashion shows or in my studio. I take about hundred photographs at
every fashion show. It’s difficult to take a good fashion photograph- it’s hard work!
I’m also interested in sports photography. Soccer is my favourite sport.My favourite
team is Chelsea, but my favourite scoccer player is Ronaldo. He’s Brazilian and he’s
brilliant! I also like tennis and athletics. My ambition is to work at the Olympic Games.

b. Read the text and mark the stress on these words. – Cititi textul si marcati accentul pe
urmatoarele cuvinte.
photograph different Brazilian
brilliant athletics Olympic
7. Find a mistake in these sentences. – Gasiti greselile in aceste propozitii.
1) Jenny wants to be vet.
2) She wants to work with animals.
3) Andy is 16 and wants go to drama school.
4) He wants to be a actor.
5) Maria doesn’t wants to work with computers.
8. Pronunciation: the /ə/ sound. The last syllable of doctor is a /ə/. Find five more words like this in this
unit.- Pronuntie: sunetul /ə/. Ultima silaba din doctor este/ə/. Gasiti cinci alte cuvinte ca acesta in

a) Write down your work ambition. What do you want to be? – Scrieti-va ambitia. Ce doriti sa faceti?
Write down your second and third choice ambitions, as well.Scrieti de asemenea o a doua si o a
treia ambitie.
b) Role play: Meeting at party. In threes. – Intalnire la o petrecere. Cate trei.
1) Each student: choose an occupation. – Fiecare student isi alege o ocupatie.
2) Introduce yourselves to each other. – Prezentati-va.
3) Ask and answer about your work. – Discutati despre ocupatie.

Language Check - Gramatica – de retinut!

1) Present Simple (2) Talking about work and ambitions. Prezentul simplu. Vorbind despre munca si
(i) Questions you use when you ask about an occupation: - Intrebari pe care le formulezi ca sa
intrebi despre ocupatie:
What do you do?
What’s your job?
(ii) You use the present simple to describe what people do. Folosesti prezentul simplu pentru a
descrie ce fac oamenii.
She’s a photographer. She takes photographs.
2) Prepositions - Prepozitii
He works for IBM.
I work in a garage.
I work in different countries.
She wants to work with animals.
My ambition is to work at the Olympic Games.

3) The indefinite article (3) Talking about occupations (only the singular) – Articolul nedefinit. Vorbind
despre ocupatii (numai la singular)
I’m a doctor.
We’re doctors.
4) Expressing ambitions. Cum iti exprimi ambitiile.
I want to be a pilot.
My ambition is to go to the Olympic Games.

Complete the sentences with for, in or with. – Completeaza propozitiile cu for, in sau with.
1. She works _______ the BBC.
2. They work _______ a hospital.
3. She wants to work __________computers.
4. I work ________ London.
5. They don’t want to work ____________ animals.
UNIT 13: How do you say that in English? – Cum se spune in

1. Look in the picture. Write down the English words for

the items that you know. Make a list of the items that
you don’t know in English. Ask other students or
teacher. – Uitati-va la imagini. Scrieti cuvintele in
engleza pentru obiectele pe care le cunoasteti. Faceti o
lista cu obiectele a caror denumire in engleza nu o
cunoasteti. Intrebati alti cursanti si profesori.
Example: What’s the English word for …?
How do you say … in English?
English German French
Italian Spanish Russian

2. a. Complete these sentences with information about you, your family and friends. Use your own
language in the examples, plus the languages in the list, and any other languages you know. –
Completati aceste propozitii cu informatiile despre tine, familia ta si prietenii tai.

a) I’m a native speaker of ______________________.

b) My ______________________ speaks ___________________ fluently.
c) My ______________________ speaks _______________________ very well.
d) I speak _______________________ quite well.
e) My ___________________ speaks a few words of ________________________.
f) I speak a little ______________________.
g) I don’t speak __________________ at all.
h) My __________________ doesn’t speak a word of _______________________.
b. Name at least two countries where they speak each language in activity 2a. – Numeste doua tari
unde vorbesc fiecare limba de la activitatea 2a.
Example: They speak Spanish in _______________ and _________________.

3. a. Read the conversation. – Citeste conversatia.

A: Do you speak German? A: Do you speak Russian?
B: Yes, fluently. B: Just a little.
A: Do you speak English? A: Do you speak Chinese?

B: Yes, quite well. B: No, not at all.

b. Pair work: Practise the conversation with other languages. – Exersati conversatia cu alte limbi.

4. a. Complete the text with words from this list. Completeaza textul cu cuvinte din lista.
andante art nouveau café concerto confetti
fiesta karate kindergarten lasagne libretto
pizza restaurant siesta spaghetti

English takes words from a lot of other languages. From French, there are words for places to eat,
such as _______________________ and _____________________, but also artistic words and
expressions such as _______________________. From Spanish, there is _________________________
(a party or holiday) and __________________________ (an afternoon rest). Italian, of course, gives
English a lot of words for food, such as _______________________, _________________________ and
_____________________, but also classical music words, such as ____________________________,
_____________________ and ____________________________. We use the German word
_____________________ for a school for very young children. From Japanese, we have martial arts
words such as ____________________________. Sometimes we change the meaning of a word. In
English we use the Italian word __________________________ for small pieces of paper we throw at
weddings. In Italian, it means small sweets.
b. Do these French, German, Italian and Spanish words exist in your language? – Exista aceste
cuvinte franceze, germane, italiene si spaniole si in limba ta?
5. a. The following words are in French, German or Spanish. Indicate the language for each and every
word. – Urmatoarele cuvinte sunt in franceza, germana, italiana si spaniola. Identifica limba pentru
Kaffee supermarché guitarra
oficina futbol biologie
franҫais Deutsch español
Schule Flughafen musique
b. In groups. Make notes about the words. Write the English word, if you know it. – In grupe. Notati-
va cuvantul echivalent in engleza, daca il stiti.
Example: I think Kaffee is the German word for …
6. Write true or false. – Adevarat sau fals?
a) Kaffee is the German word for café. ________
b) Supermarché is the Spanish word for supermarket. ___________
c) Guitarra is a Spanish word. __________
d) Flughafen is the German word for aeroplane. _____________
e) Musique is the Germanword for music. _______________
f) Franҫais is the French word for French. ___________
7. a. In groups.Make a list of other words you know in German, Spanish and French.
(You must write the English word,too!) – In grup. Faceti o lista cu alte cuvine in germana, spaniola,
franceza. (Trebuie sa le scrieti si in engleza!)
b. Test other groups.Score five points for a correct answer. – Verificati celelate grupe. Cinci puncte
pentru fiecare raspuns corect.
Example: How do you say ‘Autobahn’ in English?
8. a. Complete the conversation. – Completati conversatia.
A: Excuse me, do you speak German?
B: Just a little.
A: What does ‘Ausgang’ mean?
B: It means ________________________
A: And what does _____________________ mean?
B: I think the English word is ‘arrivals’.
A: And what does ________________ mean?
B: I don’t know the English word for that. You change your money there.
A: Oh, that’s an Exchange Office. Thank you.
c.Pair work: Act out a similar conversation using three words from own language. – Simulati o
conversatie similara folosind trei cuvinte din limba voastra.
9. Write a letter to a new penfriend. Tell the penfriend the following: - Scrie o scrisoare unui noi prieten
prin corespondenta. Spuneti-i urmatoarele:
The language you speak How well you speak other language.
How well you speak English. The languages you want to stuy.
10. Pronunciation. The /i:/ sound, as in speak /spi:k/. – Pronuntie. Sunetul /i:/, ca in /spi:k/.
a. Which of the following words contain the /i:/ sound? – Care dintre urmatoarele cuvinte contine sunetul
English repeat mean little guitar
Tickets pizza cheese peas spinach
Pilot easy difficult please teacher
c. Say the following sentences quickly.Spuneti urmatoarele propozitii repede.
I want a pizza with cheese and peas but not spinach.
Repeat in English please.
The teacher thinks English is easy.

Resume: a. Make a list of 10 words you would like to know in English. Ask the other students if they know
the word in English. – Faceti o lista cu 10 cuvinte pe care ati vrea sa le stiti in engleza. Intrebati-i pe ceilalti
cursanti daca ei le cunosc.
Example: What’s the English word for …?
How do you say … in English?
b. Use a dictionary or ask the teacher for any words that other students don’t know. – Folositi dictionarul
sau intreaba profesorul pentru cuvintele ce care ceilalti studenti nu le stiu.
c. Show your new English words to other students. Ask and answer about the words.Aratati noile voastre
cuvinte in engleza celorlalti cursanti.Intrebati si raspundeti despre aceste cuvinte.
Example: What does … mean?
It means …
d. Think of your favourite English word. Write all the favourite words of the class on the board. – Ganditi-va
la cuvantul vostru favorit in engleza. Scrieti toate cuvintele favorite ale clasei pe tabla.
Language Check - Gramatica – de retinut!
1. Adverbs and adverb phrases usually come after the
verb and object. – Adverbele si frazele adverbiale de obicei I speak English very well
dupa verb sau obiect. quite welll
2. You use a little before singular nouns and a few before
Plural nouns. – Folositi a littleinainte de substantivele la
singular si a few inainte de cele la plural. a little English.
3. Asking about meaning – Intreband despre sensul cuvantului. I speak
What does ‘Ankunft’ mean? a few words of English.
What’s the English word for ‘supermarché’?
How do you say ‘ristorante’ in English?
Put the following words in the correct order. – Puneti cuvintele in ordinea corecta.
1. a Polish I little speak _________________________________________________________.
2. the what word English is for ‘Ankunft’ ? ______________________________________________
3. very speaks sister Russian well my _______________________________________________.
4. you do ‘supermarché’ Hungarian how say in ? ______________________________________

5. don’t word I speak Chinese a of ___________________________________________________.

Unit 14: Focus on Languages of the World – Discuţie despre limbile lumii

1. In groups. Answer these questions about world languages. – In grup. Raspundeti la intrebarile
despre limbile lumii.
a. Which are the three most common languages in the world?
b. How many countries do you know where they speak more than one language?
c. What are the main languages in these countries?
Argentina Belgium Brazil Canada
India Singapore Switzerland

2. Complete the following statistics. Guess, if necessary. – Completati urmatoarele statistici. Ghiciti
unde este cazul.
a) More than _________________ per cent of people in the world speak two languages in
their everyday lives.
b) ___________________ million people speak English as a first language.
c) ___________________ million people are fluent in English as a second or foreign
language .
d) ___________________ million people speak Chinese.
e) They speak Spanish in about __________________ countries.

3. a) Read the texts and write down the languages that each person speaks. – Cititi textul si scrieti
limba pe care fiecare persoana o vorbeste.
b) Find five verbs in the text which are used with languages. – Gasiti cinci verbe in text care sunt
folosite in mai multe limbi.
Example: speak
c) What do you know about the countries and cities in the texts? Discuss what you know in groups.
Share your information with other groups. – Ce stiti despre tarile si orasele din texte? Discutati in
grupuri.Partajati informatiile cu celelate grupuri.
Example: Madras is….
The capital of Korea is …
We don’t know anything about …
Profesor PARK SU-MI was born in Seoul,
Korea and now works at the University of
RUDI RAMAN is a lawyer in Madras, India.
Northern California in San Francisco.
I was born in Delhi, in the north of
I was born in Korea and so of course I
India. My first language is Hindi and I also
JOANA PARKIN is a financial adviser. She works for speak Korean. I speak English and I study
speak English. Hindi and English are the
Kudoh Investments in London. Spanish. Some students at the university
official languages of our country. Legal
I’m English, but I work for a Japanese speak Spanish as a first language and many
documents are usually in English. I work in
company in London. There are people from all over workers at the university are Spanish
Madras in the south. People in Madras don’t
the world in this office … Japan, the SUA, Germany, speakers. I usually speak English in the
speak Hindi, they speak Tamil. I translate the
Latin America. Everyone speaks English at work, but classroom. I live in a street in San Francisco
documents from English to Tamil- it’s very
the company bosses are all Japanese. I study with people from all over the world. There are
difficult for me!
Japanese in the evenings. I also speak a little French people who speak Korean, Chinese, Spanish,
and a few words of German. I’m not very good at Russian an Ukrainian. Oh, and there’s a family
German. In fact I don’t understand a word! from England- they speak English!

5. a. In groups. Write a quiz for other groups

with questions beginning How many …?Make

sure you know the answers. – In grupuri. Scrieti un chestionar pentru celelate grupe cu intrebari
care incep cu Cate… Sa stiti raspunsurile la intrebari.
Examples: How many people are there in… ?
How many people live in … ?
How many people speak …?
How many countries are there in …?
b. Ask your questions to another group and answer their questions. – Puneti intrebarile altui grup si
raspundeti la intrebarile acestora.


Comunicare în limba englezA

- Curs de initiere -


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