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(Study at Hari Belanja Diskon Indonesia 2017 Event)

Wibawa Prasetya1, Jonathan Variant2

Industrial Engineering of Atma Jaya University Jakarta
Jalan Raya Cisauk, BSD City, Tangerang, Banten 15345

Their needs and desires of consumers for goods and services led to the emergence of competition
tight to get customers who are loyal to the company, Hari Belanja Diskon Indonesia Festival Event has
not yet reached the target that has been determined, and an event that wants to serve as an annual event
need to know the factors that affect revisit intention. Factor analysis used in this study are based on event
service quality. The number of variables studied were 24 variables. This study using purposive sampling
with the number of respondents 170. The data obtained from the respondents were processed using SPSS
17.0 software. The results of this study showed 24 variables that affect revisit intention and examined using
factor analysis model. These factors consist of eight factors: Language and Quality factor with a value of
20.89% explained variance, with Amenities factors value of 7.39%, with Individual Needs factors value of
6.00%, a factor Cleanliness and Decor with 5.56% value, Performance factors with a value of 5.07%,
factor Availability Drinks to the value of 4.66%, factor Facility Information with a value of 4.54%, Symbol
factor with a value of 4,44%. And the most dominant factors are Language and Quality Factors. The advice
given is taken from the variables of the most dominant factors that multiply entertainments available during
the event, to choose a location that appropriate to the number of visitors at the event, to give instructions
in the vicinity of the place, so that visitors are easier to find and reach event locations. Increasing clothing
stand in the event, and the use of language in the instructions contained in the event’s location are advised
to pay attention to the sentence given to be both subtle and obvious.
Keywords : Factor Analysis, Event Service Quality, Revisit Intention


1.1 Latar Belakang

Consumer needs and desires for goods and services develop continuously and affect the shopping
behavior of the product. Knowledge of customers is one of the keys in planning a good marketing
strategy. Customers can be the most valuable company assets. Therefore, there is a need for innovations
that provide more value to make the goods or services superior to other competitors. Indonesian people
are famous for people who like entertainment and gather with their relatives. Events or events are
temporary events and each event is a unique mixing consisting of duration, arrangement, management
and humans. The programs are from cultural, artistic or entertainment celebrations, business or trade,
education and science, recreation and others.
HBDI (Hari Belanja Diskon Indonesia) is an event that was held to enliven the Independence
Day of the 72nd Indonesian Proclamation of Independence which fell in August. This discount week
was initiated by the Indonesian Shopping Center Tenants Association (HIPPINDO). The event also
works with the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia. HBDI itself
is divided into two event concepts.First, HBDI which takes place in shopping centers in various cities
in Indonesia starting August 17-20 2017. Second, HBDIF held at Gambir Expo Kemayoran, Jakarta
starting August 15-27 2017. HBDI aims to create a new shopping trend in August. In organizing
festivals for the community, HBD Festival provides some entertainment aimed at entertaining tourists
who come to this event. In addition to the appearance of local bands and talk showson fashion , the
HBD festival was also enlivened by the appearance of the Jember Carnival (JFC) Fashion brought
in from Jember, East Java. HBDI is also assessed to provide a new attraction for domestic and foreign
tourists to enjoy shopping. Hari Belanja Diskon Indonesia Festival which has been held for thirteen
days and ends on Sunday (08/27/2017) this has been able to attract 30 thousand visitors. Although the
previous target was set for the Indonesian National Shopping Day, the Festival in Gambir Expo was
35 thousand visitors, but according to the Chairman of the Committee HBDI was already quite
good. And as the Chair of the HBDI this year, Fetty said she hoped that next year's sales target would
In holding an event, customers have the desire to have a unique and memorable experience in
enjoying an event. The success of an event is also seen from customer satisfaction, in this case satisfied
customers have thoughts of intention to return to visit the event. Customer satisfaction to support
customers in revisiting is very diverse, there are many factors that can influence customers in evaluating
an event having good quality or not, and making a decision to re-visit or not at the event.
Following are some previous studies regarding the discussion about event service quality. In the
research, Maria Hanny Prieskadina (2014) conducted a study using an event service quality model.
This research produces factors that influence the Kickfest event using the event service quality model.
In the study of Sagita Ika Mursyidah Khoiriyah (2017), research was conducted on service
quality. The intangibles variable in the study explained thatintangibles factors had a positive
relationship with revisit intention.
Seeing the enthusiasm of the residents with the holding of this HBDI event, there is a need for
research to find out what factors influence the intention to review the intention to the Indonesia
Discount Shopping Day Festival held at Gambir Expo

1.2. Problem Formulation

Based on the background that has been made above, researchers wanted to find what are the factors
that cause the intention to come back to the event Discount Shopping Day of Indonesia, and a pa A
dominant factors that cause the intention to come back to the event Discount Shopping Day
of Indonesia, using factor analysis.

1.3. Research Purpose

The objectives of this study are:
1. To find out the factors that cause intention to visit again at the Indonesia Discount Shopping
Day event.
2. To find out the dominant factors that cause intention to visit again at the Indonesia Discount
Shopping Day event.

1.4. Limitations of The Problem

B boss problems that are used so that research can be more focused on the problems that occur
1. The object of the research used was the Indonesia Discount Shopping Day Festival held at
Gambir Expo Kemayoran, Jakarta.
2. Respondents in this study were people who had visited the Indonesia Festival Discount
Shopping Day and were at least 17 years old

2. Literature review
2.1. Factor analysis
Factor analysis is a technique for analyzing several interdependent variables simultaneously in
order to simplify the form of relationships between several variables studied into a number of factors
that are fewer than the variables studied. This gives an understanding that factor analysis can also
describe the data structure of a study (Suliyanto, 2005). The purpose of factor analysis is to describe
covariant relationships between several underlying but unobserved variables, random quantities called
factors (Johnson and Wichern, 2007). Based on the objectives, factor analysis can be grouped into two
types, namely exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis .
2.2. Event
Event is an event that is deliberately held to attract attention. The type of event also varies
depending on the purpose of the event. Event is an activity carried out to get attention. Events can be
designed to show that the company is responsible for the social environment (Pudjiastuti, 2010).
2.3.Event Service Quality
Quality is closely related to expectations and perceptions held by consumers. In terms of event ,
Rosenbaum and Wong (2010) combine service quality variables from Parasuraman and
variables servicescape from Bitner.According to Rosenbaum and Wong (2010: 406), "customers
typically respond to events both intangible and tangible infrastructure items". Intangible service quality
is defined as "soft" service quality, which consists of empathy, reliability, responsiveness,
and assurance (Parasuraman et al, in Rosenbaum, 2010). While role tangible is replaced by dimensions
of servicescape , which consists of ambient conditions, space / function, and signs / symbols / artifacts .
2.4. Revisit Intention
Tourist behavior is part of visiting choices, subsequent evaluations, and future behavioral
intentions. The purpose of the next evaluation is the experience or value and satisfaction
received by the visitor as a whole, while future behavioral intentions refer to the visitor's
assessment of the success of the event so as to cause the intention to return to the same
destination and be willing to recommend it to others. The concept of repurchase intention
comes from behavioral intentions (Chen & Tsai, 2007) .
Interest in revisiting is the willingness of customers to re-visit or re-purchase related products,
a. Interested in visiting again because the services provided by employees are satisfying.
b. Interested in revisiting because of the value and benefits obtained after consuming the product.
c. Interested in visiting again because the supporting facilities provided are adequate.

A study is conducted to get an answer or information that contains data from each problem that
will be examined. Research or research is an activity of collecting, processing, presenting, and
analyzing data carried out by the scientific method efficiently and systematically, the results of which
are useful for knowing a situation or problem in the effort to develop knowledge or to make decisions
in solving problems. The first step used in data collection is by conducting observations in the field. The
results of the observations were then deepened by conducting a literature study by taking several
examples from previous research books or journals. The next step is the preparation of a
questionnaire conducted by the dimensions of service quality with the number of respondents was
170 and person 24 item statements
Persiapan Studi Literatur
Customer Service Revisit Analisis
Observasi Event
Experience quality Intention Faktor

Studi Pendahuluan
State of The

Menentukan Topik

Pengumpulan data dan Pengolahan data

Latar Belakang
Penentuan Teknik
Mengembangkan Model Identifikasi Variabel
Sampling dan Jumlah Perancangan Kuisioner
penelitian Penelitian
Mengolah data dan Pengumpulan data
A Menyajikan informasi primer dan sekunder
Tujuan Penelitian

Batasan Penelitian
Analisa dan dan Menginterpretasikan data

Analisis Analisis Analisis Analisis

Responden Kuisioner Analisa faktor Pengaruh

Kesimpulan dan Saran

Figure 1 Research Methodology Flowchart

Menguji variabel apa saja yang akan dianalisis

Uji Bartlett Test of Sphericity dan MSA.

Tidak lolos (Buang variabel yang tidak lolos uji MSA)

dan melakukan pengujian ulang
Proses factoring, atau menurunkan satu atau
lebih faktor dari variabel variabel yang telah
lolos pada uji variabel sebelumnya

Proses factor rotation atau rotasi terhadap

faktor yang terbentuk
(Metode Orthogonal Varimax)

Interpretasi atau faktor yang telah terbentuk

Validasi atas hasil faktor untuk mengetahui

apakah faktor yang terbentuk tekah valid

Figure 1 Research Methodology Flowchart (continued)

4.1. Validity and Reliability Test Results
From the data from the preliminary questionnaire with a sample of 30 respondents, it can be seen
that the results of testing the validity and reliability of all samples have been meet the standards given ,
namely the r table value is greater than 0.361, and the value of the reliability coefficient is greater
than 0.7. Researcher then proceed by spreading questionnaire to all
respondents showed a gar recapitulation of the whole questionnaire, and thencontinued by performing
calculations by factor analysis.
4.2 Data processing

KMO and Bartlett’s Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .768

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 844.207

df 276

Sig. .000

Figure 2 Test of KMO and Bartlett's Test

Figure 3 Table of Communalities

Figure 4 Table of Total Variance Explained

Figure 5 Scree Plot

Component Matrixa


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

X5 .576 -.411 .118 .031 -.060 .067 -.009 -.128

X11 .536 -.322 .081 -.034 .046 .014 -.332 -.319

X17 .515 .394 -.129 -.067 -.005 -.068 -.037 -.395

X14 .513 -.458 -.021 -.233 -.058 -.049 .132 .002

X16 .495 -.304 .061 -.181 -.367 -.175 -.082 .183

X9 .488 .296 .114 .037 -.045 .258 -.116 -.366

X7 .483 .249 -.298 -.192 -.011 .103 -.059 .126

X6 .481 .264 -.126 -.238 .086 -.391 -.309 -.022

X1 .477 -.084 -.393 .071 -.170 .441 -.028 .087

X20 .447 .380 .060 -.112 -.304 .068 .150 -.039

X4 .435 .112 -.257 -.092 .338 -.004 .339 -.097

X12 .429 .318 .277 .282 .115 -.269 -.144 -.069

X15 .426 .049 -.358 .016 .264 .277 .410 .071

X3 .411 .107 .382 .006 .052 -.238 .318 .143

X2 .382 .237 .319 -.255 -.290 .297 -.109 .212

X23 .546 -.590 .077 -.029 -.060 -.067 .153 .028

X19 .419 -.116 -.491 .282 -.183 -.287 -.066 -.241

X8 .317 .181 .341 -.111 -.247 .182 .091 .024

X18 .444 -.108 .080 .581 -.074 -.023 -.077 .130

X13 .433 .149 .175 .532 -.107 -.029 .352 .019


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

X10 .375 -.031 .221 .238 .520 .105 -.166 .214

X22 .378 -.150 .310 -.390 .470 .031 .079 -.186

X24 .435 .024 -.116 .109 .226 .235 -.445 .379

X21 .436 .195 -.213 -.204 .006 -.404 .068 .461

Figure 6 Component Matrix

Rotated Component Matrixa


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

X23 .789 -.072 .009 .172 .136 .048 .036 .072

X14 .693 .001 .071 -.022 .197 .139 -.017 .087

X5 .665 .158 .105 .165 .091 -.080 .135 .043

X16 .611 -.008 .255 .046 -.109 .332 .014 -.129

X11 .581 .443 -.001 -.010 -.068 -.080 .250 .081

X17 .026 .689 .175 .103 .240 .162 -.050 .014

X9 .068 .579 .366 .134 .147 -.158 .131 .026

X2 .100 .056 .735 -.016 -.035 .105 .180 .025

X8 .105 .082 .562 .152 .001 -.011 -.026 .085

X20 .031 .283 .527 .172 .188 .189 -.124 -.079

X13 .082 .077 .169 .754 .205 -.037 -.016 -.079

X18 .257 .069 -.001 .591 -.010 -.017 .330 -.229

X12 -.030 .405 .090 .505 -.124 .202 .199 .171

X3 .162 -.018 .250 .460 .076 .262 -.075 .355

X15 .101 .023 .034 .101 .771 .040 .114 .001

X4 .099 .220 -.060 .099 .612 .174 -.004 .196

X1 .295 .107 .225 -.045 .451 -.050 .288 -.433

X7 .070 .254 .252 -.088 .367 .340 .204 -.133

X21 .094 -.024 .093 .109 .201 .786 .082 -.009

X6 .103 .495 .034 -.033 -.019 .583 .152 .090

X24 .106 .074 .104 .005 .115 .182 .760 -.106

X10 .084 .032 -.044 .293 .114 .006 .621 .327

X22 .327 .186 .078 -.100 .188 -.006 .113 .686

X19 .335 .415 -.298 .209 .164 .200 -.056 -.449

Figure 7 Rotated Component Matrix

Component Transformation Matrix

Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 .560 .423 .322 .327 .352 .297 .288 .039

2 -.781 .382 .377 .141 .110 .263 -.028 .004

3 .057 -.121 .429 .335 -.521 -.240 .010 .597

4 -.144 -.004 -.313 .758 -.063 -.323 .236 -.377

5 -.195 .037 -.481 -.029 .328 -.028 .435 .656

6 -.070 -.116 .448 -.260 .368 -.659 .352 -.143

7 .002 -.357 .066 .333 .588 -.063 -.610 .191

8 -.093 -.720 .189 .082 .019 .492 .419 -.111

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Figure 8 Component Transformation Matrix

5.1. Analyst a Characteristics of Respondents

Jenis Kelamin


Figure 9 Gender Category Diagram

Based on the diagram above, it can be seen that the majority of respondents to the research
questionnaire were men with a percentage of 56% compared to women, namely 44%. From this
percentage, it was found that more men were willing to take the time to become respondents and fill out
research questionnaires.

14% 17-25 Tahun

39% 26-35 Tahun
> 35 Tahun

Figure 10 Age Category Diagram

From the diagram above, it can be seen that the majority of research respondents are in
the range of ages 26 to 35 years with a percentage of 47%. The second largest age range is 17-25 years
with a percentage of 39%, and more than 35 years with a percentage of 14%. Based on a survey
conducted by BMI Research in 2015, it was found that the age groups that shop most often are those
who are at the age of 24-30 years and the next group are those aged 18-23 years (


< Rp 3.000.000
27% 21%
Rp 3.000.000 -
Rp 6.000.000
> Rp 6.000.000

Figure 11 Revenue Category Diagram

Revenue is the most important component that affects the intensity of a person in
shopping. From the diagram above, it can be seen that the percentage of the largest number of
respondents who filled out the questionnaire was in the range of Rp. 3,000,000 - Rp. 6,000,000 with a
percentage of 52%, the second largest in the range of > Rp. range <Rp. 3,000,000 with a percentage
of 21%.

5.2. Analysis of Factor Analysis

Analysis of valuation variables that are feasible
After the data has been obtained and has been valid and reliable, the existing data are tested and
included in the factor analysis to be tested for KMO and Bartlett Test and MSA ( measures of sampling
adequacy ) values .The MSA value obtained must be above 0.5. From the results that have been obtained
from the KMO, Bartlett Test and MSA test scores obtained at 0.768 with a significance level of
0,000. Therefore, the existing variables and samples can be analyzed further.
Factoring and Rotation Analysis
This factoring and rotation process uses the Principal Component Analysis method , from
the communalities table it is known about the percentage of a variable in explaining a factor. In
the communalities table , theanalysis can be taken as follows: Variables (X1) Giving individual
attention has a number of 0.627 this shows that the variable can explain as much as 62.7% variance
into the factors formed
Total variance explained
In this study there are 24 variables that are included in the factor analysis, with each variable
having variance 1. Then the total variance that exists is equal to 24 x 1 = 24. In this table, we can see
the value if the 24 variables are summarized into one factor , then the variance that can be explained
is in the results listed in the Table of Total Variance Explained .
For variance factor 1:
5,015 / 24 x 100% = 20,896%
If 24 variables are extracted into 2 factors, then:
The variance of factor 1 is 20,896 %
The variance of factor 2 is 1,773 / 24 x 100 % = 7,388%
The arrangement of eigenvalues in this table is sorted from the one with the largest value to the
smallest value, provided that the value of eigenvalues below 1 is not used in calculating the number of
factors formed. In the Table of Total Variance Explained , the 24 variables analyzed turned out to be
grouped into 8 factors, because from the table the eigenvalues values obtained from 1 fixed factor were
more than 1, with 2 fixed factors above 1, with 3 fixed factors above 1, with 4 factors above 1, with 5
fixed factors above 1, with 6 fixed factors above 1, with 1 fixed factor above 1, with 8 fixed factors
above 1, with 9 factors already below 1. Then conclusions can be drawn on the factors formed from the
results Table of Total Variance Explained. Limited to 8 factors.
Component Matrix
Factor loading in this table is the magnitude of the correlation between each variable with
Factor 1, Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor 6 Factor 7 and 8. Determination of variable
factors that enter each visible from the loading factor most large among variables with the intended
1. The correlation between X1 and factor 1 is 0.477 (enough, but weak because it is below 0.5)
2. The correlation between X1 with factor 2 is -0.084 (very weak because it is below 0.5)
3. The correlation between X1 with a factor of 3 is -0,393 (very weak because it is below 0.5)
4. The correlation between X1 and factor 4 is 0.071 (very weak because it is below 0.5)
5. The correlation between X1 with a factor of 5 is -0,170 (very weak because it is below 0.5)
6. The correlation between X1 and factor 6 is 0.441 (enough, but weak because it is below 0.5)
7. The correlation between X1 with a factor of 7 is -0.028 (very weak because it is below 0.5)
8. The correlation between X1 and factor 8 is 0.087 (very weak because it is below 0.5)
For the next variable, it can be seen the distribution of 24 existing variables into 8 factors.
Rotated Component Matrix
This table contains the results of the distribution of variables that are more clear and
tangible. Explanation of the inclusion of factors explained will go into which factors a variable exists,
1. Variable X1 is giving individual attention, the biggest factor loading is in factor 5 with a value
of 0.451. Then the variable X1 is in factor 5.
2. The variable X2 is understanding the specific needs of visitors, the biggest factor loading is in
factor 3 with a value of 0.735. Then the variable X2 is in factor 3.
3. X3 variable is to provide services in accordance with the promised time, the biggest factor
loading is in factor 4 with a value of 0.460. Then the X3 variable is in factor 4.
4. X4 variable is to provide services quickly, the biggest factor loading is in factor 5 with a value
of 0.612. Then the variable X4 is in factor 5.
5. Variable X5 is to determine the price of the entrance ticket according to the quality
provided, the biggest factor loading is in factor 1 with a value of 0.665. Then the X5 variable
is in factor 1.
6. X6 variable is willingness to help visitors, the biggest factor loading is in factor 6 with a value
of 0.583. Then the X6 variable is in factor 6.
7. The variable X7 is the willingness to respond to visitors' expectations, the biggest factor
loading is in factor 5 with a value of 0.367. Then the variable X1 is in factor 5.
8. X8 variable is being polite, the biggest loading factor is in factor 3 with a value of 0.562. Then
the variable X1 is in factor 3.
9. X9 variable is willing to answer visitor questions, the biggest loading factor is in factor 2 with
a value of 0.579. Then the X9 variable is in factor 2.
10. The variable X10 is the location of the fun event , the biggest loading factor is at factor 7 with
a value of 0.621. Then the X10 variable is in factor 7.
11. X11 variable is a convenient event location , the biggest loading factor is in factor 1 with a
value of 0.581. Then the X11 variable is in factor 1.
12. The variable X12 is the location of the clean event , the biggest factor loading is in factor 4
with a value of 0.505. Then the X12 variable is in factor 4.
13. The variable X13 is air at the location of the fresh event , the biggest factor loading is in factor
4 with a value of 0.754. Then the variable X13 is in factor 4.
14. X14 variable event location is easily achieved, the biggest loading factor is in factor 1 with a
value of 0.693. Then the variable X14 is in factor 1.
15. Variable X15 is clean toilet facilities, the biggest factor loading is in factor 5 with a value of
0.771. Then the X15 variable is in factor 5.
16. The variable X16 is the number of stands ( clothing ) that are adequate, the biggest factor
loading is in factor 1 with a value of 0.611. Then the X16 variable is in factor 1.
17. Variable X17 is an easy payment facility, the biggest factor loading is in factor 2 with a value
of 0.689. Then the X17 variable is in factor 2.
18. X18 variable is an attractive decoration, the biggest factor loading is in factor 4 with a value
of 0.591. Then the X18 variable is in factor 4.
19. Variable X19 is a sufficient resting place, the biggest factor loading is in factor 2 with a value
of 0.415. Then the X19 variable is in factor 2.
20. Variable X20 is giving individual attention, the biggest factor loading is in factor 3 with a value
of 0.527. Then the X20 variable is in factor 3.
21. Variable X21 is giving individual attention, the biggest factor loading is in factor 6 with a value
of 0.789. Then the variable X21 is in factor 6.
22. X22 variable is to give individual attention, the biggest factor loading is at factor 8 with a value
of 0.686. Then the X22 variable is at factor 8.
23. The variable X23 is giving individual attention, the biggest factor loading is in factor 1 with a
value of 0.789. Then the variable X23 is in factor 1.
24. Variable X24 is giving individual attention, the biggest factor loading is at factor 7 with a value
of 0.760. Then the X24 variable is at factor 7.
Analysis of Determination of Label Factors
From the results of rotation and factoring the next step taken is to interpret or make labeling of the
factors that are done to be able to represent the member variables of the factor. The results of the study
say factor 1-8 has a role in relation to revisiting an event in this case making a repeat visit at the HBDI
Festival event. In doing naming factors must look at the contents of the variables formed in the
factor. Naming can also be seen from variables that have the largest loading factor of the factors
formed. From the results of factor analysis, there are 8 factors formed and the factor loading value for
each variable as follows:
Table 1 Factor labeling
Nama Explained
No Kode Nama Variabel Factor loading
Faktor Variance
X5 Harga tiket sesuai dengan kualitas .665
X11 Lokasi event nyaman .581
X14 Lokasi event mudah dicapai .693
1 Faktor 1 20,90%
X16 Jumlah stand (clothing) yang memadai. .611
Bahasa pada petunjuk di lokasi dapat
X23 .789
Bersedia untuk menjawab pertanyaan
X9 .579
2 Faktor 2 7,39%
X17 Fasilitas pembayaran yang mudah .689
X19 Tempat peristirahatan yang cukup .415
Memahami kebutuhan khusus
X2 .735
3 Faktor 3 X8 Bersikap sopan .562 6,00%
Makanan yang ditawarkan pada
X20 .527
lokasi event memadai
Memberikan pelayanan sesuai dengan
X3 .460
waktu yang dijanjikan
4 Faktor 4 X12 Lokasi event bersih .505 5,56%
X13 Udara di lokasi event segar .754
X18 Dekorasi yang menarik .591
X1 Memberikan perhatian secara individual .451
X4 Memberikan pelayanan secara cepat .612
5 Faktor 5 Kesediaan untuk merespon permintaan 5,07%
X7 .367
X15 Fasilitas toilet yang bersih .771
X6 Kesediaan untuk membantu pengunjung .583
6 Faktor 6 Minuman yang ditawarkan pada 4,66%
X21 .786
lokasi event memadai
X10 Lokasi event menyenangkan .621
7 Faktor 7 Meja informasi yang terdapat 4,54%
X24 .760
pada event mudah ditemukan
Petunjuk pada lokasi event sangat
8 Faktor 8 X22 .686 4,44%

1. Factor 1 is called the Language and Quality factor, because in this variable which has
the largest loading factor value is variable 23, which is the language in the instructions in the
location that can be understood. Language is an effective means of communication even though
it is not perfect, so that imperfections of language as a means of communication become one
source of misunderstanding (Sudaryono, 2013). This shows the use of good language in
influential clues to make it easy for visitors to visit at an event. If visitors find it difficult to
interpret the language in the instructions around the event, it will lead to misunderstanding for
visitors. Quality is the overall nature of a product or service that influences its ability to satisfy
expressed or implied needs (Kotler, 2005: 57). Variable ticket prices according to quality
indicate visitors want the price of admission in this eventadjusted to the quality provided for
visitors to this matter. The location of an event that is easily reached, the location of
a comfortable event shows that determining the location will have an impact on the quality felt
by the visitors. The number of adequate clothing stands is also related to quality factors,
the event aimed at the fashion world is of course the number of clothing stands that will
adequately show the quality of this event. Visitors who have a goal to shop
for fashion goods will of course see an adequate amount as a measure of the quality
of this event.
2. Factor 2 is called the Facility factor. In this factor, the variable that has
the largest loading factor is variable 17 easy payment facilities. Facilities are all things that
are physical equipment provided by the seller of services to support consumer convenience
(Kotler, 2013: 45). Good facilities can lead to a high level of decision in consumers so that it
can encourage consumers to relate and make purchases of goods and services. Easy payment
facilities become one of the factors that influence the implementation of
a marketing event, especially this HBDI event, because this factor affects how much goods the
consumer will buy. The easier the payment process, the more consumers will love shopping and
vice versa. Variables willing to answer visitor questions indicate that event visitors want good
quality service from event organizers. If the service received by a visitor is satisfactory, then
the visitor will have the desire to revisit the next event. Sufficient resting variables are also
related to facility factors. In this shopping event, where visitors are presented with cheap
clothes prices from well- known brands, visitors are overwhelmed and need a place to take a
break. For this reason, the availability of a resort is one of the facilities to support visitor
satisfaction in visiting the HBDI event.
3. Factor 3 is given the name of the Individual Needs factor. In this factor, the variable that has
the largest loading factor value is variable 2, which is understanding the specific needs of
visitors. Giving the name of the factor of individual needs is sufficient to interpret the variables
included in this factor. This gift is based on the special needs of each individual in enjoying or
visiting an event. Food variables offered at adequate event locations can also be interpreted in
this factor. Food is a special need that is owned by each individual. These needs are the needs
of individuals who have different kinds. Every individual has a different interest in a type of
food. In anevent that is quite large, having diverse foods is also very important to maintain the
comfort of the visitors, and also to complement the needs of each individual who visits
the event itself.
4. This factor 4 is given the name of the Cleanliness and Decoration factor. In this factor, the
variable that has the largest loading factor value is variable 13, which is air
at the fresh event location.. The cleanliness factor in this factor can represent several variables
that are included in this cleanliness and decoration factor. Variable 13 which has the largest
loading factor into the cleanliness period. Hygiene itself is a situation where an object is free
from dirt, dust and others that make the object dirty. Fresh, fresh location of the event itself is
intended as a comfortable or mild situation. Comfortable in an influential location on
cleanliness itself. The other variable that falls into this factor is the clean event location
(0.505). This variable is of course included in the cleanliness factor. The location of the event is
clean, this variable means the location of the event is free from dirt, dust, and others that make
the location of the event dirty. Attractive decoration variable (0.591) this variable is included
in the decoration category in naming factors, in terms of cleanliness and
decoration. Decoration means temporary decoration or jewelry from the room, building, road,
and so on. Decorations performed at an event must be interesting to entertain and to attract
visitors to the event. The last variable in this factor is the variable providing services in
accordance with the promised time (0,460).
5. Factor 5 is called the Service factor. In this factor, the variable that has
the largest loading factor value is variable 15, which is clean toilet facilities. One effort that
can be done by the organizers of an event so that visitors who come to the event are satisfied
and have the potential to revisit the intention is to provide the best service, so that visitors have
memorable experiences with the event and have the desire to come back to the same event .The
Chair of the Indonesian Toilet Association, Naning Adiwoso, in an interview with said "Toilets are a real space to meet other physical, social and
psychological needs. Toilets as public facilities must pay attention to aspects of design, user
behavior, care, and management commitment. Public toilets must be made wide because they
are not only used by one or two people " (Beo, 20 May
2016 , 25
July 2018). Clean toilet facilities are one form of service that can be provided
by event organizers. Variables give individual attention, provide services quickly, and
willingness to answer visitor requests is also related to service factors. Of course, in an event ,
there will always be visitors who need help from the officers, both asking for directions and so
on. For this reason, giving individual attention to event attendants is also an important form of
service. In terms of visitors, visitors will always expect facilities and satisfying services by
paying the minimum price.
6. Factor 6 is called the Beverage Availability factor. In this factor, the variable that has
the largest loading factor value is variable 21, which is the beverage offered at the
location event adequate. As we know, water has an important function for a human. One
function of water is to eliminate thirst. Therefore, it is important for event organizers to come
to think about the problem of availability of drinks, so that visitors who come to the event do
not feel dehydrated and the event held can also run smoothly. Variable willingness to help
visitors help support the success of an event due to good service will give a positive impression
to the visitor so that visitors will have the interest to revisit intention in the event that.
7. Factor 7 is called the Ease of Information factor. In this factor, the variable that has
the largest loading factor value is variable 24, namely the information table contained
in event easy to find. Information desk is a means of information for visitors to get information
that they want to know about the event held. The location of the information desk
placement must be strategic so that visitors who need help do not feel difficult and can be
directed well. The fun event location variable illustrates that the location of the event is clear,
easy to reach, has a large parking area and the air circulation that occurs at the event is held
well. This variable greatly supports the success of the event, because if access to
the event location it is easily accessible and the available parking lots are quite extensive, more
and more visitors will be interested in coming and shopping.
8. Factor 8 is called the Symbol factor. In this factor, the variable that has
the largest loading factor value is variable 22, which is the direction on the
location event very helpful. The instructions installed at an event are part of the facilities
provided by the organizer for visitors. The existence of clear instructions in the form of symbols
will make it easier for visitors to move in related events.

Model Accuracy Analysis ( Fit Model )

Analysis of the accuracy of the model is useful to see the validation of the factors that have been
formed. The model is declared appropriate or fit if the residual value is below 50%. Residuals computed
between observed and reproduced correlations There are 132 (47.0%) nonredundant residuals with
absolute values greater than 0.05

From the results of data processing and analysis that have been done, there are several
conclusions, namely:
1. Factors that generate interest in conducting revisit intention in the Indonesian Discount
Day event are Language and Quality Factors (20.9%), consisting of ticket prices according to
quality, location event convenient, the location of the event is easily reached, the number
of stands ( clothing ) is adequate, the language in the instructions at the location is
understandable. Facility Factor (7.39%), consisting of Willing to answer visitor questions,
Easy payment facilities, Adequate resting place. Individual Needs Factor (6.00%), consisting
of Understanding the specific needs of visitors, Being polite, Food offered at the
location event Adequate Cleanliness and Decoration Factors (5.56%) consisting of,
Providing services in accordance with the promised time, Location event clean, air on
location event fresh, attractive decoration. Service Factors (5.07%) consist of, Giving
individual attention, Providing services quickly, Willingness to respond to visitors'
expectations, Clean toilet facilities. Beverage Availability Factor (4.66%) consists of,
Willingness to help visitors, Drinks offered on location event adequate. Factor Ease of
Information (4.54%) consists of Location event fun, table information contained
on event easy to find and the last factor is given the name Symbol Factor (4.44%) which
consists of Instructions on the location event very helpful.
2. The most dominant factors that influence reivisit intention on Hari Belanja Diskon Indonesia
are Language and Quality factors.
3. Visitors tend to see in terms of the price of entrance tickets, the ease of going to the location
of comfort events in the event environment , adequate clothing stand, and the language
contained in the instructions scattered in the event as variables included in the Language and
Quality factors.

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