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Jacob Roman

Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Kelly, and Ms.Wilczynski

American Literature

March 28 2019

What does it mean to be ethical ?, the definition of ethical is “Relating to moral principles

or the branch of knowledge dealing with these”, for some people being ethical is the same as the

idea of justice,like living your life based on personal morals or the idea of doing the right thing

for the majority of the group. it’s the idea of doing the right thing not just for yourself but for

others. In many cases it is our duty (framework) as people to help one another, be fair and seek

out the best for the many, this may seem like a lot but it can be narrowed into 10 rules .

Some of the ways a person can be ethical can be found with the idea of others. Do you

put others first or do you think about how your actions could affect other people, this is part of

the consequence framework. Some of these can be to Do no harm to other people, giving people

the benefit of the doubt, do not manipulate others, do not gossip or cause drama that could hurt

someone in anyway, and help others because you can, not because there's something in return.

These rules make a person put others before themselves and makes people take their actions in to

further considerations.

Another are Morals and laws, If you have the power to do good then you have an

obligation to do those, don’t fall in to greed, and obey fair laws. These rules question what many

think is the normal and asks them to seek what is not only better for the people around them but

Finally the last set of rules falls into the virtue framework, these are the rules that are

based on a person’s opinion on what is the right thing to do. Treat others like how you would

want to be treated and take responsibility for all of your actions. These rules can be different for

each person, from the idea of fair treatment potentially being good to it being bad, however, in

many cases these rules makes a person consider whether their own personal opinions are right.

When making these rules I chose these because I believed it fit in ideals and beliefs that if

a lot more people followed may change the way we treat our neighbors or the way we want to be

like in our lives. There was a few revisions I had to make however, from getting rid of a rule for

being very similar to another rule and it being replaced with a whole new rule (#6).

In conclusion, with these 10 rules, whether common or uncommon, if a person were to

follow these or even just try it once, a person may hesitate at first but will find that the idea of

considering others or even reflecting on a person's, the help is could bring to people who need it,

from family to friends or strangers who you have never met, creating the idea of uniting people

and helping each other unlike before.

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