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Date: 15 Sep 2015
Criteria Number: 4

LEARNING STORIES: A Framework for Assessment (Responding)

The final part of the 3-part series of the Learning Story Workshop tackled how educators must respond to certain
learnings of children. Learning stories do not end in just merely identifying the learning of the child, it must go beyond
that. So what’s next for the child? As an educator, how can we support and enhance that learning of the child? What
must we provide them? What must we do in order for them to further develop what they have started? Those were the
questions that were answered when I attended this workshop.

Some key points that I have learnt during the workshop:

If there is only one word to describe children, that is unpredictable.

• Allow the children to be Children are curious, imaginative and intellectual. In addition to that,
they are not afraid of trying new things and are always seeking for
the leader of their answers of a lot of questions in their mind. As I observed my children, I
can’t stop thinking of the little things they do that amaze me. I strongly
learning believe that children can be the leader of their own learning. With the
things and ideas that can think of, way of exploring things, it will never
be a question if they can actually be their own teacher.

Support the children on what they want. We should not force to learn
• something that they are not interested in.

• More things that we • Think of the knowledge and skills gained but don’t forget to also
include how dispositions supported the child’s learning.
should consider: • Explain the reason why the learning is so significant.
• Dig deep – How does this learning story connect to other
learning stories of the child.

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