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Laelatuzzahro’dinurrohmah 1505085031

The Teachers’ Perspectives toward Bahasa Inggris BSE textbook for Senior High School
Students of SMAN 1 Long Ikis

Chapter I: Introduction
I. Background of Study
One of the sources of science, a book is a key instrument in an effort to improve the quality
of education. In the educational system, a textbook is one of the components that is a must. This
is because the textbook is a bridge to transfer knowledge and transfer value from a teacher to
Litz (2012) said that textbook material plays a very significant role in many language
classes. The prominent things included both the potential and limitations of materials for 'guiding'
students through learning and curriculum processes as well as the needs and preferences of teachers
using textbooks. A good textbook also needs to concern in these issues, including the design and
practicality of textbooks, methodological validity, the role of textbooks in innovation, material
authenticity in terms of their language representation, and the appropriateness of gender
representation, subject matter, and cultural components.
Litz (2005) in his study also provide Hutchinson and Torres idea (1994) that textbook is
the most substantial element of English language teaching, there is no teaching-learning situation
is complete until it has its relevant textbook.
The BSE books were published since 2010. It was claimed as the solution for the
expensiveness of textbook for students. Nowadays, Bahasa Inggris BSE textbook used in almost
every school in Indonesia. Sundari (2012) stated in her research, the use of Electronic School
Books in general in Indonesia began in 2010, in line with the government's Book BOS program.
The government purchased the copyright of the book and then all of them were given the name
Electronic School Book (BSE) to solve to problem of the expensiveness of proper textbook for
teaching and learning process.
Since the textbooks play an important role in teaching and learning process, it’s important
too, to know the quality of the textbooks. Garinger (2002) said that a good textbook has to contain
these four aspects; Matching the lesson books with the courses, Reviewing skills presented in the
textbooks, Reviewing exercises and activities in the textbooks, and Considering practical skills.
II. Research Question(s)
Laelatuzzahro’dinurrohmah 1505085031

Based on the background of the study, the research question is

 What are the teachers’ perspectives toward the Bahasa Inggris BSE textbook for the
senior high school students?
III. Research Objective(s)
Based on the research question, this research aims to,
 To know the teachers’ perspective toward the Bahasa Inggris BSE textbook for the
senior high school students
IV. Definition of Key Terms
 Perspective is a thought, a certain attitude or way about something or a point of view.
 Textbook is a school book that used in schools, it is the manual instruction in each
branch of the study.

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

I. Theories
a. The Concept of Perspective

From Cambridge online dictionary perspective is certain ways to consider something. So,
perspective is about someone’s point of view. Stephen Marble, Sandy Finley, and Chris Ferguson
(2000) said that it’s important to better understand the way teachers think about something, in this
case, Bahasa Inggris BSE textbook because teachers are the one who face the reality in teaching
and learning process, their ideas, their problems are substantial.
b. The Concept of Bahasa Inggris BSE textbook
Sundari (2012) said that BSE textbooks a technological breakthrough where through
electronic tools which is just a pocket size, it can be used to access textbooks from kemendikbud
website. With the establishment of ISBN numbering standards for electronic editions, it makes e-
books easier to refer to their papers or scientific papers. But over time the BSE or Electronic School
Book is also published in the form of printouts or textbooks.
Students, teachers, parents, and anyone else can freely access the BSE books from . The website loads every single subject that taught in school. The
researcher also did an observation and found out that the BSE textbooks price is around Rp7.000,-
until Rp18.000,-.
II. Relevant Previous Studies
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Zaenal Irawan, Maya Eka Sari, Muthia Umi Setyoningrum (2015) did a research titled Analisis
Implementasi Kebijakan Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Di
Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Kota Yogyakarta (Studi kasus di SMA Negeri 8 dan SMA Negeri
9 Yogyakarta) they did an in‐depth interviews and also observation about the use of BSE textbook
in Yogyakarta and found out that based on teachers’ perspective, the content of the material in the
BSE is not appropriate enough to achieve the target of the school. Teachers see the content of the
material in BSE books are so basic. So for students in the school, BSE books are inadequate for
the development of student competencies.
Tok (2010) did a research titled TEFL textbook evaluation: From teachers’ perspectives, he
did an interviewed 46 English teachers at Malaysia and Turkey about their perspective in the
textbook they have been used and found out, textbooks have some important and negative
characteristics. The prominent characteristics, for example, teacher books contain guidance on
how textbooks can be used for the maximum benefit of students. Activities combine individual
pairs and group work. It also reflects a multi-skill syllabus, and it successfully integrates four
language skills without neglecting other important aspects of ELT such as vocabulary
development. With regard to content, textbook content is generally realistic. What's more
interesting challenging and motivating, there is enough variation in the subject and content of
textbooks. And the contents are not culturally biased and they do not portray any negative
stereotypes. Regardless of its power, the textbook has many negative characteristics. Most people
actually respond to the layout and design aspects of the book less well. As mentioned earlier,
almost all respondents perceive that the textbooks they use provide a balance of activity; nearly
half of teachers thought that the activities in the textbook encouraged inadequate communicative
and meaningful practices. They also think that the activities contained in the textbooks do not
combine the work of couples and groups. Half of the teachers think that grammar points and
vocabulary material are not introduced in a motivating and realistic context. Many activities, for
example, are repetitive, failing to discourage meaningful practices, promote realistic discourse, or
lead to the internalization of language.
It’s so important to do more research to evaluate the BSE textbook especially English or
Bahasa Inggris (regarding it is almost used in every school in Indonesia) in this proposal research
by teachers’ perspective because they are the people who face the teaching and learning conditions
Laelatuzzahro’dinurrohmah 1505085031

Chapter III: Research Methodology

I. Research Design
The design of this research will be descriptive qualitative research because the researcher will
use an interview to know about the teachers' perspective towards the use of Bahasa Inggris BSE
textbook for senior high school students in this case students of SMAN 1 Long Ikis.
II. Research Subject
The subject of this research will be all of English teachers of SMAN 1 Long Ikis.
III. Data Collection Technique
The researcher will collect the data by interview, so the researcher will:
 Go to the SMAN 1 Long Ikis and ask for permission to do a research by interview.
 Make appointments to do an interview to every English teacher at SMAN 1 Long Ikis.
 The researcher will do the interviews.
 The researcher will analyze the data.
IV. Research Instrument
 Interview Questions
o Specific research questions are listed as follows (adapted from Hidayet Tok
study at 2010):
 To what extent is the textbook effective according to the layout and
 To what extent is the textbook effective according to the activities?
 To what extent is the textbook effective according to the skills?
 To what extent is the textbook effective according to the language type?
 To what extent is the textbook effective according to the subject and
 To what extent is the textbook effective according to the whole Aspect?
 Voice Recorder or Video Recorder
V. Data Analysis Technique
 Change the recorded interview into interview transcript
 Code the interview transcript through QDAminer (an application)
 The researcher asks some another English department students to do a Triangulation
Analysts to review the findings
Laelatuzzahro’dinurrohmah 1505085031

o It can provide an examination of selective perceptions and illuminate blind spots in

interpretive analysis and also understand different ways of viewing data
 Researcher interpret the data


Garinger, Dawn. (2002). Textbook Selection for the ESL Classroom. Center for Applied
Linguistics, Eric Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics. Washington DC, USA: ERIC

Irawan, Z., Sari, Maya E., & Setyoningrum, Muthia U. (2015). Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan
Buku Sekolah Elektronik (BSE) Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional Di Sekolah Menengah Atas
(SMA) Kota Yogyakarta (Studi Kasus Di SMA Negeri 8 Dan SMA Negeri 9 Yogyakarta). FIP
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Litz, David.R.A. (2005). Textbook Evaluation and ELT Management: A South Korean Case
Study. Asian EFL Journal

Litz, David.R.A. (2012). Textbook Evaluation and ELT Management: A South Korean Case
Study. Asian EFL Journal

Marble, S., Finley, S., & Ferguson, C. (2000). Understanding Teachers' Perspectives on Teaching
and Learning. Texas, USA: SEDL (Southwest Educational Development Laboratory)

Mayring, Philipp (2014). Qualitative content analysis: theoretical foundation, basic procedures
and software solution. Klagenfurt. URN:

Sundari, Titik. (2012). Penggunaan Buku Sekolah Elektronik IPS Sebagai Bahan Ajar Dalam
Pembelajaran Sejarah Di SMP Negeri 4 Malang. Universitas Negeri Malang

Tok, Hidayet. (2010). TEFL Textbook Evaluation: From Teachers’ Perspectives. Educational
Research and Review, 5 (9), pp. 508-517


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