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1. Full Name *

2. Age

3. Gender
Mark only one oval.


4. Monthly Income
Mark only one oval.

Less Than 10000

Above 40000

5. In the past 1 year, how much money did you spend on Medical policy?

Mark only one oval.

5000 or Less
Above 20000

6. In the past 6 months, have you ever taken claim against your medical policy? What
is the approximate time taken by company?
Mark only one oval.

No, never
Yes, Time taken 3 Hrs.
Yes, Time taken 5 Hrs.
Yes, Time taken 1 day.

7. If yes to the above question, to which medical company have you taken your claim ?

a) Apollo Munich Health Insurance Company Limited. ...

b) Star Health and Allied insurance Co Ltd. ...

c) Future Generali India Insurance Company Ltd. ...

d) Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co Ltd. ..

8. On a scale of 1 to 5, please rate your past experience taking claim:

Mark only one oval.

1 Very Dissatisfied
2 Dissatisfied
3 Netural
4 Satisfied
5 Very Satisfied

9. Please mention the disease for taking claim.

Check all that apply.

Acute pain



Any other, mention

10. Please sequence the following difficulties in taking claim, according to your reality:
Check all that apply.

Company requires “proof” of disease.

Company discourages the claim with other excuses
I have to contact the company, it’s kind of troublesome
I have to wait a long period to get the refund (until the company receives proof)

11. On a scale of 1 to 5, how easy do you think it is to take refund from

Mark only one oval.

1 Very Difficult
2 Difficult
3 Netural
4 Easy

12. Upon your policy purchase, how important is “executive give after sale service” to
Mark only one oval.

Not Important at all

Somewhat Not Important
Very Important

13. Have any scenario occurred when medical company refused to return you amount
against your claim.
Mark only one oval.

If yes, mention reason given by Medical company

14. Usually, how much time is taken by medical company to return the amount for the
claim ?
Mark only one oval.

Less than 1 Days

Between 3-7 Days
More Than 7 Days

15. Any Other Suggestion you would like to mention about the returning policy of the E-
commerce websites.

Thank you for your response.


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