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Advanced Medical Life Support (AMLS)

AMLS is an education program of the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians

(NAEMT). The program is endorsed by the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP). This
program is for all levels of healthcare practitioners committed to providing quality care for patients in
medical crisis. AMLS emphasizes the use of scene size-up, history, interactive group discussion on
potential treatment strategies and physical exam to systematically rule out and consider possibilities
and probabilities in treating patients' medical crises. The course is designed to combine interactive
scenario-based lectures with hands-on physical assessments of patients.
http ://www /education/amls a/amls a.aspx

Pre-Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)

PHTLS is developed by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians in cooperation
with the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. The Pre hospital Trauma Life Support
PHTLS) course is a unique continuing education program created in recognition of the real need in
EMS education for additional training in the handling of trauma patients. This indispensable program is
designed to enhance and increase knowledge and skill in delivering critical care in the pre hospital
environment. http://www /phtls a.aspx

Trau ma First Response (TFR)

The Trauma First Response course is a one-day continuing education course that teaches the principles
of Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) to non-EMS practitioners, including first responders ,
police officers, firefighters , rescue personnel and safety officers. It helps them prepare to care for
trauma patients while serving as part of a transport team or awaiting a transport provider.
http ://www /TraumaFirstResponse .aspx

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)

TCCC course introduces evidence-based, life-saving techniques and strategies for providing the best
trauma care on the battlefield. NAEMT conducts TCCC courses under the auspices of its PHTLS
program, the recognized world leader in prehospital trauma education. NAEMT's TCCC courses are
fully compliant with the Department of Defense 's Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care
(CoTCCC) guidelines. It is the only TCCC course endorsed by the American College of Surgeons.

Law Enforcement & First Response Tactical Casualty Care (LEFR-TCC)

LEFR-TCC teaches public safety first responders including police, other law enforcement officers,
firefighters, and other first responders the basic medical care interventions that will help save an injured
responder's life until EMS practitioners can safely enter a tactical scene. It combines the principles of
PHTLS and TCCC, and meets the recommendations of the Hartford Consensus document and TECC

Emergency Pediatric Care (EPC)

EPC provides a unique approach to pediatric emergency care, offering assessment techniques that can
help EMS practitioners rapidly and accurately assess pediatric patients to determine which situations
may be life-threatening and require immediate intervention. In addition to providing current
knowledge and training in proper treatment modalities, the course incorporates family centered care
throughout all scenarios. Training encompasses lectures, hands-on skills practice and small group
critical thinking discussions. EPC is for all emergency medical technicians and paramedics committed
to providing quality care for pediatric patients. http://www /epc.aspx

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