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Chemical Bonds

Chapter 6
Counting & Identifying Atoms
 Atoms form bonds which form molecules.

 Molecules are “groups” of atoms in a fixed ratio

 They are considered PURE SUBSTANCES

 H2O = water…it’s required for life

 H2O2 = Hydrogen peroxide…it will kill you
 Being able to identify atoms within molecules is
important when it comes to naming and identifying
bond type.

 To help you…
 Be certain that you are not inverting numbers
Parts of a Molecule
 Symbols: the shortened version of the element;
found on the periodic table.

 It represents one atom of that element.

 CS vs. Cs
 Carbon & Sulfur vs. Cesium
 Si vs. SI
 Silicon vs. Sulfur and Iodine
 Subscript: a number written at the lower right corner
BEHIND the symbol of an element.

 If there is more than one atom of the element, then a

subscript is used to indicate the number of atoms.

 H2O
 Hydrogen: 2

 Oxygen: 1

 CO2
 Carbon: 1
 Oxygen: 2
 A subscript outside a bracket, multiples all the
elements inside the brackets.

 (PO4)2
 Phosphorus: 2 2x1=2
 Oxygen: 8 4x2=8

 (NO3)2
 Nitrogen: 2 2x1=2
 Oxygen: 6 3x2=6
 Coefficient: a number written in front of a
chemical symbol and indicates the number of atoms
of that element or number of molecules.

 2H2O
 2 molecules of water

 6CO2
 6 molecules of carbon dioxide
 Anytime you do not see a coefficient or a subscript,
assume that it is “one; 1”

 You can think of counting molecules like...

 Modified “FOIL”-ing (first, outside, inside, last)

 Using PEMDAS for order of operations
Let’s Practice!
How Many
Barium: 1
Sulfur: 1
Oxygen: 4
How Many
Calcium: 1
Sulfur: 1
Oxygen: 4
How Many
Magnesium: 1
Nitrogen: 2
Oxygen: 6
How Many
Aluminum: 1
Hydrogen: 3
Oxygen: 3
How Many
Magnesium: 3
Carbon: 3
Oxygen: 9
How Many
Lead: 4
Nitrogen: 8
Oxygen: 24
Ionic Bonding & Naming
Learning Targets
1. Describe how an ionic bond forms and how
ionization energy affects the process.

2. Predict the composition of an ionic compound

from its chemical formula.

3. Name and determine chemical formulas for

ionic compounds.
Importance of Electrons
 Elements have different electron configurations

 Electron configurations affect elements

 Reactivity
 Bond type/ability to form bonds
It All Comes Back to Last Chapter…
 We are going to start utilizing valence electrons and the
Lewis Dot Diagrams!
 (AKA: Electron Dot Diagram)

 Remember 
 Valence electrons are those on the outer most shell.
 Valence electrons are determined by looking at the GROUP the
elements are found.
 Shells will hold 8 valence electrons, unless it’s found in period
one; then it is “maxed-out” at 2.
 Remember 
 Lewis Dot Diagrams are focused ONLY on the number of
valence electrons
 NOT the total number of electrons!
Stable Electron Configurations
 When the highest occupied energy level of an
atom is filled with electrons, the atom is stable
and not likely to react.

 The noble gases!

 All elements WANT to be like the noble gases.

 They want stability
 They want a “full octet” or a complete
valence shell
 Elements that do not have a full octet, achieve this by

 A reaction allows elements to have a full octet and

become stable.

 Some elements achieve stable electron configurations by

transferring electrons between atoms.
Transfer of Electrons
 Remember  the goal is to look like a noble gas & have a full

 Look at the LDD for Sodium (Na)

 Is it easier for sodium to LOSE 1 electron, or GAIN 7 electrons?

 It takes less energy to get rid of the 1 electron, so that is what

sodium does.
 Now let’s look at Chlorine (Cl)

 Is it easier for Chlorine to LOSE 7 electrons, or pick up 1?

 Less energy to gain one, so that’s what chlorine does

 So sodium gets rid of one electron (e-) and chlorine wants one e-

 At the atomic level, there is a transfer of electrons between the

sodium and chlorine

 A molecule of NaCl (sodium chloride, AKA table salt) is formed

 Each element now has a much more stable electron configuration.

Formation of Ions
 Did you notice the +/- charges on the sodium &

 Where did they come from?

 When an atom gains/loses electrons, the electron#
and proton# are no longer equal.
 The atom is no longer considered neutral
 A + charge = more protons than electrons
 A – charge = more electrons than protons
 Atoms that are not
neutral, are called
 The charge is
represented by a
+/- in the UPPER
right corner
 This is called a
 Ions that have an overall NEGATIVE charge are
called anions
 Chlorine is an anion
 PSR word  an, means “not/without”
 Without a positive charge

 Ions that have an overall POSITVE charge are called

 Sodium is a cation
 Cation has a “t”  the “t” kind of looks like a “+”
Formation of Ionic Bonds
 Opposites attract

 Ionic bonds are formed between anions and


 Ionic bonds are formed when electrons are

transferred from one atom to another.
Ionization Energy
 Ionization energy is the amount of energy required for an
element to lose or remove it’s electrons

 The lower the ionization energy, the easier it is to remove an

electron from an atom.

 Ionization energy decreases as you move down a group/family

(K will lose electrons more readily compared to Na)

 But it increases as you move across a period from L to R (Li

will lose electrons more readily than Be, which will lose
them easier than B)
Ionic Compounds
 A chemical formula is a way to show what elements are in a
compound and in what ratio the atoms exist.

 You need to be able to take a compound and write a formula


Another Way…
 You can find the formula from the charges, by using the
“criss-cross” method

Mg2+ Cl-

Once charge is determined, criss-cross, drop the

charge, the superscript # becomes the subscript#
and then reduce!

Mg 1 Cl 2

Bell Work
 Count the atoms for the following molecules
 Fe(NO3)2
 4Al(OH)3
 3(NH4)2CO2

 Create an ionic bond between the following elements. Write

the correct chemical formula (this was the LAST part of
notes from yesterday)
 Calcium & Oxygen
 Sodium and Nitrogen
 Fe(NO3)2
 Iron: 1
 Nitrogen: 2
 Oxygen: 6

 4Al(OH)3
 Aluminum 4
 Oxygen 3
 Hydrogen 3

 3(NH4)2CO2
 Nitrogen: 6
 Hydrogen: 24
 Carbon: 3
 Oxygen: 6
Calcium & Oxygen
Ca2+ O2-
Ca2 O2

Sodium and Nitrogen

Na+ N3-
Na3 N1
Great…So How Do We Name Them?
 The name of an ionic compound MUST
distinguish it from other compounds that contain
the same elements.

 You are expected to be able to name (from

memory) binary ionic compounds
 Those containing 2 (and only 2) elements.
 Don’t worry, there is a formula!
 Ion names will ALWAYS follow this pattern…
 Cation-Anion

 The cation name does not change

 Anion name drops the ending of the non-metal name and adds
the suffix— “-ide”

 Fluorine  Fluoride
 Oxygen  Oxide
 Phosphorus  Phosphide

 Lithium + Oxygen  Lithium Oxide

 Beryllium + Chlorine  Beryllium Chloride
Polyatomic Ions
 Ions exist that contain more than 1 atom, like…
 NH4+  aka Ammonium
 SO42-  aka Sulfate

 You will be expected for form ionic bonds and be able to

accurately count atoms; but you will NOT need to memorize
 A list of polyatomic ions, names & chemical formulas will be
provided when necessary.
Covalent Bonding & Naming
Section 6.2
Section 6.3
Learning Targets
1. Describe how covalent bonds form and the attractions that
keep atoms together in molecules.

2. Compare polar and nonpolar bonds and demonstrate how

polar bonds affect the polarity of the molecule.

3. Compare the attractions between polar and non-polar


4. Name & determine chemical formulas for covalent

Covalent Bonding
 Remember  Ionic bonds TRANSFER electrons.

 Metals LOSE electrons

 Have an overall POSITVE charge
 Called CATIONS

 Non-Metals GAIN electrons

 Have an overall NEGATIVE charge
 Called ANIONS
 Covalent Bonds  electrons are SHARED

 Bond between NON-METAL + NON-METAL


 Both anions want to GAIN electrons…so they have

to share!
Lewis Dot Diagrams…
 Water
 H 2O
 2 hydrogen & 1 oxygen Oxygen & Hydrogen
are both happy.

Hydrogen has a
complete octet (2 e-)
So the MOLECULE of water looks like…
Oxygen has a
complete octet (8 e-)
 Let’s try CH4
 1 carbon & 4 hydrogen
Naming & Writing Covalent Bonds
 N2O—NO—NO2—N2O3—N2O4—N2O5

 IF these were all ionic bonds, they’d have the same

 Nitrogen Oxide

 But they aren’t  most obvious sign…

 the bond is formed between two non-metals!
 Covalent bonds also have a naming system to follow…
 The first element keeps its elemental name
 The second element drops it’s ending and adds “-IDE”
 Up to this point, this is the same as ionic bonding
 Covalent bonds utilize PREFIXES to denote the number of atoms of each

1  mon(o)- 6  hex(a)-

2  di- 7  hept(a)-
3  tri- 8  oct(o)-

4  tetr(a)- 9  non(o)-

5  pent(a)- 10  dec(a)-

 N2O  Dinitrogen oxide

 No need to put “monoxide” because it is implied.
 Also, we know it is covalent because of the “di” prefix
 NO  Nitrogen monoxide
 Never start a name with “mono”  again, it is implied
 NO2  Nitrogen dioxide

Now you try…

Dinitrogen trioxide

Dinitrogen tetroxide

Dinitrogen pentoxide

Carbon tetrachloride

Tetraphosphorus trisulfide
Covalent Bonds: Part II
Polar vs Nonpolar
 Some covalent bonds will share electrons equally, where as
others do not.
 (Sharing with siblings!)

 The tendency for equal sharing (or not) comes down to a

concept known as ELECTRONEGATIVITY
 Electronegativity is the tendency to attract electrons towards
 (Let’s look at the periodic table on the next slide)
Highest R
Electronegativity O

Lowest E
Electronegativity S
 The “higher” the number the “more electronegative”

 Opposites attract
 but “likes” don’t necessarily repel…
 Instead they form a special type of bond

 Large difference in electronegativity (Between 2.0 & 4.0)

 Ionic Bond
 Small difference in electronegativity (Between 0.51 & 1.99)
 Polar Covalent
 No difference in electronegativity (Between 0.00 & 0.50)
 Nonpolar Covalent
POLAR Covalent Molecules
 Water is a POLAR molecule. Determine electronegativity for
each atom (use, EN periodic table)
 HOW do I know this?
Determine the bond type, by subtracting the
3.5 SMALLER number from the larger number.
(you will never have a negative
electronegativity difference).
3.5-2.1 = 1.4
3.5-2.1 = 1.4 The difference is 1.4 & the BOND between Oxygen and
Hydrogen is POLAR because the difference of 1.4 is between
0.51 and 1.99

2.1 Now, what about the MOLECULE?

Draw a VECTOR from lower to higher EN and
complete VECTOR addition. The arrows DO NOT
cancel, so YES, water is a POLAR MOLECULE
NONPOLAR Covalent Molecules
 Carbon Dioxide is a NONPOLAR molecule.
 How do I know this? First, determine EN of each element,
then find the EN difference for each
3.5-2.5 = 1.0 3.5-2.5 = 1.0
The difference between oxygen and carbon is
3.5 3.5 1.0, each BOND is technically a polar bond,
due to the EN difference.

Don’t forget the vectors! From

low to high…

Using vector addition, they cancel and the difference between 1.0
and 1.0 is ZERO. So despite a polar bond, the MOLECULE is
Why Do I Care?
 Polarity plays a role in every aspect of our lives!

 “like dissolves like”

 Polar molecules dissolve polar molecules
 Nonpolar molecules dissolve nonpolar molecules
 Polar and nonpolar molecules do not dissolve one another
 Water = Polar
 Oil = Nonpolar

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