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2019 Wyższe Szkoły Bankowe

Lider programów MBA w Polsce


working in partnership with

What is success?
There’s no single definition or recipe for success. Each of us is a unique individual, everyone has
their own dreams and priorities. For some, success will be associated with the purchase of a new
home, some will put the highest value on their professional career, and there’ll be those who
think that family is everything. There’s one thing that’s just as true about everyone, though: the
key to success is an ability to set yourself realistic goals and consistently strive to achieve them.
Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

For me, it’s striking the right balance between work and life – family life. What really matters
is that we use common sense at all times and not get obsessed with success. The way I feel about
it, attainment rewards those with the right attitude and should be seen as a process, one that is
indicative of our life philosophy. It reflects the way we pursue our ambitions while being fully
aware of what we want, remaining true to our moral values, and maintaining a sound equilibrium
between all aspects of life.

What can help make your dreams come true?

I see it as a major success of mine to have been appointed regional sales manager in the
pharmaceutical company that I’ve been working for for nearly 12 years. To achieve this, I’d had to
show so much determination, perseverance, and humility. It was a process that took time, I’d been
preparing for it for many months, or years, actually. At the end of the day, I can say it was worth
all the effort because now I finally do what I love doing, and I believe my passion and my energy
can be felt all over the place. This position has given a spur to my personal growth, as shown in my
study for an MBA degree. Being in the Program, I’ve met a lot of interesting people with diverse
professional backgrounds and I can share experiences with them. No doubt success is the driver

that lets me spread my wings and fly higher and higher. I now know that I can never say “enough”,
that I must press on. To be the best in whatever I do every day, at work as well as at home.

Ms Magdalena Rut
Regional Sales Manager for a pharmaceutical company
MBA Program student at WSB University in Gdańsk
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku WSB University in Gdańsk
Jesteśmy jedną z najstarszych uczelni niepublicznych We are among the oldest private universities in the region of
na Pomorzu. Należymy do zespołu dziesięciu Wyższych Pomorze, and one of the ten WSB Universities countrywide
Szkół Bankowych stanowiących największą grupę making up Poland’s strongest group of privately-run
niepublicznych uczelni biznesowych w Polsce. collegiate schools of business.

Ponieważ jesteśmy nastawieni na rozwój, stale For us, growth is a continuous process, so we are firmly
udoskonalamy nasze programy nauczania i poszerzamy committed to refining our curricula and launching new
ofertę edukacyjną. educational products.

Studia MBA prowadzimy od roku akademickiego 2011/2012. The 2011-12 academic year was marked by the premiere of
A od 2016 roku jako pierwsza uczelnia niepubliczna a widely acclaimed MBA program. In 2016, we became the
na Pomorzu mamy uprawnienia do nadawania stopnia region’s first private higher education institution with
doktora nauk o zarządzaniu. doctoral degree awarding powers, conferring the Ph.D.
degree in Management Science.

Profesjonalizm poparty faktami Proven excellence

Ranking „Perspektyw” 2018 2018 Perspektywy ranking
Według ogólnopolskiego rankingu niepublicznych uczelni
The Perspektywy monthly’s national ranking of Master’s-
magisterskich miesięcznika „Perspektywy” Wyższa Szkoła
awarding private institutions of higher learning named the
Bankowa w Gdańsku jest numerem 1 na Pomorzu.
WSB University in Gdańsk no. 1 in the region of Pomorze.
Wysoką jakość naszych studiów potwierdzają również
The academic excellence of our degree programs has been
otrzymane akredytacje,
endorsed by a number of independent institutions:
• akredytacje Polskiej Komisji Akredytacyjnej (PKA)
• multiple positive evaluations by the Polish
• akredytacja FPAKE (Fundacji Promocji i Akredytacji Accreditation Committee (PKA)
Kierunków Ekonomicznych).
• accreditation by the Foundation for the Promotion and
Accreditation of Economic Education (FPAKE).

W 2017 roku WSB w Gdańsku otrzymała prestiżową In 2017, the globally recognized International Assembly
akredytację International Assembly for Collegiate Business for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) granted
Education (IACBE) potwierdzającą jakość kształcenia na accreditation to the University’s business programs,
Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

kierunkach biznesowych. attesting to their superior quality standard.

It comes easy to us, managers, to digest specific information on legal

frameworks, accounting standards, or economic mechanisms. It’s
a lot more of a challenge to become leaders for our organizations
and mentors to our employees. This is precisely why we’ve decided
to launch the MBA Leadership Program alongside the MBA General
Program. I’m more than happy to have the support of knowledgeable
and experienced domain experts from such partners as Deloitte and
the Peregrine Leadership Institute. The new Program responds to the
needs of today’s workplace, placing emphasis on leadership skills

and soft skills. With a highlight on people relationships – the critical

success factor for contemporary businesses.

Ms Emilia Michalska
Chancellor of WSB University in Gdańsk
Studia MBA dla liderów MBA for leaders
MBA Leadership to nowość w ofercie Wyższej Szkoły MBA Leadership Program is a new addition to our
Bankowej w Gdańsku. Unikalny program jest University’s executive education portfolio. Its
zorientowany na miękkie kompetencje menedżerskie unique curriculum is built around soft skills and
oraz treści przekrojowe związane z zarządzaniem. interdisciplinary content relevant to managers. Targeted
W czasie studiów słuchacze poszerzają kompetencje, at students seeking to develop competencies being
dzięki którym stają się skutecznymi liderami w swoich key managerial prerequisites, it makes them effective
organizacjach. leaders of their organizations.

Kandydaci mogą wybierać między dwiema ścieżkami: On signing up, you can choose between two study paths:

• polsko-angielską – 30% zajęć w języku angielskim • the Polish-English language path – with 30% of
classes taught in English
• anglojęzyczną – 100% zajęć w języku angielskim.
• the English path language – with 100% of teaching
delivered in English.

Współpraca z partnerami Partners’ impact

Studia stworzyliśmy we współpracy z Deloitte oraz The curriculum was developed in partnership with
amerykańskim Peregrine Leadership Institute. Deloitte and the US-based Peregrine Leadership
Partnerzy pełnią nie tylko rolę konsultacyjną i mają Institute. Alongside their advisory role, our partners
wpływ na kształt programu. Ich przedstawiciele have contributed to curriculum design and engage in
prowadzą też zajęcia i dzielą się swoim doświadczeniem teaching selected modules, sharing their immense
w ramach wybranych modułów. experience in the classroom.

Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

Build with us your potential as a leader. The MBA
Leadership is a „soft” MBA program. 3-semester
studies conclude with the receipt of a traditional
MBA diploma, while the program mainly stresses
the development of soft competences that are now
of key importance. To maintain the MBA formula,
the program includes all the indispensable „hard”
knowledge components but their range has been
reduced to about 40% of its content. The additional
program assets include individual coaching sessions
for each participant, the cooperation with the
renowned international partners and the innovative

FRIS based final project in place of a standard

diploma project.

Dr Michał Pronobis
MBA Program Director
Deloitte Deloitte
Deloitte to marka skupiająca dziesiątki tysięcy „Deloitte” is the brand under which tens of thousands of
profesjonalistów w niezależnych firmach na całym świecie, dedicated professionals in independent firms throughout the
współpracujących przy świadczeniu wybranym klientom world collaborate to provide top value services to our clients.
najwyższej jakości usług. Deloitte w Polsce znajduje się Deloitte in Poland is one of the leading firms providing
wśród wiodących firm realizujących profesjonalne usługi professional advisory services in six ma advisory services in
doradcze w ramach sześciu najważniejszych obszarów: six ma advisory services in six ma advisory services in six
audytu, doradztwa podatkowego, doradztwa gospodarczego, ma advisory services in six main areas audit, tax advisory,
zarządzania ryzykiem, doradztwa finansowego oraz consulting, risk management, financial and legal advisory.
prawnego. Zespół Deloitte pracujący w polskich biurach Deloitte Poland employs more than 2,200 dedicated
liczy obecnie ponad 2200 specjalistów z różnych dziedzin. professionals providing a wide range of services.

Peregrine Leadership Institute Peregrine Leadership Institute

PLI ma siedzibę w Gillette, w stanie Wyoming (USA). The Institute is based in Gillette, Wyoming (US) and its focus
Waga, jaką przykłada do kształcenia wedle sprawdzonych is on practical, applied leadership whereby the participants
koncepcji, przekłada się na natychmiastowe korzyści, jakie can readily use the information to improve their personal
z nowej wiedzy czerpią uczestnicy jego seminariów. Dzięki leadership approaches and help promote the mission and
PLI zmieniają oni swoje podejście do kierowania ludźmi, by values of their organization so that they can truly make a
skuteczniej promować misję i wartości swoich organizacji; difference. Peregrine leverages a diversity of perspectives
uczą się, jak zmieniać firmy, w których pracują. PLI to help others grow and develop into effective leaders, as
sięga po różne punkty widzenia, by pomagać ludziom observed through the results of our workshops conducted
rozwijać się i stawać się skutecznymi liderami. Świadczą throughout the US, East Asia, Europe, India, and Africa.
o tym rezultaty ich warsztatów prowadzonych w Stanach
Zjednoczonych, Azji Wschodniej, Indiach i Afryce.
Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

The way I see it, leadership is an ability to define strategy and vision, and then
to identify the goals and measures that strategy implementation involves.
At the same time, leadership is associated with an ability to build high-
performance teams and to inspire and motivate people in the pursuit of a
shared goal. Effective leaders have to be able, in the first place, to accurately
diagnose where their organization currently is, and to decide where they
want it to be – through formulating and adjusting their strategies. On the
way, they need to make the right business decisions and to influence people
in the organization toward the attainment of organizational goals. As part of

the Leadership MBA program, participants will have a unique opportunity to attend workshops conducted by
Deloitte experts and to learn to assess a company’s performance by e.g. interpreting its financial reports.

Robert Wolszon
Associate Partner at Deloitte, MBA Program instructor
Three Pillars of the Program

Partnership Practice-focused Professional class

• curriculum developed in • focus on the development of • a final project based on FRIS
partnership with Deloitte leadership skills methodology to complete the
and the US-based Peregrine Program, developed under the
• modular curriculum structure
Leadership Institute supervision of a certified FRIS
• classes led by top-class academics trainer over a series of individual
• partner relations amongst
and expert business trainers coaching sessions
MBA Program participants
as well as between students • opportunity to upgrade your • an MBA degree

Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

and faculty – through active Business English skills in either
• courses taught by an international
attendance and involvement language path
faculty made up of premium
in knowledge-sharing,
• use of interactive instruction teaching talent with ample hands-
students emerge as major
methods – workshops, business on experience
contributors to the learning
case studies, panel discussions,
experience, making a real • free special guest lectures from
etc. – for relevant learning that
impact on the Program Polish and international celebrities
can be immediately applied in the
• friendly and supportive staff, workplace • comprehensive and relevant
including a cohort manager learning including specialized
• site visits to companies
available throughout the know-how
duration of the Program • teachers available after-hours for
• state-of-the-art, proprietary
coaching and mentoring
• WSB University’s membership course materials provided free of
in the Business Centre Club is • 24/7 online contact with the charge
emblematic of its commitment University via the Web-based
• study at a University that is part
to business education as student portal – Extranet.
of Poland’s strongest group of

well as of its involvement

collegiate schools of business with
in promoting enterprise in
19 years of experience in the
delivery of MBA programs.
O projekcie About the project
Rozwój kompetencji miękkich nie jest już „miękką Soft skills development is no longer a soft option. Business
opcją” w biznesie. Liderzy budzą swoją świadomość leaders are now waking up to that fact that soft skills –
i zaczynają rozumieć, że obszary do tej pory traktowane interpersonal skills, communication skills, leadership
jako „soft”, czyli miękkie, a w szczególności: kompetencje skills, problem-solving skills, and cultural intelligence –
intra- i interpersonalne (komunikacja, twórcze have become key to organizational success and sustainable
rozwiązywanie problemów, budowanie relacji, inteligencje business operations. More and more studies show how soft
społeczna i kulturowa) są niezbędne do zdrowego skills training impacts on productivity, employee retention,
i zharmonizowanego działania biznesu. Badanie za and financial results. The good news is that soft skills can
badaniem wskazuje, że szkolenia i warsztaty w obszarach be built in each and every employee.
intra- i interpersonalnych wpływają na produktywność,
dbałość w firmie o wartościowych ludzi, co odzwierciedla
się w pozytywnych wynikach finansowych.

Style Myślenia i Działania FRIS® FRIS® Thinking and Action Styles

Celem naszego projektu coachingowego jest profesjonalne The project explores managers’ behaviors in an attempt to
przeprowadzenie diagnozy naturalnego stylu myślenia identify their individual thinking styles and gain an insight
i działania menedżera, która daje wgląd w naturalne into their natural aptitudes and inclinations. Based on these
predyspozycje, wskazuje strategie radzenia sobie insights, it delineates optimum strategies for them to cope
w nowych sytuacjach, rozwiązywania problemów with new situations, solve problems, and make decisions.
i podejmowania decyzji, oraz wskazuje obszary, w których Further, the FRIS® Style analysis will indicate areas where
można najlepiej wykorzystać swój potencjał. managers can make the most of their way of thinking.
Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

Wierzymy w to, że najbardziej skuteczne zespoły, to We believe that the most effective teams are made
te najbardziej zróżnicowane pod względem stylów up of individuals with diverse cognitive styles. Many
poznawczych, dlatego dodatkowo przygotowujemy organizations, however, find it difficult and challenging
menedżerów do świadomego tworzenia synergii to maintain a high standard of teamwork, with good
w zespołach z wykorzystaniem badania Style Myślenia communication between team members and with the
i Działania FRIS®. Dla wielu menedżerów wyzwaniem są team consistently delivering top performance. The FRIS®
dobra komunikacja pomiędzy członkami zespołu i wysoka Process makes it quick and easy to determine team
efektywność wspólnych działań. FRIS® w tym pomaga – members’ potentials and helps optimize their assignments
w prosty i szybki sposób określa potencjał zespołu, bazując to specific tasks and projects based on their individual
na oryginalnej koncepcji, która uwzględnia zarówno talents. Further, it recommends the most relevant
efektywność działań, jak i satysfakcję z wykonanej professional development activities, and provides tips on
pracy. Znajomość stylów myślenia członków zespołu how to communicate better as a team, reduce delays, and
pomaga lepiej się komunikować, budować zdrowe relacje get work done faster.
i łatwiej zapobiega potencjalnym konfliktom. Najbardziej
wchodzimy w kontakt ze stylem poznawczym drugiej
osoby wtedy, gdy zaczynamy z nią współpracę, i gdy
zależności między nami wpływają na to, czy rozwiążemy

problem i dotrzemy do celu, czy nam się to nie uda.

Zaliczenie Program completion
Słuchacze przygotowują projekt z wykorzystaniem The students are expected to develop a final project using
narzędzia FRIS® Style Myślenia i Działania. Jest to FRIS® Thinking and Action Styles. Based on cognitive
najszybciej rozwijające się na polskim rynku narzędzie psychology theories and models, FRIS® is a diagnostic
diagnostyczno-rozwojowe, stosowane do wsparcia tool adapted to Polish business settings and supporting the
organizacji oraz w edukacji i rozwoju menedżerów. development of managers, teams, and organizations. Its
Metodologia FRIS® bazuje na teoriach i modelach z obszaru application in management education has been growing
psychologii poznawczej i jest przystosowana do polskich fast across the country. As an outcome of the coach-led
realiów biznesowych. Jako rezultat autorskiego projektu project, each student will author a final paper describing
coachingowego powstaje praca dyplomowa opisująca his/her personal “before and after” story of the 12-months
osobistą historię metamorfozy „Przed i po” każdego z transformative experience.
uczestników, jaka zaszła podczas 12 miesięcy intensywnej
The final form of completing the course shall be a FRIS
pracy rozwojowej. Finalną formą zaliczenia studiów jest
and 360 Assessment based self-development project. The
projekt samorozwojowy, oparty na metodologii FRIS i 360
project shall be supported by individual coaching sessions
Assessment. Projekt jest wsparty indywidualnymi sesjami
with a certified coach for each course participant, taking
coachingowymi z certyfikowanym trenerem dla każdego
place during the last two semesters.
słuchacza w trakcie dwóch ostatnich semestrów.

„The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you

Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

seek”. Joseph Campbell

During years of my practice as a trainer and coach

I have noticed, that knowing oneself is the real freedom
of a men, both in private and professional life. In
the MBA Program we offer the work based on the
FRIS® methodology- based on cognitive psychology
theories and models, it is a diagnostic tool to foster the
development of managers, teams and organizations.
Personally, for me it is a key that opens the door to
deeper self-awareness about own Thinking Styles,
understanding natural predispositions of coworkers
and their role in the project process. “What are you
waiting for? The adventure waits”.

Daria Lewandowska
President & CEO s e l f m a k e r s, FRIS certified trainer,
MBA Program instructor
Who is a leader?
Scandinavians call him “leither” that in the language of the Vikings has a double meaning. On the
one hand, it means a chief, the biggest thug among the Vikings; on the other, it means to search.
This greatly reflects the way I perceive the definition of a leader as a person who indicates the
target, leads but does not know the best route himself. He tries to be searching, activates others,
creates the conditions to try, builds trust and solidifies ties. The aim is clearly shown, but the road
is going to be bumpy and treacherous. Hence, everyone must support each other, must have eyes
in the back of his/her head and provide ideas how to overcome difficulties.

What helps in achieving a success?

Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

Such innate characteristics as tenacity, inquisitiveness, curiosity about the world, communication
skill, compassion, inborn artistic talent or beauty surely help. They have to be targeted and driven
by positive compulsion, by a passion. “Inductors and attractors”, i.e. valuable people that I meet in
my life, are very important for me. They are open, wise and inspiring. These are not always names
from the first pages of magazines or American books but they are substantively valuable people
who expand my knowledge, awareness and my comprehension of the world.

What achievements are you most proud of?

Science and technology development that I have always interwoven with my professional life are
my great passions. My dad infected me with the interest in mechanisms and their construction.
Then, there were studies at Lublin University of Technology, afterwards in Vienna and the
participation in projects in robotics. For a few years, I was a manager of teams working for
international corporations, I was an instructor at a technical school and I was doing PhD course
in mechanical engineering. In May 2017, I defended PhD thesis in mechanical engineering in the
subject of nonlinear system. I consider this as my milestone. However, this is not the end. The
contemporary world lets one take up many challenges. One has to be open to people and have

broad perspective not limiting oneself to platitudes. One needs to break the rules, try new things
and, first of all, try to understand how it all works.

Dr Rafał Kasperek
Vice CEO Flugger sp. z o.o.
MBA Program student at WSB University in Gdańsk
Zjazdy Curriculum and class scheduling
Studia MBA Leadership trwają 3 semestry. Program obejmuje The MBA Leadership Program spans 3 semesters. It
19 modułów – łącznie 380 godzin zajęć o zróżnicowanej comprises 19 mandatory core modules, totaling 380 hours
tematyce. Zjazdy odbywają się w systemie zaocznym of instruction in a variety of areas. Sessions are scheduled
w soboty i niedziele, 1-2 razy w miesiącu. on Saturdays and Sundays, one or two sessions in a month.

Metody nauczania Instructional methods

Na zajęciach wykorzystujemy praktyczne metody We teach practical, applicable skills. Hence, what matters
nauczania. Najważniejszy jednak jest aktywny w nich the most is that students actively engage in both in-class
udział. Umożliwiają to interaktywne formy zajęć. Wykłady and out-of-class activities. The use of interactive methods
uzupełniane są ćwiczeniami, warsztatami, studiami of instruction is key to achieving satisfactory learning
przypadków, treningami i symulacjami biznesowymi, outcomes. Lectures are followed up by practical exercises,
dzięki którym uczestnicy mogą na bieżąco weryfikować workshops, case studies, skills training sessions, and
swoje umiejętności menedżerskie. business simulations that allow students to capture their
progress in managerial skills development.
Materiały dydaktyczne
Słuchacze otrzymują materiały dydaktyczne przygotowane
Course materials
przez wykładowców wraz z wykazem zalecanej literatury, Prior to each session, the participants are provided
podanej w sylabusie przedmiotu. Większość tych pozycji with a complete package of instructor-designed course
znajduje się w naszej bibliotece. materials, including the prescribed readings. Most of
the recommended readings are available in our Library.
Materiały dydaktyczne, a także plany zajęć i informacje
Learning content, as well as class schedules and payment
o płatnościach, znajdują się również w serwisie
Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

information, can be also accessed online via the Web-based

internetowym Extranet, dzięki któremu słuchacze mają
student portal called Extranet, enabling students to stay in
stały kontakt z uczelnią.
touch 24/7.

Dodatkowe szkolenia
Optional training opportunities
Słuchacze mogą uczestniczyć w wybranych
MBA Program students may attend selected full-time
pełnowymiarowych szkoleniach, które są wliczone w cenę
training courses with no extra charges on top of their MBA
Program tuition fee. At the same time, they may, at an
Mogą również skorzystać z dodatkowo płatnych szkoleń additional payment, take out any of the courses offered
oferowanych przez Dział Studiów Podyplomowych by the University’s Center for Postgraduate Education
i Szkoleń, w tym PRINCE2® Foundation. and Training, including those provided by the PRINCE2®
Absolwenci naszego programu otrzymują prestiżowy
Your degree
dyplom ukończenia studiów MBA, wystawiony przez Our MBA Program graduates are awarded a prestigious
Wyższą Szkołę Bankową w Gdańsku, oraz dodatkowo

degree coming with a diploma issued by the WSB

certyfikat wystawiony przez Peregrine Leadership University in Gdańsk and a certificate from the Peregrine
Institute. Leadership Institute. In addition, MBA degree holders
automatically qualify as eligible candidates for supervisory
Absolwenci studiów MBA są zwolnieni z obowiązku
boards of Polish companies with government shareholdings
składania egzaminu dla kandydatów na członków rad
and are therefore exempt from the relevant examination.
nadzorczych spółek z udziałem Skarbu Państwa.
Integration and Leadership Project Introduction PL/ENG

International Economics and Business ENG

Business Law PL/ENG

Organizational Behaviours PL/ENG

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility ENG

Interpersonal Leadership ENG

Managerial Coaching PL/ENG

Project and Process Management PL/ENG

Customer Focus and Marketing ENG

Workforce Management and Team Building PL/ENG

Financial Accounting PL/ENG

Financial Reporting PL/ENG

Communicating with Impact/Presentation Skills PL/ENG

Strategic Management PL/ENG

Business Negotiations and Conflict Resolution PL/ENG

Change Management PL/ENG

Designing Organizations for Creativity and Innovation PL/ENG

Organisational Leadership ENG

Applied Leadership / 12-Month Project PL/ENG

T hey bring in an intrinsic value that gives our MBA
Program an edge over other similar programs. Our faculty
is composed of academics and professionals with rich hands-
United States Army War College, where he was conferred
a Master’s degree in strategy. Currently President & CEO
of the Peregrine Leadership Institute and the Peregrine
on experience, who know how to teach in an engaging and Academic Services – businesses with operations in 45
effective manner. The teaching staff includes among others: countries across the globe

Dr Grzegorz Dzwonnik – manager, consultant, academic Mr Piotr Bucki – has 17 years of experience of helping
teacher, strategic management and project management people upgrade their communication skills in a variety of
expert; leading assessor of IPMA Global Project Excellence areas, drawing on cognitive psychology, neurosciences and
Award; partner to the international think-tank Synergy psycholinguistics; published such books as Porozmawiajmy
Services Group; certified project manager (PMP, P2P, CSM, o komunikacji [Let’s Talk of Communication], Złap
CSPO); member of IPMA Poland; honorary member of równowagę [Strike a Balance], and Life’s a Pitch and
PMAN Nepal Then You Die; collaborates with Poland’s leading business
start-up centers – e.g. LPNT, Inkubator Starter, GPNT, and
Dr Liam Fassam – Thought leader, Researcher &
PPNT – as well as with Start-Up Chile, the world’s largest
Implementer of collaborative logistics, supply & social
government program of this sort, or Slovenia’s and Austria’s
value solutions, supported with knowledge from a Senior
business incubators
Management career spanning over 27 years; engaged as
Research Institute Director, strategically leading research Mr Paweł Gąsiorowski – CEO of Contact Center Pekao
allied to societies connection to logistics, Supply chain and SA, is responsible for the remote distribution channels,
transportation, whilst developing corporate and career customers’ experience, banking services for individual
pathways [enterprise] in logistics and transport clients, SME and corporate clients; for over 20 years, he
has held managerial positions and has been responsible
Dr Olin O. Oedekoven – boasts more than 35 years of
for the development of innovative solutions in digital
leadership experience at all organizational levels in both
marketing, services and sales for the financial sector;
the private and public sector; studied at South Dakota
his experience includes strategy, modern sales channels,
State University and University of Wyoming; earned his
marketing segmentation, business processes, development,
MBA and Doctorate degrees in business administration at
management and implementation of change programs at
Northcentral University, majoring in public administration
the strategic and operational levels in retail and corporate
and management; another of his qualifications is in human
banking, insurance companies and the Independent
resources management. Graduate of the United States
Financial Advisors (IFA)
Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

Army Command and General Staff College and of the

In my perception, the MBA Program provides lots of

inspirations and offers a broad array of management
tools and opportunities for sharing professional
experiences in a friendly environment. The outcomes
are to be seen immediately in the improvements that

participants introduce to their organizations. This is

probably what I love the most about the Program.

Dr Grzegorz Dzwonnik
MBA Program instructor
Ms Daria Lewandowska – certified Business Trainer Ms Grażyna Witkowska-Mrozek – banker and
and ICF Coach, certified FRIS trainer, Senior Learning businesswoman with 25 years of work experience in the
and Development Consultant working for business and financial sector – private banking and wealth management;
academic sector; her primary activity areas are personal has held managerial positions in such areas as sales, client
development, social psychology, emotional intelligence, acquisition, distribution channels, point-of-sale networks,
coaching for executive development and high performing product portfolio building, and customer relationships;
teams; specializes in talent management using Gallup has developed or co-developed bank assurance products,
methodology; supports teams and organizations in payment and ATM card products, SME products, and
implementing Gallup’s Strengths solutions to be more investment fund products; has been engaged in the delivery
engaged, more productive and more happier of on-shore and off-shore services, investment advisory
services, portfolio management services, financial and
Mr Dariusz Rajca – trainer, advisor, and mediator with
tax planning services, life cycle management services,
more than 20 years of professional experience; has led over
and art advisory services; for 10 years has maintained
1 000 training events for a total of 20 000 trainees; has
close links with the Swiss market; member of business
been running his own training and consulting business
associations such as e.g. the Gdańsk Business Club
since 1998; teaches business communication, negotiation,
[Gdański Klub Biznesu] or the Family Enterprise Initiative
leadership, and management to MBA Program students
[Stowarzyszenie Inicjatywa Firm Rodzinnych]
Mr U. Raut-Roy – Currently Roy is a Senior Lecturer in
Mr Robert Wolszon – Associate Partner at Deloitte,
University of Northampton, England. Roy has lived in
with many-years experience in auditing across diverse
India, England, Switzerland, and North-Africa and worked
industries; collaborates with public listed companies
for various national and international organisations. He
and multinational corporations; employed with Deloitte
was the Programme Leader for MBA and other master’s
since 2014, specializes in Polish accounting standards and
programmes for many years. His area of interest is in field
International Financial Reporting Standards; engaged in a
of Strategic Management and Organisational Behaviour.
number of due diligence and IPO projects; certified auditor
He has published numerous peer reviewed articles, given
and Chartered Certified Accountant (ACCA).
conference papers and run management workshops in
different countries. He was the Chief External Examiner
and External for MBA and Masters programmes at three
business schools in UK. Roy’s consultancy activities
include projects for Swiss and Belgian companies

Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

Are you ready to make the leap into leadership? WSB’s
Leadership MBA program will unlock your leadership
potential and enable you to make a positive difference
for your organization. Leadership matters, a lot, and
good leadership is necessary in today’s competitive
business environment. By sharpening your leadership
skills and abilities during this 18-month MBA
program, you will grow in your profession, improve

your organization, and develop as a leader. Let’s take

the leap together and make a difference in our world.

Dr Olin O. Oedekoven
President & CEO Peregrine Leadership Institute
MBA Program instructor
What was the turning point in your career?
In 2008, I won the Sales Oscar in the premier edition of the Polish National Sales Awards. I was
recognized as the best salesperson, a leader, and a role model. It was a great honor. Even now,
I still feel proud of it. The Award gave me a lot of confidence in my achievement potential and gave
momentum to my professional development, strengthening my belief that nothing is impossible.
My career soon took off, too, as I was promoted to area manager. I’ve been managing a sales team
since then, sharing my experience and my passion with them, and taking pleasure in developing
their selling skills, hoping one day one of them would follow in my footsteps. Now I sit on the
Polish National Sales Awards jury that brings together outstanding theorists and practitioners
from a variety of markets. I can leverage the experience of excellent sales professionals, brilliant
trainers, top-notch managers, and accomplished professors.

What kind of person do you need to be to excel in business?

Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

Daring, open-minded, tough: D-O-T, full stop. You need to have an adventurous spirit to be able
to face challenges. You need to have an open mind to embrace innovation, open eyes to see, and
open ears to listen to your partners and your competitors. And you must be resilient enough to learn
lessons from your failures and adjust your actions accordingly. Besides these three tiers of success,
you need to abide by certain values. Your values are the underpinning of what you are. I believe
personal ethics are paramount, because it’s your code of conduct that tells you how to play fair and
how to make transparent decisions. You just have to be someone people trust. You must be trusted
by your customers.

What is the key success factor, then?

People are the most important. And it’s not just that people are key to a business, it’s that every
organization IS people! Because a company is only as good as its employees. To find the right people,
lead them, inspire them, and retain them – this is what people management is all about. In the
long run, your ability to do these things proves to be the critical success and growth factor for your
business. It does have a lot in common with climbing. In mountaineering, it’s the team that does
the climbing and peaks K2, Mount Elbrus, or whatever other mountain. The expedition team is like

clockwork, where each member has a role to play and a job to do, something he or she is good at.
If they all work together well, you’ll reach the top, otherwise you may have to turn back.

Mr Krzysztof Wilma
District Sales Manager Nestle Purina PetCare
MBA Program student at WSB University in Gdańsk
MBA Days
A typical MBA Day event is centered on
Study Tour
open lectures and workshops showcasing A three-day UK study tour, with a tailor-made and
selected program modules, and is usually curriculum-aligned itinerary, is organized every
held twice a year, in June and September. year for the benefit of MBA Program participants.
The event allows prospective students to try The students are hosted by our partner University
out a class, explore the curriculum content, in Northampton and pay visits to assorted British
and talk to instructors, cohort managers, companies, attending meetings and on-site workshops.
and program participants. Former tour participants could observe the operations
of an international DHL distribution center, visit the
Alconbury Weald Enterprise Zone, or see around the BMW’s Mini
factory. As from 2015, Gdańsk MBA students can also join cohorts
from other WSB MBA programs for a grand tour of the US-based
Franklin University. An additional payment is charged for the
tours. Detailed information is available from the MBA Program

MBA Day, class led by Mr Piotr Bucki Franklin University, USA

Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

As an added value to the MBA Program, students can build up their networks
of business contacts among fellow-students and alumni – representatives of
the business management community and decision makers in major Polish
companies. Friendships made in MBA program settings are known to have
brought personal benefits and have driven successful business projects. Our
MBA Program has been completed by employees of such companies as e.g.:
Apotex Polska sp. z o.o., Berlin Chemie, Budimex SA, Carrefour Polska sp. z o.o.,
Delphi Poland SA, Deltamarin sp. z o.o., Energa, Etos SA, Fines SA, Flügger

sp. z o.o., Geoban SA, Grafprom, Grupa Lotos SA, Impel, Intel Technology
Polska, Jeronimo Martins Polska SA, JUMPCITY, Lidl Polska sp. z o.o., LPP SA,
Lufthansa Systems Poland sp. z o.o., LUX MED, North Food SA, Philips Lighting
Poland SA, PKO BP SA, Polpharma SA, SII Polska, SKOK Rafineria, Thomson
Reuters (Markets) Europe SA, Trefl SA, Wilhelmsen, Young Digital Planet SA.
Alumni Graduation
reunions A graduation ceremony is held to celebrate the award of
degrees to each MBA Program cohort. Attended by the
University authorities, instructors and honorable guests,
Initiated in 2016 by the MBA Program Office, the ceremony climaxes toward the presentation of MBA
reunions have become an annual event diplomas to all successful graduates.
summoning alumni from all program cohorts.
While fostering the idea of networking and
experience-sharing between professionals in their
fields, the organizers make sure to bring special
guests each time to add splendor to the event.
The meetings have involved such luminaries as
Mr Sebastian Mikosz – President of LOT Polish
Airlines prior to 2015; Ms Lidia Jabłonowska-
Luba – Vice President for Risk Management at
mBank; and Mr Ryszard Kajkowski – founder and
subsequent owner or co-owner of the country’s
pioneering private IT businesses. Graduation ceremony, 2018

Off-campus Comfortable
session – for study
a kick-start
Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA
The first session in semester one is held off-site.
Two days spent together in Tri-City’s splendid
We make every effort to raise the study experience to
neighborhood provide students with an excellent
the same standard as the quality of education provided.
opportunity for socializing and networking
Classes are held in air-conditioned facilities in five-star
across the cohort.
hotels, with coffee breaks scheduled at convenient

VIP lectures
We get celebrities to lecture for our MBA students several times a year.

The WSB University has already hosted e.g. Prof. Andrzej Blikle,

Prof. Simon Burtonshaw-Gunn, Ms Magdalena Gacyk, Dr Izabela Robinson, Class led by Dr Olin O. Oedekoven
Mr Liam Fassam, Dr Eghosa Igudia, Dr Olin O. Oedekoven, Mr Tomasz Deker,
Mr Maciej Grabski, Mr Paweł Gąsiorowski, and Dr Chahid Fourali. The most recent events featured Ewa Jochheim – co-
founder of Institute Durkalskiego RMP Polska, a recognized expert on motivating; and Waldemar Dzienisz and Małgorzata
Zaremba – trainers who engaged students in a business strategy game called “Poznań Fortress”.
2016 2017 2018 2019 HIGHER LEARNING
2012 2013 2014 2015
In the Ministry of Science and Higher Education report on 2018-19
admissions, the WSB Universities again took top places in terms of
enrollment into Bachelor’s degree programs and long-cycle Master’s
2008 2009 2010 2011 degree programs.
This year, their intake in these two types of programs exceeded
23 000. The figures clearly show the WSB Universities as the
most trusted brand among Poland’s private institutions of higher
2004 2005 2006 2007
Over the 25 years since their foundation, the WSB Universities have
educated over 300 000 students in their degree programs, including
2000 2001 2002 2003 MBA programs, and postgraduate education.


Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA


MBA Leadership Master of Business Master of Business Master of Business Master of Business
Administration Administration Administration Administration

University of Northampton


Master of Business Executive Master Master of Business Master of Business Master of Business
Administration of Business Administration Administration Administration Administration

Franklin University
Franklin University Executive MBA – Executive MBA –
Master of Business Project Management Business Trends
Etap 1. Spełnienie kryteriów przyjęcia na Step 1. Make sure you meet the admission
studia MBA: criteria for the MBA Program:
• dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych • a higher education degree
• min. trzyletnie doświadczenie zawodowe (preferowane • at least 3 years of prior work experience (preferably in
jest doświadczenie menedżerskie). a management position).

Etap 2. Zebranie kompletu dokumentów: Step 2. Collect all required documents:

• kwestionariusz osobowy • your personal questionnaire
• kserokopia odpisu dyplomu ukończenia studiów • a photocopy of your first- (Bachelor’s) or second-cycle
wyższych I lub II stopnia (oryginał do wglądu) (Master’s) degree award certificate (original to be
• CV presented for review)

• umowa o świadczenie usług edukacyjnych (w dwóch • your career resume

egzemplarzach) • two signed copies of the educational service contract
• dowód uiszczenia opłaty wpisowej i kwalifikacyjnej • proof of payment of the registration and admission
(w tytule przelewu: imię i nazwisko kandydata) na fees into Raiffeisen Polbank account
konto: 49 1750 1152 0000 0000 0169 4038 no. 49 1750 1152 0000 0000 0169 4038 (quote the
Raiffeisen Polbank applicant’s first and last name as the payment title)
• jeden z poniższych dokumentów potwierdzający • one of the documents specified below to prove their
znajomość języka: English skills:
-- kserokopia świadectwa zdania egzaminu -- a photocopy of a valid language qualification
językowego (TOEFL, IELTS, FCE zdany po 2012 r., (TOEFL, IELTS, FCE taken in 2013 or later, CAE,
CAE, CPE, LCCI English for Business Level 2, JET CPE, LCCI English for Business Level 2, JET SET

Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

SET Level 5, BEC Higher) Level 5, BEC Higher)
-- kserokopia dyplomu ukończenia studiów filologii -- a
photocopy of a higher education diploma
angielskiej (oryginał do wglądu) certifying the award of a degree in English philology
-- dokumenty potwierdzające ukończenie studiów lub (original to be presented for review)
szkoły średniej w kraju anglojęzycznym. -- a
certificate of completion of higher or secondary
education in an English-speaking country.
Osoby, które nie spełniają tego wymogu, podczas
rozmowy rekrutacyjnej zdają test badający Applicants who cannot prove their level of English with
kompetencje językowe. Test składa się z części any of the above-listed certificates will be required
pisemnej i ustnej. to take a language proficiency test as part of their
interview. The test has a written and an oral part.

Etap 3. Dostarczenie kompletu dokumentów Step 3. File all documents and make your
i umówienie się na rozmowę kwalifikacyjną. interview appointment.
O przyjęciu na studia MBA decydują informacje uzyskane Admission into the MBA Program is based on the
na podstawie złożonych dokumentów aplikacyjnych information provided in your application and on the

oraz wynik rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej. Podczas rozmowy outcome of your interview. In the interview, applicants
oceniane są: predyspozycje menedżerskie i przywódcze are assessed for their managerial acumen, leadership
kandydata oraz motywacja do podjęcia przez niego potential, and their motivation for enrolling in an MBA
studiów MBA. program.
Opłaty za studia MBA: MBA Program fees:
• opłata wpisowa – 300 zł • registration fee at PLN 300
• opłata za postępowanie kwalifikacyjne – 200 zł • admission fee at PLN 200
• czesne – patrz tabela poniżej • tuition fee (see table below)
• opłata końcowa – 1700 zł. • graduation fee at PLN 1,700.
Uczelnia gwarantuje, że wysokość czesnego WSB guarantees to keep the tuition fee unchanged
nie ulegnie zmianie podczas trwania programu. throughout the run of the Program.

Dogodny system płatności Convenient payment schemes

Ścieżka polsko-angielska Polish-English language path

Wysokość Całkowite Amount Aggregate
Liczba rat Number of payments
raty czesne payable tuition

Opłata jednorazowa 29 500 zł 29 500 zł Single down payment PLN 29 500 PLN 29 500
3 raty semestralne 10 850 zł 32 550 zł 3 per-semester installments PLN 10 850 PLN 32 550
15 rat miesięcznych 2 270 zł 34 050 zł 15 monthly installments PLN 2 270 PLN 34 050

Ścieżka angielska English language path

Wysokość Całkowite Amount Aggregate
Liczba rat Number of payments
raty czesne payable tuition

Opłata jednorazowa 32 500 zł 32 500 zł Single down payment PLN 32 500 PLN 32 500
3 raty semestralne 11 850 zł 35 550 zł 3 per-semester installments PLN 11 850 PLN 35 550
15 rat miesięcznych 2 470 zł 37 050 zł 15 monthly installments PLN 2 470 PLN 37 050

Promocje: Price promotions:

• dla absolwentów Wyższych Szkół Bankowych • for WSB University alumni

Termin zapisu from Mar 26 to Jul 1, from Jul 2 to Sep 15,

Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

26.03-1.07.2019 2.07-15.09.2019 Date enrolled

na studia 2019 2019

3500 zł 2500 zł PLN 3500 PLN 2500

Kwota zniżki + zwolnienie + zwolnienie + waiver of + waiver of
z opłaty wpisowej z opłaty wpisowej registration fee registration fee

• dla absolwentów innych uczelni • for holders of degrees from other institutions of higher
Termin zapisu
26.03-1.07.2019 2.07-15.09.2019
na studia from Mar 26 to Jul 1, from Jul 2 to Sep 15,
Date enrolled
2019 2019
2000 zł 1000 zł
zniżki Discount
PLN 2000 PLN 1000

Podmiotom gospodarczym, które nawiążą z nami

współpracę, oferujemy specjalne warunki cenowe Special terms and pricing will be available to companies
w ramach Programu Firma. partnering with us under the Firma Program.
Zapraszamy na serwis MBA
Wszystkie informacje na temat studiów
Master of Business Administration w WSB
w jednym miejscu!

Bądź na bieżąco. Zapisz się na bezpłatny NEWSLETTER!

My background in senior leadership roles within the high-

tech and food retail sectors has affirmed the importance
of MBA programs and their ability to develop talent in

Master of Business Administration WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BANKOWA

supporting extended business strategies. Through our
collaborative workshops, participants will not only get
exposure to the theoretical aspects of business, but further
have this underpinned by experts with tangible global
business experience.

Dr Liam Fassam
MBA Program instructor

Biuro Programu MBA Biuro Rekrutacji MBA

al. Grunwaldzka 238a al. Grunwaldzka 238a

pokój A115 pokój A103

80-266 Gdańsk 80-266 Gdańsk
tel.: +48 539 775 475, +48 784 323 966 tel.: +48 602 638 538, +48 664 090 419
e-mail: e-mail:
mba leadership

Wyższe Szkoły Bankowe

Lider programów MBA w Polsce

Wydawca: Druk i oprawa:

Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku VMG Print sp. z o.o.
al. Grunwaldzka 238a, 80-266 Gdańsk
Centrum Rozwoju Szkół Wyższych
TEB Akademia sp. z o.o.

Wszelkie dane statystyczne dotyczące działalności uczelni przedstawiają stan na koniec roku 2018.
Informacje zawarte w niniejszym informatorze nie stanowią oferty w rozumieniu art. 66 Kodeksu cywilnego.

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