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Connection Challenge (red flag box)

-Parents mean well, but overprotective -Pashmina (the scarf) is one sided, and wants
-teenagerssass (talk back to parents; want to hide the “darkness” or the shadow
to be independent; want to know what -what kind of student loves their teacher?
adults hide from them) (they give them homework)
-religion is central to life -Kanta and Mayur are trying to hide the
-similar family problems creatorwhy?
-high school life -family relationships: blood thicker than
-Lady or the Tiger water?? Can you actually choose your family?
-would women still be ostracized for having a
child when not married?
-Why did Pri wish for something to happen to
the baby; is jealousy stronger than love?
Concept Change
-women’s rights Us:
-having the freedom to choose -not as overprotective
-independence -more open with our children
-heritage needing to know/understand -
-coming of age Characters:
-empowerment -Pri thoughts on India changed, dad change,
-Pashimina allowing people to see what they mom changed,  she was able to see the
wanted “grey” in life
-religion is central to life -Mom changed: didn’t hide as much, less
-Indian culture food overprotective
-reality vs. expectations
-protection Book:
Back story for creator
Back story about the dad
Pashmina (intent: good or bad)
Connection (T-T/S/W) Challenge
-a lot of people immigrate to a different -can we choose family? Is blood actually
country for a better life thicker than water?
-parents want the best for their children, but -How do we know the magic of the Pashmina
they may not do it in the best way is real?
-there is a poverty gap in China (like India); -Is the uncle in India controlling or just
this important because it is more difficult for wanting the best for his wife?
the two groups to understand each other -Did the auntie in India really want to marry
-Anjum doesn’t like to go to India now that him (on the plane, she said she didn’t)
she is more aware and understands more -Why would she steal stuff from her mom?
-How we thinking something will be is often -why didn’t the Kanta and Mayur want her to
different than how it actually is know about the shadow?
-Do teenager actually have crushes on their
-How did Lord Shakti want Pri to help a wider
-Why did Uncle Jatin stop spending time with

Concept Change
-teaching us that religion is real/valid/has
-beliefs and religion help diversify a country purpose
so that we can form communities -
-different perspectives Characters
-imagination vs reality -Pri attitude towards her family changed
-expectation vs reality once she knew the truth about her father
-comparing differences -Pri starts to like the baby after her trip
-cultural beliefs keep families together, can -Pri is still thinking of India, but knows more
separate a family differing values/opinions that “just the good stuff”
-coming-of-age story -auntie attempted to change her opinion
about the poverty gap and not to “just be sad
about it”
-Mom starts to see Pri as an adult

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