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188 No.30 Always, Always You MARCO and ROSALIE Cue: MARCO: And now I find that this tle too... {s broken. (Busia) : ROSALIE: Ob, by the way, dear, you'll have to tell Lili you won't be able to use her. Too bad, [3] {in 2] lover. (Rosalie ts now sealed inside yeanco, sword box) * Freely [in 4] r) = tive, you know, Quite the op ~po-site..'m real-ly bringyou ec-sta-ay to hurt? = I'm not in-sen~ in - se-cure,and filled with trep-i- da -tlon! Just a child who starves for ad7u-la ~ ton! You a 189 on How in - human canyoube, Here you (Marco takes first In temy er tte os Vol a a fare ac-cusingme, A ~ gain, Vins, 68 i Gre Bact. Cello °F POP ot Moderato (Marco puts first sword into box. Rosalie does a take,) ———— ways, al - al ‘atarco takes second arco inserts ‘sword from holley) Second seo ee a ‘ROSALIE, — "Tho' my eyes maywan-der a To and fro and yon-der ID Bre, Webs, Cl (Gaye coats) 190 Ny) ) AER eee oercogets 20 eg | J third sword) vain itt from holder) “elt Stlmyheart's af ~ fe0~tlon ‘Al-ways beats th one di-seo-tion. Ew il > oo = @ oF Rf eyes smy sweet. All the love my ~ beat~ ing heart can @tarco inserts fourth sword) Oh. cous ye \ r (eres inserts sixth rr eto serene Siete = SI ‘Ai-ways, al- ways, al- ways, Al -

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