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Colloid & Polymer Science Colloid Polym Sci 270:370-376 (1992)

Dynamic surface tension of micellar solutions studied

by the maximum bubble pressure method.
1. Experiment
Tz. H. Iliev*'*) and C. D. Dushkin*)

*) Laboratory of Thermodynamics and Physico-chemical Hydrodynamics, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Sofia, Sofia,
*) Institute of Geology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria

Abstract: The effect of the micelles on the dynamic surface tension of micellar
surfactant solutions is studied experimentally by means of the maximum bubble
pressure method. Different frequencies of bubbling ranging approximately be-
tween 1 and 30 s- 1 are applied. The time dependence of the surface tension is
calculated using a dead time correction. Water solutions of two types of sur-
factants with different concentrations are investigated: sodium dodecyl sulfate
and nonylphenol polyglycol ether. The surface tension relaxes more quickly in
the presence of micelles. The characteristic times of relaxation of the surface
tension seem to be in the millisecond range. The time constants observed
experimentally are explained in terms of the theory of surfactant diffusion
affected by micellization kinetics.

Key words: Dynamic surface tension; _micellarsurfactant solutions; _maximum

bubble pressure _method

Introduction method (MBP-method). In this method air bubbles

are blown away by a capillary immersed in the
Dynamic surface tension, a(t), is a physical surfactant solution. The bubbling frequency is v.
quantity associated with a deformation of fluid By varying v the age of the bubble surface changes,
interfaces (air/water or oil/water), when surface thus making different time intervals t accessible.
active material is present in the liquids. In this case M a n y authors have used the MBP-method to
the surface tension may be a peculiar function of study the dynamic surface tension of a variety of
time t. It depends on the way the surfactant is surfactant solutions (see, e.g., [1-5]). Here, we will
transported from the bulk of solution to the inter- concentrate on the studies with sodium dodecyl
face, where it adsorbs. Therefore, by measuring the sulfate (SDS), because SDS is also used in our
dynamic surface tension, one can study the mass experiments. These are the papers of Kloubek [6],
transfer processes, which are of importance for the Feinerman [7-9], Miller and Meyer [10], Woolfrey
stability of a number of disperse systems such as et al. [11], Garrett and W a r d [12]. A typical relaxa-
foams and emulsions. If the surfactant concentra- tion of the surface tension cr is found. Initially (at
tion exceeds the critical micelle concentration zero time), a is close to the value of the surface
(CMC), micelles are formed in the solution. These tension of pure water. When time increases ( fre-
aggregates appear as additional sources of material quency of bubbling v decreases), 0" lowers, tending
which can appreciably affect the mass transfer and, to its equilibrium value. The equilibrium surface
hence, the dynamic surface tension. tension ~ can be reached after infinite time. If the
An appropriate tool for measuring the dynamic surfactant concentration, c, increases, the relaxa-
surface tension is the m a x i m u m bubble pressure tion of the surface tension becomes faster. At fixed

GL 967
lliev and Dushkin, Dynamic surface tension o f micellar solutions: Part 1 371

t the curve ~(g) undergoes change around CMC, I L

which is less pronounced than the respective

change in the equilibrium isotherm 8(~) [11].
" T h e literature data for SDS exhibit the main
features of the dynamic surface tension of micellar
solutions. However, they are not so useful for @
quantitative considerations above CMC by means
of a theoretical model. Therefore, one needs accu-
:~""~ 7"'%-
~ ~71t
I - -
rate data for the dynamic surface tension of SDS
solutions, which can be used to compute the para-
meters of the micellization kinetics.
The other surfactant used in our investigations is
Veranol H10 (nonylphenol polyglycol ether, PERISTALTIC SOLUTION
10 mol ethyleneoxide groups). Veranol H10 is a
nonionic commercial surfactant. Only few data for
this surfactant are available in the literature [13]
(see below).
The purpose of our study is to utilize the MBP-
method as a tool for studying the kinetics of micel-
PliP,80RAL CO~ri
lization in water surfactant solutions. In this paper,
we present the experimental results for the dy-
namic surface tension of micellar solutions of SDS
and Veranol H10, obtained by us. In subsequent
Fig. 1. -Experimental setup for measuring the dynamic surface
papers [14, 15] we will propose a diffusion theory tension by the MBP-method
of the dynamic surface tension of micellar solu-
tions, which allows the time constants of diffusion
and micellization to be evaluated from the experi- produced by a peristaltic pump, is measured by a water
mental data. manometer (P= - pressure in the air phase, Pw pressure in the
water phase). The maximum pressure, ZIP. . . . is calculated by
the formula
Materials APma x = A p g ( H - b) . (1)
Here, zip = P w - P= is the density difference (Pw - water
SDS is produced by Touzart & Matignon (pur.). density, p= - air density); H is the difference between the levels
Veranol H10 is supplied by Verila Co. Both sur- of the water in the two sections of the monometer; h is the
factants are used without further purification. The difference between the tip of the capillary and the air/solution
surfactant solutions were prepared with distilled surface in the cell. Both quantities H and h are measured
precisely by a cathetus-meter.
water. The measurements were carried out no
The frequency of bubbling v is registered by means of an
more than 2 days after preparation of the solutions. electro-optical system. It consists of 2 mW He-Ne laser, photo-
The room temperature was maintained at diode, amplifier and personal computer. After the bubble
25 _+ 1~ leaves the tip of the capillary it overshadows the laser beam,
which pierces the whole cylinder and the surfactant solution
inside. The alternating interruption of the beam is detected by
the photodiode; after which the signal is amplified and pro-
Experimental setup cessed by the computer. In this way the frequency v is deter-
mined with an accuracy of 10 2 s-1.
In Fig. 1 is depicted the MBP experimental setup constructed
by us. It is similar to that used very recently by Garrett and
Ward [12] for studying the dynamic surface tension of SDS
solutions. The surfactant solution (around 90 ml) is filled in a Calculation of the surface tension
cylindrical glass cell with an internal diameter 3.5 cm. The
bubbles are formed at the tip of a capillary with an internal The dynamic surface tension a(t) corresponds to the max-
radius R c = 7.5 • 10-3 cm. The capillary is immersed in the imum pressure APmaX (see below). At that time the bubble is
surfactant solution. The pressure difference AP = P ~ - Pw, approximately a hemisphere with a radius R c. The force
372 Colloid and Polymer Science, Vol. 270 . No. 4 (1992)

balance across the bubble surface gives [16] (see Appendix) tension of an air/water interface, aged for time t. Afterwards
the bubble expands spontaneously during the second stage.
1 ( 2ApgRc~ The pressure inside then drops and the bubble leaves the
= 2 Rc APmax 1 3ZIPmax, / , (2) capillary. The duration of the second stage is termed dead
time, ta. Hence, to determine the net time of the surface age,
where the second term in parentheses accounts for the gravi-
we should use the formula
tation. Let us introduce the Egtv6s number Eo
Eo = 3 p g R ~ / 2 c r . t = t v - - td

In this way, Eq. (2) becomes where t~ = v-t is total time, measured experimentally.
To derive an expression for ta, Feinerman [7] has considered
y = 1 - (2/3)Eo(y)y, (3) Poiseulle flow of the air in the capillary. In this way he has
where, in view of Eq. (1): obtained the approximate formula
y = 2cr/RoApg(H -- h) .
Equation (3) can easily be solved by means of the method of t a = ReAP L R c A P \ R c ] +3\Re/ J
asymptotic expansions [17]. The formal solution of Eq. (3) valid at R b >> Ro. Here ~t~ is the air viscosity; Lo is the capillary
reads length; R u is the radius of the bubble during the stage of
y=l+ ~ ( - - 2 / 3 ) kEok(y) . (4) spontaneous expansion. Equation (8) shows that t e may de-
k=l pend on the geometrical parameters of the capillary and on the
surfactant concentration through o. Garrett and Ward [12]
The value of cr can be obtained with an appropriate accuracy
have experimentally proved this statement by using an elec-
from Eq. (4) by an iterative procedure.
tronic counter, an oscilloscope, and a high-speed cinecamera.
Let us compare Eq. (4), written in the form
They have established that t a does not depend manifestly on v.
y = 1.0 -- 0.6667Eo + 0.4444Eo 2 (5) In their experiment t a is around 19 ms for distilled water and t d
is around 25 ms for SDS solution with concentration ~ = 7
with other equations, available in the literature. The equation x 10 .6 mol/cm 3. Their capillary has a radius 10 .2 cm. Since
of Bendure [3] reads L c and R b a r e unknown in our experiment, we had to perform
y = 0.9995 + 0.0136Eo ~/2 direct measurements of t d.
To do so, we visualized (as in I5, 12, 21]) the pulsations of
-- 0.1113Eo 3/2 + 0.5647Eo 2 , (6) the pressure when bubbles are blown away. We replaced the
while the equation of Johnson and Lane [18] is water manometer, which is too inert for this purpose, with a
sensitive pressure transducer. The signal from the transducer is
y = 1.0 - 0.6622Eo - 0.0603Eo 3/2 + 0.5631Eo 2 . (7) amplified and depicted on the oscilloscope screen. The signal
Equations (6) and (7) are obtained numerically by interpo- has a saw-like form, corresponding to the changes in the
lation of the tables of Sugden [19]. The exact analytical pressure. Hence, t is the time interval, which AP needs to reach
solution of the problem, Eq. (5), explains why the contribution its maximum value P. . . . while t a is the time interval, during
of the odd powers of Eo 1/2 in Eqs. (6) and (7) is negligible. which AP drops down to its initial value. In this way the
Another solution of the Laplace equation for the capillary bubbling frequency was measured from the screen with an
pressure was found recently by Holcomb and Zollweg [20]. At accuracy 0.1 s - t .
small Eo their equation yields (cf. Eq. (5)) We measured ta at different v for distilled water and several
SDS solutions. We found that the dead time does not depend
y = 1 - 0.6689Eo . notably on the bubbling frequency (ta varied between 15 and
In most experiments with MBP-method Eo ~ 1 (y ~ 1), i.e., 25 ms). The results are plotted in Fig. 2. It is seen that with
the gravitational effect in Eq. (2) is negligible. For example, in increasing the frequency the contribution of t d increases in
our experiment Eo varies between 3.8 x 10 .4 for pure water comparison with total time t v = v - t The data for t d are too
(or = 72 dyn/cm) to 7.9 x 10-4 for micellar solutions of SDS scattered, because the dead time was measured with an accur-
(rr = 35 dyn/cm). Subsequently, the dynamic surface tension is acy of 5 ms, due to the low dividing ability of the oscilloscope
calculated in all cases by means of Eqs. (1) and (2). The screen. That is why the dependence of ta on the concentration,
accuracy in measuring the surface tension is better than predicted by Eq. (8), cannot be observed. The linear fit of the
0.2 dyn/cm. experimental data in Fig. 2 is t/G = 0 . 9 9 2 1 7 - 0.01824v.
Hence, the dead time is given by
t a = 18.24 + 7.83/v, (9)
where v is in s-1 and ta is in milliseconds. Equation (9) differs
Dead-time correction from the empirical formula of Austin et al. [2]
td = 39.9 - 0.252v. (10)
There are two stages of formation of a bubble on the tip of a
capillary [3]. During the first stage the bubble grows until the Equation (10) is obtained for a capillary having different radius
maximum pressure APmax is reached and a hemispherical form (R c = 5 x 10 .3 cm) and probably different length L c. Both
is established. At that time or(t) corresponds to the surface Eqs. (9) and (10) are compared in Fig. 2.
lliev and Dushkin, Dynamic surface tension of micellar solutions: Part 1 373

tv "'~.'._ ' ~"o , ~

Fig. 2. Frequency dependence of t/G for SDS
solutions with different concentration
(mol/cmS): 0( 9 2 x 1 0 - 6 ( O ) , 3x10 6(O),
4X 10-6(D), 6 x 10-6(11), 7X 10-6(A),

8X10-6(A), 1.2x10-s(<5), 1.6x10-5(11~),

O L 9 , , L . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . L ,
2.4 x 10- 5 ( x ), 3.2 x 10- s ( + ). The solid line
0 10 20 Is-,) 30 is a linear least square fit by Eq. (9). The dashed
line corresponds to Eq. (10)

Results a n d discussion
70 o - -<~T x - 3 - o . ~ <:o- r ~ l -
~ _ _ ~ - _ ~ ~- -z~-
- D- - - - d~- - O - - OK~

r ) . . O ' -Z
- _; ~ - - ~ " - ~

In Figs. 3 a n d 4 are given the e x p e r i m e n t a l d a t a

60 0----
for the d y n a m i c surface t e n s i o n o f SDS a n d Ver- AA.,A -jA"

anol H 1 0 solutions as a f u n c t i o n o f the b u b b l i n g 50

f r e q u e n c y . It is seen t h a t o u r d a t a for SDS are in a // .l - --tt-

g o o d a g r e e m e n t w i t h the M B P - d a t a o f o t h e r au-
t h o r s [11, 12], p l o t t e d also in Fig. 3 for c o n c e n t r a -
tions equal or very close to the c o n c e n t r a t i o n s used . . . . .

by us. In Figs. 5 a n d 6 are given the respective plots 300 10 20 30

o f the d y n a m i c surface t e n s i o n o f the t w o sur-
f a c t a n t s vs time t. F o r all c o n c e n t r a t i o n s the d e a d Fig. 4. Experimental dependence of the dynamic surface ten-
time c o r r e c t i o n s are p e r f o r m e d by m e a n s o f Eq. (9). sion ~r on the bubbling frequency v at different Veranol HI0
concentrations (mol/cm3): 3.16x10-9( 9 10-s(C]); 3.16
x 10-6(Z~); 10-7(O); 10-6(A); 3.16x10-s(11); 10-5(V);
3.16x 10-4(1~)
a-(~) 7O
.... - ] Z- o O
(dyrCcm) 03___<3___-0- O----C~- ........

O. _ a D . _ _ O - - - O- ~D" -<'~- ,O
W i t h increasing the f r e q u e n c y v, very s h o r t times
50 b e c o m e accessible. F o r such s h o r t time intervals the
r Z__-<>---o- . . . . . . . k- ...r b u b b l e surface r e m a i n s a l m o s t clean, because the
40 , " 9 ~ ..... -,- - -- ~ - - - ~ - ~ . i r - " s u r f a c t a n t molecules d o n o t have time to a d s o r b
o n t o it. T h e r e f o r e , in this case the surface tension
30 tends to the value o f p u r e water. In the o p p o s i t e
0 10 20 30 case (low frequencies v, i.e., large t) the s u r f a c t a n t
9 (s-9 molecules have e n o u g h time to reach the b u b b l e
Fig. 3. Experimental dependence of the dynamic surface ten- surface a n d to a d s o r b o n t o it. In this w a y they
sion cr on the bubbling frequency v at different SDS concentra- sufficiently l o w e r the surface tension.
tions (mol/cm3): 2 X 10 -6 curve 1; 3 X 10 - 6 - 2; It is seen f r o m Fig. 5 t h a t at infinite times the
4• 6 _ 3; 6• 6 _ 4 ; 8 x 1 0 - 6 - 5 ; 1.2• s _ 6; surface t e n s i o n o f SDS tends to its e q u i l i b r i u m
1.6 • 10- s _ 7; 2.4 • 10- 5 _ 8; 3.2 x 10- 5 _ 9. The open circles
values (the bars o n the r i g h t h a n d side f r a m e o f the
(O) represent the data below CMC, and the filled circles (O)
are those above CMC. The data of Garrett and Ward [12] are: figure). (The e q u i l i b r i u m values are calculated by
5 • 10- 6 ( A ) and 7 x 10- 6 ( A ) - curve 4*. The data of Woolf- m e a n s o f Eq. (11).) T h e SDS m o n o m e r s are trans-
rey et al. [11] are: 2x I0-6(C]) and 8x 10-6(11) p o r t e d in s h o r t time (of the o r d e r o f milliseconds)
374 Colloid and Polymer Science, Vol. 270 9 No. 4 (1992)

H10 monomers is much greater than the respective

7O time for SDS.
Figures 7 and 8 represent the dependence of the
(dyn/cm) dynamic surface tension on the surfactant concen-
%'~176 --o.~ _ _o 2 tration of SDS and Veranol H10 at two different
~ ' % - - o _ _ _ ..~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -~--o-. . . . . . . times. The equilibrium surface tension of SDS
'\ (Fig. 7) is calculated using the equation of Mysels
~1 -o
50 o

= 68.49 -- 6.5161n~ -- 3.3531n2~. (11)

Qs176"~ - "~ - - -~ -o- 5 t

40 .... _2-_ . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . .
Here 8 is in dyn/cm, while 2 is in mmol/1. Equation

30 0-
0 50 100 150 200 250 {d yn/cm)
60 ~
t (ms)
Fig. 5. The time dependence of the surface tension ~r of the
SDS solutions obtained by the data in Fig. 3. The bars denote so ~Q~X,
the respective equilibrium values ~ calculated by Eq. (11)
ooo--omco-- o..~_o- - - qso- . . . . . . . . o
7O ~ , 7 ~ A . ~ - _-~_ -._-22 . . . . . . . . A- -.-A CMC

o-(t) ,,,, 30 J . . . . . ' . . . . '

0 10 20 30
gxlO 6 (mo|/cm3)
Fig. 7. The concentration dependence of the dynamic surface
tension of SDS solutions at 10 ms (curve 1) and 50 ms (curve 2)
50 obtained from the data in Fig. 5. The equilibrium curve 3 is
drawn by Eq. (11)

70 -'&7-<. o
. . . . t , , i , I i , . . i . . . . i . . . .
0 50 100 150 200 250 6O \ \

Fig. 6. The time dependence of the surface tension er of the 5C

Veranol H10 solutions obtained by the data in Fig. 4. The bars
denote the respective equilibrium values

to the surface to produce a rapid relaxation of the -?

surface tension. In the time interval covered by the 30
experiment the surface tension of Veranol H10 10-9 10-a 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4
below CMC is very far from its equilibrium values.
(The equilibrium values of ~ [13], denoted by the (rnol./cm 3)
signs for the respective concentrations, are shown Fig. 8. The concentration dependence of the dynamic surface
on the righthand side of Fig. 6.) This means that tension of Veranol H10 solutions at 20 ms (E~) and 50 ms ( ~ )
the characteristic time of transportation of Veranol obtained from the data in Fig. 6. The equilibrium data are (O)
Iliev and Dushkin, Dynamic surface tension of micellar solutmns: Part I 375

(11) was obtained in [22] by fitting experimental ies. In non-equilibrium conditions the micettes can
data, obtained by the Wilhelmy plate method. disintegrate into monomers and additionally sup-
The CMC of SDS is supposed to be 8.3 ply the bubble surface with surface active material.
• 10- s mol/cm 3" Two relaxation processes of micellization are ob-
The equilibrium surface tension data of Veranol served experimentalJy by the usual chemical relaxa-
H10 are taken from [13]. It is seen from Fig. 8 that tion methods like p-jump method [24]. The first
5(J) exhibits a minimum around CMC (CMC is process, called fast process, is attributed to the
accepted to be 5 x 10-8 mol/cm 3). The best fit of release of several monomers by a micelle in order to
the data below CMC is make it less stable. During the second process,
which is called slow process, the micelles destroy to
8 = 54.96 -- 3.7051nc - 0.7271n2c, (12)
reach their equilibrium concentration. We will de-
where ~ is in pmol/1. Figure 8 illustrates the very note the time constant of this particular relaxation
large difference between the dynamic surface ten- process by zM.
sion and the equilibrium surface tension of Veranol However, the micelles can also be transported
H10 in cornparison with the respective curves of towards the bubble surface. In such a way they can
SDS in Fig. 7. This fact, due to the weaker trans- facilitate the adsorption, thus causing t'he surface
port ability, is also observed for other surfactants tension to relax faster than in the case below CMC.
in [4, 23]. Subsequently, the difference between the dynamic
If the surfactant concentration increases, the re- surface tension r and the equilibrium one 5, shown
laxation of the surface tension becomes much in Figs. 7 and 8, can be explained by the partici-
faster (see Figs. 5 and 6). As we see, below CMC pation of the micelles in the mass transfer. If the
this may be attributed to the accumulation of transport of micelles and the micellization are
surfactant monomers in the bulk of solution. The much faster than the time intervals accessible in the
transport of material to the surface becomes more experiment, the equilibrium surface tension should
intensive and the surface equilibrates rapidly. To establish instantaneously. These processes should
describe this process more quantitatively, we will have comparable characteristic time in order that
use the equation for the monomer concentration in the effect of the micelles becomes observable. It is
the subsurface layer 9 (t) derived in the subsequent seen from Figs. 5 and 6 that the time intervals
paper [14]: covered in our experiment are between 5 and
9 (t) = g, {1 - E[(t/'~D)I/2]} . (13) 250 ms. The surface tension of SDS and Veranol
H10 above CMC changes notably until 30-40 ms.
Here, ~1 is the equilibrium monomer concentration Therefore, the characteristic time of miceltization
and E (z) = exp (z 2) erfc (z) where erfc (z) is tee erro- ~M is to be in the millisecond range. Of the same
r function complement. The characteristic diffm order should be the characteristic time of trans-
sion time c o represents the ability of the surfactant portation of the free monomers ZD, tOO, because
molecules to enhance the relaxation. The subsu> the last species act like mediators among the micel-
face concentration 9 can be obtained experb les and the surface adsorption layer.
mentally from the data of c~. Fitting these data by In this case the subsurface concentration is given
Eq. (13), we found that the values of c o for SDS by another equation derived in [15]:
range from 5.8 to 15 ms [14]. Of the same order are
also the values of c o obtained experimentally by (/)(t) = Z~ {1 -- exp( -- ~CD){blE[(k,t/co) 1/2
Garrett and Ward [12]. For Veranol H10 a suffi- - b2E[(kat/CD)I/2]}} , (14)
ciently larger value of CD, 14.7 S was computed at
concentration ~ = 3.16 x 10 -18 mol/cm 3 [15]. where bi = (1 + G)/2, b 2 = (1 - G)/2, kl =
With increasing the surfactant concentration cD (1 + G)2/4, k 2 = (1 - G)2/4 and G = (1 +
generally decreases. Hence, Eq. (13) predicts that 4CD/'CM) 1/2. Equation (14) predicts a faster relaxa-
the surface tension relaxation will really become tion than Eq. (13) depending on the ratio TD/TM. It
faster. is known from the experiments on the micellization
In addition, above CMC the rmmber of the free kinetics [24] that TM usual]y decreases with increas-
monomers r e m a i n s almost c o n s t a n t : t h e e x c e s s ing the surfactant concentration. This fact, to-
amount of surfactant added transforms into miceb gether with Eq. (14) explains qualitatively why the
376 Colloid and Polymer Science, Vol. 270 9 No. 4 (1992)

relaxation of the surface tension becomes faster for F = ~AP(zc) + A p g V , (A.4)

micellar solutions. The values of'rM computed from
where V is the current volume of the bubble
the experimental data for o'(t) of SDS are between
1.1 and 4.5 ms [15]. Of the same order are the 0
V= ~ S B2dz"
values of the slow relaxation time measured by p- --Zc

jump technique [24].

At the end of the first stage of the bubble growth
Acknowledgements the quantities become: (r = ~/2, V = 2 ~ R ~ / 3 and
AP(zc) = ZlPma x. Hence, combining Eqs. (A.1) and
The authors thank Prof. Ivan B. Ivanov, Dr. Alex Nikolov,
and Dr. Yordan Radkov for valuable discussions of the experi- (A.4), Eq. (2) is obtained.
mental results. The financial support of the Bulgarian Ministry
of Science and Education is also gratefully acknowledged.
Appendix 1. Kragh AM (1964) Trans Faraday Soc 60:225
2. Austin M, Bright BB, Simpson EA (1967) J Colloid Interf
Sci 23:108
Here, Eq. (2) is derived after [16]. The profile of 3. Bendure RL (1971) J Colloid Interf Sci 35:238
the air bubble expanding on a capillary tip is given 4. Huang DD, Nikolov A, Wasan DT (1986) Langmuir 2:672
in Fig. 9. The origin of the coordinate system is 5. Hua XY, Rosen MJ (1988) J Colloid Interf Sci 124:652
placed on the bubble surface in such a way that the 6. Kloubek J (1972) J Colloid Interf Sci 41:17
z-axis coincides with the capillary axis. Two forces 7. Feinerman VB (1979) Kolloidn Zh 41:111 (Russ)
8. Feinerman VB, Lylyk SV (1983) Zh Prikladn Chim 56:2218
act across the bubble surface: the force _F, accoun- (Russ)
ting for both the pressure and buoyancy force, and 9. Feinerman VB, Lylyk SV (1984) Kolloidn Zh 46:166 (Russ)
the capillary force acting along the contact line. 10. Miller TEJr, Meyer WC (1984) American Lab February:91
Hence, the force balance in z-direction gives 11. Woolfrey SG, Banzon GM, Groves MJ (1986) J Colloid
Interf Sci 112:583
F = 2rcRco-sin ~ . (A.1) 12. Garrett PR, Ward DR (1989) J Colloid Interf Sci 132:475
13. Radkov Y, Kralchevsky P, to be published
Generally, the force F can be expressed as [25] 14. Dushkin CD, Iliev TzH, this journal, part 2
0 15. Dushkin CD, Iliev TzH, Radkov YS, this journal, part 3
F = 2re ~ APB[~dz, (A.2) 16. Kralchevsky PA, unpublished results
-- Zc
17. Nayfeh AH (1973) Perturbation Methods. Wiley Inter-
where r = B(z) is the equation of the bubble science, New York
profile (/3 = dB/dz), while AP(z) is the pressure 18. Johnson CHJ, Lane JA (1974) J Colloid Interf Sci 47:117
difference 19. Sugden S (1922) J Chem Soc 121:858
20. Holcomb CD, Zollweg JA (1990) J Colloid Interf Sci
alP(z) = P=(z) -- Pw(z) 134:41
21. Mysels KJ (1982) Langmuir 5:442
= 3P(zo) + 3 p g ( z - zo) 9 (A.3) 22. Mysels KJ (1986) Langmuir 2:423
23. Petrova L, Radkov Y, Basheva E, Nikolov A (1986) In:
By introducing Eq. (A.3) into (A.2) and carrying Proc 6th Int Conf Surface Active Materials. Badstuer,
out the integration at B (0) = 0 and B (zc) = Re, one DDR
obtains 24. Folger R, Hoffmann H, Ulbricht W (1974) Ber Bunsenges
Phys Chem 78:986
25. Ivanov IB, Kralchevsky PA, Nikolov AD (1986) J Colloid
Interf Sci 112:97
Received March 11, 1991;
accepted May 22, 1991

Authors' address:

Ceco D. Dushkin
I- Ro ]\0- Laboratory of Thermodynamics and Physico-chemical
I Faculty of Chemistry
University of Sofia
Fig. 9. Sketch of an air bubble expanding on a capillary tip i Anton Ivanov Blvd.
(for notations see the text) 1126 Sofia, Bulgaria

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