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AVEVA Marine(12.


g.2 Creating a PartFamily.'......'.'...... """""""48

9.3 Creatin! Parts from a Category.' """""""'49
9.4 Part Names. """"50
9.5 Part References ........'.... """"50
9.5 Setting the Isometric Description .........'.'.."' """"""""50
g.7 Settin! the ComponentWeight.. """""""'51
Exercise 6 - Part Creation (Cabtes / E-lconns)'.. ""'1""""""' """53
10 Cable Selection Tables' """"""'55
10.1 Greating a Gable Selection Table (Specification) """"'56
10.2 Adding-a Heading """""""""57
10.2.1 fOiting Headi-ng Questions """""""""'58
10.3 Removingl olieiltig ltems form the Selection Table """""""""""'60
Exercise 7 - Selection Tables """""""61
11 Cable Node Representation..".....'.... """"""63
11.1 Creating a f.f6ae Representation (Worked Example)"" """"""""""63
11.2 Greatin6 a GPart toi ttre Gableway Representations""""""' """""'65
11.3 Creatin[ a Tabte Group for the CiUle*ay Representations............. .'.............""'66
Exercise 8 - Cableway Route Nodes """""""""""'58
12 Design Parameters .'"""""""""69
12.1 Exira Design Parameters. """""""""""""69
tZ.Z Design Dalabase Parameters. """""""""'69
12.3 Exariple of using Design Parameter (DDHEIGHT) """'70
13 Cable triy Components..:.'......'...'.... """."""71
13.1 Greating a CaUleway Component (Worked Example) """""""""""71
tl.l creatin! a GPart foi tlre ciule fray.' """"76
Exercise 9 - Cable Tray Creation - Straight Tray Route Nodes """"""""""'79
14 Cable Penetration Creation.......',..'.' """"""'81
14.1 Greating a Cable Penetration (Worked Example) """"'81
14.1 Creatinl a GPart for the Peneiration Gland.'.'...... """"87
14.1 Creatinl a Table Group for the Penetration Gland.....""' """"""""'88
Exercise 10 - Cabte Penetration Creation .'""""""'90
15 Gable / Cable Tray Properties """""""""""'91
15.1 Component pr6perty da1a............ """"""'91
15.2 Creaiing Cable domponent Properties Data.". """"""'92
Exercise 1 - Cable Properties.........:':........
'16 Appendix A - Catalogue Primitives .:.::.:....:.::::::::::.::::::..:.:..:.:.::::::.::.:::..31
16.1 Primitive Elements'... """"""'95
16.2 Box (SBOX) """"95
16.3 Gone (Scone)................." """'95
16.4 Disc (SDISK)........"'....'... """"96
16.5 Spheie (SSPHE)...... """""""'96
16.6 cylindei (scYLi """"""""""'e6
16.7 cylinAer iucvl-i......... """"""'97
16.8 oistr (sosx)....:............... """'s7
16.9 Snoui (LsNo)........ """"""""'97
15.10 Gircular Torus (SCTO) .................. """"'98
16.11 Rectangular Torus (SRTO)........ -""""""98
16.12 Line (LINE). """"""""""""'98
15.13 Tube'(TUBE).................. ..'..""""""""""98
16.14 SIope - Bottomed Cylinder (SSLG) """'99
16.15 Pyramid (LPYR)...............'............ """""99
16.16 Boxing (4OX1t......... """"""99
16.17 User Deiined Lxtrusion (SEXT) """""'100

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.

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