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Page | of 19 gn puso iawn Aces Sean ee CTA SHEE ey ANC SC Swe as REGISTER OF ACTIONS ce raneeiaee See eeeenier ys rere Secs ' coke, slate s Location: CriminaliTrafficiPetty : eee : enon eee ieaar iree pee ce oe Geeeees on SRAUNEEaer ecg st feeeeeas pmo concerns faecaeaes met sou Aceeaesras oS pape eeren eases Seep coe een ee seeceeeree oan somata eS See ocean Seiten ie ae innate ee ee, eee eee Sector aa eee tespee Scenes ccleaner Se) ene Seiponmasen acca testetaemnay pene ra) coeeeemenees oerecres fea een oe | oes cprensen veneer 02, eo eee Being Runaway (Not applcable GO) EERE OES ECU 07128206 | Disposition (Juda Ottear:Asphaug, Kron) 1 Depie Ane CeatParentlRighs-Concesl Minor (Not ppcsbl- GOO) ‘Semvcted 2. Depie ntne-CestParentlRighs-Concesl Minor (No piste GOO) ‘Conacted ‘8 Depri Ante Cust Parental Rights. Conceal Minor (No ppb - GOC) Comuted 4. DaptivaAnoter-CusvParena Righe-Concea Minor ‘Conuctod 5, Dopie CusosParent Rahs Velotion Coun Order Toke Micor ‘Conacted £8, Depiv-CustodyParent Rights Viton Court Order Take Minor “Conited 7. Deprive CustParent Raghis-Cause Chis Being Runaway (No appicabe -GOC) eo «2, DeprivaCustParentRghe-Cavse Chia Belg Runaway (Net appesbe -GOC) ‘auld oorz018 ntenced (Judi Oticer:Aaphaug, Karen) “Dope Another CuyParenta! Rights Conceal Minor (No applicable - GOC) arraors (FEL) 600.26 (1) (6082811) ‘Committo Cnmissoner of Corrections Adu: INN Correctional Fachty- Shakopee 12101 Days Siayfors ye Slab Ache 072172016 Loca Confinement 2/6/2018 Page 2 of 19 ‘Agena Dakota County Ja ‘Tem 20 Daye, “ie Yo Serve 250 Days ‘lay 0G too Days Great Fer Time Seve: 133 Days Sone As "Werk Release (I Elgble) ‘commen ake ne custody rom courtroom Stour Active 08212010, onion Ad “ype' Sipenised probation ‘Agency. Dakota County Community Corectons Jemarsve (area0%6- 0212010 ‘Coren prosaton lam conseaive wth coun 3; nto reve early charge tm probation Staus Acie 00212016 Fee Teas Law way eo ‘Couniysherit a Fecny 04400 Fes hiteatie Surenarge a (caper - Probation Fee s349.00 Foe Totals S| sta7a00 Conaton- At “1 Pay fesitson, You il py esttuen to MN Crime Victim's Reparations Board inthe amount of $1000; nal, you mus so pay Testis ora past or ture ured counesing expenses inured for heap proved to your crn (al ve), ani for family, Teunioation thaapy auch aca made, Reston sal bo dtormined bythe Basta Couy Community Corectons Deparment FReauon toe paid ant and several 097/207, Active oa212016 2° Wo coat wh vcs), DR & TL09721/2018, Active 03/2/2018 5 Ins! Therapy, 03212016, Acive 0072172018 4. Condens, ler, you al comply ah a fay court dos 01272016, Ace 08212018 5: Fatow all stuctns f probation, 08212018, Acive 08/21/2016 6 Suppy ONA samba, 72120"6, Acive oe z018 5 Rubia ease of PSUPaycholopcal Evluatons, cout odors proprams 00212016, Active 0821/2018 {Foto al Stale ana Fedral canal we, 072112018, Active O82 T2018, 8: Cont your probation offer as crectos, 00212016, Acive 0821/2078 40: Tel your probation ofeer within 72 hour you have, carta wi aw freemen. 0212018, Active 08/21/2016 41. Tet jour pcbatinofear win 72 hours you te, chargd wih any new rime. 08212018, Adve O8/21/2018 12 Tel your probation ofenr win 72 tours i'jou chang, your aves, erploymen or eephane nube. 09/2720%6, Active 08721 /20%6 13. Cooperate vith he tear of your pon, esidencs, voice, werlacs, propery, and things a ected by your probation oto: arzizore, Achve oaz1/20%6| “4 Sign oleate of focmaton as rete, 0872172018, Active 08/21/2018, 18. Gie 9 ONA sample wnen dried, 1372076, Ace 08712018. 48. Dona ue ox ponseas ear, amiuriton er explosives, 082172078, Active o812018 47 Donat reget vot of woe unt charged tom, probation and our ci ih re uly eslored, 0821/2018, Active 097212016 {0, No Trveavonng or Assoulie Behav, spesifely no haraeang aravor vars OR oT. 09272016, Active COZ1/2016 toca Gontnement ‘Agorcy. Datta County Ja “Term 16 Days, Doraten: 171612017 6:00AM Siaus: cto 0/2/2016 cca Conioemn “Agenay Data County 98 ‘Term 18 Days Doraten 17882038 5:00AM Slax: Awe 09212016 Loca Content “agonoy Data County Jat ‘erm 18 Baye Timo To Seve: 15.0095 Duraten 17962010 6:00 AM Slay 0 vr ONOD Days, Sen As irk Raloae Elle) statue Acti 09212016. Leos Contoament “Agency Oaks County J ‘erm: 18 baye ‘ne To Save 16 Ony6 aan: 117982020 8:00 AM Stay ove 0000356 Sen As “Virk Release i Eile) ‘taut Aetio 08272018 Local Goninamant ‘Agency. Dakota County Jal ‘em #8 bays Duron 16-2021 00 AM 26/2018 Page 3 of 19 Sen As ‘irk Rosse Epic) su: Aeive 08272088 Loca Contnement: “Agency kota County Ja Tem. 18 Days Time To Sene: 18.0ay6 uration: 117162022 800 AM Stay 0¥" OMOD Days Seve Ae ‘Work Ralease i lige) ‘Statue Active 08272016 Seni = Ad "ype" Sertone to serico [Ebay Fer indeterminate Store 0621/2086 Due 17/2017 ‘Gomment pert to seve al not completed in ful Siaus: aco 092172016. Lec Coniaerant: ‘Agere Dotola County Ja “Term 12 Days, Duration: 117502017 6:0 AMA (Comment above ara beyond the annus! cst prod 12 aye may be vacate if STS has been completed Stan Aatwe 08212010 Senin Aa “ype Sernce to sanico 12 Days For indeterminate ‘Start 09/2206 Comment opto serve ali na comets inal ‘Statue Active OOD 2016 {ozal Contrement ‘Agere. Dota County Jal {Term 12 Gays Tina To Sere 12 Days Durston 11/182018 8:00 Ne ‘Stay 00 Mo 0 Days ‘Goon above and beyond te anal custo! pero 12 days may be vacated # STS hasbeen completed Shas: Acive 0921/2090 ‘senior “Acie “Typ: Sentonce o serve {2ooaye For ncotorminate Stare o021/20%6| oman: eps to sone lit complete in fl Stabs: Active 03212006. cca Conta ‘Agony. Davola County Jat ‘Tam: 12 Daye “me Te Gone: 12 00y6 ‘uraton 11482040 600 AM Slayo¥e 0MoD O3ye {Gomment above and bayond he annual ost prod 12 das may be vacated STS has been competed ‘Statur Aetve 08272010 Seni =A “Type: Sertonco to sonice {Zaye Fr Indeterminate Stan 97272016 ‘Comment p00 serve af ot competed infu ‘Stour Active oor 2048 Local Goninement ‘Agency. Dakota County Jal ‘Team 120398 Time To Sere 12 Days Duration 111182020 8:00 Att Stay 0¥ 000 Days ‘Comment stove and beyond he anual cust pero: 12 days may be vacated SS has been competed ‘Stour Active 00212050 ‘Seniesa “Type: Sentence to serico *{2oaye For torminale Store onze Comment repr to sane jl i ot compietein t Stas: Acie 097212086. Loca Content “Agorcy Dakota Couny Jal ‘em: 12 Onye Tne To Sore: 12 Daye Duration: 17182024 600 AM Slay0¥r MoO Days Corre: above snd baynd the snnvsl cvstdial prod 2 ays may be vacated if STS has been completed Sta fete o8/22090 Seni = Aa “ype: Sertoce to sevice 12 bays For ractrminato Sian OBr4/2018 https://mpa.courts,[D=1619190024 2/6/2018

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