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Goos-Hänchen effect on Si thin films

with spherical and cylindrical pores

Cherrie May Olaya, Wilson O. Garcia, Nathaniel


Cherrie May Olaya, Wilson O. Garcia, Nathaniel Hermosa, "Goos-Hänchen

effect on Si thin films with spherical and cylindrical pores," Proc. SPIE 10533,
Oxide-based Materials and Devices IX, 105332O (23 February 2018); doi:
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2018, San Francisco, California, United States

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Goos-Hänchen e↵ect on Si thin films with spherical and
cylindrical pores
Cherrie May Olaya, Wilson O. Garcia, and Nathaniel Hermosa

University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Philippines

We examine the e↵ects on the spatial and angular Goos-Hänchen (GH) beam shifts of spherical and cylindrical
pores in a thin film. In our calculations, a p-polarized light is incident on a 1-µm thick porous silicon (Si) thin
film on a Si substrate. The beams ahifts are within the measurement range of usual optical detectors. Our
results show that a technique based on GH shift can be used to determine the porosity and pore structure of
thin films at a given thickness.
Keywords: Goos-Hänchen shift, porous silicon, thin film

Di↵ractive corrections to the law of reflection and refraction occur when bounded optical beams interact with
a planar surface. With respect to the plane of incidence, the reflected beam shifts in-plane (Goos-Hänchen
(GH) shift) and out-of-plane (Imbert-Fedorov (IF) shift). These shifts may undergo spatial ( GH and IF ) and
angular (⇥GH and ⇥IF ) shifts that are dependent on the index of refraction of the material surface1–4 and the
properties of the beam such as its polarization,1–3 divergence5, 6 and modal structure.7, 8
Porous silicon (Si) films are an attractive material because of their wide ranging applications from solar
cells,9 biosensors,10 Bragg reflectors,11 and optical devices such as waveguides.12 The presence of the pores
greatly increases the interaction surface area. With the increased surface area, the sensitivity increases making it
suitable for sensing applications.13–15 Also, the pores decrease the dielectric constant of the material making the
material desirable for electronic applications.16 To maximize the applications of porous thin films, knowledge of
its porosity, pore structure, pore size and optical properties is required.
In this paper, we calculate GH shift due to porous Si thin films with spherical and cylindrcal pores. Measure-
ment of the beamshift provides a potential alternative technique in determining optical properties of materials
that is a non-invasive, fast and relatively simple setup.3

We calculate the GH shift due to a 1-µm thick porous silicon (Si) thin film on a Si substrate with index of
refraction n = 3.8827. We determine the GH shift of a p-polarized light beam from a helium-neon (HeNe)
laser ( = 632.8 nm) impinging the material at varying angles of inciedence, ✓, from air. We assume that the
extinction coefficient of Si is negligible at this wavelength. Figure 1 shows the schematic representation of the
film-substrate structure with the incident beam.
Further author information: (Send correspondence to C.M.O.)
C.M.O.: E-mail:
N.H.: E-mail:

Oxide-based Materials and Devices IX, edited by David J. Rogers, David C. Look,
Ferechteh H. Teherani, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 10533, 105332O · © 2018 SPIE
CCC code: 0277-786X/18/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2291484

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Figure 1. Schematic representation of the structure of the porous Si thin film used in the calculation.

2.1 GH Reflection Beamshifts

As the optical beam impinges the surface, the beam may undergo spatial ( GH and IF ) and angular (⇥GH and
⇥IF ) shifts. GH and ⇥GH produced from the interaction of light with any type of structure can be determined
through the reflection coefficient of the material. Derivation of these shifts are discussed elsewhere.1 Aiello, et
al.,2 presented a simplified expression for the dimensionless GH shifts given by:
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
@ ln rp @ ln rs
GH = !p Im + !s Im (1)
@✓ @✓
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
@ ln rp @ ln rs
⇥GH = !p Re + !s Re (2)
@✓ @✓
where !s/p = Rs/p a2s/p / Rp2 a2p + Rs2 a2s , as/p represents the polarization direction projected to the s- and p-
components, Rs/p is the reflectivity, and rs/p = Rs/p exp i s/p is the Fresnel reflection coefficient of the
material, and s/p is the phase gain after reflection.2, 3, 17
The contribution of the spatial and angular beamshift x measured in the laboratory is given by
k x = GH + ⇥GH (3)
where k = 2⇡/ , z is the distance of the detector from the minimum beam waist and L = k ! 2 /2 is the Rayleigh
length.2, 3

2.2 Fresnel reflection coefficient for porous thin films

For a thin film on a substrate, the e↵ective Fresnel reflection coe↵ciient at an incident angle ✓18 is given by
rs/p 12 + rs/p 23 e2i
rs/p = (4)
ef f
1 + rs/p 12 rs/p 23 e2i
where rs/p 12 and rs/p 23 are the single-interference reflection amplitude for s- and p-polarization, is the phase
di↵erence in the external medium between waves reflected from the first and second surfaces of the film
= n0 t cos ✓0 (5)

where n0 is the index of refraction of the film layer, t is the thickness of the film, and ✓0 is the angle of refraction
within the film.
We consider the porous Si thin films to be made up of either spherical pores or cylindrical pores. Lazarouk,
et al.,19 derived an equation to determine the index of refraction of materials based on the structure of the pores.
For spherical pores, the expression is given by
(5f + 4)(nm np )4 + (n4p + 4n4m )(1 f )
ns = nm . (6)
(2 + f )n2m + (1 f )n2p

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For cylindrical pores, the expression is given by
(2f + 2)(nm np )2 + (n4p + n4m )(1 f)
n c = nm (7)
(1 + f )n2m + (1 f )n2p

where nm is the index of refraction of the host material, np is the index of refraction of the pores, and f is
the volume fraction of pores. Air-filled pores (np = 1) were considered in this study. For the thin film with
cylindrical pores, the electric field is assumed to be perpendicular to the pores, while films with spherical pores
have pore diameters smaller than the thickness of the film.19 Thin films with spherical pores tend to have higher
index of refraction than films with cylindrical pores on all porosity values. The di↵erence between the e↵ective
index of refraction for thin films with spherical and cylindrical pores ranges from zero to 0.5. We focus on the low
porosity region since the di↵erence in the index of refraction are enough to provide a good distinction between
spherical and cylindrical pores.


3.1 Reflectivity and Phase
Figure 2 shows the changes in the reflectivity and the phase of the reflection coefficient with the angle of incidence
✓ when the sample is illuminated by a p-polarized beam. At zero porosity, the index of refraction of the film is
identical to the index of refraction of the substrate and therefore the material is just an air-Si structure. This
means it has a distinct Brewster angle at ✓ ⇡ 75.6 . The reflectivity changes when either spherical or cylindrical
pores are added to the thin film such as the shifting of the Brewster angle and the change in the reflectivity at
low incidence angle due to the porosity. At the Brewster angle, we see the abrupt change in the phase of the
beam. For some values of the porosity, the phase becomes -⇡-shifted, and the slope as we increase the incident
angle is less abrupt.

3.2 Spatial and Angular GH Shifts

Changes in the reflectivity and the phase of the reflection coefficient were shown when the porosity is changed
for thin films with spherical and cylindrical pore structures. These translate to a change in the GH shift of the
reflected beam. Figures 3a and 3b show the dependence of the spatial GH shift to porosity of films with spherical
pores and cylindrical pores. At zero porosity, the abrupt ⇡-shift in the phase of the reflection coefficient at the
Brewster angle leads to a GH that cannot be detected. Changes in the value of the porosity leads to a finite
value of GH with a broad profile.
Figures 3c and 3d show the magnitude of GH at the Brewster angle as a function of the porosity. Infinite
values, and hence not detectable, are observed when the angle of incidence is at the true Brewster angle, that
is when the reflectivity is at zero. The magnitude of the shift decreases at pseudo-Brewster incidence or at
the angle when the reflectivity is at its lowest but not zero. Similar trends are observed in the behavior of the
magnitude of GH for both pore structures. However, the magnitude di↵ers at a specific value of the porosity.
The plot of the angular GH shift as a function of the angle of incidence at di↵erent porosity values is shown in
Figures 4a and 4b. At zero porosity, the reflectivity at Brewster angle incidence is zero. Large ⇥GH is observed
within the vicinity of the Brewster angle.
The singularity at the Brewster angle and the magnitude of ⇥GH changes as the porosity is varied for thin
films with spherical pores and cylindrical pores. Figures 4c and 4d show the di↵erence between the maximum
and minimum points in the plot of ⇥GH as the porosity is increased. Very large values of the di↵erence between
the maximum and minimum points of ⇥GH are observed at the true Brewster angle. The di↵erence decreases
when the reflectivity is non-zero.
For thin films with 20% porosity illuminated by a p-polarized 632.8 nm source and a beam waist of 40
µm, calculated GH at Brewster angle incidence are -12.51 and 17.67 for films with spherical pores and with
cylindrical pores, respectively. Values of ⇥GH are calcuated at -17.34 and -18.26 for films with spherical pores
and cylindrical pores, respectively. Measurable values of the shift were determined using equation 3 for a detector
positioned 20 cm from the beam waist. Measurable spatial shifts were calculated at -12.52 µm for films with

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a) tb)
1.0 1.0
, 0.8 ----
- --- f=0.1
f = 0.2
- f=0.3

> 0.6 - :>_ 0.6

f = 0.4
0.4=- 7i) 0.4

0.0 0.0
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
A (deg) A (deg)

(c) (d)


-7/2 -7/2

0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
A (deg) A (deg)

Figure 2. (a) - (b) Reflectivity, and (c) - (d) phase of reflection coefficient of porous Si film on Si sibstrate as a function of
angle of incidence when illuminated by a p-polarized light source. Porous Si films are considered to be made up of either
spherical pores (left) or cylindrical pores (right).

spherical pores and 17.67 µm for films with cylindrical pores. Calculated measurable angular shifts are -43.98
µm for films with spherical pores and -46.31 µm for films with cylindrical pores. The signs indicate the direction
of the shift.
Calculated physical beamshifts show values well within the range of usual detectors. The distinction in
the calculated values of the physical beamshifts implies that the pore structure could be determined from the
measurement of the beamshift at a given porosity and film thickness. Likewise, measurement of the beamshift
and knowledge of the pore structure and the thickness of the film layer could be used to determine the porosity
of the film.

We presented calculations of GH shifts when a visible light illuminates the surface of a porous Si film deposited
on a Si substrate. The porous layer was modeled to have either spherical pores or cylindrical pores. Magnitudes
of GH and ⇥GH di↵er depending on the porosity and pore structure. Our results show that measuremnt of
both GH shifts could be used to determine di↵erent optical properties of the thin film such as its e↵ective index
of refraction, its porosity and the pore structure of the film.

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(a) (b)
,'" ++ 90
\ I
60 I
-10 'It /1/ I
1 .3i 30 Ik
_ -20
0 - f=0
I II 0 0 s/ /
-30 f=0.1 I
f=02 .

-40 f=0.3 I -60 -

f=0.4 I Ì
-50 -90
60 65 70 75 80 85 60 65 70 75 80 85
O (deg) O (deg)

(C) 600 (d) 600

400 400

m 200
m 200
m iUÜuu v
á -200

Aflflfl: 0.1
0.2 0.3
á -200

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
porosity porosity

Figure 3. (a) - (b) Dimensionless spatial GH shift of porous Si thin film on Si substrate as a function of the angle of
incidence when illuminated by a p-polarized light source, and (c) - (d) dimensionless spatial GH shift evaluated at the
psudo-Brewster angle of the structure. Porous Si films are considered to be made up of either spherical pores (left) or
cylindrical pores (right).

N. Hermosa is a University of the Philippines Office of the Vice President for Academic A↵airs Balik-PhD
program recipient (UP OVPAA BPhP 2015-06). This work is funded by the Department of Science and Tech-
nology - Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-

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(a) (b)
40 f=0
f=0.2 //i1

20 20 i
0 Ó 0
,,,.... .,..
-20 -20 '; \:,;;;

-40 -40 1Ai


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! i

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porosity porosity

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