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Repaso San Marcos


PRESENT PERFECT As you can imagine, for ‘wh’ questions, we just put the
question word before ‘have’ or ‘has’:
‘Wh’ Questions
To make the positive present perfect tense, use:
where have I left my umbrella?
‘have’ / ‘has’ + the past participle
what have you done today?
Make the past participle by adding ‘ed’ to regular verbs
why has he gone already?
(for example, ‘play’ becomes ‘played’)
where has she been in the UK?
There are a few verbs that change their spelling when you
why has it rained so much this summer?
add ‘ed’ (for example, ‘study’ becomes ‘studied’)
what have we done?
We also have some completely irregular verbs
where have they learned English before?

Positive Positive Short Form

When should I use the Present Perfect
I have played I've played Unfinished Actions
you have worked you've worked We use this tense when we want to talk about unfinished
he has written he's written actions or states or habits that started in the past and con-
she has walked she's walked tinue to the present. Usually we use it to say ‘how long’
it has rained it's rained and we need ‘since’ or ‘for’. We often use stative verbs.
• I’ve known Karen since 1994.
we have travelled we've travelled
• She’s lived in London for three years.
they have studied they've studied
• I’ve worked here for six months.

The negative is really simple too. Just put ‘not’ after ‘have’ ‘Since’ and ‘For’
or ‘has’: 1. We use ‘since’ with a fixed time in the past (2004, April
23rd, last year). The fixed time can be another action,
Negative Negative Short Form which is in the past simple (since I was at school, since
I have not eaten breakfast today I haven't eaten I arrived).
you have not been to Asia you haven't been • I’ve known Sam since 1992.
he has not seen the new film he hasn't seen • I’ve liked chocolate since I was a child.
• She’s been here since 2pm.
she has not played tennis she hasn't played
it has not snowed this winter it hasn't snowed We use ‘for’ with a period of time (2 hours, three years,
we have not slept all night we haven't slept six months).
• I’ve known Julie for ten years.
they have not tried the food they haven't tried
• I’ve been hungry for hours.
• She’s had a cold for a week.
To make a question, put ‘have’ or ‘has’ in front of the sub-
Finished Actions
‘Yes / No’ Questions
2. Life experience. These are actions or events that ha-
have I missed the bus?
ppened sometime during a person’s life. We don’t say
have you visited London?
when the experience happened, and the person needs
has he worked as a waiter before?
to be alive now. We often use the words ‘ever’ and ‘ne-
has she met John?
ver’ here.
has it been cold this week?
• I have been to Tokyo.
have we arrived too early?
• They have visited Paris three times.
have they studied English grammar before?
• We have never seen that film.

Academia ADUNI

3. With an unfinished time word (this month, this week, 2. When did Jenna meet Polly?
today). The period of time is still continuing.
• I haven’t seen her this month. A) before she left the UK
• She’s drunk three cups of coffee today. B) when she arrived in Seattle
• I’ve already moved house twice this year! C) when she went shopping
D) when she return to UK
We CAN’T use the present perfect with a finished time
E) when she went to New York

3. Where did Jenna and her friends go?


A) They went to Seattle

4. A finished action with a result in the present (focus on
B) They went to UK
result). We often use the present perfect to talk about
something that happened in the recent past, but that is C) They went skating
still true or important now. Sometimes we can use the D) They went to do homework
past simple here, especially in US English. E) They went to Pike Place Market
• I’ve lost my keys (so I can’t get into my house).
• She’s hurt her leg (so she can’t play tennis today). 4. Has Jenna done her Science homework yet?
• They’ve missed the bus (so they will be late).
A) Yes, she has.
5. We can also use the present perfect to talk about some- B) She’s already finished it
thing that happened recently, even if there isn’t a clear C) No, she hasn’t.
result in the present. This is common when we want to D) It doesn’t mention it
introduce news and we often use the words ‘just / yet / al- E) She doesn’t have any homework
ready / recently’. However, the past simple is also correct
in these cases, especially in US English. 5. What does Jenna miss from her country?
• The Queen has given a speech.
• I’ve just seen Lucy. A) She misses her family
• The Mayor has announced a new plan for the railways. B) She misses the food
C) She misses her school
D) She misses news about football
Exercises E) She misses her friends

Text 1
Well, I’ve been here in Seattle for exactly three months. Text 2
It’s hard to believe because so much has happened. I was Recently, it has snowed in Maria’s town. In the last
pretty nervous before we left the U.K. but it’s been fine week, it has snowed three times. Maria has always
since my first day. I think I’m lucky – I made friends with a loved the snow. She has played in the snow many times
girl at school named Polly. We take a lot of the same classes before.
and we’ve gotten along really well since we met. It feels as Maria’s dog, Sparky, has never played in the snow. This
if I’ve known her for years! She’s introduced me to other
is Sparky’s first snow. He has not felt the cold yet.
people, too, and that makes a big difference. Last week
Maria has just received a new sled for Christmas. She
four of us decided to go to the Pike Place Market – there are
puts on her warm clothes and snow boots. She pulls
lots of cool shops and stands there. Then we took a tour on
the sled up the hill. Sparky has run outside with Maria.
a Duck – it’s a bus and a boat! It’s great here, but there’s one
Sparky has followed Maria up to the hill. He feels good!
thing I really miss. I haven’t heard any football news for a
Maria has finally reached the top. She sits on her sled.
long time. Can you do me a favor and tell me the standings?
She rides down the hill. Sparky runs beside the sled.
OK, I have to stop and do my science homework. My books
have been in my bag since Friday and I’ve done nothing for They have finally reached the bottom. Sparky has
my test tomorrow. followed Maria all the way down the hill Sparky has
Love, decided that he likes the snow too!
1. How long has Jenna been to Seattle? 6. Where has it snowed recently?

A) for years A) It hasn’t snowed yet

B) for three months B) It has snowed in Maria’s town
C) for a long time C) Maria has always loved snow
D) since last year D) Up to the hill
E) since she’s finished school E) Many times before

Repaso San Marcos

7. How many times has it snowed there in the last week? 9. What has Maria received for Christmas?

A) Many times A) snow

B) It has never snowed B) Sparky
C) Once C) a new sled
D) Three times D) the top of the hill
E) Twice E) nothing

8. Has Sparky ever played in the snow before today? 10. Where has Maria Taken her sled?

A) No, it hasn’t. A) to her town

B) Yes, it has. B) to the snow
C) It has played once C) to Sparky’s house
D) It has played twice D) outside
E) It has played three times E) to the top of the hill

1- B 2- B 3- E 4- C 5- D
6- B 7- D 8- A 9- C 10 - E

Jr. Zapallal 280 - 320

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