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5/12/2018 Actividades de habilidades sociales para ser bueno con la gente: lista definitiva

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Actividades de habilidades
sociales para ser bueno con la
gente: lista de nitiva
¿Estás buscando actividades de habilidades sociales que te ayudarán a mejorar con la gente?

¡Has venido al lugar correcto!

Al nal de este artículo sabrás exactamente:

1. ¿Qué actividades mejorarán tus habilidades sociales?

2. De qué manera
3. Cómo puedes priorizarlos.

Contenidos [ mostrar ]

Actividades de habilidades sociales 1/17
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Las siguientes son actividades de habilidades sociales que ayudan a las personas a ser más
efectivas y seguras socialmente.
Han sido probados por mí mismo, mis alumnos o, a menudo, ambos.

#1. Martial Arts

You cannot get good with people if you are afraid of them.

And albeit this is not the most common issue for people with underdeveloped social skills, it’s
common enough to warrant your attention.
Ask yourself:

Are you afraid of others?

Do you fear enforcing your boundaries?
Are you always giving way to others?
Does the fear of other people’s judgement paralyze you from doing
what you want?
Do you avoid picking up the phone in public places?
Are you afraid that someone might get angry or violent because of a
negative feedback or complaint?

The above are all indicators that you might be physically afraid of people.

Now don’t get me wrong: at times being physically afraid does make sense. And most people
do feel physically afraid at least some of the times. But it’s unhealthy when it’s too much,
when it happens too often and when it happens in social settings where there is very little to
fear. 2/17
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What you will learn:

Getting hit is not the end of the world

You can defend yourself (even as a smaller, weaker and slower person)
Most people, even ghters, don’t wanna ght
Finally, you will remove your fear of people

Note: if you are not physically afraid, then you can skip this one and read more at how to
overcome social anxiety with martial arts (
social-anxiety/). And of course, I shouldn’t need to say this, but violence sucks. The goal not to
be afraid, not to become meathead.

#2. Toastmasters (Public Speaking)

Public speaking is one of the most common fears in the world.

Indeed, someone famously said (

stated-that-the-average-person...) that most people would rather be in a funeral’s casket than
delivering the eulogy.

But this is a very limiting fear for someone who wants to enjoy an enriching life full of social
The fear of public speaking is not just stopping you from speaking on a stage indeed. The fear
of public speaking is stopping you from speaking to any group of people.

Why do we fear public speaking so much?

It probably stems from our fear of being judged by the group, which might then lead to
ostracism and isolation (
risk/201211/the-thing-we-fear-more-death). And eventually, to death. 3/17
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However, that’s a highly maladaptive trait and you shouldn’t accept it.
Delivering a bad speech, saying something everyone disagrees with, or even collapsing and
fainting on stage will not lead to any terrible consequences today.

And I can guarantee you this: taking up toastmaster as a social skill activity will be a huge,
huge improvement not only on your social life but also on your overall con dence and

What you will learn:

Introducing yourself to groups

Speaking con dently to groups (
Asking questions and contributing at your company’s meetings
Cracking a joke in the presence of some strangers

#3. Eye Contact Experiment

Bottom line:

you cannot improve your social skills if you are afraid of looking at people in the eyes.
And even if you are not afraid of looking staring at people’s eyes, this is an awesome social
skills activity to push the boundaries of your comfort zone.

The eye contact experiment has become a popular social skill activity in many cities, with
both meetups and Facebook groups.
Check your local meetup and sign up to one. 4/17
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And if it’s not there?

Well, go ahead and create one.

What You Will Learn:

How eye contact affects people

Holding eye contact with strangers
Remove the fear of prolonged eye contact
It can be very helpful in your romantic relationship too 5/17
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#4. Bar Hopping (Solo)

There is comfort in numbers.

Going out in groups is like having a base camp.

You feel observed? A girl shoots you down? A guy you like is with another girl?
Well, At least you got  your friends to retreat to and regroup.

But going out alone?

Nope, you’re alone pal.
If there are no places to sit, you’re standing all by yourself.
If a girl rejects you, you got nobody to go back to. 6/17
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And of course… The fear of being a wall ower that people will laugh at. Will you even nd
someone to talk to or will you look like a loner the whole time?

Indeed the rst times I started going out by myself I felt obliged to talk to someone. Because
being by myself I would look weird, I thought.
So in the beginning I forced myself to be social, to talk to people.
And I learned that the more you do it, the more social you become and the easier it gets in
the evening. Which is quite a revelation if you’re an introvert

However, with time, my biggest conquest was that of overcoming the need of talking to
Now I can enjoy an evening out without talking to anyone.
It’s a freeing sensation, trust me.

To start going out by yourself I recommend you go to clubs rst.

It’s easier as fewer people are talking and sitting and there is always the dance oor to dance
(or look at).

Bars are a bit more dif cult as people are more “expected” to talk, mingle, and be with friends,
so tackle them later or be prepared to being a bit trickier.

What you will learn:

Personal con dence

Social resilience
Overcome fear of judgement
Ultimately, you gain huge personal freedom
#5. Dance Classes
To get good with people you have to overcome your discomfort for physical proximity. 7/17
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It’s a rather common discomfort for many, and you can notice it when people step away from
others or when they refuse to come close.
It’s particularly common when people have less clothes on, and indeed it often overlaps with
a discomfort for sexuality.

And dance classes will get you more comfortable with physical proximity and sexual vibe.

What you will learn:

To be comfortable with physical proximity

Not to step away from people
Hold your own and stand your ground
Physically defending your space from possible intruders
Sexual comfort


Unless you’re playing a sexual cat and mouse game like in this video from The Goodfellas you
should always avoid walking backwards.

#6 Improv Classes 8/17
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#6. Improv Classes

I am a Toastmasters.
At the time of writing actually I am the president of a highly successful Toastmaster club.

I am not as afraid anymore of public speaking.

However, I am still afraid of going on stage with zero preparation to talk about something I
have no idea of.

Improv classes will not only remove the last stage fright in you, but it will also make you an
overall more con dent communicator.

You’re afraid of approaching a girl (

Well, after some improv classes you know that you can come up with something on the y.
And even if you can’t come up with anything, you’ve probably experienced that it’s not the end
of the world.

Improv comedy can get really weird, so if you’re not into comedy, you might want to mix it
with non-comedy improv (Toastmasters has those too):

(// 9/17
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What you will learn:

Grow comfortable approaching people

Con dently tell a non-rehearsed story (without fearing you will miss
the punchline)
Grow more comfortable approaching members of of the opposite sex

#7. Acting Classes

This is a great social skill activity to improve one of the very basics of communication:
nonverbal communication.

Many people who are not good at socializing indeed are poor at understanding how people
feel. And that’s because they don’t pick up on major non-verbal cues.

Acting classes will teach you to read facial expressions and to use your facial expressions

What you will learn:

Read other people’s nonverbal language

Use your body language to support your communication
Make your communication congruent and stronger
Increase your self-awareness
Overall, you will become a more holistic communicator and you’ll learn to better read social
dynamics on the y. 10/17
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#8. Action, Action, Action: Any Social Activity

Once you have removed your major fears and you have laser focused on your biggest areas of
improvements, it’s time to broaden your social horizons.

Feel to go to all the social events you actually enjoy.

But make sure they are varied so you get the bene ts of different social environments (Leil
Lowndes ( calls it scramble

Two or three times a week do some of the following:

Meetup groups of topics you like

After work drinks

Bars / clubs
Speed dating
S t ti iti 11/17
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Sport activities
Networking events

What You Will Learn

Enjoy all different kinds of social gathering

Socialize for socialization’s pleasure
You will shift your identity from loner / socially challenged to an apt
social person

#9. TV And People Watching

You probably know the recommendation of watching TV with the sound off.

It’s a valid one, but I don’t actually think you necessarily need the sound off.
I have learned hugely with the sound on, and I think the audio can often give more value
anyway. After all, tonality is huge to understand people.

I would personally start paying particular attention to dif cult social settings.
Like dating TV series where people pick or reject others, or games with winner and losers.
Or arguments.

As you learn the more extreme versions of facial expressions and body language, you can then
move to the more subdued daily ones.

For the daily ones, I nd bars to be particularly useful.

Watch how people approach others, how they are introduce, and try to guess what they’re
feeling (nervous, annoyed, excited?). 12/17
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What You Will Learn

Take the acting classes lessons to daily life

Learn the nuances of human expressions
Improve your empathy and emotional intelligence
Predict how people feel and how they will react

i’m watching you pal

#10. Throw A Party

Finally, it’s time to go from attendee to organizer.

It will require a whole new level of social skills. Indeed as you move from socializer to
organizer, leadership qualities are needed.

You are now the host and not only need to speak to people, but you need to make sure that 13/17
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people are having a good time and everyone is enjoying. You will need to step in to get the
wall ower talking, and you might need to make introductions and to help group out of sticky
social situations.

This is your nal crowning though.

Once you can be a good host, chances are that you are well on your way to becoming a social

What You Will Learn:

Leadership skills
High quality woman (
/ man ( traits
Higher social skills like
Helping people out of sticky social situations
Throwing rude people under the bus
Dealing with underminers (
Fending off social climbers (
Dealing with overly dominant men

To learn social skills, focus on your major weaknesses and fears rst (The Talent Code
(https://thepowermoves com/the-talent-code/)) 14/17
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( talent code/)).

If you are really afraid of something, the best technique is usually to expose yourself to it
little bit little, small step after small step.

As you remove the major fears you are not socially challenged anymore but simply move to
the “not socially skilled stage”, which where the majority lays.

From there on, you can focus on honing your sills until you become  a social master

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