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Senior Project Proposal for __Sena Wright___________________________________

Signed proposal must be turned in by October 15, 2018.

Name of Mentor and CF Advisor ______Celene Chavez__________
My proposed research question for my Senior Project is:
How does the media impact people of color especially the media?

As of today, I plan to complete this project in the following ways:

Step 1: __Develop a research essay on racial biases in television___ Anticipated completion date __1.31.2019________
Step 2: __Create a survey asking for people’s feelings about media __ Anticipated completion date __2.31.2019___
Step 3: __Analyze the data and turn it into charts_________ Anticipated completion date __3.31.2019___
Step 4: __Tell my narrative in a documentary about growing up a minority_ Anticipated completion date Summer 2019

I intend to gather research for this project in the following ways:

1. __Reading scholarly sources______________________________________________________________
2. __Asking for the narratives of other people’s experiences______________________________________
3. __Creating a survey about minorities in media__________________________________________________
4. __Speaking about my experiences with representation in media____________________________________
5. __Creating a documentary for people to understand the importance of media representation._____________

For the end product of this project, I envision:

_I envision my finished project to be something that will inform other people about the importance of representation
in American media and how much it causes ignorant racism in our society today__
As of today I plan to represent my Senior Project in my Portfolio in the following ways:
_I would like to first give a speech on how much this topic has affected me, then educate people on the statistical
evidence showing the lack of representation in media. Lastly, I would like to make an impact on my audience by
teaching them how important representation is within becoming more culturally

_____Sena Wright________ _______C.C.____________ _______________________

Student Signature Mentor Signature CF Advisor Signature
Student/Mentor Progress Notes
Initial meeting date with Mentor _____1.3.2019_________________________
Discussion of project and any revisions to original project: _Officially picked senior project questions and brainstormed
some ways of reaching that goal______________________________________.

Date of next meeting: ____1.24.2019___________________________ (initialed by mentor and student)

Second meeting with Mentor (date) ______1.24.2019_____________________

Discussion summary and what needs to be accomplished prior to next meeting: __Decided that for the research portion
of the project we will write a research paper as well as create a survey. The movie will be our official final project but
we will have research to back it up before the movie needs to be

Date of next meeting: _______2.28.2019____________________________ (initialed by both)

Third meeting with Mentor (date) ____2.28.2019_________________________

Discussion summary and what needs to be accomplished prior to next meeting: _____Officially have research paper
finished and most of the statistics, and now are working on the pitch packet for the

Date of next meeting: ______3.28.2019________________________________(initialed by both)

Fourth meeting with Mentor (date) _______3.28.2019______________________

Discussion summary and what needs to be accomplished prior to next meeting: ___Still have most research done and
now are putting the narratives and research together to create information for the Sundance movie.

Date of next meeting: _____4.20.2019_________________________________ (initialed by both)

Final meeting with mentor and presentation of project (date) ____4.20.2019________________

Final summary ______Finished senior project and all data, posters, and narratives have been put together

I/We verify that the project is completed and ready to be presented as part of the student’s Senior Portfolio.

_C.C. 4.20.2019____________ _____Sena Wright 4.20.2019___________________

Mentor Signature & date Student Signature & date

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