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ROLL NO. BBA02183319

Best HR Practices
The human resources department plays a significant role
in how profitable and successful a company can become.
It's more than just making sure employees follow the
dress code . HR improves the company by recruiting and
retaining top employees, developing successful leaders,
ensuring newly hired employees succeed and keeping up
company morale. Following habits and policies that are
considered in the industry to be best practices can ensure
that the HR department is doing its part to create a
successful organization.
 Early Expectation:-
A large part of working in human resources is
getting new hires on board and ready to succeed. Don't
expect a new employee to automatically know what is
expected or what the organization's policies and
procedures are.
 Frequent Feedback:-
Annual performance reviews are a staple of HR
practices, but these once-a-year evaluations aren't
necessarily the best way to provide feedback to
employees. Instead, provide them with frequent
feedback, so they're always in the know as to what
their goals are and how they're improving in their
position. Ask managers to sit down with their
employees at least once a quarter, if not once a
month, to discuss performance. This not only allows
managers to be more connected to their employees,
it also lets employees feel more engaged in their
 Flexible work arrangement:-
Gone are the days where employees expect to
sit at a desk in an office all day. A survey from the
Society for Human Resource Management found
that 89 percent of HR professionals who
implemented flexible work arrangements reported an
increase in employee retention.
 Embrace Technology:-
If you haven't already moved over all your HR
processes to tech-based systems, it's time to make
the leap. HR management system software, internet-
based payroll, online vacation/days off tracking and
electronic applications all make your job easier.
They save both time and money, and they make it
less likely that someone will make a mistake.
 Be Consistent:-
Consistency is an HR best practice mainstay
and for good reason. Any human resources
professional should know the company's policies
and procedures and enforce them fairly across the
board for all employees. If the HR office plays
favorites, or is appearing to play favorites, then
employees are less likely to actually abide by the
organization's procedures. An employee who feels
like others don't have to play by the same rules is
more likely to argue against having stay compliant

Steps of the hiring process:

1. Identify Hiring Needs:-
Before a position can be filled, it must be
identified as available. Positions are either newly
formed or recently vacated. In either case, the hiring
staff should meet to generate a prioritized list of job
requirements including special qualifications,
characteristics, and experience wanted from a
EXAMPLE:- Hiring needs includes the needs that a company or
organizations need in their employees I;e. if a person go for the job in a
company he must fulfill the requirements of the company like highly
qualified , well experienced , well time manager etc.

2. Plan:-
It’s important that all those involved in the
hiring decision agree to the hiring process, steps, and
communication channels to be used. The plan should
include a timeline, recruitment plan, criteria for
initial candidate screening, selection committee,
interview questions, and instructions for taking
EXAMPLE:- Planning are must in this criteria like every organization must
plan that how to hire the person in the job how they fulfill their
requirements or to judge the employees that a right person selected for a
right job.
3. Create a job description:-
The agreed-upon job requirements form the
basis for the job description. Other necessary
information includes essential functions to be
performed in the role and the advantages of working
for the company (i.e., workplace environment,
compensation and benefits, perks, etc.).
EXAMPLE:- For example if a persons are hire in he company it gives all
the descriptions that how they performs their tasks efficiently and
4. Recruiting:-
Beyond passive recruitment via job posts, the
hiring staff should seek out qualified candidates via
LinkedIn, social media, and industry events. This
will ensure that some applications from potential
candidates who are not actively searching for new
jobs but who may be perfect for the role are
EXAMPLE:- It means that in this area where the company or organizations
recruit the right person having all positive activities are hired or selected
for the company that are the advantage for the company.
5. Applicant screening:-
As job applications arrive by email or via
an applicant tracking system (ATS), the hiring staff
reviews CVs based on the criteria established in the
planning step. Unqualified candidates applications
are withdrawn from the applicant pool. Qualified
candidates are informed of next steps beginning with
a screening interview.
EXAMPLE:- In this area where all the job required persons send there CV’s
VIA Email then company Go through their CV’s and select the right
persons having all activities that are the requirement of the company.
6. Screening Interview:-
Initial interviews with applicants are typically
phone calls with HR representatives. These
interviews determine if applicants have the
qualifications needed to do the job and serve to
further narrow the pool of candidates.
EXAMPLE:- In this area where the candidates that are hired give the
interviews through phone calls or typically that are highly qualified.
7. Interviews:-

Depending on the size of the selection committee,

several interviews are scheduled for each candidate.
 Early interviews are typically in-person, one-on-one
interviews with applicants and the hiring
manager and focus on applicants experience, skills,
work history, and availability.
 Additional meetings with management, staff,
executives, and other members of the organization
can be one-on-one or panel interviews, formal or
relaxed . These interviews are more in-depth in some
organizations, each interviewer focuses on a specific
subject or aspect of the job being filled to avoid
overlap between interviews and to discover more
about the applicants.
 Final interviews might be conducted by the
company’s senior leadership or an interviewer from
a previous round of interviews.
EXAMPLE:- All the selected candidates are finally call for the interview
then the manger or HR hire the right person having well experience and
well time managed persons for the job .

8. Background Check:-
One of the final steps prior to making a job offer is
conducting background checks to review candidates
criminal record, to verify employment history and
EXAMPLE:- At the last the manager hired those candidates whose
background records like criminal record or blacklist names are clear will
be hired.
9. Hiring:-
Once the candidate accepts the job offer, he or
she is hired. This kicks off a phase of filling out and
filing paperwork related to employment including
eligibility to work forms, tax with holding forms,
and company specific forms.
EXAMPLE:- The candidates which are hired in the company finally fill all
the forms or requirements of the job. And give time to their job

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