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Aulia Cahya Kusuma – 2215165051

Retno Dwiwulandari – 2215162074

Analyzing The Use of CARS Model in “Analyzing Cultural Contents in Student’s Book of
Curriculum 2013 for Senior High School” skripsi.

The skripsi of “Anlayzing Cultural Contents in Student’s Book of Curriculum

2013 for Senior High School” by Kartika Ramadhani consisting of 3 moves of CARS models
as described below:
1. Move 1 (Establishing Territory)
 Step 2
The first step used by the writer is step two “making topic generalization”. It
appears in the first paragraph by describing EFL study and cultures embedded
in it.

“EFL has been introduced inseparably from its culture, either source which
present language learners own culture, target culture is culture from origin
countries where English comes from, or international culture is from English
speaking countries others than US and UK. These culture are naturally
embedded in English, either in the form of habit, foods, norm, values, general
beliefs, or lifestyle……..” (p. 1)

 Step 1
The second step used by the writer is step 1 “claiming centrality”. It appears in
the last sentence of paragraph one and the first sentence in paragraph two. It is
the importance of cultural content in education, and the goal of national

“in the EFL setting, English has been the ‘carrier’ of culture” (P. 1)
“culture itself in Indonesia has become a hot issue recently. The issue concern
with the problems of culture and character in Indonesia. The problems such as
corruption, violence, intolerance and the other bad habits dominated topic in
mass media, seminar and other occasions. Education according to Kementrian
Pendidikan Nasional (2010) is intentional attempts to optimize student potency.
Those attempts cannot be separated with the environment where students live,
especially its culture. Education which doesn’t involve that principal will make
the students lost their national cultural identity. The students will be strangers
in their own cultural environment, or it would be worse if the students hate their
own culture. Law of the republic of Indonesia number 20 year 2003 on National
Education System formulates national education goals that should be use in
developing education in Indonesia. The article of the Education Law stated that
national education goal is the formulation of the character must be develop in
education” (p. 1)

This step also appear in paragraph 5 stated the importance of textbooks in

teaching culture for EFL study

“The successful of teaching culture in english as foreign language cannot be

separated by the choosing of media, in this term textvook can give particular
influence. textbooks are one of the main instructional materials used in the
classroom. a textbook provides language models and input. It also contains a
large number of exercises covering all the language skills and
components……..” (p. 3)

 Step 3
The last step of move one used by author is reviewing previous items of
research. In here, she reviews some studies related to the topic.

“El-Hasan (2011) explored the issue of national culture portrayal in the

English language syllabus. The research identified that the syllabus tend
to focux on the target language culture, it was lack of national culture
exposure” (p. 2)
“Xiao (2010) examined student perception toward cultural content in
English foreign language learning. The result showed that the students
eager to study source culture more than the target language. the
students wanted to study national culture or source culture to introduce
their culture to the world by using target language.” (p.2)

“Tomlinson (1998) explain textbook provides the core material for a

course………” (p. 3)

“Autoom (2005) provided cultural analysis for the content of Action

Pack English textbooks taught in public schools in Jordan for the first
six primary grades…………” (p. 4)

“Lee (2009) investigated the aspect of culture learning or teaching that

were included in eleven EFL conversations textbook in Korea….…”

“Xiao (2010) analyzed the cultural content of Contemporary College

English for Listening 2 (book 3).” (p.5)

2. Move 2 (Establishing a Niche)

The move 2 is present in this skripsi. The author wrote a niche by stating the gap that
existed in the previous study.
 Indicating a gap
“It also indicated that big “C” was preferred especially aspects related to
literature, arts, economy, politics, and history whereas little “c” was rarely
observed.” (p. 6)

3. Move 3 (Occupying a Niche)

The third move is present in the skripsi. The move present is step two: announcing
principal finding as the author stated several results or findings of previous studies.

 Step 2: Announcing principal finding

“The results indicated that (Book 3) target cultural contents related to United
Kingdom and United States were significantly focused in the script section and
notes section.” (p. 6)

“The result of the study illustrates that Action Pack 12 is heavily loaded with
cultural aspects related to Arabic culture (source culture), international cultures
followed by the British culture.” (p. 7)

As a conclusion, this skripsi meets the criteria of CARS model as three of three moves
are present. The first move includes step one (making centrality), step two (making topic
generalization), and step three (reviewing previous item of research). The second move
includes the type of indicating gap and the third move includes move two (announcing principal

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