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North Ward Estes Field y 297 FIGURE E-4. Phase-Transition Pressures vs. Mole Percent CO, (Copyright © 1991, SPE, from SPE Reservoir Engineering, February 1991') sco 0 we SS aye eve 3 g Li: HC rich liquid CO, rich liquid Vapor Pressure (psia) fe 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent CO rw The core assembly (see Figure E~6) was constructed n-diameter plugs drilled from NWE cores epoxied into confining stainless stcel sleeves. Capillary contact between seg- ments was maintained with sieved core material. The displace- ment tests were preceded by cleaning the core assembly with toluene, methanol, and CO,; injecting brine into the evacuated core; displacing the mobile brine with reconstituted reservoir fluid; and waterflooding to §,,, Table E~3 lists the residual oil saturations to miscible flood- ing, S.,q. determined at reservoir temperature and at pressures a few hundred psi above the MMP with pure and impure CO, and with different water-alternating-gas (WAG) injection ratios. These values should be obtained in the reservoir if levels of physical dispersion in the corefloods are comparable with those obtained in the field and if only a small part of the long core was needed to develop multiple-contact miscibility (MCM). No field data are available for NWE; however, where coreflood and field Sym values have been compared, good agreement has been found. * Amott tests determined the wettability of wettability-preserved cores. The Amott index to oil was zero for all tests, suggesting that the Yates sands are waterswet,

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