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North Ward Estes F ssely affected because of the inability to measure and control tion profiles. sre E-2 shows the production and injection history of the project "mary production peaked in 1944 and was approaching the limit in the mid-1950s. A 960-acre pilot waterflood began in Bil production responded quickly, and the flood was expanded to of the project area during the next two years. The prevailing flood were 40-acre, five-spots. production increased steadily after 1954, reached a peak in 1960, m declined at I%/yr until 1979, when it began to stabilize as a ‘drilling infill and replacement wells, injection-profile modifica- ‘means of polymer treatments, and pattern tightening and ent (Section 3 and 6 through 8 were converted to 20-acre, five- ferns and Section 9 and 10 to 20-acre, line drive patterns) end of 1988, the six sections had produced 29% of the OOIP. oding the Yates has been very successful, as evidenced by the 2.8, sultimate secondary to ultimate primary production from wells the beginning of waterflooding. The favorable mobility ratio in yoirs indicates good areal sweep efficiency. Because of the high ons coefficient (0.85) and permeability contrast among the s, the vertical conformance has been poor. Even after injection terflood-moveable PV, less than 50% of the oil recoverable by ding has been produced, Production and Injection History, Six Section Project Area (Copy from SPE Reservoir Engineering, February 1981)

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