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University of Southeastern


Obrero Campus Student Council

2010 Constitution and By-Laws
We, the bona fide undergraduate students of the
University of Southeastern Philippines Obrero
Campus, imploring the aid of Almighty God, fully
aware of our rights, duties and responsibilities to
establish an autonomous, representative, and
democratic student government, that shall serve
as a medium of our ideals, promote and protect
student aspirations, develop a high degree of
moral, spiritual, social and intellectual growth,
establish harmonious relationships among
students, faculty, administration, other university
personnel and various sectors of the society, for
the advancement of the Filipino people, do ordain
and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.

Name and Domicile

SEC. 1. This student government shall be known

as the University of Southeastern Philippines-
Obrero Campus Student Council, herein referred
to as USEP-OCSC.

SEC. 2. The University of Southeastern
Philippines-Obrero Campus Student Council shall
be designated by the initials USEP-OCSC in all its
official documents, minutes and communications.

SEC. 3. The University of Southeastern

Philippines-Obrero Campus Student Council shall
have its USEP-OCSC logo having the following

A. The Metallic Eagle signifies the strong

determination and passion for student
B. The USEP in green shade signifies
commitment for serving fellow USEPians.
C. The Three Stars signify service, dedication
and commitment.
D. The Book symbolizes broad knowledge for
leadership and service.
E. The Weighing Scale signifies just and
fairness for all students.

F. Holding Hands symbolize unity and
camaraderie among councils and fellow
G. The Eight Rays signify the eight local
H. The Green Background signifies truthful
future and hope.
I. The Blue Background signifies deep
understanding for students' grievance.
J. The Maroon-labeled OCSC signifies true-
blooded USEPians.

SEC. 4. The University of Southeastern

Philippines-Obrero Campus Student Council shall
hold its office at Obrero, Davao City.

Declaration of Principles

SEC. 1. The USEP-OCSC adheres to the

principles and participatory democracy that the
decisions and acts of the Student Council shall
always be reflective of the students and such

powers emanate from and belong ultimately to the
USEP studentry.

SEC. 2. The USEP-OCSC adheres to the principle

of justice and equality among students regardless
of gender, ethnic, origin, creed and scholastic

SEC. 3. The USEP-OCSC believes that the access

to education shall be affordable to everyone and
should develop man's physical, mental, social,
cultural, political and spiritual potential to the
fullest in order to realize a humane existence of all.


SEC. 1. The USEP-OCSC shall promote unity and

solidarity among the students, faculty and
administration for the intellectual, physical and
moral advancement of the students and shall
defend and promote the general welfare and rights
of the studentry.

SEC. 2. The USEP-OCSC shall provide an active
forum for the student's ideas, opinions and
sentiments as a mean of realization of the plans and
aspirations of the studentry.

SEC. 3. The USEP-OCSC shall coordinate and

assist the co-curricular and extracurricular
activities in accordance with the objectives for the
development of the studentry.

SEC. 4. The USEP-OCSC shall serve as a center

of communication on matters of public interest
that affect and influence political, cultural, social
and spiritual beliefs of the students.


SEC. 1. The USEP-OCSC shall be composed of

all bona fide college students of USEP-Obrero
Campus upon admission to the University.

SEC. 2. Membership shall be renewed every

semester and be terminated automatically upon
separation or expulsion from the University in

accordance with the provision of school policies
and regulations and this Constitution and By-

Rights and Privileges

SEC. 1. Rights:

A. Students shall not be deprives of life and

property and shall not be sanctioned with
disciplinary action without due process of
law, nor shall any student be denied of
equal protection form it.
B. The right of the student to be secured in
his/her personal properties, papers and
effects against unreasonable searches and
seizures of whatever nature search warrant
or warrant of arrest issued by proper
authorities and particularly describing the
place to be searched and persons to be
C. Every student shall the right to assembly
and to petition or seek redress to his/her

grievances subject to the requirement
written in the USEP Student Handbook.
D. Every student shall have the right to form
associations, organizations, clubs,
fraternities and sororities for the purpose
not contrary to the laws and morals, and
subject for the recognition by the President
of the University and in accordance to the
requirements written in the USEP Student
E. Every student shall have the right to have
access to all records, documents, books and
similar items pertaining to official acts,
transactions or decisions of the USEP-
OCSC directly or indirectly affecting
F. Every student shall have the right to voice
his/her opinions, views, clamors,
grievances and suggestions concerning the
program and policies of the USEP-OCSC.

SEC. 2. Privileges

The students shall enjoy the privileges that
will be granted by the USEP-OCSC and the
Administration for the development of their well-

Duties and Obligations

SEC. 1. It shall be the duty of every member to

uphold the Constitution and By-Laws and follow
all legal orders and students acts passed by the

SEC. 2. Each member shall protect and defend this

Constitution and By-Laws, the USEP-OCSC and
the University.

SEC. 3. Each Student shall respect the duly

constituted authorities of the USEP-OCSC and the

SEC. 4. Each student shall contribute relentless

effort for the betterment of the USEP-OCSC and
the University.

SEC. 5. Each member shall actively participate in
all its affairs and other similar gatherings called for
by the USEP-OCSC and the University.

The Executive Department

SEC. 1. The Executive power shall be vested in

the Executive Department.

SEC. 2. The Executive Department shall be

composed of the following:

A. President
B. Internal Vice President
C. External Vice President
D. General Secretary
E. General Treasurer
F. General Auditor

SEC. 3. Qualifications of Officers

A. USEP-OCSC President:
a. He/She must not be a member of
the school publications, a ROTC

Corps. Commander, nor hold and
key and similar position/s of any of
the recognized campus
organizations other than the USEP-
OCSC Presidency if ever elected.
b. He/She must be of good moral
character as certified by the
Guidance Officer of the University
upon filing his Certificate of
c. He/She must have two (2) school
year residency in the University.
d. He/She must have basic knowledge
on Parliamentary Rules and
e. He/She must have passed at least
70% of his/her total enrolled units
in the preceding semester prior to
his/her filing of Certificate of
B. USEP-OCSC Internal Vice President

a. He/She must not be a member of
the school publications, a ROTC
Corps. Commander, nor hold and
key and similar position/s of any of
the recognized campus
organizations other than the USEP-
OCSC Internal Vice President if
ever elected.
b. He/She must be of good moral
character as certified by the
Guidance Officer of the University
upon filing his Certificate of
c. He/She must have one (1) school
year residency in the University.
d. He/She must have basic knowledge
on Parliamentary Rules and
e. He/She must have passed at least
70% of his/her total enrolled units
in the preceding semester prior to

his/her filing of Certificate of
C. USEP-OCSC External Vice President
a. He/She must not be a member of
the school publications, a ROTC
Corps. Commander, nor hold and
key and similar position/s of any of
the recognized campus
organizations other than the USEP-
OCSC External Vice Presidency if
ever elected.
b. He/She must be of good moral
character as certified by the
Guidance Officer of the University
upon filing his Certificate of
c. He/She must have one (1) school
year residency in the University.
d. He/She must have basic knowledge
on Parliamentary Rules and

e. He/She must have passed at least
70% of his/her total enrolled units
in the preceding semester prior to
his/her filing of Certificate of
D. USEP-OCSC General Secretary
a. He/She must not be a member of
the school publications, a ROTC
Corps. Commander, nor hold and
key and similar position/s of any of
the recognized campus
organizations other than the USEP-
OCSC General Secretary if ever
b. He/She must be of good moral
character as certified by the
Guidance Officer of the University
upon filing his Certificate of
c. He/She must have one (1) school
year residency in the University.

d. He/She must have proficient oral
and written communication skills
in English and Filipino.
e. He/She must have passed at least
70% of his/her total enrolled units
in the preceding semester prior to
his/her filing of Certificate of
f. He/She must have an experience on
secretarial works in any office or
E. USEP-OCSC General Treasurer
a. He/She must not be a member of
the school publications, a ROTC
Corps. Commander, nor hold and
key and similar position/s of any of
the recognized campus
organizations other than the
USEP-OCSC general treasurer if
ever elected.
b. He/She must be of good moral
character as certified by the

Guidance Officer of the University
upon filing his Certificate of
c. He/She must have one (1) school
year residency in the University.
d. He/She must have passed at least
70% of his/her total enrolled units
in the preceding semester prior to
his/her filing of Certificate of
e. He/She must have been a treasurer
in any office or organization.
F. USEP-OCSC General Auditor
a. He/She must not be a member of
the school publications, a ROTC
Corps. Commander, nor hold and
key and similar position/s of any of
the recognized campus
organizations other than the USEP-
OCSC general treasurer if ever

b. He/She must be of good moral
character as certified by the
Guidance Officer of the University
upon filing his Certificate of
c. He/She must have one (1) school
year residency in the University.
d. He/She must have passed at least
70% of his/her total enrolled units
in the preceding semester prior to
his/her filing of Certificate of
e. He/She must have been an auditor
in any office or organization.

SEC. 4. Power and Responsibilities of the


A. The USEP-OCSC President

a. Shall assume office for a term of
one (1) school year which
commences after his Oath of Office

b. Shall be eligible for re-election to
any position other than the USEP-
OCSC Presidency in accordance
with the qualifications set herein.
c. Shall create special committees and
appoint its chairperson with the
consent og the Committee on
Appointments, whenever the need
for immediate action arises. The
Committees shall not be limited to
the following:
i. Committee on Sports and
ii. Committee on Information
iii. Committee on Project
d. Shall approve and sign all bills,
resolutions, and other similar
e. Shall be vested with veto power to
act upon the legislations passed by

the House of Representatives, to
maintain equilibrium of
governmental powers.
i. Failure of the President to
communicate his veto of
any legislation presented to
him within fifteen days
after the date of receipt
thereof automatically
provides the legislation its
ii. When the President vetoes
a legislation and returns the
same with his objections to
the House of
Representatives where it
originated, and the same is
re-passed over his/her vote
of two-thirds (2/3) of all the
House of Representatives,
the legislation is thereby

f. Shall take charge of all USEP-
OCSC activity.
g. Shall coordinate with the Office of
Student Affairs and Services
(OSAS) on matters pertaining to
his constituents.
h. Shall address the formal opening of
House of Representatives, and may
also appear before it anytime.
i. Shall establish linkages with other
campuses, and other campus
organizations, and agencies for the
development of the USEP-OCSC.
j. Shall be the ex-officio of all
position and committees created.
k. Shall recommend to the Office of
Student Affairs and Services the
recognition of all campus clubs and
organization of the undergraduate
l. Shall be one of the signatories of
the USEP-OCSC Bank Account.

m. Shall present a budget
appropriation subject for approval
of the House of Representatives.
n. The President may appoint officers
to fill in the vacancy as Congress
Representatives in the House of
Representatives, officers in the
executive committee of the Obrero
Campus Student Council, and the
officers in the Executive
Committee of each Local Councils,
if and only if (1) the vacancy was
not filled in the general elections,
or (2) the vacancy does not have
prior succession in line as set forth
by this Constitution and By-Laws.
Any appointments shall have the
same qualifications as set by the
respective positions except for
filing of the Certificate of
Candidacy but shall have the same
good moral character.

All appointments shall be subject to
the approval of the House of
B. The USEP-OCSC Internal Vice President
a. Shall assume office for a term of
one (1) school year, which
commences after his Oath of
b. Shall be eligible for re-election to
any position in accordance with the
qualifications set herein.
c. Shall assume all duties and
responsibilities of the USEP-OCSC
President in cases of latter's
absence and disabilities.
d. Shall preside in the sessions and
meeting of the House of
e. Shall administer the interval affairs
of the USEP-OCSC in coordination
with the USEP-OCSC President.

f. Shall have a voting power in the
Executive Department
g. Shall perform other duties and
function as the USEP-OCSC
President may direct.
C. The USEP-OCSC External Vice President
a. Shall assume office for a term of
one (1) school year, which
commences after his Oath of
b. Shall be eligible for re-election to
any position in accordance with the
qualifications set herein.
c. Shall establish linkages with other
campuses, and other campus
organizations, and agencies for the
development of the USEP-OCSC
in coordination with the USEP-
OCSC President.
d. Shall have constant communication
with other campuses and the
USEP-OCSC President.

e. Shall present regular reports on
ongoing activities, or whatever
representations outside the campus
to the USEP-OCSC President, and
to the House of Representatives.
f. Shall not overpower the Internal
g. Shall have voting power in the
Executive Department.
h. Shall perform other duties and
functions as the USEP-OCSC
President may direct.
D. The USEP-OCSC General Secretary
a. Shall assume office for a term of
one (1) school year, which
commences after his Oath of
b. Shall be eligible for re-election to
any position in accordance with the
qualifications set herein.
c. Shall take minutes of all the
meetings and sessions, and shall

read the same on the next meeting
and session.
d. Shall issue all calls and notices of
all meeting and session.
e. Shall render reports on all activities
and status of the organization as the
USEP-OCSC President may direct.
f. Shall record all pertinent matters
taken during meetings attended by
the USEP-OCSC President.
g. Shall furnish copies of all notices
and communication to the office
h. Shall prepare the agenda of each
meeting and session.
i. Shall be the property custodian of
j. Shall be the head of the Information
Dissemination Committee.
k. Shall have voting in the Executive

l. Shall perform other duties and
functions as the USEP-OCSC
President may direct.
E. The USEP-OCSC General Treasurer
a. Shall assume office for a term of
one (1) school year, which
commences after his Oath of
b. Shall be eligible for re-election to
any position in accordance with the
qualifications set herein.
c. Shall take charge of all the USEP-
OCSC collections.
d. Shall disburse money only upon the
approval of the USEP-OCSC
President with the endorsement of
the House of Representatives.
e. Shall disburse money to the
concerned individuals with the
previous accountabilities to the
USEP-OCSC, only upon
submission of Financial Statement.

f. Shall be the one of the signatories
of the USEP-OCSC Bank Account.
g. Shall present a monthly report
about the USEP-OCSC fund to the
House of Representatives.
h. Shall preserve and open to the
public through posting duly audited
records and books of account of the
USEP-OCSC. Every end of the
i. Shall have voting power in the
Executive Department.
j. Shall perform other duties and
functions as the USEP-OCSC
President may direct.
F. The USEP-OCSC General Auditor
a. Shall assume office for a term of
one (1) school year, which
commences after his Oath of

b. Shall be eligible for re-election to
any position in accordance with the
qualifications set herein.
c. Shall audit accounts, receipts of
and expenditure or uses of funds
and property owned or held entrust
by the USEP-OCSC.
d. Shall make financial assessments
and carry out auditing matters with
the General Treasurer, and shall
submit written report of these to the
Commission on Audit.
e. Shall have voting power in the
Executive Department.
f. Shall perform other duties and
functions as the USEP-OCSC
President may direct.

House of Representatives

SEC. 1. The legislative power shall be vested in

the House of Representatives.

SEC. 2. The House of Representatives shall be
composed of the following:

A. The Internal Vice President

B. The Congress Representatives from the
different colleges
Each college shall have two (2) Congress
Representatives, however the ration must
be also progressive. Thus, for every excess
of at least three hundred (300) students in
a college's population of six hundred (600),
at the time of the election, there shall be an
additional one (1) Congress
C. The CCO President
D. The ULCM President

SEC. 3. The House of Representatives shall

appoint its Secretary.

SEC. 4. The House shall keep a Journal of its

proceedings and from time to time publish the
same, except on confidential matters.
SEC. 5. Qualification of the Members

A. He/She must not hold any other key
position/s in any of his organization.
B. He/She must be good moral character as
certified by the Guidance Officer of this
University upon his filing of Certificate of
C. He/She must have one (1) semester
residency in the college represented.
D. He/She must have passed at least 70% of
his/her total enrolled units in the preceding
semester prior to his/her filing of
Certificate of Candidacy.
E. He/She must have basic knowledge in
Parliamentary Rules and Procedures.

SEC. 6. The Members of the House of

Representatives shall assume office for a term of
one (1) school year, which commences after their
Oath of Office.

SEC. 7. The Members of the House of

Representatives shall be eligible for re-election to

any position in accordance with the qualifications
set herein.

SEC. 8. It shall be the duty and responsibility of

the House of Representatives to:

A. Promulgate and design laws, policies, and

programs that would carry out the
objectives of USEP-OCSC.
B. Deliberate and approve the proposed
Budget Appropriations presented by the
USEP-OCSC President.
C. Initiate all impeachment cases and
D. Deliberate proposals and laws presented by
the Executive Department.
E. Attend all regulate and special sessions
called for.
F. Make due representation of his/her college.
G. Attend meetings and sessions called for by
the USEP-OCSC Internal Vice President.

SEC. 9. The USEP-OCSC Internal Vice President
shall be the Presiding Officer of the House of

SEC. 10. The House may determine the rules of its

proceedings, sanction its Members for disorderly
behavior, and with concurrence of two-thirds (2/3)
of all its Members, suspend/expel a Member.

SEC. 11. The House shall create standing

committees but not limited to the following:

A. Oversight Committee
All matters pertaining to legislative
review, evaluation of the USEP-OCSC's
programs and projects shall be referred to
the Oversight Committee, in a manner
consistent with legislative intent and
determination on how approved bills and
resolutions are being implemented.
B. Blue Ribbon Committee
All matters related to investigations of
anomalies and corruption shall be referred
to the Blue Ribbon Committee.

C. Committee on Impeachment
D. Committee on Appointments
The Committee on Appointments shall
have the power, authority and duty to
promulgate its rules and systems of
appointments. The Chairperson of the
Committee on Appointments shall not
vote, except in case of a tie. It shall be
composed of the following:
a. The Internal Vice President as ex
officio chairperson.
b. One (1) Congress Representatives
from each College as members,
elected by the House of
Representatives, on the basis of
proportional representation from
political parties, and the CCO
President and the ULCM President.

SEC. 13. The House of Representatives or any of

its respective committees may conduct inquiries in
aid of legislation in accordance with its duly
published rules of procedure. The rights of persons

appearing in or affected by such inquiries shall be

The Local Council

SEC. 1. The Local Councils shall be composed of

the following:

A. The Executive Committee

a. The Governor
b. The Vice Governor
c. The Local Secretary
d. The Local Treasurer
e. The Local Auditor
B. Local Legislative Body
a. The Councilors
i. Shall be voted among
elected class mayors in
each college provided that
each year level must have
two (2) representatives.

ii. The elected academic
organization President
within the college.

SEC. 2. Qualifications of Members

A. Executive Committee
i. Governor
a. He/She must not hold any
other position/s in any
b. He/She must be of good
moral character as
certified by the Guidance
Officer of the University
upon filing his Certificate
of Candidacy.
c. He/She must have passed
at least 70% of his/her
total enrolled units in the
preceding semester prior
to his/her filing of
Certificate of Candidacy.

d. He/She must have one (1)
school year residency in
the University.
e. He/She must have basic
knowledge on
Parliamentary Rules and
ii. Vice Governor
a. He/She must not hold any
other position/s in any
b. He/She must be of good
moral character as
certified by the Guidance
Officer of the University
upon filing his Certificate
of Candidacy.
c. He/She must have passed
at least 70% of his/her
total enrolled units in the
preceding semester prior

to his/her filing of
Certificate of Candidacy.
d. He/She must have one (1)
school year residency in
the University.
e. He/She must have basic
knowledge on
Parliamentary Rules and
iii. Local Secretary
a. He/She must not hold any
other position/s in any
b. He/She must be of good
moral character as
certified by the Guidance
Officer of the University
upon filing his Certificate
of Candidacy.
c. He/She must have passed
at least 70% of his/her
total enrolled units in the

preceding semester prior
to his/her filing of
Certificate of Candidacy.
d. He/She must have one (1)
school year residency in
the University.
e. He/She must have an
experience in secretarial
works in any office or
iv. Local Treasurer
a. He/She must not hold any
other position/s in any
b. He/She must be of good
moral character as
certified by the Guidance
Officer of the University
upon filing his Certificate
of Candidacy.
c. He/She must have passed
at least 70% of his/her

total enrolled units in the
preceding semester prior
to his/her filing of
Certificate of Candidacy.
d. He/She must have one (1)
school year residency in
the University.
e. He/She must have been a
treasurer in any office or
v. Local Auditor
a. He/She must not hold any
other position/s in any
b. He/She must be of good
moral character as
certified by the Guidance
Officer of the University
upon filing his Certificate
of Candidacy.
c. He/She must have passed
at least 70% of his/her

total enrolled units in the
preceding semester prior
to his/her filing of
Certificate of Candidacy.
d. He/She must have one (1)
school year residency in
the University.
e. He/She must have been
an auditor in any office or
B. Local Legislative Body
a. Councilors
1. He/She must be an
elected class mayor
of his/her college.
2. He/She must be an
elected President of
his/her academic

SEC. 2. Powers and Responsibilities of the


A. The Executive Committee
i. The Governor
a. Shall be the head of the
Local Council
b.Shall implement programs
and projects in conformity
with the needs of his
college and with consent of
the Local Council.
c. Shall preside over sessions
and meetings of the Local
d.Shall sign documents, laws,
and policies of the Local
e. Shall be the official
representative of his
f. Shall see to it that orders,
laws, and ordinances
passed by the House of
Representatives and

approved by the President
of the USEP-OCSC will be
properly implemented in
his college.
g.Shall submit monthly
reports of the activities to
the President of the USEP-
OCSC regarding the
activities of his college.
h.Shall be one of the
signatories of the Local
Council Bank Account.
i. Shall present a Budget
Appropriation subject for
approval of the Councilors.
ii. The Vice Governor
a. Shall be the Presiding
Officer of the Councilors.
b.Shall assume all the duties
and responsibilities of the
Governor in cases of the

latter's absence or
c. Shall perform such other
duties and functions as the
Governor may direct
iii. The Local Secretary
a. Shall take the minutes if all
meetings called by the
Local Council.
b.Shall keep all the records of
the Local Council.
c. Shall issue calls and notices
of all meetings.
d.Shall render reports of all
activities and status of the
Local Council as the
Governor may direct.
e. Shall furnish copies and
notices and
communications to all
offices concerned.

f. Shall prepare the agenda of
the Local Council meeting.
g.Shall be the property
custodian of the Local
iv. The Local Treasurer
a. Shall take charge of the
collections of the Local
b.Shall be one of the
signatories of the Local
Council bank account.
c. Shall disburse money upon
the approval of the Local
Legislative Body.
d.Shall prepare semestral
financial statement and
report the same to the Local
Auditor and the Governor.
e. Shall take charge of the
liquidations of its liabilities

and submit the same to the
Commission on Audit
f. Shall perform such
other duties and functions
as the Governor may direct.
v. The Local Auditor
a. Shall audit accounts,
receipts of and
expenditures/uses of funds
and property owned/held
entrust by the Local
b.Shall make post auditing on
all materials purchased by
the Local Council and take
charge of the liquidation of
its liabilities and submit the
same to the Commission on
c. Shall perform such other
duties and functions as the
Governor may direct.

B. The Local Legislative Body
i. The Councilors
a. Shall legislate and
formulate local ordinances
and policies to be approved
by the Governor.
b.Shall deliberate and
approve the Budget
Appropriation presented by
the Governor.

The Council of Clubs and Organization

SEC. 1. The Council of Clubs and Organization

shall be referred to as CCO.

SEC. 2. The Council of Clubs and Organization

shall be composed of the following:

A. All recognized undergraduate campus

clubs or organizations.

B. All organizational heads as the official
representative of the different clubs or
C. The set of officers, which shall be elected
among themselves.

SEC. 3. Powers and Responsibilities

A. The CCO shall be an arm of the USEP-

OCSC, which shall coordinate with
different campus clubs or organizations
unifying and promoting their concerted
B. The CCO shall submit the requirements of
the organization, clubs, fraternities and
sororities as stipulated in the University
Student Handbook, prior to the recognition
of the organization.
C. The power delegated to the, CCO by this
Constitution and By-Laws ultimately to the
members of all recognized undergraduate
campus cubs or organizations, The CCO
shall be the authority with regards to the

activities and decide all matters affecting'
the clubs or organizations. It shall
recognize, coordinate and supervise the
activities of all recognized clubs or
D. The CCO shall have the right to decide on
matters pertaining to its affairs not
contrary to the provisions of this
Constitution and By-Laws.
E. The CCO may initiate and implement
projects and programs in conformity to
the needs and objectives of the clubs and
F. The CCO shall have its own Code
approved by the Majority of all its
members, which are the recognized
organizational heads and not contrary to
the provisions of this CBL, with the
deliberation of the OCSC-HOR, with the
consideration of the autonomy of each
recognized organizations.

SEC. 4. The President of the CCO shall have the
following functions:

A. Shall make due representation of his

B. Shall automatically be a Congress
Sectoral Representatives.
C. Shall have voting power in the House of
D. Shall formulate laws, ordinances and
policies only in the affairs pertaining to the
sector represented.

The University League of Class Mayors

SEC. 1. The University League of Class Mayors

shall be referred to as ULCM.

SEC. 2. The ULCM shall be composed of the


A. All elected Class Mayors from each


B. Set of officers, which will be determined
among themselves provided that he is not
an elected Councilor.

SEC. 3. Powers and Responsibilities

A. The ULCM shall be an arm of the USEP-

OCSC, which shall serve as the direct
coordinate to its constituents.
B. The ULCM shall have the right to decide
on matters pertaining to its affairs.
C. The ULCM shall initiate and implement
projects and programs in conformity to the
needs and objectives of the organization.

SEC. 4. The President of the ULCM shall have the

following functions:

A. Shall make due representation of his

B. Shall automatically be a Congress Sectoral
C. Shall have voting power in the House of

D. Shall formulate laws, ordinances and
policies only in the affairs pertaining to the
sector represented.

The Constitutional Commissions

The Constitutional Commissions, which

shall be independent, are the Commission on
Election and the Commission on Audit:


SEC. 1. The Commission on Election shall be

referred as COMELEC.

SEC. 2. The COMELEC shall be created and shall

take charge of all plebiscites, referenda, and
election proceedings at USEP Obrero Campus as
circumstances may specify.

SEC. 3. The number of commissioners shall be

based on the number of precinct plus four (4)
Board of Canvassers, provided that each college is
represented by at least on Commissioners, which

shall be appointed by the USEP-OCSC President
with the consent of the Commission on

SEC. 4. The Commissioners shall not hold any

office in the Executive Department, House of
Representatives, and Local Councils of the Obrero
Campus Student Council and in any clubs or

SEC. 5. The Commissioners shall hold office for

a term of (1) school year, which will be renewed
prior to its activation.

SEC. 6. The Commissioners shall apply for

renewal to the Committee on Appointments ten
(10) school days before the activation of the

SEC. 7. The COMELEC shall formulate and adopt

rules and regulations including the dynamics and
mechanics of the elections.

SEC. 8. The activation of the COMELEC shall be
done every first week of December through the
initiative of the USEP-OCSC President.

SEC. 9. The COMELEC shall be given

appropriate budget during regular and special
elections through a proposal from the commission,
which shall be determined by the House of
Representatives, and approved by the USEP-
OCSC President.

SEC. 10. The USEP-OCSC Elections shall be

done every second week of May unless provided
by and fixed by law.

SEC. 11. All protest, petitions, and complaints

regarding the conduct and results of the election
shall be filed before the COMELEC three (3) days
after the election for deliberation and discussion.

SEC. 12. The COMELEC may perform such other

functions incidental to its creation.

SEC. 13. Qualifications of a Commissioner

A. He/She must not be a member of the school
publications, a ROTC Corps. Commander,
nor hold any key and similar position/s of
any of the recognized campus
organizations other than as Commission on
Audit commissioner.
B. He/She must not have been a candidate for
any elective position in the elections
preceding his appointments.
C. He/She must be of good moral character
as certified by the Guidance Officer of the
D. University.
E. He/She must have one (1) semester
residency in the University.
F. He/She must have no failing grade/s in the
preceding semester prior to his application.


SEC. 1. The Commission shall be composed of the


A. One (1) commissioner representing each

college, which shall be appointed by the

USEP-OCSC President with the consent of
the Committee on Appointments.
B. The Commissioners shall elect a
chairperson among themselves.

SEC. 2. Qualifications of a Commissioner

A. He/She must not be a member of the school

publications, a ROTC Corps. Commander,
nor hold any key and similar position/s of
any of the recognized campus
organizations other than as Commission on
Audit commissioner.
B. He/She must not have been a candidate for
any elective position in the elections
preceding his appointments.
C. He/She must be of good moral character
as certified by the Guidance Officer of the
D. University.
E. He/She must have one (1) semester
residency in the University.
F. He/She must have no failing grade/s in the
preceding semester prior to his application.

G. He/She must have auditing skills and

SEC. 3. Powers and Responsibilities of the


A. The Commission on Audit shall have the

power, authority and duty to examine,
audit, and settle all accounts, receipts of
and expenditures or uses of funds and
property owned or held entrust by the
student government. The powers of the
Commission shall extend down to the
Local Councils and the Academic
B. The Commission shall promulgate
accounting and auditing rules and
regulations, including those for
preservation and disallowance of irregular,
unnecessary. Excessive, extravagant or
unconscionable expenditures, or uses of
student government funds and properties.

C. The Commission shall submit a written
semestral report regarding the result of the
audit and recommendation before the
scheduled final examination every
semester to the office of the OCSC
President and the House of
D. No law shall be passed exempting any
entity of the USEP-OCSC or it subsidiary
in any guise whatever, or any investment
of student's funds from the jurisdiction of
the Commission on Audit.


SEC. 1. The USEP-OCSC has the right to engage

in any fund raising activity/ies with the approval
of the USEP-OCSC HOR, in order to realize its
projects and aspirations, pursuant to the existing
laws of the land and the rules of the University.
Funds raised from the said activities shall be
deposited to the USEP-OCSC bank.

SEC. 2. The funding of the USEP-OCSC shall
emanate from the Student Development Funds, the
Development Funds as stipulated in the Universal
Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act, and in
any fund sources from the students that are not
compulsory and shall respect the rights of the
students not to participate in these activities.

Amendments or Revisions

SEC. 1. Any amendment to or revision of, this

Constitution and By-Laws maybe proposed by:

A. The House of Representatives, upon a vote

of the three-fourths of all its members; or
B. A Constitutional Convention.

SEC. 2. Amendments to this Constitution and By-

Laws may likewise be directly proposed by the
students through the initiative upon a petition of at
least thirty per centum of the total number of
students of which every college must be
represented by at least ten per centum of its

population. No amendment under this section shall
be authorized within five years following the
ratification of this Constitution and By-Laws.

SEC. 3. The House of Representatives may, by a

vote of two-thirds of all its Members, call a
Constitutional Convention or a Constitutional

SEC. 4. Any amendment to, or revision of, this

Constitution and By-Laws shall be valid beyond
ratify of the majority of the votes cast in a

Transitory Provisions

SEC. 1. The first election of the USEP-OCSC

under this Constitution and By-Laws shall be held
on the thirteenth day of May 2019. The interim
government, who are elected and appointed prior
to the amendments, shall serve for the remaining
days until the Oath-Taking Ceremony of the newly
elected officers has been done.

SEC. 2. All USEP-OCSC officials first elected
under this Constitution and By-Laws shall serve
after their Oath of Office on the first week of June

SEC. 3. All existing laws, decrees, executive

orders, proclamations, letters of instructions, and
other executive issuances not inconsistent with this
Constitution and By-Laws shall remain operative
until amended, repealed, or revoked.

SEC. 4. This Constitution and By-Laws shall take

effect immediately upon its ratification by a
majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite held for
the purpose and shall supersede all previous




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