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MNRAS 000, 1–8 (2019) Preprint 26 April 2019 Compiled using MNRAS LATEX style file v3.

Astrometric requirements for strong lensing time-delay


Simon Birrer1? and Tommaso Treu1

1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
arXiv:1904.10965v1 [astro-ph.CO] 24 Apr 2019

Accepted XXX. Received YYY; in original form ZZZ

The time delay between the arrival of photons of multiple images of time variable
sources can be used to constrain absolute distances in the Universe (Refsdal 1964),
and in turn obtain a direct estimate of the Hubble constant and other cosmological
parameters. To convert the time delay into distances, it is well known that the gravi-
tational potential of the main deflector and the contribution of the matter along the
line-of-sight need to be known to a sufficient level of precision. In this paper, we discuss
a new astrometric requirement that is becoming important as time-delay cosmography
improves in precision and accuracy with larger samples, and better data and modelling
techniques. We derive an analytic expression for the propagation of astrometric un-
certainties on the multiple image positions into the inference of the Hubble constant
and derive requirements depending on image separation and relative time delay. We
note that this requirement applies equally to the image position measurements and
to the accuracy of the model in reproducing them. To illustrate the requirement, we
discuss some example lensing configurations and highlight that, especially for time
delays of order 10 days or shorter, the relative astrometric requirement is of order
milli-arcseconds. With current optical infrared technology, astrometric uncertainties
may be the dominant limitation for strong lensing cosmography in the small image-
separation regime.
Key words: method: gravitational lensing: strong – astrometry – cosmological pa-

1 INTRODUCTION (Courbin et al. 2018; Bonvin et al. 2018) with uncertainties

of ∼ 1 day. These galaxy-scale AGN lenses have image sep-
The time delay between the arrival of photons of multiple
arations of 1 00 - 3 00 with relative delays of about 10-100 days
images of gravitationally lensed sources provides a physical
from the first and last image appearing, lensed by a mas-
anchor of the scales in the universe. This method, known as
sive early-type galaxy. More recently, lensed supernovae, as
time-delay cosmography or time-delay strong lensing (Refs-
originally suggested by Refsdal (1964), have been discovered
dal 1964), provides a one-step measurement of the Hub-
(Kelly et al. 2015; Treu et al. 2016) and may become an im-
ble constant and other cosmological parameters. Time-delay
portant source of time-delay cosmography in their own right
cosmography is independent of other cosmological probes
(Goldstein & Nugent 2017; Grillo et al. 2018). Other classes
(Treu & Marshall 2016), such as the Cosmic Microwave
of multiply imaged time-variable sources may be observed
Background (CMB; Planck Collaboration et al. 2018) or the
and analyzed to perform cosmographic measurements, such
local distance ladder (Riess et al. 2019).
as repeating Fast Radio Bursts (Li et al. 2018) or gravita-
In the past decades, measurements of relative time de-
tional waves (Sereno et al. 2011). In this paper we choose
lays have been achieved with lensed variable active galac-
lensed AGNs as an illustration, but we note that the as-
tic nuclei (AGNs), requiring multi-year monitoring cam-
trometric requirement equally applies to transient sources,
paigns with per-cent-level photometry (Fassnacht et al.
with the caveat that opportunities to gather high precision
2002; Eigenbrod et al. 2005; Kochanek et al. 2006; Tewes
astrometric measurements will be limited to the visibility
et al. 2013; Liao et al. 2015; Bonvin et al. 2016; Tak et al.
2017) or high-cadence monitoring with millimag photometry
In addition to a measurement of the difference in arrival
time, the other ingredients for time delay cosmography are:
? E-mail: 1) a precise model of the gravitational potential across the

© 2019 The Authors

2 S. Birrer
images to estimate the relative Fermat potential; 2) the line- lenstronomy1 (Birrer et al. 2015; Birrer & Amara 2018)
of-sight weak lensing effect that can alter the cosmographic version 0.7.0.
distances. Fermat potential and line-of-sight effect need to
be inferred with independent data, such as high-resolution
Hubble Space Telescope (HST ) imaging of the lensing arc,
imaging and spectroscopy of the environment of the lens and 2 TIME-DELAY COSMOGRAPHY
kinematics of the lensing galaxy (see e.g. Suyu et al. 2017).
In this section, we provide a basic review of the lensing the-
Modern state-of-the-art cosmographic analysis has been ory with a focus on time-delay cosmography. For conciseness,
performed to date on 4 galaxy-scale AGN lenses (Suyu et al. we do not discuss lensing degeneracies or the effect of mul-
2010, 2013, 2014; Birrer et al. 2016; Wong et al. 2017; Bir- tiple lens-planes in this paper and refer the reader to the
rer et al. 2019) yielding uncertainties of order 5-8 per cent current literature in this regard (e.g. Schneider 2019).
per system, resulting in a joint measurement of the Hubble
constant with 3 per cent precision (Birrer et al. 2019).
Time-delay cosmography has the potential to measure 2.1 Lensing formalism and time delays
the Hubble constant to one per cent precision in the near
The lens equation, which describes the mapping from the
future with a sample of about 40 lenses (Treu & Marshall
source plane β® to the image plane θ® is given by
2016; Jee et al. 2016; Shajib et al. 2018), a forecast based
on the demonstrated precision in current analyses of lensed β® = θ® − α
® (θ),
® (1)
where α® is the angular shift on the sky between the image
In this paper, we discuss an additional requirement on position it had in absence of the deflector and the actual
the astrometric precision of the relative positions of the im- observed position. The vector field α
® can be derived from a
ages of the time-variable source. The relative astrometric scalar potential ψ, known as the lensing potential, such that
uncertainties may lead to substantial cosmological uncer-
tainties and possibly biases if neglected, and has not been
sufficiently discussed in the literature. α
® (θ)
® = ∇ψ(
® θ).
® (2)
We derive an analytic expression for the propagation The lensing potential is related to the surface mass density
of astrometric uncertainties into the inference of the Hub- by the two-dimensional Poisson equation.
ble constant and derive requirements depending on image The excess time delay of an image at position θ® relative
separation and relative time delay. We test this expression to the unperturbed path is
with numerical examples where we displace the image po- " #
sitions. We derive requirements for different types of lenses (1 + zd ) Dd Ds (θ® − β)
and sources such that the astrometric uncertainty is sub- t(θ, β) =
® ® − ψ(θ) ,
® (3)
c Dds 2
dominant with respect to other uncertainties inherent in the
cosmographic analysis. where zd is the redshift of the deflector, c the speed of light,
ψ the lensing potential and Dd , Ds and Dds the angular di-
We discuss the different regimes in which time-delay
ameter distances from the observer to the deflector, from the
cosmography is applied and elaborate on the expected im-
observer to the source and from the deflector to the source,
pact on current and future analyses. Typically, not to dom-
respectively. The angular term, a combination of the geo-
inate the cosmological error budget, the relative astrometry
metrical and the gravitational delays, is called the Fermat
of the variable multiple images needs to be known with . 10
potential φ
mas uncertainty. For short time delays (. 10 days), the as-
trometric precision needs to be . 1 mas. We note that the
" #
( θ
® − β)
astrometric requirements discussed in this work go beyond φ(θ,
® β)
® ≡ − ψ(θ)
® . (4)
statements about the data itself and are equally required
by the modelling aspects, e.g. in the crowded regime when The relative time delay between two images A and B,
multiple light components are super-imposed, and to the ∆tAB , is
accuracy of the model in reproducing the observed image
positions. D∆t
∆tAB = ∆φAB, (5)
The paper is structured as follow: In Section 2, we re-
view the theory of gravitational lensing and its application where
to cosmography with time-variable sources. In Section 3, we D Ds
propagate the astrometric error into the cosmographic anal- D∆t ≡ (1 + zd ) d (6)
ysis and derive an analytical expression applicable for the
full dynamic range in terms of relative time delays and image is the so-called time-delay distance and
separations. In Section 4, we provide examples for different ∆φAB ≡ φ(θ®A, β)
® − φ(θ®B, β).
® (7)
and illustrative lensing systems and derive the astrometric
requirements for these cases. In Section 5, we elaborate on is the relative Fermat potential between two images.
the implications for current and future studies of time vari-
able lensing systems.
All numerical computations are performed with 1 h

MNRAS 000, 1–8 (2019)

Astrometric requirements for strong lensing time-delay cosmography 3
2.2 Cosmography and the Hubble constant
" #
A measurement of the relative time delay, ∆tAB , and the d∆φ AB ∂ ∂ β
® ∂
relative Fermat potential, ∆φAB allows one to infer the δ∆φAB (δ θ®A ) ≈ · δ θ®A = + ∆φAB · δ θ®A
d θ®A ∂ θ®A ∂ θ®A ∂ β®
time-delay distance, D∆t (Equations 5 and 6). Conceptually, " #
whereas all the other lensing observables are angles, and thus ∂ β
= θ®A − β® − α® (θ®A ) + θ®B − θ®A · δ θ®A
do not contain distance information, the time delay multi- ∂ θ®A
plied by the speed of light is an absolute measurement of   ∂ β®
length and can thus measure distances. = θ®B − θ®A δ θ®A, (10)
In practice, the time delay is currently measured with ∂ θ®A
ground based monitoring campaigns and the relative Fer- where we have applied the lens equation (Eqn 1) in the last
mat potential is estimated from the distortion observed in line of the equation above. We recover the fact that lensed
high-resolution images and the velocity dispersion measure- images appear at extrema of the arrival time surface (Fermat
ments of the lensing galaxy (see e.g. Suyu et al. (2017) and potential) and thus the partial differentials of the Fermat
references therein). potential at the image positions vanish to first order. The
The time-delay distance is the primary cosmographic remaining first order term is the partial derivative of the
measurement and anchors the absolute scale of the universe source position with respect to a shift in the image position.
for the specific redshift configuration of the lensing system. In a more general way, we can express Equation 10 as
Like for any absolute distance measurement in the Hubble
flow, the Hubble Constant (H0 ) is inversely proportional to  
the distance (D∆t in the case of lensing). δ∆φAB (δ θ)
® ≈ θ®B − θ®A · δ β,
® (11)
Thus, the relative error contribution in D∆t , and thus
H0 , from a time delay measurement ∆t ±δ∆t is directly linked where we introduced the notation δ β® for the propagated as-
to the relative error in the time delay as trometrical error on the source plane. We note that this ex-
pression is a scalar product and has a directional depen-
dence. Displacements of the source along the direction be-
δH0 δ∆t tween the two images have the most significant impact on
= (8) the relative Fermat potential.
H0 ∆t
The variance in the relative Fermat potential, σ∆φ2 ,
and the error on the inference of the relative Fermat poten- can be expressed in terms of an error covariance matrix in
tial ∆φAB ± δ∆φAB the source plane position, Σ β ≡ σ(βi, β j ), as

δH0 δ∆φAB  T  
= . (9) 2
σ∆φ ≈ θ®B − θ®A Σ β θ®B − θ®A . (12)
H0 ∆φAB AB

The propagation of a positional error covariance matrix

in the image plane of image k, Σ θ,k ≡ σ(θ k,i, θ k, j ), to the
source plane covariance, Σ β,k , is given by (see e.g. Oguri
2010, for the use of this relation for lens modelling)


Astrometric errors in the determination of an image position where

θ®A affect the estimate of the relative Fermat potential, ∆φAB ∂ β®
(Eqn 3), regardless of the precision of the lensing potential, Ak ≡ (14)
∂ θ®k
ψ. Therefore, astrometric errors can be a limiting factor to
the achieved cosmographic precision. is the lensing Jacobian at the image position k. In the strong
In this section, we perform the first order error propa- gravitational lensing
 regime, the source plane is magnified

gation (Section 3.1) and then a full non-linear propagation and thus det Σ β,k ≤ det Σ θ,k .
(Section 3.2), showing that the first order term is the dom- In case of uncorrelated astrometric errors of multiple
inant one. We then derive a simplified form of the error images of a source, the Gaussian error propagation on the
propagation in terms of an observed time delay and image source uncertainty is given by
separation that can be used to derive the specific require-
ments on the relative astrometry for any given time-delay ! −1
lensing system (Section 3.3). Õ
Σβ = Σ−1
β,k , (15)

where Σ−1β,k
are the inverse covariance matrices based on the
individual images (Eqn 13) summed over the multiple im-
ages (indexed by k).
3.1 Linear error propagation
Figure 1 illustrates the astrometric error propagation
The first order correction to the relative Fermat potential from the image to the source plane for three common lens-
difference, ∆φAB , by a displacement δ θ®A is given by ing configurations (cusp, cross, and fold configuration, upper

MNRAS 000, 1–8 (2019)

4 S. Birrer
panel of Figure 1). The lower panel corresponds to the error 3.3 Astrometric requirements for cosmography
ellipses in the source plane from the individual images (Eqn
In Section 3.1, we derived a first order error propagation of
13) and combined (Eqn 15).
astrometric uncertainties on the image positions of variable
In Table 1 we present numerical values of the linear er-
sources and concluded that the source position uncertainty
ror propagation of astrometric errors on the relative Fermat
is the dominant first order term when the lens model is per-
potential (Eqn 12) of the three lensing configurations pre-
fectly known (or known from other constraints like extended
sented in Figure 1, assuming an Einstein radius θ E = 1 00 and
images). In contrast, when using the image positions as con-
a fiducial astrometric uncertainty of σθ = 10 mas. The errors
straints on the lens model itself (Section 3.2), we concluded
are given relative to the true relative Fermat potential. The
that the uncertainty in the source position is of order the
last column presents the relative error propagation from the
image position uncertainties. This statement applies to all
image to the source plane. The uncertainty in the source
three configurations (cusp, cross, and fold) with the same
position is about one order of magnitude smaller than the
linear scaling of the astrometric precision applicable as de-
astrometric uncertainty on individual image positions. We
rived from the linear error correction terms.
note that some relative Fermat potentials are affected at
In this section, we use the astrometric error formula
the ∼10 per cent level, even in the case of perfect knowledge
(Eqn 11, 12) to derive astrometric requirements based on
of the lensing model.
the observed image separations and relative time delays for
current and future lens systems.
We can express the error propagation of Equation 11 in
terms of measured time delays, ∆tAB , on the Hubble constant
(Eqn 9) as
3.2 Non-linear error propagation
The calculation in Section 3.1 assumes that the astrometric δH0 (δ θ)
® D∆t  ® 
≈ θ B − θ®A · δ β.
® (16)
uncertainty does not affect the precision of the inference of H0 c∆tAB
the lensing potential ψ. This is true in the regime where For deriving astrometric requirements, we further sim-
extended arc and ring features dominate the information plify the equation above by removing the vector equation
used to constrain the lens model. In this section, we perform and by setting σβ . σθ , resulting in the expression
an error propagation in the case where the image positions
are the dominant source of information of the lens model
σH0 D θ
itself. As an illustration, we choose the same three lensing . ∆t AB σθ . (17)
configurations presented in Figure 1 and Section 3.1. H0 c ∆tAB
We perform the following Monte Carlo error propaga- In order for the astrometric uncertainty to be sub-
tion for all three cases: dominant with respect to the uncertainty in the time de-
lay measurement, σ∆tAB , the following requirement applies
(i) We draw a displacement from a Gaussian error distri- (from Eqn 8)
bution with σθ for each of the 4 images.
(ii) We re-adjust the lens model parameters (singular c
isothermal ellipsoid with external shear) to satisfy the con- θ AB σθ . σ∆tAB . (18)
straints on the image positions of our imperfect measure-
For a fixed time-delay precision, the requirements are more
stringent for larger separation lenses. However, the time-
(iii) We compute the relative Fermat potential at the ob-
delays scale with lens size as ∆tAB ∝ θ AB
2 and the error on
served image positions with the re-adjusted lens model.
the Hubble constant thus scales as
(iv) We repeat these steps to produce a posterior distri-
bution of the relative Fermat potential. σH0 ∝ . (19)
θ AB
As a result, we have a posterior distribution of relative Fer- In other words, the astrometric requirements for small sep-
mat potentials representing the uncertainty of the astrome- aration short time-delay lenses are more stringent than for
try. Table 2 presents the errors on the relative Fermat po- the same symmetry with larger image separations to achieve
tential for the three cases. The source position uncertainty the same precision on the Hubble constant. The values for
is comparable to the image plane astrometric uncertainty of the relative Fermat potential difference errors in Table 1 and
the individual images, significantly larger relative to the lin- 2 can be re-scaled by the factor σθ /θ E for the full dynamic
ear error propagation when assuming the correct lens model range of gravitational lensing.
(Table 1). The relative Fermat potential uncertainties are
inflated by the same order as the source position uncer-
tainties. The specific error on the relative Fermat potential
depends on the image configuration and possibly also on
the lens model assumptions. Even though the details may
vary for each system, the scaling of the uncertainties with In the following section, we illustrate the astrometric preci-
source position uncertainty and image separation according sion requirements given by Equations 17 and 18 with some
to Equation 12 should be robust in most practical cases. We specific examples of image separations, measured time delay
do not observe a bias in the relative Fermat potentials when and its precision, that are meant to describe typical con-
incorporating random Gaussian errors in the astrometry. ditions for present-day and near-future campaigns. When

MNRAS 000, 1–8 (2019)

Astrometric requirements for strong lensing time-delay cosmography 5




Figure 1. Illustration of the astrometric error propagation from the image to the source plane for three common lensing configurations
(cusp, cross, and fold configuration). Top panel: Image positions and arrival time surfaces for the three source configurations. Lower
panel: Error ellipses in the source plane from the individual images (Eqn 13) in different line styles as indicated by the caption and
combined (Eqn 15) as solid blue contour with red edge. The shaded region corresponds to the astrometric precision in the image plane
for an individual image. Different line styles correspond to the different individual images.

Table 1. Linear error propagation of astrometric errors on the relative Fermat potential (Eqn 12) of the three lensing systems presented
in Figure 1 with an astrometric error of 1 per cent relative to the Einstein radius θE (e.g. 10 mas for θE = 100 ). The errors are given relative
to the true relative Fermat potential. The last column presents the relative error propagation from the image to the source plane.

configuration σ∆φAB /∆φAB σ∆φAC /∆φAC σ∆φAD /∆φAD σ∆φBC /∆φBC σ∆φBD /∆φBD σ∆φCD /∆φCD σβ /σθ

cusp 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.05 0.68 0.06

cross 0.11 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.1 0.11
fold 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.08

Table 2. Non-linear error propagation of astrometric errors on the relative Fermat potential of the three lensing systems presented in
Figure 1 with an astrometric error of 1% relative to the Einstein radius θE (e.g. 10 mas for θE = 100 ). The errors are presented relative to
the true relative Fermat potential. The last column presents the relative error propagation from the image to the source plane.

configuration σ∆φAB /∆φAB σ∆φAC /∆φAC σ∆φAD /∆φAD σ∆φBC /∆φBC σ∆φBD /∆φBD σ∆φCD /∆φCD σβ /σθ

cusp 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.32 0.32 0.96 0.63

cross 0.18 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.23 0.72
fold 0.18 0.18 0.2 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.71

MNRAS 000, 1–8 (2019)

6 S. Birrer
needed, we assume a flat ΛCDM cosmology with H0 = 70 linear error propagation presented in this work is applica-
km s−1 Mpc −1 and Ωm = 0.3. We set the deflector redshift ble in this regime but instead of the astrometry propagating
zd = 0.5 and source redshift zs = 2. We note that different into the source plane, the limiting factor is the ability of
and equally reasonable choices of redshift configuration and the lens model to map the source to the correct image posi-
background cosmology would only marginally modify the tions. In this regard, a source position uncertainty of 30 mas
requirements. We present specific examples in Section 4.1 is required to measure H0 to the 5 per cent level. Achieving
and discuss the major challenges identified by our work in this precision is challenging in the cluster lensing regime and
Section 4.2. These requirements have to be matched by the requires a dedicated effort and exquisite data (Grillo et al.
precision a lens model predicts the observed image positions. 2018), beyond what is usually done in cluster models, where
root-mean-square (r.m.s.) scatter of positions in the image
plane are typically at the 0.1 − 1 00 level (Treu et al. 2016).
4.1 Examples The astrometric requirements of few mas are at the limit
of the HST capabilities for isolated point sources. In the
Table 3 gives five specific examples of image separation and
strong lensing systems considered here, the variable images
time delays and their required astrometric precision to (a)
are in a crowded field, superposed on a host galaxy and
match the quoted time-delay precision (Eqn 18) and (b) to
stellar light from the lensing galaxy. This makes precise as-
match a 5 per cent uncertainty in H0 not to dominate the
trometry more challenging than for isolated point sources.
error budget of the cosmographic analysis in respect to other
Achieving astrometric precision of 10mas with HST requires
errors (Eqn 17). In the following, we discuss those examples.
a considerable and deliberate effort in the reconstruction of
Example 1: For a typical cluster-scale lens with image
the point spread function, the design of the observations for
separation of 20 00 and a time delay of 1000 days, the relative
optimal sampling of the data and the accuracy in the mod-
astrometric requirement is 30 mas to not exceed a 5 per cent
eling of different blended light components. For radio loud
uncertainty in H0 . This is routinely achieved with current
sources, radio interferometry may turn out to be very useful
HST imaging. A distortion inaccuracy of 6 mas over the
in the most extreme cases. The main caveat is that combin-
scale of the cluster results in a 1 per cent effect on H0 . In the
ing radio positions with time delays from optical monitoring
case of supernova ”Refsdal” in MACSJ1149+2223 (zd = 0.54
leads to biased results if the radio and optical emission are
and zs = 1.49) the image separation of SX and S1-4 is about
not coincident. Large ground-based telescopes equipped with
8 00 and the time delay is about 350 days (Kelly et al. 2016).
adaptive optics like Keck and the proposed next generation
Thus the astrometric requirement is approximately 20 mas.
of extremely large telescopes like the Thirty Meter Telescope
Example 2: A typical massive galaxy with image sepa-
(Sanders 2013), Giant Magellan Telescope (Bernstein et al.
rations of 3 00 and a relative time delay of 100 days requires a
2014) or the European Extremely Large Telescope will be
similar relative astrometric precision of 20 mas to match the
able to meet these requirements taking advantage of their
5 per cent uncertainty requirement on H0 . This is similar to
resolution and well-sampled PSFs, provided that the PSF
the case of the longest time delays in the quadrulpy lensed
and its variations can be faithfully reconstructed over the
quasars RXJ1131-1231 (Suyu et al. 2013, 2014; Birrer et al.
field of view of the lens.
2016) and B1608+656 (Suyu et al. 2010), or for the doubly
Additionally, dark matter substructure is known to per-
lensed quasar SDSSJ1206+4332 (Birrer et al. 2019).
turb the image positions by several mas (Chen et al. 2007).
Example 3: Smaller separation images of 2 00 with a rela-
These lensing perturbations result in a fundamental limit
tive time delay of 10 days lead to a 3 mas astrometric require-
on how precisely a specific lens model can predict the image
ment, significantly more demanding than examples 1 and 2.
positions and that requirements of few mas or below may
This example corresponds to either neighboring images of a
be unattainable given the unresolved lensing perturbation
wide separation quadruply lensed quasars or a smaller sepa-
at those scales.
ration lens. This case is similar to HE 0435-1223 (Wong et al.
Finally, we note that astrometric uncertainties intro-
2017) or the smaller time-delay pairs in RXJ1131-1231 and
duce an additional noise term in the measurement of time
delay anomalies (Keeton & Moustakas 2009). Although in-
Example 4: Short time delays with image separation of
vestigating that effect is beyond the scope of this work, the
1 00 and a relative delay of 4 days, as expected from small
formulae given here can be used for that purpose as well.
separation lenses or neighboring image pairs must meet an
astrometric requirement of 2.4 mas.
Example 5: Small and symmetric lenses with image sep-
aration of 1 00 and a relative delay of 1 day results in sub mas 5 SUMMARY
requirements in the relative astrometry. This last example
We investigated the effect on time-delay cosmography of as-
is motivated by the recent discovery of the lensed supernova
trometric errors on the point-like images of time variable
iPTF16geu (Goobar et al. 2017).
sources such as quasars or supernovae. We derived a conve-
nient analytic expression (Eqn 17) for the propagation of as-
trometric uncertainties on the multiple image positions into
4.2 Challenges
the inference of the Hubble constant depending on image
For galaxy clusters (e.g. Example 1 in Table 3), the astro- separation and relative time delay. We derived requirements
metric precision is not a limiting factor. However, the com- for different type of lenses so that the astrometric uncer-
plexity in the lens model and their uncertainties may limit tainty is sub-dominant with respect to other uncertainties
the predictive power of where the images appear and thus in the cosmographic analysis.
are limited in the ability to infer the source position. The Meeting the derived astrometric requirements is essen-

MNRAS 000, 1–8 (2019)

Astrometric requirements for strong lensing time-delay cosmography 7

Table 3. Astrometric requirements for five different examples of image separations, θAB , and time delays, ∆tAB , at lens redshift zd = 0.5
and source redshift zs = 2. The requirements are derived by setting the astrometric uncertainty to be less than the time delay uncertainty,
σ∆t , and to be below the 5 per cent level, which we choose as representative of the total uncertainties including those arising from
modelling the main deflector potential and the contribution from the mass along the line of sight.

Example θAB [arcsec] ∆tAB [days] σ∆t [days] σH0 (δ θ)

® ≤ σH (δ∆t) [mas]
σH0 (δ θ)
® ≤ 5% [mas]

1 20 1000 30 18 30
2 3 100 3 12 20
3 2 10 1 6 3
4 1 4 0.25 3 2.4
5 1 1 0.025 0.3 0.6

tial when performing a cosmographic analysis. For the cur- thank Adriano Agnello, Anowar Shajib, Chih-Fan Chen, Do-
rent wide-separation galaxy-scale quasar lenses with relative minique Sluse, Patrick Kelly and Xuheng Ding for useful
time delays of about 100 days, the requirements are met with feedback on the manuscript. Support for this work was pro-
HST imaging. For transients that are more challenging to vided by NASA through grant numbers HST-G0-14254 and
localize (such as gravitational waves), astrometric uncertain- HST-G0-15320 from the Space Telescope Science Institute,
ties can be a major limitation. which is operated by AURA, Inc., under NASA contract
In the cluster regime, whereas the nominal astromet- NAS 5-26555.
ric precision can easily be achieved by HST images, the re-
quirement of the lens model to match multiple images with
mas precision translates into a source position uncertainty
which poses a strong limitation on the cosmographic analy- REFERENCES
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scopes V. p. 91451C, doi:10.1117/12.2055282
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MNRAS 000, 1–8 (2019)

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