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M. Imregun and D. J. Ewins

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
Mechanical EngineeringDqmtment
Exhibition Road, London SW7 2BX, UK

Abstract. This paper investigates the origins of number of critical applications, such as the
modal complexity and aims at distinguishing correlation and updating of finite element models
between various cases that lead to complex using measured vibration test data. As the use of
modes. Non-linear structural behaviour, real mode shapes is an advantage in such cases,
experimental noise, aerodynamic damping, non- there is a great deal of interest in understanding
proportional structural damping and gyroscopic the origins and limits of complex modes in order
effects are discussed in some detail in order to to start contemplating a complex-to-real
observe, quantify and explore the limits of conversion of the mode shapes, a process
complex modal behaviour. Two new parameters, described as redisution in (Imregun and Ewins
the so-called modal complexity factors, have been 1993) but previously discussed by Asher (1958)
introduced to quantify the amount of complexity in Ibrahim (1983), Niedbal (1984) and Wei et al.
the mode shapes. The findings suggest that, in the (1987).
case of general non-proportionally damped
systems, significantly complex modes occur only While it is customary to attribute modal
for a very narrow range of system parameters, or complexity to non-proportional damping, most
those with close modes. The complexity was also non-proportionally damped systems exhibit
investigated for aeroelastic modes occurring in the modes that are almost real, the amount of
case of systems subjected to non-linear complexity being dependent on the system
aerodynamic loads. Fmally, it was shown that characteristics rather than the actual damping
complex modes could also arise because of values. Indeed, it may be difficult to find systems
analysis and measurement errors, with significantly complex modes by increasing
the damping unless close or double modes exist.
In any case, several other factors can give rise to
1. INTRODUCTION complex modes. Some are due to analysis and/or
measurement limitations such as measurement
The dynamic behaviour of a structure is often errors and linear modal analysis of non-linear
described in terms of complex modes of vibration frequency function response data. Others
but the mechanisms that are responsible for the originate from asymmetric system matrices which
complexity of this behaviour are still under may include gyroscopic or similar terms.
investigation (Caughey and O’Kelly 1965, Lang
1989 and Mitchell 1990). The subject is still not In almost all cases, it is possible to express the
very well developed in the sense that terms that are giving rise to complex modes into
mathematical models can only be used for the an additional damping matrix which is not
simulation, but not for the prediction, of complex necessarily symmetrical. This way, one can
modal behaviour. conduct parametric studies to determine the
origins and limits of complex modes as a function
The problem of dealing with complex modes is of the system characteristics. Such an approach is
further compounded by the existence of a the focal point of this paper.

2. THEORY situation occurs, for example, in structures whose
motion is affected by gyroscopic forces since
2.1 Whys and Wherefores of Complex Modes these give rise to skew-symmetric [C] matrices.
Even if there is no damping as such, and only
From a mathematical standpoint, there are several gyroscopic terms in the [C] matrix, the
characteristics of a dynamic system which dictate eigenvalues are real but the eigenvectors will be
whether its eigenvectors or mode shapes are real complex.
or complex. Let us first consider systems whose
governing equations of motion are represented by There is yet another situation in which a complex
the equation: mode may exist, or be observed in a test, and that
relates to an undamped structure which has two
Ml {K I + [Cl {* 1 + M 64 = { 0 1 (1) (or more) identical eigenvalues. Axisymmetric
structures fall directly into this classification, most
It is well-known that this system will possess both of their modes existing as identical-eigenvalue
complex eigenvalues and complex eigenvectors pairs. In structures which possess repeated
unless the matrix [C] has certain special eigenvalues, there is a degree of degeneracy in the
properties, generally referred to as proportionality mode shapes, it being possible to define a mode
to [M] and/or [K]. Under this special condition, shape as any linear combination of the
OdY t h e eigenvahres a r e complex, the eigenvectors which are obtained from a numerical
eigenvectors retaining the same (real) values as solution of the equations of motion. While the
the corresponding system with all damping eigenvectors which are produced for a
removed. However, this damping distribution conservative system are generally real, and not
feature leads to the most common type of complex, it is of course possible to form a mode
complex modes: namely, those which exist shape from the summation of components of each
when/because the damping has a non-proportional of the eigenvectors, including combinations where
distribution within the structure. the contributions of the two constituent vectors
are not in phase with each other.
If the dynamics of the structure are described in,
terms of structural or hysteretic damping effects, When such structures are subjected to
then the equation of motion is of the form: aerodynamic loads, the dynamic behaviour is
altered signiticantly as the fluid pressure effects
IMI (2 I +( WI +i PI) f4 = { 0 1 (2) the structural motion and vice-versa. The
structural modes with double eigenvahtes split,
Equation (2) also has complex eigenvahtes and yielding in aeroelastic modes which are almost
complex eigenvectors unless the damping [D] always complex.
matrix is again proportional to one of the other
two system matrices. Thus, we see that there are several genuine
sources of complex mode shapes, based on a fairly
While complex modes are generally associated general consideration of the basic mathematics.
with damped structures, there are other situations Although it may appear that some of the cited
in which they can exist in systems without causes of modal complexity are rather extreme
damping. cases, this is detinitely not the case. Complex
modes, including heavily complex modes, can
One such situation in which the eigenvectors will readily be created from any of the above origins,
be complex arises when the velocity-dependent as will be shown in the case studies below.
system matrix, [Cl, is itself not symmetric. This

2.2 Quantification of Modal Complexity (i) compute the phase of each eigenvector
The task of quantifying the amount of complexity
in a given mode shape vector is not a trivial task (ii) compute the phase differences between each
and merits research in its own right. The usual eigenvector element and each other element.
procedure is to plot individual mode shape Adjust to measure the relative phases up to a
elements as vectors, the length of each being the maximum value of 90”. (A phase difference of
magnitude of the individual element, with the 135” between elements 1 and 2 of a system would
angle with the X axis representing its phase. The register as a complexity of only 45”, for obvious
almost-real modes are those with vectors tending reasons.);
to form a straight line, the complex modes are
those with vectors following a random pattern. (iii) compute the mean (oe alternatively the root-
Although this approach is a useful visual mean-square) of the inter-element phases
representation of the modal complexity, it is differences;
somewhat inadequate for comparison purposes.
(iv) compute the modal complexity factor (MCFI)
Given an eigenvector, a first ditsculty lies in as the percentage ratio between this mean or RMS
defining the corresponding maximum possible quantity and the maximum complexity angle
complex shape. Once an appropriate definition which is defmed above.
can be found, the quantification of complexity is
relatively straightforward. Two such modal The mean value based MCFl will be used in the
complexity criteria, the so-called modal following examples.
complexity factors (MCF), will be discussed
next. 2.3.2 Amplitude-weighted MCF (MCF2)
MCFl takes no account of the amplitude of each
2.3 Modal Complexity Factors eigenvector element. This means that very small
mode shape amplitudes cany as much weight in
2.3.1 Phase MCF (MCFl) the measurement of complexity as do very large
One possibility for defining the amount of modal elements, and such a definition is thought to be
complexity is to consider any two consecutive unreasonable in some cases. Another way of
elements in the eigenvector and to make them defining modal complexity is to consider the area
90” degrees apart in phase. The most complex that is generated by constructing the envelop
shape would then be that having a 90 ’ phase lag around the extremities of the tips of the
between its odd and even numbered elements. eigenvector elements, with only obtuse angles
Another way of defining modal complexity is to permitted outside the resulting polygon. The
define the maximum complexity angle between maximum complexity can then be defined the
adjacent elements as 360/N, where N is the area of the circle whose radius is the magnitude
number of elements in the eigenvector. of the largest eigenvector element. The
amplitude-weighted modal complexity factor
The first parameter to be proposed as a measure (MCF2), defined as the ratio of the current to
of modal complexity is one which takes into maximum area, will then take account of both the
account only the phase of each eigenvector phase angles & the moduli of the model shape
element, and not its magnitude. The phase modal elements. MCF2 can be calculated as follows:
complexity factor (MCFl) is calculated as
follows: (i) calculate the phase angle for each eigenvector
element in turn, working in the [o”,lSo”] interval

only. If the phase angle is in the [-1 SW, O”] 3.1.2 Effect of stiffness changes
interval, use its absolute value. Although it is possible to increase the amount of
complexity by increasing the amount of damping,
(ii) re-order the eigenvector elements according another less obvious possibility lies in modifying
to the phase value computed in (i). the stiffness properties of the system. To this
end, it is proposed to use the eigenstructure
(iii) join the tips of the vectors and calculate the assignment method (Imnan and Minas, 1990).
area bounded by these lines, the first vector and Given an initial set of spatial properties and a
last vector. target set of modal properties, the technique
allows the determination of an updated set of
(iv) normaliie this value with respect to the half- mass and stiffness matrices that will produce a
area of the circle whose radius is the magnitude the target modal properties. For the particular
of the largest eigenvector element. case under study, it was decided to keep the
mass matrix constant and to modify the stifhtess
matrix. The target modal parameters was chosen
3. CASE STUDIES such that consecutive modeshape elements had
the same magnitude as before but were separated
3.1 Complex Modes Arising from Noo- by a phase angles of 60”, 90” and 120”. The
proportional Damping natural frequencies and damping factors were
3.1.1 General Case
While there is little doubt that the use of non- In spite of a large number of attempts, a
proportional damping will yield complex modes, physically realizable system yielding a such
it is usually accepted that the amount of modal model could not be identified but it was
complexity will be small in the general case. possible to find a set of spring values (k, = 485
N/m, kz= 485, k,= 2700 N/m, k4= 355 N/m, ks=
Referring to the 3 degree-of-freedom system 1820 N/m k, = 2030 N/m) for which MCF2 was
shown in Fig. 1 and using the reference data m, = more than double for the second mode (Table 2).
0.5 kg, m7= 1.0 kg, m,=l.S kg; k,= kz= k3= k=
k 5= k6 =lOOO N/m; h, = 300 N/m, h2 = h3 = hd = Table 2
hs = & =0, one obtains the modal parameters Modal model for modified stiffness matrix
listed in Table @ins, 1984).

Table 1
Modal model for 3 DoF reference system

3.1.3 Effect of close natural frequencies

It has long been known that non-proportionai
damping generally results in signiticantly complex
modes only when there some of these modes have

close natural frequencies. This characteristic has modes are close, and that is by the ratio of the
been reported in the past and here we revisit a frequency separation to the modal damping factor.
case study which illustrates the extent of the effect When the two modes have different damping
(Ewins, 1984). In order to obtain close modes, the levels, as is the case here, it is not clear what the
3 masses have values of 1.0, 0.95 and 1.05 kg; the precise definition for this factor should be but still
stiffnesses and dampers being the same as in the it is possible to provide an indication of the
previous case. The modal parameters for this new closeness. In the cases illustrated above, Fig. Zb,
system are given in Table 3, together with the we see that the demarcation between cases which
two complexity factors proposed above. are tidly complex and those where the complexity
is reduced, is near a frequency separation of about
Table 3 2% and this corresponds also to the region where
Modal model for modified mass matrix the two modes’ damping factors are also close, at
about 2.5%.

It is clear that the underlying mechanics is not

simple, but it is also clear that there is a very
definite characteristic at work.

3.2 Complex modes Arising from Gyroscopic


This source of complex modes is very

We now consider some 10 variants of this basic
model in which two of the masses are varied straightforward and can also be illustrated with a
simple system - this time a 2DOF system
slightly in such a way as to increase and decrease
the closeness of the natural frequencies of the two representing the basic mechanics of a rotor with a
modes which are markedly complex, namely disc whose vibration involves its rotation about
modes 2 and 3. By keeping the total mass of m, two axes simultaneously. The system is governed
plus mz constant, but adjusting its distribution by the following equation of motion:
between the two elements, it is found that the
natural frequency separation can be varied from
0.09% up to 12%. Mode 1 retains a small
complexity of the order of 6% (MCFl)
throughout these diierent cases. Modes 2 and 3,
however, develop complexity levels of up to Even without the inclusion of damping, this
100% for much of the range covered. A detailed system can be shown to possess complex
description of the relationships observed is shown eigenvectors to accompany its real eigenvalues.
in Fig 2a. The characteristic equation for the above equation
of motion is:
The picture is somewhat more complicated than
the illustrations above would suggest because the 04-02(2w~+azClz)+004=0 (4)
closeness of two modes depends on more factors
than the separation of the natural frequencies. where .o,’ = W I, and a = VI,. Equation (4) has
Amongst the other aspects, the modal damping is the following roots (eigenvalues):
also relevant and there is a practical rule-of-thumb
used in some situations to decide whether two w,,~ = on?KaC2, where an2 = o?+(y,aQ)’ (5)

It should be noted that even though the non- flow where the blades are represented as flat
rotating system may have two equal eigenvalues plates of small thickness and the flow is
(if the x- and y-direction stiffnesses are identical), unstalled, isentropic and irrotational
when the rotor is turning, the two natural
frequencies are different. If these eigenvalues are Assuming that the blades undergo simple
substituted back into the original equations, we harmonic motion with small amplitude at zero
obtain two unique eigenvectors which have the mean incidence and that they all vibrate with the
form: same amplitude and a constant phase angle

i) 0
i ; 1
i between adjacent blades, the aeroelastic
equations of motion can be rewritten as:

Clearly, these two mode shapes are completely

complex, and they represent motions which are (i)
a forward whirl orbit and (ii) a backward whirl = &,,)I (4 = &,J (7)
orbit. In this case, there is no partial modal
complexity. where the right hand side term, (F,}, represents
the force due to the wakes and [Z] is the
3.3 Complex Modes Arising from dynamic stiffness matrix of the aeroelastic
Aerodynamic Effects system. The matrix [A] contains the contribution
from the (linearized) unsteady aerodynamics and
In coupled fluid-structure applications, such as its (complex) elements depend on the cascade
the vibration of turbomachinery blades, the geometry and the flow conditions. Equation (7)
additional damping due to the aerodynamic is not a standard eigenproblem since the matrix
forces plays a crucially important role in the [A] is a function of the frequency as well as
system’s flutter stability. As shown in Fig. 3, the being c o m p l e x . T h e m a t t e r i s further
bladed disc assembly is discretized via a hybrid compounded by the fact that the [A] matrix is
model which uses the original lumped parameter not symmetric since the aeroelastic structure
representation of Dye and Hem-y and the isolated distinguishes between forward and backward
aerofoil of Theodorsen. The blade is represented travelling waves, a feature totally ignored by its
as a two degree-of-freedom rigid oscillator for structural counterpart. However, the loss of
which the inertial coupling of bending and symmetry does not affect the natural frequencies
torsion is modelled through an offset distance and the damping factors since the eigenvalues are
between the centre of twist and the centre of global system properties.
The aeroelastic frequency response functions of
In matrix form, the aeroelastic equations of the system can be obtained by simply inverting
motion can be written as: the dynamic sttiess matrix [Z].

WI In I+ W+ =I Cd= PI (6)

where (F} represents the load due to the =[[Kw-ra2+~+A(ca)]]-’ (8)

aerodynamic forces. In order to be able to
perform a frequency domain analysis, it was As discussed above, a characteristic feature of
decided to employ the linearized unsteady the aeroelastic FRFs is the lack of reciprocity
aerodynamic theory of Smith (I 972) for subsonic when the response and excitation co-ordinates

are interchanged. Such a situation is plotted in such as the global rational fraction polynomial
Fig. 4 for M=1.4 where the excitation and method which was used in this study.
response co-ordinates are the tirst blade torsion
and bending for the tirst FRF and the other way The structural (i. e. no aerodynamic load) and
round for the second FRF. As expected, the aeroleastic (at M=O.8) mode shapes of the
shape of the aeroelastic response is significantly double 4/8 nodal-diameter mode are given in
different, due to the fact that the left- and the Table 4. For comparison purposes, the mode
right-hand eigenvectors are different for such shapes have been normalised to 100 and the
systems. mass-normalisation factor is also given at the
bottom of the table. The effect of the
Table 4 aerodynamic load is to split the double mode
A comparison of the structural and with a real mode shape into two single ones with
aeroelastic mode shapes complex mode shapes, on one of which is
unstable because of negative damping.
Double 4/S ND Unstable SND Stable 4ND
structaral mode aeroelastic mode aeroelastic mode 3.4 Complex Modes Arising from Non-linear
o = 285.2 Hz 0=291.7Hz co = 294.3 Hz Structural Behaviour
q=OS% 1 q=-1.5% I ‘1= 4.5%
x 1 Mod 1 Phase 1 Mod 1 Phase 1 Mod 1 Phase
8.21 0 I 8.71 15 I 7.21 -67 The purpose of this case study is to demonstrate
the possibility of obtaining false indications of
complex modes when the structural behaviour is
non-linear. When the modal analysis of a
structure yields complex modes, it is customary
to assume that the system is non-proportionally-
damped. However, almost all analytical
identification tools are geared towards the
analysis of linear systems and it is not altogether
certain if the identified complex modes indicate
non-proportional damping or whether they are
due to non-linearities inherently present in the
system, or to a combination of both (Ozguven
and Imregun, 1993).

It is proposed to generate a set of frequency

response tunctions for the non-linear four-
degree-of-freedom system of Fig. 5 using the
harmonic balance method described in Tamikulu
et al (1994). The damping parameters of the
system were adjusted to provide proportional
damping and a cubic stiffness term was added
to stiffness parameter kg. The amount of non-
Once a column (or row) of the aeroelastic linearity was controlled by increasing either the
response function matrix is computed, the amplitude of the external force or the cubic
aeroelastic modes can be identified using stiIIhess constant. Direct receptance response
standard experimental modal analysis techniques functions for co-ordinate 4 are plotted in Fig. 6
for increasing force levels. In all cases, the modal

parameters for the first mode were extracted directly attributed to the effect of the added
using the standard circle-fit algorithm random noise. In other words, both MCFl and
MCF2 should be zero for all cases considered.
The modal constants, listed in Table 5, indicate However, the phase angles associated with small
that the identified modes are significantly magnitude elements where found to be
complex and there is no direct relationship unrealistically large, especially for the torsional
between the amount of complexity (quantified by mode. This results in unrepresentative values of
the phase of the modal constant) and the force MCFl, which does not take into account the
levels or the value of the cubic stitlhess constant. magnitude of the eigenvector elements. The
results for MCF2 are smnmarised in Table 6. As
Table 5. expected, in the presence of noise, the circle-fit
Modal Parameters for the first mode algorithm tends to produce significantly complex
b: cubic stiffness constant, F: excitation force, modes since only one FRF is considered at a
co, q, A, 8: modal parameters time. The multi-FRF techniques appear to be
more robust since the effects of noise are
averaged while extracting the modal parameters.

Table 6
Modal complexity factors for identified mode
shapes of a proportionally-damped system

3.5 Complex Modes Arising from

Experimental Noise

The last case study is conducted using a tiee-free L

plate for which a finite element model was

constructed. The plate dimensions were adjusted
until two close modes were obtained: the fist
torsional mode at 730 Hz and the second (i) Two parameters, the so-called modal
bending mode at 737 Hz. Considering only the complexity factors MCFl and MCF2, have been
motion in the direction normal to the plate’s introduced to assess the amount of modal
surface, 12 response functions were generated complexity. The case studies suggest that both
using a frequency resolution of 0.5 Ha and 1% parameters are reasonably good indicators,
proportional structural damping. although the amplitude-weighted parameter,
MCF2, is probably more useful when dealing
Measurement errors were simulated by adding
with large systems
3% random noise to the generated FRFs and
several frequency-domain modal analysis (ii) Systems with non-proportional damping and
techniques were applied to the resulting polluted gyroscopic effects have genuinely complex
response model. As the system is proportionally- modes and so do systems subjected to
damped, its modes are real and any complexity aerodynamic loads.
arising from the identification process can be

(iii) When linear modal analysis techniques are Mitchell, L.
used, structural non-linearities seem to be able to C ‘omplex Modes: A Review
influence the values of the extracted modal Proc. IMAC 8, pp 89 l-899, Florida, I990
parameters, the worst affected quantity being the
phase of the modal constant. Hence, when using Wei, M. L., Allemang, R. J. and Brown, D. L.
measured response functions, it is possible to Real Normalisa f iota of Mea..vured C Complex
identify false complex modes, a feature that must Modes, Pro. IMACS, pp 708-712, London, 1987
be considered duly if the structure under study
exhibits non-linear characteristics, Ibrahim, S. R
Compukzfion of Normal Modes, fkom Idenr$ed
(iv) Similarly, when the measured FRFs are Complex Modes
polluted by noise, the modal analysis methods, AAIA J., Vol21, No 3, pp 446-451, 1983
especially those applying SDOF algorithms to
single FRFs, yield complex modes which are Imregun, M and Ewins, D. J.
computational, and not physical, in origin. Realisation of Complex Modes
Proc. IMAC I I, 1993

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Fig.1 The 3 DoF system


Fig. 2n Variation ofMCF1 with natural frequency separation

Fig. 3 The lumped parameter model of a hladed-disk assembly

Fig. 2b Variation of modal damping with frequency separation

..- ,^ ,_, -_ . _;-

Fig. 4 Lack of reciprocity for aeroelastic response functions

F&t )=F4sinwt
Fig. 5 The 4 DoF non-linear system

i -150 I,, , , I I I I, I III 1I I I I I ’ 1” I ” ” I ““I”

500 525 550 575 600 625 050
Frequency (Hz)
Fig. 6. Variation of non-linear FRFs with increasing force levels


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