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The researchers would like to express their deepest appreciation to the following for their

unconditional support and motivation in making the project possible.

First of all, the researchers would like to give their deepest gratitude to the Lord

Almighty who always give them strength, wisdom, patience, and guidance for the fulfillment of

their project.

To their project adviser, Prof.Jennifer D. Andador, for her time, guidance, and never-

ending support throughout the development of their project.

To their class adviser, Prof. Connie C. Aunario,for guiding the proponents in the

revisions of the content of their thesis paper.

To their panel members,Prof.Teresita C. Nora, Prof.Mariezol V. Ballesteros,

Prof.Sherlie D. Bunag, and Prof.Pepito P. Ofiana for giving advices and recommendations to

improve the project.

To their families who supported them financially and provided them motivation every

time the proponents felt like giving up.

To all their professors in the Electrical Department, who helped them by imparting their

knowledge and giving suggestions to the project for its improvement.

To their friends and colleagues who were willing to help despite their own stressful

moments and sleepless nights while doing their own projects.

Thank you very much and God bless!

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